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Channel Coding Part II

Lectured by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thuong Le-Tien October 2011

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien 1

3. Convolutional Codes

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien

Convolutional encoder with n=2, k=1, and L=2

Figure 3-2

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien

Code tree for 2,1,2) encoder

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien

(a) Code trellis (b) state diagram for (2, 1, 2) encoder (c) illustrative sequence
Figure 13.3-4

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien

Free Distance and Coding Gain

Termination of (2, 1, 2) code trellis

Figure 3-7

Each branch has been labeled with the number of 1s in the encoded bits
by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien 6

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien 8

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


4Rc b

1 / 2

Rc b

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien



by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


Illustration of the Viterbi algorithm for maximumlikelihood decoding

Figure 3-11

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


Turbo code
Turbo codes, or parallel concatenated codes (PCC) are a relatively new class of convolutional codes first introduced in 1993 by Berrou et al., Berrou (1996), Hagenauer et al. (1996), and Johannesson and Zigangirov (1999). They have enabled channel capacities to near reach the Shannon limit. Shannons theorem for channel capacity assumes random coding with the BER approaching zero as the codes block or constraint length approaches infinity

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


Turbo encoder
The RSC is Recursive Systematic Convolutional encoder with rate . Both RSC produce parity check bits then overall rate is 1/3. However it can be reduced to using the process of puncturing by eliminating the odd parity check bits of the first RSC and the even parity check bits of the second RSC

by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien


RSC encoder with R=1/2, G1=23, G2=35, L=2

For the particular encoder in the figure, the polynomial describing the feedback connections is 1+D3+D4=10011=238 and the polynomial for the output is 1+D+D2+D4=11101=358. Hence, the literature often refers this to as G1=23, G2=35 or simply a (23,35) encoder.
by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien 17

Turbo decoder

Turbo decoder: Consist of two Maximum a Posterior (MAP) decoders and feedback path. The first decoder takes the information from the received signal and calculate the A Posterior Probability (APP) value. This value is then used as the APP value for the second decoder
by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien 18

Instead of using the Viterbi algorithm, the MAP decoder uses a modified form of the BCJR (Bahl, Cocke, Jelinek, and Raviv, 1972) algorithm that take into account the recursive character of the RSV codes and computes a log-likelihood ratio to estimate the APP for each bit. The results by Berrou et al. are impressive. When encoding using rate R=1/2, G1=37 and G2=21, 65,537 interleaving, and 18 iterations, they were able to achieve a BER of 1/100000 and Eb/N0=0.7dB. The main disadvantage of turbo codes with their relatively large code words and iterative decoding process is their long latency. A system with 65,537 interleaving and 18 iterations may have too long a latency for voice telephony
by Assoc. Prof. Thuong Le-Tien 19

Reed Solomon Code (RS Code)

* RS codes are nonbinary cyclic codes with code symbols from A Galois field. They were discovered in 1960 by I. Reed and G. Solomon. The work was done when they were at MIT laboratory. * In the decades since their discovery, RS codes have enjoyed Countless applications from compact discs an digital TV in living Room to spaccraft and satellite in outer space. * The most important RS codes are codes with symbols from GF(2m) The minimum distance of an (n,k) RS code is n-k+1. Codes of this kind are called maximum-distance-seperable codes

A systematic RS code word and some RS code parameters

Example. The following code is a (255,233) RS code. It is NASA standard code for satellite and space communication

Encoding of RS code

The encoding circuit is shown below (Lin/Costello)

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