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Installation & operation manual

Information in this manual can be updated without further notice. No rights can be derived from this manual. Document : Manual ALPHAWIND MF Revision : 1.4 ALPHATRON MARINE B.V.

ALPHATRON MARINE B.V. Schaardijk 23 3063 NH ROTTERDAM The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)10 453 4000 Fax: +31 (0)10 452 9214 P.O. Box 21003 3001 AA ROTTERDAM Web: Mail:


Table of contents:
REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................. 5 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 6 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Supplied parts ................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Positioning the ALPHAWIND MF ........................................................................... 8 3.2.1 ALPHAWIND MF flush mounted ..................................................................... 8 3.2.2 ALPHAWIND MF bulkhead .......................................................................... 10 3.3 Connecting the ALPHAWIND MF ......................................................................... 11 3.3.1 Cable assembly ........................................................................................ 12 3.3.2 Earthing the ALPHAWIND MF ...................................................................... 13 3.3.3 Connecting the power supply ...................................................................... 13 3.3.4 Connecting the analogue wind sensor (anemometer) ..................................... 14 3.3.5 Connecting a digital (NMEA) wind sensor ..................................................... 15 3.3.6 Connection of the central dimming signal ..................................................... 16 3.4 Accepted NMEA data sentences ......................................................................... 18 4 ALPHAWIND MFMF OPERATION ............................................................................... 21 4.1 Push buttons ................................................................................................... 21 4.1.1 Switching the ALPHAWIND MF on ................................................................ 21 4.1.2 Switching the ALPHAWIND MF off................................................................ 21 4.2 Work mode/statuses ........................................................................................ 22 4.2.1 Normal mode ........................................................................................... 22 4.2.2 Alarm mode ............................................................................................. 23 4.2.3 Dim mode (dimming the backlight) ............................................................. 24 4.2.4 Menu mode (using the menu) ..................................................................... 25 5 SCHEMATIC COMPOSITION OF THE MENU STRUCTURE ............................................... 45 6 FIRMWARE REVISION ............................................................................................. 46 7 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................... 46 8 TECHNISCHE SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................ 46 9 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ............................................................................................. 46 10 ALPHATRON Dealers Deep-sea (Authorized) ........................................................... 47 11 ALPHATRON Dealers Inland Shipping (Authorized) .................................................. 48 12 Appendix 1: Mounting frame ................................................................................ 49 13 Appendix 2: Instrument dimensions ...................................................................... 50 14 Appendix 3: Complete connection diagram ............................................................. 51 15 NOTES: ............................................................................................................. 52 1 2 3


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Figures and images:

Figure 1: The complete hardware of the ALPHAWIND MF ..................................................... 7 Figure 2: Possible positions for flush mounting ................................................................... 8 Figure 3: Flush mounting frame ........................................................................................ 9 Figure 4: Bulkhead frame MF line .................................................................................... 10 Figure 5: ALPHAWIND MF connectors .............................................................................. 11 Figure 6: Cable assembly ............................................................................................... 12 Figure 7: Correct cable assembly .................................................................................... 12 Figure 8: Correct earthing of the instrument .................................................................... 13 Figure 9: Power supply connection .................................................................................. 13 Figure 10: Anemometer Figure 11: Anemometer internal schematic ........................... 14 Figure 12: Connecting the analogue signal ....................................................................... 14 Figure 13: Connecting the digital/NMEA signal .................................................................. 15 Figure 14: Connecting the central dimming system ........................................................... 16 Figure 15: Central dimming system (CAN bus) ................................................................. 17 Figure 16: 1) left button, 2) right button, 3) on/off button, 4) dim/menu/enter button .... 21 Figure 17: ALPHAWIND MF in normal mode ...................................................................... 22 Figure 18: ALPHAWIND MF in alarm mode ....................................................................... 23 Figure 19: Dimming mode ............................................................................................. 24 Figure 20: Menu cursor in the LCD display ....................................................................... 25 Figure 21: Main menu ................................................................................................... 26 Figure 22: Backlight menu ............................................................................................. 27 Figuur 23: Central dim menu .......................................................................................... 28 Figuur 24: Background menu ......................................................................................... 28 Figure 25: Language menu ............................................................................................ 29 Figure 26: Unit settings menu ........................................................................................ 30 Figure 27: Service menu ................................................................................................ 31 Figure 28: Analogue LOG menu ...................................................................................... 32 Figure 29: NMEA digital LOG menu.................................................................................. 33 Figure 30: CAN settings menu ........................................................................................ 34 Figure 31: CAN address menu ........................................................................................ 35 Figure 32: Example Dim groups ...................................................................................... 36 Figure 33: Dim group menu ........................................................................................... 37 Figure 34: Dim limit menu ............................................................................................. 38 Figure 35: Offset menu .................................................................................................. 39 Figure 36: Offset direction wind sensor ............................................................................ 40 Figure 37: Offset pointer menu ....................................................................................... 41 Figure 38: Reset all offsets menu .................................................................................... 42 Figure 39: Sensor type menu ......................................................................................... 43 Figure 40: Factory settings menu .................................................................................... 44


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CAUTION! DO NOT modify this equipment in any way without obtaining a written permission from ALPHATRON MARINE, otherwise you will void the warranty. CAUTION! This product is only to be installed by a certified installation company, either approved by ALPHATRON MARINE or by one of its distributors, otherwise you will void the warranty. This product must be installed according to the prescribed installation methods in this manual, otherwise you will void the warranty. CAUTION! Alphaline MF instruments contain no operator serviceable parts. Service and repair of both units shall only be done by trained and certified personal.

Nothing from this manual may be multiplied and/or published by means of press, photocopy, microfilm or any other way, without written consent beforehand by Alphatron Marine B.V. Even though this manual has been composed with the utmost precision, Alphatron will not accept any responsibility for the consequences of possible inaccuracies.


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Revision number V1.0 V1.1 V1.2

Description Document drawn up Menu for adjusting offset indicator transferred to the service menu instead of settings menu. Changed menu structure (offset menus) Added LOG menu. NMEA outputs $--MWV, when analogue input is selected. 0 Added central dimming and CAN Bus menus 0 changed standard of NMEA sentences into IEC61162-1 standard instead of NMEA 0183 standard. Paragraaf en added, changed; switching central dim on/off is moved to a new menu, a submenu to switch the backlight on or off is added.

Date 07/03/08 23/06/08 23/12/08






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The ALPHAWIND MF is designed for analogue and digital displaying of the relative wind direction and wind speed. The analogue pointer/indicator provides a clear indication of the wind direction, and at the same time the wind speed can be digitally read from the LCD screen. An analogue or a digital (NMEA) wind sensor can be connected to the ALPHAWIND MF.


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Supplied parts

The ALPHAWIND MF hardware consists of the following parts: Mounting frame ALPHAWIND MF indicator 4x Signal connector 1x Power supply connector

Figure 1: The complete hardware of the ALPHAWIND MF


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Positioning the ALPHAWIND MF

The ALPHAWIND MF can be mounted in a number of ways. The ALPHAWIND MF can be delivered as a flush mounted or a bulkhead mounted instrument.

3.2.1 ALPHAWIND MF flush mounted The ALPHAWIND MF can be placed horizontally, vertically as well as under an angle. Figure 2 shows the positions for flush mounting.

Figure 2: Possible positions for flush mounting In order to mount the ALPHAWIND MF, the flush mounting frame needs to be built-in first. A hole with the measurements of the flush mounting frame needs to be made in the bridge or overhead console. The measurements of the flush mounting frame can be found in the appendix of this manual.


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Figure 3: Flush mounting frame After the hole for the flush mounting frame has been made, the flush mounting frame can be secured. The flush mounting frame needs to be mounted with four screws in the appropriate holes. These holes have been indicated with arrows in figure 3. After mounting the flush mounting frame, the ALPHAWIND MF can be pressed into the frame. The instrument will be kept in place through a click/spring system.


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3.2.2 ALPHAWIND MF bulkhead The bulkhead ALPHAWIND MF requires an extra DIN 144 bulkhead frame. This bulkhead frame is not part of the standard delivery. Also see figure 4.

Figure 4: Bulkhead frame MF line


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Connecting the ALPHAWIND MF

The ALPHAWIND MF has five different connectors on the rear side of the instrument. These are four signal connectors and one power supply connector. These various connectors and their function are described below. Also see figure 5. Connector Connector Connector Connector Connector 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Power supply connection (Galvanically separated) Digital/NMEA input (Galvanically separated) CAN data / central dimming (Galvanically separated) Not connected / NC Analogue input (Galvanically separated)

Connector 1 Power supply

Connector 5 Analogue

Figure 5: ALPHAWIND MF connectors


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3.3.1 Cable assembly It is important that all cables are assembled correctly, otherwise the instrument will not work properly. Cables need to be prepared according to figure 6.

Figure 6: Cable assembly Note:The earth cover/shield needs to be cut only halfway in order to slide it back over the cable jacket. Then, a little more than half of the earth cover/shield that has been slid back will be attached to cable jacket with tape. The remaining uncovered piece of the earth cover/shield that has been slid back needs to be attached under the metal clasp on the back of the instrument. See figure 7.

Figure 7: Correct cable assembly This will ensure the optimum protection effect of the earth cover/cable shield. Manual ALPHAWIND MF version 1.4 Page 12 of 52


3.3.2 Earthing the ALPHAWIND MF In order to function properly, the instrument needs to be earthed. An earthing point can be found on the right side next to the signal connectors on the back of the instrument. This earthing point must be connected via a low impedance connection to the ship's mass. This means using a thick and as short as possible wire or earth shield. See figure 8.

Figure 8: Correct earthing of the instrument 3.3.3 Connecting the power supply The ALPHAWIND MF needs to be connected to a 10VDC - 40VDC power supply that can supply at least 1.0 ampere. The power supply connection is Connector 1 in figure 5. The polarity of the power supply connection is presented on the power supply circuit board as well as on the connection sticker on the backside of the instrument. If the power supply connectors are connected the wrong way around, the fuse will burn-out/blow. However, the instrument will not be damaged. The maximum diameter of the connectable wire is 2.5mm. The complete connection diagram of the ALPHAWIND MF can be found in the appendix of this manual.

Figure 9: Power supply connection Manual ALPHAWIND MF version 1.4 Page 13 of 52


3.3.4 Connecting the analogue wind sensor (anemometer) The ALPHAWIND MF can be connected to an anemometer. The standard type anemometer that is used is the Davis (type 7911) anemometer.


Figure 10: Anemometer

Figure 11: Anemometer internal schematic

The anemometer includes a potentiometer and a reed relay. The potentiometer indicates the wind direction, and needs to be connected to pins 17, 20 and 21 of the analogue input. The reed relay has already been connected to one side of the internal power supply (POT+). The reed relay output needs to be connected to pin 22 of the analogue input. Also take a look at figure 11 and the connection diagram in the appendix of this manual.

Figure 12: Connecting the analogue signal


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3.3.5 Connecting a digital (NMEA) wind sensor The ALPHAWIND MF can be connected to a digital wind sensor. This can be of any type, as long as the sensor sends its data via an RS422/485 connection. This serial connection needs to be connected to connector 2, also see figure 5. These are the connections with pin numbers 31 and 32. This digital sensor cannot be powered by the ALPHAWIND MF and will therefore have to be connected to an external power supply. The information sent by the digital sensor needs to comply with the specifications as mentioned in chapter 3.4. The complete connection diagram of the ALPHAWIND MF can be found in the appendix of this manual.

Figure 13: Connecting the digital/NMEA signal


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3.3.6 Connection of the central dimming signal It is possible to connect the ALPHAWIND MF to a central dimming system. This central dimming system works by use of a CAN bus system, and can only function between the various instruments of the Alphaline MF and the Alphaline MFD. The instrument needs to be connected to the CAN bus with connection 1 and 2 of signal connector 3. The complete connection diagram of the ALPHAWIND MF can be found in the appendix of this manual. See also figure 14 below.

Figure 14: Connecting the central dimming system


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The cable length from connector 3 to the CAN bus cannot exceed 30cm. Also see Figure 15: Central dimming system (CAN bus).

Figure 15: Central dimming system (CAN bus) Note: the central dimming system is a CAN bus system. CAN bus is a line topology that needs to be terminated at both ends with 120~124 Ohm resistors. These resistors can be connected directly into connector 3 (together with cable wiring) of the instrument at the end of the line.


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Accepted NMEA data sentences

The ALPHAWIND MF accepts asynchronous serial data at 4800 baud via its RS485/RS422 inputs. This data needs to consist of data frames of 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity bits. Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7=0 Stop

Baud rate = 4800 Data bits = 8 (bit D7 is always zero) Parity = none Stop bits = 1 All received data will be interpreted as ASCII characters which together need to form NMEA sentences compliant to IEC61162-1. Accepted sentences of the ALPHAWIND MF:


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These data sentences need to be received with an interval of at least once and a maximum of 10 times per second.


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This section explains how the ALPHAWIND MF is operated. 4.1 Push buttons

In order to operate the ALPHAWIND MF, four push buttons have been placed on the front of the instrument. The only button with a fixed function is the ON/OFF button. This button can only be used to switch the instrument on or off. This button works under all circumstances. The other three buttons have various functions depending on the mode the instrument is in at that moment.

Figure 16: 1) left button, 2) right button, 3) on/off button, 4) dim/menu/enter button

During normal operation the only button functioning is the DIM/MENU/ENTER button. This button can be used to go to dimming or menu mode. If the instrument is in alarm (alarm mode), this button can be used to accept the alarm. The left and right buttons only function during dimming and menu mode.

4.1.1 Switching the ALPHAWIND MF on In order to switch on the ALPHAWIND MF the on/off button needs to be pressed shortly. The instrument will switch on immediately. The LCD screen will display the instrument type and software version. The analogue pointer will calibrate itself.

4.1.2 Switching the ALPHAWIND MF off In order to switch off the ALPHAWIND MF the on/off button needs to be pressed for approximately 5 seconds. The instrument will switch off after 5 seconds. The LCD screen will turn black and the analogue pointer or scale will stop immediately at the value that it presented last.


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Work mode/statuses

The ALPHAWIND MF can be in one of the four possible modes/statuses. These are: Normal mode Alarm mode Dim mode Menu mode

4.2.1 Normal mode If there are no alarms and if the instrument is not in dim or menu mode, the instrument is in normal mode. While in this mode, the instrument's pointer/indicator will indicate the relative wind direction related to the ship. The wind speed can be read from the LCD screen. The measured peak wind speeds (max wind) can also be read from the display. Also see figure 17.

Figure 17: ALPHAWIND MF in normal mode The ALPHAWIND MF can also provide the outside temperature and the barometrical atmospheric pressure. This data does need to be sent out by the wind sensor. The data needs to be received in the form of correct NMEA sentences. A list of the accepted NMEA data sentences can be found in chapter 3.4.


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4.2.2 Alarm mode When the ALPHAWIND MF is connected to an analogue wind sensor, no alarms can become active. The two types of alarms can only become active when the ALPHAWIND MF is connected to a digital (NMEA) wind sensor. These two types of alarms are: 1. No NMEA data alarm (NMEA Time-out) 2. Invalid NMEA data alarm

The definitions of these alarms will be explained in the next chapter. If either one of the alarms becomes active, the instrument's backlight will turn red and start flashing and a buzzer/audio tone will be heard. The display will display the text of the alarm. The instrument is now in alarm mode.

Figure 18: ALPHAWIND MF in alarm mode If the cause of the alarm is now corrected, the instrument will automatically go back to normal mode. The backlight will go back from blinking red to the originally selected colour, and the buzzer/audio tone will switch off. The alarm text will disappear from the screen. If the cause of the alarm is not corrected, the alarm needs to be accepted first. This can be done by shortly pressing the dim/menu button. The backlight will go back from blinking red to the originally selected colour, and the buzzer/audio tone will switch off. However, as long as the alarm is not corrected, the alarm text will remain in the display. If the cause of the alarm is corrected, the instrument will go back to normal mode. The alarm text will disappear from the screen.


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ALPHAWIND MF NMEA time-out alarm The first type of alarm is the NMEA time-out alarm. See figure 18. This alarm will automatically be activated if the instrument does not receive NMEA data for a period of 5 seconds or longer. This alarm can only be deactivated by sending the correct NMEA data to the instrument. Invalid data alarm The second alarm is the NMEA invalid data alarm. This alarm is activated if the instrument receives more than 5 NMEA sentences with invalid data in the data fields. This alarm is deactivated if one sentence is received fully correctly.

4.2.3 Dim mode (dimming the backlight) The brightness of the backlight of the instrument can be adjusted in 15 steps from In order to adjust the brightness of the backlight, the instrument needs to be set mode. The dimming mode can only be activated from the normal mode. This can shortly pressing the 'dim/menu' button. The display will now show the brightness backlight in text as well as graphically. See figure 19. 1 to 100%. to dimming be done by level of the

Backlight 75%

Figure 19: Dimming mode By shortly pressing the 'left' button, the brightness of the backlight will decrease by one step. By shortly pressing the 'right' button, the brightness of the backlight will increase by one step. Note: Continuously pressing the 'left' or 'right' button does not affect the brightness of the backlight. Only pressing and release will! If none of the buttons are pressed for 3 or 4 seconds, the instrument will automatically return to normal mode.


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4.2.4 Menu mode (using the menu) The instrument's settings can be changed via the menu. This menu can be used to adjust the instrument's backlight colour or calibrate the instrument. The menu can be opened by pressing the 'dim/menu' button for approximately 6 seconds. The main menu will now appear in the LCD screen. If the main menu, backlight or language menu is opened and none of the buttons are pressed for 5 seconds or longer, the menu will automatically close. The instrument will now return to normal mode. This function has been disabled in all other menus. Selection of and navigating through the menus is done with a round cursor on the left side of the display. See figure 20.

Main menu
Backlight Language Settings Service menu Exit

Figure 20: Menu cursor in the LCD display This cursor can be used to select and open menus and submenus or select and activate menu items. In order to select a submenu or menu item, the cursor can be moved up and down by using The left and right buttons. In order to open a submenu or activate a menu item, the cursor needs to be placed in front of the relevant menu or item. It is now possible to open this menu or activate this item by pressing the 'dim/menu' button. The menu mode can be closed by selecting and activating the 'Exit' option in the main menu. The menu mode will now be closed down and the instrument will automatically return to normal mode.


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ALPHAWIND MF Main menu The main menu is the start menu. This menu directs to various submenus and the 'Exit' option will close down the menu. The instrument will now return to normal mode.

Main menu
Backlight Language Settings Service menu Exit

Figure 21: Main menu This main menu opens the following submenus: Backlight menu Language menu Settings menu Service menu


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ALPHAWIND MF Backlight menu This menu is used to choose the instruments backlight colour and switch the central dimming on or off. There are three possible backlight colours. Red Green White

The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired colour. The selected colour can be activated by pressing the 'dim/menu' button. The backlight colour changes immediately after shortly pressing the 'dim/menu' button. From this menu, a submenu can be opened to switch the central dim on or off. To do so, the Central dim menu item must be selected and activated. From this menu, another submenu can be opened to switch the backlight on or off, the Background menu. If the option in this menu is set to backlight off, the backlight will switch off after 10 seconds when no buttons are pressed or no central dimming/central configuring is in progress. This menu can be opened by selecting it with the left- and right-keys and shortly pressing the dim/menu button. Select and activate the 'Exit' option to close this menu. The instrument will now return to the main menu.

Backlight menu
Red Green White Central dim menu Background menu Exit

Figure 22: Backlight menu Central dim menu This menu is used to switch the central dimming on or off. The rectangle indicates the current active central dimming setting. The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired setting. The selected colour can be activated by pressing the 'dim/menu' button. The backlight colour changes immediately after shortly pressing the 'dim/menu' button.


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Central dim menu

Central dim ON Central dim OFF Exit

Figure 23: Central dim menu In order to close the central dim menu, the Exit option must be selected and activated. The device will return to the Backlight menu. Background menu This menu is used to switch the background on or off. The rectangle indicates the current active central dimming setting. The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired setting. When Background OFF is set, the background will automatically switch off when none of the buttons is pressed for about ten seconds, the device is not dimmed or controlled remotely and no alarm is active. When the backlight is switched off, it will switch on when a button is pressed, the device is dimmed or controlled remotely or when an alarm becomes active. When Background ON is set, the backlight will always be on. The desired selection can be selected with the left- and right buttons. A short press on the dim/menu button will save and activate the selection.

Background menu
Background ON Background OFF Exit

Figure 24: Background menu Manual ALPHAWIND MF version 1.4 Page 28 of 52


In order to close the Background menu, the Exit option must be selected and activated. The device will return to the Backlight menu. Language operation menu This menu is used to adjust the instruments language settings. The instrument supports three languages: Nederlands (Dutch) English (English) Deutsch (German)

The Dutch language has been pre-selected automatically in this menu. The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired language. By pressing the dim/menu button shortly, the chosen language will be saved in the instruments memory and applied for further use. The Exit option is used to close down this menu after which the instrument will return to the main menu.

Language menu
Nederlands English Deutsch Exit

Figure 25: Language menu


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ALPHAWIND MF Settings menu This settings (or user's) menu can be used to adjust the unit of the wind speed. This menu can also be used to reset the peak wind speed or to open the submenu in order to adjust the type of wind sensor used.

Unit settings
Bft Knots m/s Reset max wind Exit

Figure 26: Unit settings menu

The left and right buttons can be used to select the menu items. The unit currently in use is indicated with a selection rectangle. Menu items one to three are the possible units for wind speed (Bft, knots, m/s). Select and activate the desired wind speed unit by pressing the dim/menu button. The selection rectangle will now jump to the selected wind unit. Select and activate the 'Exit' option in order to return to the main menu. Reset the peak wind speed by selecting and activating the menu item Reset max wind. After resetting select and activate the Exit menu option. When returned to the normal mode, the displayed peak value will be equal to the current wind speed.


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ALPHAWIND MF Service menu The service menu opens the various settings menus or activates the NMEA monitor/scanner. If the service menu is opened, a password is requested. This option has been added in order to prevent unauthorised people to enter the service menu. Select and activate the 'Enter' option by pressing the 'dim/menu' button shortly twice. The service menu will now open.

Service menu
LOG menu CAN setting Offset menu Sensor type Factory settings Exit

Figure 27: Service menu The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired submenus. They can be opened by pressing the dim/menu button. This service menu opens the following submenus: LOG menu CAN settings Offset menu Sensor type menu Factory settings menu


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ALPHAWIND MF LOG menu The LOG menu indicates the status of the selected wind sensor input. In other words, the LOG menu indicates the status of the analogue input or the status of the digital NMEA input. When using the analogue input to read the wind direction and speed, the LOG menu will indicate the following:

Analogue value(wind direction)

Analog LOG
Analog = 1024 Pulse_wndspd=15 F_update = 53379

Pulse meter(wind speed)


Figure 28: Analogue LOG menu The analogue wind speed as read by the instrument is indicated as a digital value between about 0.0 and 4500. The pulses used to calculate the wind speed are displayed as Pulse_Wndspd. The menu also indicates an internal register variable. According to the given variable value, the instrument can determine whether for instance the push buttons are read by the processor.


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When using the digital NMEA input to read the wind direction and speed, the LOG menu will indicate the following:

Last received NMEA sentence

Digital LOG

NMEA timeout timer

Time-out=1 Error_Cntr = 0 F_update = 53378 Enter

Invalid / error sentences counter

Figure 29: NMEA digital LOG menu After the NMEA sentences have been received, they are displayed at the top of the screen. The Time-out value indicates how long ago a correct NMEA sentence has been received. The Error_Cntr indicates how many received NMEA data sentences are invalid. When there is a good connection, the Error_Cntr will not be set to 1 very often, and if, it will immediately go back to 0. The menu also indicates an internal register variable. According to the given variable value, the instrument can determine whether for instance the push buttons are read by the processor. Note: The communication ports of this instrument are of the RS485/422 type. These communication standards have a + and a - potential which need to be connected with the correct potential to the correct connector pins of the instrument. The instrument will not receive data if the polarity of the connected signal does not match the polarity of the instrument's ports.


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CAN settings menu The instrument's backlight level can externally be changed by other via the CAN bus connected ALPHALINE MF or MFD instruments. For this, the central dimming option in the backlight menu should be enabled. Also the instrument can be remotely controlled via the Alphacontrol MFD instrument. So, remotely the menu can be opened and changes in the instruments settings can be made. This is useful for instruments that are placed at inaccessible places.

CAN menu
CAN address Dim group Dim limit Exit

Figure 30: CAN settings menu A number of CAN bus settings need to be made, for the central dimming to function properly. This can be done via the various CAN menus. The following CAN submenus can be chosen: CAN address menu Dim group menu Dim limit menu

The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired submenu. Open the selected submenu by pressing the 'dim/menu' button. Select and activate the 'Exit' option in order to close down the CAN main menu. The instrument will now automatically return to the service menu.


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ALPHAWIND MF CAN address menu If the instrument is used in a central dimming or control system of multiple instruments, each instrument should have a unique CAN address. The instrument's CAN address can be set in the CAN address menu.

CAN address
CAN address +1 CAN address -1 Enter Exit CAN address: 3

Figure 31: CAN address menu It is important that each instrument on the same CAN network has a unique address. The CAN address can be increased or decreased via the options CAN address +1 and CAN address -1. Choose one of the options and then press the dim/menu button. The CAN address is displayed at the bottom of the display. Save the CAN address to the memory by selecting the Enter option and shortly press the 'dim/menu' button. The instrument will now automatically return to the CAN settings menu. Select and activate the 'Exit' option in order to return to the CAN settings menu. Any changes made will not be saved to the memory.


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Dim group menu

If the instrument is used in a central dimming system of multiple instruments, each instrument should be assigned to a dim group. Each instrument can be assigned to one of the dim groups (max. 5 groups). It is recommended to assign all instruments connected to the central dimming system and that are physically at the same distance of the user to the same dim group. A minimum lower limit value can be assigned to each group via the Dim limit menu. This means that it is NOT possible to remotely dim this group below this set value. Possible dim groups: Dim group 1

Dim group 2

Figure 32: Example Dim groups In the example above, the minimum dim value of dim group 1 is set to 40%, and "dim group 2" to 0%. If one of the instruments from "dim group 2" is dimmed from 100% to 0%, the instruments from "dim group 1" will not go below the set 40%. The instruments in the overhead console will now remain easily readable to the user. The left and right buttons can be used to select the desired menu option. Activate the selected menu option by pressing the 'dim/menu' button.


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Dim group
Dim group +1 Dim group -1 Enter Exit Current group: 2

Figure 33: Dim group menu The dim group number can be set with the options Dim group +1 and Dim group -1. The dim group number can be increased or decreased by selecting either of these options and then pressing the dim/menu button. The dim group number is displayed at the bottom of the display. Save the dim group number to the memory by selecting the Enter option and shortly pressing the 'dim/menu' button. The instrument will now automatically return to the CAN settings menu. Select and activate the 'Exit' option in order to return to the CAN settings menu. Any changes made will not be saved to the memory. NOTE: The DIM group number can only be set to 1 or higher.


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Dim limit menu

Via the Dim limit value menu a lower/minimum limit value can be set to the instrument's backlight. The dim limit value is the lower limit value for dimming an instrument via the central dimming system. This means that it is NOT possible to central dim the instrument below this set value. If this value has been set to zero, the instrument can fully be dimmed. See also Dim Group menu.

Dim limit
Dim limit +1% Dim limit +10% Dim limit -1% Dim limit -10% Enter Exit
Value: 30%

Figure 34: Dim limit menu Note: the set dim limit value only works on dimming via the central CAN bus dim system. An instrument that is dimmed individually (by means of the buttons) can always be dimmed back to zero. The minimum dim value can be set using the options Dim limit +1, Dim limit +10, Dim limit -1 and Dim limit -10 by using the left and right buttons and then the 'dim/menu' button. The current dim limit value is displayed at the bottom of the display: Value: xx%. If the desired Dim limit value is set, it can be saved to the memory by selecting the Enter option and shortly pressing the 'dim/menu' button. The instrument will now automatically return to the CAN settings menu. Select and activate the 'Exit' option in order to return to the CAN settings menu. Any changes made will not be saved to the memory.


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Offset menu

This submenu opens various menus that can be used to determine the offsets for the wind sensor and the analogue pointer/indicator. An offset may be necessary because the frontend of the wind sensor does not completely match with the front of the ship.

Offset menu
Offset sensor Offset pointer Reset all offsets Exit

Figure 35: Offset menu The following submenus can be opened: Offset sensor menu (this is used to compensate the difference between the frontend of the ship and the wind sensor's frontend) Offset pointer menu (this is used to compensate the mechanical difference between the internal zero sensor and the analogue pointer/indicator) Reset all offsets menu (this is used to reset all offsets at once)

NOTE: It is recommended to reset all offsets to zero via the Reset all offsets during the first startup/commissioning. Then set the sensor offset. After this it is also possible to set the offset pointer. This must be done according to the wind direction that is outputted from the sensor. The pointer offset must not be more that +/- 10 degrees.


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Offset sensor menu

This offset needs to be adjusted first. This offset is used to compensate the difference between the frontend of the ship and the wind sensor's frontend. Before doing so, it is wise to reset all offsets to zero. See also Reset all offsets menu. Before adjusting the analogue wind sensor's offset, a different operation needs to be done with regards to the digital NMEA sensor. The front of the analogue windsensor needs to be (temporarily) pointed to the ship's frontend during this procedure. It is for instance necessary to fasten the wind flag with tape.

Offset direction
+1 degree +10 degrees -1 degree -10 degrees Enter Exit
Offset = 8

Figure 36: Offset direction wind sensor The indicator will reach its final position if the ALPHAWIND MF's internal filter is full after approximately 30 seconds (max 40s). The indicator will now not or hardly move anymore. The difference between the zero point and the indicator is the offset that needs to be used. If the indicator is on the right side from the zero point, the offset should be positive. If the indicator is on the left side from the zero point, the offset should be negative. The current offset value can be found at the bottom of the screen, on the right side besides the text Exit. The offset can be increased or decreased by selecting and activating the menu items +1 degree, +10 degrees, -1 degree of -10 degrees and then pressing the dim/menu button. In order to save the correct offset, select and activate the Enter menu item by pressing the dim/menu button. The selected offset value will now be saved in the instrument's memory and applied for further use. Select and activate the 'Exit' option in order to return to the service menu. Any changes to the offset will not be used, and not be saved.


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Offset pointer menu

It is possible that the analogue indicator has a slight fixed deviation (max. 10 degrees) in relation to the wind direction due to mechanical intolerances. This fixed deviation can be corrected by adding an offset to the indicator. This can be done in the Offset pointer menu. When this menu is opened, the exact wind direction is digitally displayed at the bottom of the screen. If the analogue display deviates from the digital display, correct this deviation by using the menu items + indicator or the - indicator. If the analogue indicator is too high, this can be corrected by selecting the - indicator and then continuously pressing and releasing the dim/menu button until the required offset is reached. Each time the dim/menu button is pressed, the analogue indicator will make a small step to the right. If the analogue indicator is too low, this can be corrected by selecting the + indicator and then continuously pressing and releasing the dim/menu button until the required offset is reached. Each time the dim/menu button is pressed, the analogue indicator will make a small step to the left.

Offset pointer
+ indicator - indicator Enter Exit Wind dir= 1

Figure 37: Offset pointer menu Select the menu item 'Enter' if there is no more difference between the analogue and digital course. By pressing the dim/menu button shortly, the chosen offset will be saved in the instruments memory and applied for further use. The instrument will now automatically return to the service menu. By selecting and activating the Exit item the instrument will return to the service menu. Any alterations to the analogue indicator will not be saved.


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Reset all offsets menu

This menu is used to reset all offsets to zero at once. When opening this menu, the item Reset all offsets to 0 is automatically selected. By shortly pressing the dim/menu button, both the wind sensor offset as the pointer offset will be reset to 0. These values will be saved and applied for further use.

Reset offsets
Reset all offsets To 0 Exit

Figure 38: Reset all offsets menu By selecting and activating the Exit item the instrument will return to the service menu. The changes will not be saved.


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Sensor type menu

This menu is used to indicate the type of wind sensor that is connected to the ALPHAWIND MF. The 'left' and 'right' button can be used to select the desired sensor type. The currently selected sensor will be indicated by a selection rectangular. Select and confirm the correct type by pressing the dim/menu button. The selected sensor type will now be saved and applied for further use. The selection rectangle will jump to the selected sensor type.

Sensor type
Analogue sensor NMEA sensor Exit

Figure 39: Sensor type menu Select and activate the Exit menu option to close this menu and return to the service menu.


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Factory settings menu

This menu can be used to restore the instrument to factory settings. There are only two possible options in this menu. The option reset factory settings has been automatically selected. By activating this option the ALPHAWIND MF will be reset with the following settings: Backlight colour Background on/off Language Offset pointer Offset wind direction Sensor type Central dimming CAN bus Group number CAN bus ID CAN bus min dim value : : : : : : : : : : White ON English 0 degrees 0 degrees Analogue OFF 1 0 0

Factory settings
Reset factory setting Exit

Figure 40: Factory settings menu By selecting and activating the Exit item, the instrument will automatically return to the service menu. Now, nothing has been changed to the instrument's settings.


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The menu structure of the ALPHAWIND MF: Main menu Backlight menu
Red Green White Central dim menu Central dim ON Central dim OFF Exit Background menu Background ON Background OFF Exit Exit Nederlands English Deutsch Exit Bft Knots m/s Reset max wind Exit NMEA LOG menu Time-out= x.x Error_Cntr = x F_update = x Enter or Analogue LOG menu Analogue= x.x Pulse_Wndspd=x.x F_update = x Enter

Language menu

Unit settings menu

Service menu

CAN settings CAN address

CAN address +1 CAN address +1 Enter Exit

Dim group
* * * * Dim group +1 Dim group +1 Enter Exit

Dim Limit value

* * * * * * Limit value Limit value Limit value Limit value Enter Exit +1% +10% -1% -10%


Offset menu Offset sensor

+1 degree +10 degree 1 degree 10 degree Enter Exit Offset = x

Offset pointer
* * * * + Indicator - Indicator Enter Exit

Reset all offsets

* Reset all offsets * Exit


Sensor type
Analogue sensor Digital (NMEA) sensor Exit Reset factory settings Exit

Factory settings menu

Exit Exit


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This manual is in accordance with software version V3.3.



Electrical: Parameter Operating voltage Power consumption Value 10-40 Volts 30mA turned off 0.3A turned on Reverse battery protection Yes Input(s) 1x RS485/422 EMC approved IEC60945 Comments DC voltage

Fuse does defect

Mechanical: Parameter Size Weight IP value Value Comments 161x181x123mm 1.5 Kg IP65 Only applies to the front of the instrument

Environmental: Parameter Operation temperature Storage temperature Value 0C to +50C -10C to +50C Comments


Please contact Alphatron Marine B.V. for technical support regarding the ALPHAWIND MF:

Alphatron Marine BV Schaardijk 23 3063NH, Rotterdam P.O. Box 21003 The Netherlands Tel: 0031(0)10 4534000 Fax: 0031(0)10 4529214
Manual ALPHAWIND MF version 1.4 Page 46 of 52


10 ALPHATRON Dealers Deep-sea (Authorized)


JRC Do Brasil
Av. Almirante Barroso 63 GR. 309 - Centro RJ CEP. 20036-900 Tel. + 55 21 2220 8121 Fax. + 55 21 2240 6324 E-mail : Internet:

Selmar Ltda.
Avda.Coln 3140 Talcahuano Tel. + 56 41 2920800 Fax. + 56 41 2920803 E-mail : Internet:



Etna S.A.
31 Rue des Ponts 76620 Le Havre Tel. + 33 2 355 460 60 Fax. + 33 2 355 460 59 E-mail : Internet:

Alphatron Marine Deutschland GmbH

Nienhfener Str. 29-37 25421 Pinneberg Tel.: +49-(0)4101-203771-00 Fax.: +49-(0)4101-203771-11 24 h Service: +49-(0)15120377100 E-Mail: Internet:



Elektronik Lab
R/13 Navroz Baug Lalbaug MUMBAI 400012 Tel. + 91 22 247 151 15 Fax. + 91 22 247 104 44 E-mail: Internet:

ITS Radiomarittimi
P.zza Luigi Sturzo, 15 I-00144 Rome Tel. +39 06.54515299 Fax. +39 06.65400100 E-mail : Internet: www.



ProNav AS
Fiskarvik Maritime Senter 4370 EGERSUND Tel. + 47 514 94 300 Fax.+ 47 514 92 100 E-mail : Internet:

Alphatron Marine Systems Pte. Ltd

HO LEE Industrial Development 59 S, Tuas South Avenue 637418 Tel. E-mail : Internet:



Crame S.A.
C/Lanzarote 14 28700 San Sebastian de los Reyes Tel. + 34 91 658 65 08 Fax. + 34 91 654 96 44 24h Service: + 34 902 218750 E-mail : Internet:

SMD Telecommunications CC
53 Paarden Eiland Road 7405 PAARDEN EILAND CAPE TOWN Tel.: + 27 - 21 511 0556 Fax: + 27 - 21 511 2886 24h Service: + 34 902 218750 E-mail : Internet:


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Elcome International L.L.C.

Al Jadaf Dockyard DY159 P.O. Box 1788 DUBAI Tel. + 971 4 4049100 Fax. + 971 4 049200 E-mail: Internet:

Selex Communications Ltd

Lambda House Christopher Martin Road BASILDON ESSEX SS14 3EL Tel. + 44 (0) 1268 82 3400 Fax.+ 44 (0) 1268 82 3493 24h Service: + 34 902 218750 E-mail : Internet:

11 ALPHATRON Dealers Inland Shipping (Authorized)

FRANCE Avon Communications S.A. Village d'entreprise de St Hen Rue Anne Gacon BP 147 Batiment 3- lot 14 13322 MARSEILLE CEDEX 16 Tel. 0033-495069350
E-mail :

FRANCE SIECMI Agence de Boulogne s/Mer 9/10 Rue Huret Lagache Terrasse des Batiments de mare 62200 BOULOGNE SUR MER Tel. 0033-298975086 E-mail :

For dealers in other countries, see:


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12 Appendix 1: Mounting frame


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13 Appendix 2: Instrument dimensions


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14 Appendix 3: Complete connection diagram


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