Koki Hirota

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In the Worlds history a very scarce amount of people were cruel in the beginning and kind in the end.

Koki Hirota, a major statesman in the Japanese government who with his strong political power influenced the international rules on war resulting in major violation of civil rights. He was born on February 14th, 1878 in Kaji-Machi-Dori or what is now Fukuoka city. His name was originally Jotaro and was changed when he was a child. His father, Tokubei, was adopted into the Hirota family. He became a mason and married Take, the daughter of the president of a Japanese noodle company. They had four children with Koki being the first. At a young age Hirota was acknowledged for his abilities. The name plate of the torri (a gate most typically found at a shrine) gate of Suikyo Shrine was written by him when he was eleven years old (Maga). After attending Fukuoka Prefectural High School with glorious grades, he continued his education at Tokyo Imperial University (Maga). After graduation, Hirota was engaged into diplomatic careers. In 1923, he became the director of the European and American Department within the Foreign Ministry. He then had a job-change, and became an ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1928 to 1932. Four years later at the age of 55, Hirota became the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the same year Japan withdrew from the League of Nations (Toland). He maintained that position until Emperor Hirohita named Hirota Prime Minister. As the prime minister, Hirota did many changes, postitve and negative, to Japan. He led his cabinet in planning the inavasions of Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and continuing the undeclared war against China (Toland). He also changed the military by restoring the system by which only active duty Army or Navy officials and officers could serve in the cabinet posts of war or Navy minister (Toland). A major event Hirota contributed to was the purchase of the Chinese Eastern Railway from Russian interests (Frank). During his term the Anti-Cominent Pact was signed. The Anti-Cominent Pact was an anti communist agreement between Nazi Germant and Japan on November 25th, 1936. This pact was not only signed between Germany and Japan but with a total of eleven other countries. They were Italy, Hungary, Munchukuo, Spain, Finland, Romania, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia and China (Frank). Hirotas term was for slightly less than a year. In 1937, Emperor Hirohita named a new Prime Minister, General Hayashi, who lasted only four months. The Emperor then named his son prime minister.

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