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Vessel Name Last Visit Date Checklist Item(s): All Seq No PETROBRAS 63 31-Dec-2013 Class Number Report Number


83221587 RJ1937156-P


Yes No N/A Done Date

1. For new vessels (i.e.: New Construction) 1 a. Have surveys been fully reported using Checklist NC-Hull (vessels) or Checklist NC- Barge (Barges) as applicable, LL-11D and Annual Load Line Inspection Checklist? Note: For Unclassed Loadline only vessels see SWZ-002-05-PO4-W003 b. Has the ship, as far as its strength is concerned, been constructed in accordance with the approved plans (LLC 66/88 reg.1) 2. For existing vessels, have surveys been fully reported on using condition survey report, form LL-11D and Annual Load Line Inspection Checklist? (For Unclassed Loadline only vessels see SWZ-002-05-PO4-W003) 3. Has the freeboard assignment been provided and entered into VIM by an authorized ABS Engineering Review office, and the location of markings verified on the vessel? 4. Has written evidence of stability approval by Administration of vessel's registry been received? 5. Has onboard Stability software for vessel with date of contract signing on or after 1 July 2005 been approved by an ABS Engineering review office in accordance with IACS UR L5? 6. Has an operation manual for the ABS approved stability software in accordance with IACS UR L5 verified onboard? 7. Is the computer on which the onboard ABS approved stability software installed type approved or alternatively are at least two nominated computers provided? 8. It has been confirmed that there have been no changes to the main data or internal arrangement of the ship on which the ABS approval of the onboard software was originally based which would require ABS Engineering re-approval? 9. Have the onboard ABS approved software installation testing steps been satisfactorily carried out and verified to be in accordance with approved test conditions? 10. Were the garbage chutes examined, including their arrangement and associated valves? 11. For vessels that carry timber on deck, have the fittings and appliances for timber deck cargoes been verified on the vessel? 12. Certificate issuance (including LL-11D) carried out as stated in the AB Report certificate section. a. The vessel's hull was generally examined as far as could be seen and considered satisfactory. The following parts were particularly examined and considered satisfactory. 1. Protection of Hatch Openings 15 16 i. Coamings including deck connections, stiffeners, stays and brackets. ii. Hatches fitted with portable covers, wood or steel, portable beams, carriers

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Vessel Name Last Visit Date Checklist Item(s): All Seq No PETROBRAS 63 31-Dec-2013 Class Number Report Number


83221587 RJ1937156-P


Yes No N/A Done Date

and securing devices, steel pontoons, tarpaulins, cleats, battens and wedges, including structural integrity and weather tightness. 17 iii. Hatches fitted with mechanically operated steel cover including cover plating, stiffeners, cross joints, gaskets, cleats and dogs, including structural integrity and weather tightness. 2. Protection of Other Openings 18 19 20 i. Hatchways, manholes and scuttles in the freeboard deck and superstructure decks. ii. Machinery casings, fidley covers, companionways and deck houses protecting openings in the freeboard deck or enclosed superstructure decks. iii. Portlights together with deadcovers, means of attachment, securing devices and gaskets; windows together with either deadcovers or storm covers means of attachment and securing devices or other openings in the vessel's sides or ends below the freeboard deck or in way of enclosed superstructures. iv. Ventilators, air pipes together with flame screens, scuppers and discharges serving spaces on or below the freeboard deck. v. Watertight bulkheads, bulkhead penetrations, end bulkheads of enclosed superstructures and the operation of any doors in same. vi. Weathertight doors and closing appliances for all of the above including stiffening, dogs, hinges and gaskets. vii. The proper operation of the weathertight doors and closing appliances was confirmed. viii. The means provided to minimize water ingress through the spurling pipes and chain lockers. b. Freeing ports together with bars, shutters and hinges were examined and considered satisfactory. c. Means of protection for crew, guard rails, bulwarks, lifelines, gangways and deck houses accommodating crew, as fitted, were examined and considered satisfactory. d. Structural areas of the hull particularly susceptible to accelerated corrosion, including spaces used for salt-water ballast, as accessible were examined and considered satisfactory. e. Sea valves, and overboard discharges were externally examined including their attachment to shell and considered satisfactory. f. A Loading Guidance Manual was verified as being on board. g. A loading instrument was verified as being on board and was confirmed to be in satisfactory working order. h. If onboard computer(s) is(are) used for stability calculations and vessels contract signing date was on or after 1 July 2005 continued compliance with IACS unified requirement L-5, Onboard Computers for stability Calculations is to be confirmed at

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Vessel Name Last Visit Date Checklist Item(s): All Seq No PETROBRAS 63 31-Dec-2013 Class Number Report Number


83221587 RJ1937156-P


Yes No N/A Done Date

each Annual and Renewal(Special) load line inspection. The ships master is responsible for demonstrating the accuracy of the onboard computer for stability calculations by applying at least one approved test condition. If the ABS surveyor is not present for the computer check a copy of the test condition results are to be retained onboard for surveyors subsequent verification. 33 34 35 36 i. Stability data was verified as being on board. j. A copy of the form LL-11D (or equivalent form issued by another class society) was verified as being on board. k. It was verified that no alterations have been made to the hull or superstructure(s), which affected the position of the current Load Line. l. An examination was made of the structural arrangements, fittings and appliances as related to timber, tanker or special Load Line assignments and all considered satisfactory. m. The freeboard marks were sighted, found plainly visible or recut and/or painted, as necessary, and were in accordance with the Load Line Certificate. The Load Line certificate examined for accuracy in accordance with assignment specified by load line department in VIM including correct shading of grid. n. Has the validity of all other statutory certificates been checked? Note: This includes SOLAS (SLE, SLR, IBC, IGC, ISM, etc.), Load Line, MARPOL certificates, Safe Manning document, and officer and crew certification as required by the STCW Convention. Check N/A for un-inspected vessels that are not required by Flag Administration to carry more than a Load Line Certificate. o. For areas with substantial corrosion: 39 40 41 1. Areas of substantial corrosion were visually examined. 2. Thickness measurements were taken in way of areas with substantial corrosion. 3. Hard coating in way of areas with substantial corrosion was examined and found satisfactory. p. Vessels over 5 years of age. Examination of the following tanks is to be carried out: 42 1. Ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks other than double bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating was found in poor condition during a previous survey, or a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction. 2. Double bottom ballast tanks, where substantial corrosion was found within the tank, a hard protective coating was found in poor condition during a previous survey, or a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction. q. Vessels over 15 years of age. Examination of the following tanks is to be carried out: 44 1. Ballast tanks and combined cargo/ballast tanks other than double bottom tanks





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Vessel Name Last Visit Date Checklist Item(s): All Seq No PETROBRAS 63 31-Dec-2013 Class Number Report Number


83221587 RJ1937156-P


Yes No N/A Done Date

in way of spaces designated for the carriage of cargo, where fair coating conditions were identified at previous surveys, a minimum of three (3) so identified tanks, i.e., one (1) forward, one (1) midship and one (1) aft. 45 2. Peak tanks where fair coating conditions were identified at previous surveys. r. Where extensive areas of corrosion are found or when considered necessary by the Surveyor, thickness measurements are to be carried out and renewals and/or repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable margins. Where substantial corrosion is found, additional thickness measurements are to be taken to confirm the extent of substantial corrosion. These extended thickness measurements are to be carried out befor the survey is completed and credited. Where reduced scantlings on the basis of effective corrosion control have been adopted, the results of any measurements are to be evaluated based on the scantlings before reduction. 46 s. If this vessel maintains concurrent Loadline assignments, have all sets of Certificates been appropriately endorsed and same indicated on the O2K Survey Summary Page? t. Certificate are to be endorsed/issued/extended, as applicable.


Surveyor(s) to The American Bureau of Shipping Attending Surveyors Cabrera, Raul A. Amaral, Israel Borges Carvalho, Andre Luiz De Souza Matos, Elias Sergio L. Vicentin Neto, Angelo


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