8 - Oral Mucosa (Practical)

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Oral Mucosa

Dr. Mahmoud Bakr

School Of Dentistry and Oral health Griffith University Member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), Australian Biology Institute Inc. (ABI), and the Egyptian Dental Union (EDU).

Oral mucous membrane

Protection Secretion

Sensory Thermal regulation

Histological Structure:
Stratified Squamous epithelium Lamina propria Mucosa

Papillary layer Reticular layer


K.st .sq .epith


Classification of oral mucous membrane

1-Keratenized mucosa ( Masticatory mucosa)
(A) Gingiva (B) Hard palate

2- Non-keratenized mucosa (Lining mucosa)

(A) Firmly attached

Soft palate

(B) Loosely attached

Floor of mouth Vestibule



Ventral S tongue

3- Specialized mucosa
Dorsal surface of the tongue

Alveolar mucosa

Keratinized St. Sq. Epith.

Nonkeratinized St. Sq. Epith.



Non-keratenized mucosa

Keratenized mucosa

Macro-anatomy of the gingiva

Free gingival groove

Free gingiva

Interdental papilla Attached gingiva

Mucogingival junction

Alveolar mucosa

Interdental papilla and gingival Col

Gingival col( nonkeratenized)

Histology of gingiva

Stratified squamous keratenized epithelium Epithelial rete peg

Lamina propria

Gingival fibers

Circular group

Dento-gingival group Alveolo-gingival group Dento-periosteal group

Macroanatomy of palate
Incisive papilla

Palatine gingiva

Rugae area

Antro-lateral area (fatty zone) Median palatine raphe

Postro-lateral area (glandular zone) Soft palate Uvula

Hard Palate Macro-anatomy

Histology of hard palate


Fatty zone

Glandular zone


Hard Palate Micro-anatomy

Soft palate

Nasal side

Oral side

Respiratory epithelium

Mucous side


Vermilion border

Skin side

The Lip
Skin Side
epidermis (stratum lucidum) Eliadin

Hair follicles
Sweat glands Sebaceous glands Hair root

Hair papilla

Skin appendages

Hair follicle Sebaceous gland

Sweat glands

Cheek mucosa
Nonkeratenized epithelium

Mixed salivary gland

Loosely Attached Movablemucosa

Alveolar mucosa

Vestibular fornix

Floor of the mouth

ventral surface of the tongue

Firmly attached to underlying muscles Thin non.kert. st.sq. epith. Saw-teeth appearance of epith ridges

Tongue papillae

1- Filliform pap.

2- Fungiform pap.
Taste bud

4- Folliate pap. 3- Circumvallate pap.

Filiform papillae

Fungiform papillae

Circumvallate papillae


von Ebner salivary glnds

Circumvallate papilla

Circumvallate papillae

Von Ebner salivary gland

Foliate papillae

Taste Bud

SEM H & E stain

Taste bud

Taste pore

1- Outer supporting cell

2- Inner supporting cell 3- Neuroepithelial cell

Posterior Third of Tongue

lymphatic part

Lymphatic nodules (follicles)

Lingual crypt

Weber salivary glands

Dento-gingival junction

Gingival Sulcus & Dentogingival Junction

Histology of Dento-gingival junction

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