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UEEA1493: Introduction to Electrical Machines and Power Systems Lab-1

Load test on DC shunt motor

Table no. : --------


!!! WARNING !!!

High voltages are present in this Experiment! DO NOT make any connections with the power on! The power should be turned off after completing each set of measurements.
Safety Precautions:
1. Ensure appropriate attires: no slippers, sandals or open-toe footwear allowed. 2. Long hair should be properly tied. 3. Make sure hands are dry when conducting experiment. KEEP WATER BOTTLES AWAY FROM EXPERIMENT AREA. 4. Make sure all power supplies are switched off before commencing with connections. 5. Use only ONE hand when making connections to avoid closing circuit with your body. 6. Request unit tutor or supervisor to check and verify your wire connections. 7. Read and understand the instructions carefully before you proceed with the experiment and proceed correctly. 8. After each set of readings, switch off power supply before making any changes to wire connections. 9. When disconnecting test leads, remove the main power supply connections first, i.e. DC positive voltage output or AC voltage live output.

o The lab report must be submitted within one week of the completion of the lab work. A penalty applies for late submission. o You should attend the lab only on the day assigned to you. Free jumping to alternate days is not allowed.

On-the-spot evaluation may be carried out during or at the end of the experiment. Students are advised to read through this lab sheet before doing experiment. Your performance, teamwork effort, and learning attitude will count towards the marks.

UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Load test on DC shunt motor Objectives

To understand the load characteristics of dc shunt motors. To understand the performance such as torque, speed, current and efficiency of dc shunt motors.

Apparatus/machines required

Background theory
A DC motor consists of a stator, a rotor, and other mechanical parts, such as the bearings, shaft, and the housing. The stator contains the field windings (or permanent magnets) that establish the magnetic field. The rotor (also called as Armature) is the rotating part inside the stator. The rotor has its own windings. A voltage E A is induced in the armature due to the motion of its conductors relative to the magnetic field. This voltage is usually referred to as back emf and is given by E A = K m (1) where: K is a machine constant that depends on the winding and structural details of the motor, is the magnetic flux produced in the stator (Webers), and m is the motor angular speed (rad/s) Another important relationship for the D.C. motors involves the terminal voltage, the back EMF generated by the rotation of the armature, the resistance of the armature circuit and the armature current. By Kirchoff's Voltage Law, we have VT = R A I A + E A (2) where: VT is the terminal voltage applied to the motor terminals, RA is the resistance of the armature circuit in ohms which, in the case of a series motor, includes the resistance of the series field coils and IA is the current in the armature in amperes.


Combining the two equations gives: K m = VT R A I A (3) Re-arranging this equation gives: V I R (4) m = T A A K The torque developed by a D.C. motor can be calculated from the equation Tdev = KI A (5) where: Tdev is the torque developed by the motor (Nm), IA is the current in the armature (A). or, in general,

P = T = T ( Nm) 2 N (rpm) / 60.....W

= 2 N
60 Po for output / load torque , o = 2 N 60 Pm for mechanical torque , m = 2 N Pout Efficiency , = P in

60 P

In a shunt motor, as the field windings and the armature are in parallel connection, the armature current IA is different from the field current IF. While the armature current IA is dependent on the load, the field current is independent of the load conditions. As a result, the flux for a shunt motor can be considered to remain constant. You will learn in theory that the field produced by the armature current in the armature conductors can affect the field strength but the shunt field flux can be considered to remain unaffected by the load. As the flux for a shunt connected motor is independent of the armature current the only effect the load can have on the speed is to increase the effect of the voltage drop in the armature. One of the outcomes of this experiment will be experimental proof of the curves showing the relationship between speed, torque and current in D.C. shunt motors and an understanding of these curves and what they tell you about the motor. Comparing these curves for the various D.C. motor configurations will help you select the correct motor for a given purpose.



1. Tabulate below the specifications of the given machine.

2. Fig. 1 shows the connection diagram of the motor. Establish the connections according to the diagram of Fig.1. 3. Make sure the starting resistance is at the MAXIMUM resistance position (WSM6-02). 4. Make sure the field resistance is in the MINIMUM resistance position (WSM6-03). 5. The circuit connections are to be checked by the lab supervisor. 6. Turn ON the power switches of all modules (WSM6-07, WSM6-14, WSM6-53, WSM6-54). Connect the brake of DC motor strong, and put the brake exciting resistor RB of speed and torque measurement module (control knob of the electrodynamometer, WSM6-14) to '0' position (i.e., minimum load). 7. Adjust the voltage to DC 50V by increasing the power of WSM6-07 and turn the starting resistor to anti-clockwise. You can find the motor is started. 8. Adjust the voltage to DC 200V by adjusting the knob of WSM6-07. Turn the field resistor in the clockwise direction until the machine rotates at 1500 rpm. Re-adjust the voltage to 200V (if required). 9. Read all the minimum load data (speed, line current, field current and terminal voltage) from the respective meters and enter into table 1. 10. Adjust the control knob of WSM6-14 to increase the brake exciting resistor RB (the load applied to the motor) in steps of 0.03kg/m until a maximum of 1.05% of the rated current flows or, a torque of 0.24 kg/m is reached. Re-adjust the voltage to 200V (if required). At each step record the speed, line current, field current and terminal voltage. Enter the data into table 1. 11. When data collection is completed, turn the control knob of the electrodynamometer (WSM6-14) slowly in CCW direction until it is fully CCW [Turning the knob too fast


would cause the load to start rocking, which is undesirable] and then reduce the motor supply voltage (power of WSM6-07) to minimum (0V). 12. Adjust the knob of WSM6-02 to MAXIMUM resistance position and the knob of WSM6-03 to its MINIMUM resistance position. 13. Switch OFF all relevant power supplies. 14. Measure the armature resistance (Ra) with a multimeter / ohmmeter. Complete table-1. 15. Plot the characteristic curves such as torque, speed, efficiency, input power and output power as a function of the load current (in a single graph sheet).



Voltage V1[V]

Line current I1[A]

Field current IF[A]

Speed N[rpm]

Torque T[kg/m]

Armature Current Ia[A]

Pin[W] V1I1

Pd[W] EbIa

Efficiency Pd/Pin %

Pout[W] T

200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24

Table 1

TNm = 9.8 Tkg / m I a = I1 I F Pin = V1 I1 Pd = Eb I a = (V1 I a Ra ) I a P0 = T = T 2N 60

Pd 100 Pin

UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN Model Calculation: (Reading no. ..) Questions
1. Try your best to briefly explain the shape of the torque versus speed graph obtained in this experiment. In your own words explain why there is a little speed variation over the range of noload to full-load. Explain how speed is regulated in a DC shunt motor.
What are the causes for the field failure in a dc shunt motor and how can these be troubleshot? In your lab machine (dc compound machine), assume that only the armature winding is marked. How would you identify the other windings in the machine?


3. 4. 5. 6.

The field of a dc machine is excited, but the machine is at standstill. What will be the iron loss at this condition? Explain how you would be able to identify whether the given machine is a cumulatively compounded machine or a differentially compounded machine. Why is a dc shunt motor called a constant speed motor?



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