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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gregg Peppin info@johnsonforgovernor.


Endorsable and electable message resonates with party activists
BLAINE, Minnesota October 26, 2013 -- In a gubernatorial straw poll conducted Oct. 26 at the annual meeting of the MNGOP State Central Committee held at the National Sports Center, Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson walked away the winner of the gubernatorial straw poll. Johnson captured 35 percent of the vote among five announced candidates seeking the MNGOP endorsement to oppose Gov. Mark Dayton in Nov 2014. Four hundred nine elected MNGOP party leaders representing all geographic areas and factions of the MNGOP cast votes in the poll. Naturally, Im pleased with results of the poll, said Johnson. After seeing the damage that a single legislative session of one-party DFL rule can do, Republicans understand the need to endorse and unite behind a candidate who holds conservative values and is electable. In this first major test of candidate strength, party activists made clear they want more than just rhetoric. They want a principled, conservative candidate who can share a positive vision that inspires ALL Minnesotans including those who arent politically active and dont identify as Republicans. They also sent a clear message that the party endorsement is important. Rounding out the vote, State Sen. Dave Thompson placed second with 27 percent of the vote, write-in candidate Marty Seifert received 18.3 percent, Rep. Kurt Zellers, 7.6 percent, Rob Farnsworth, 6.4 percent and Scott Honour with 3.9 percent of the vote. A vigorous endorsement process is a healthy and beneficial thing for the party, said Johnson. The endorsement process is where Republican activists grill candidates and determine who both ascribes to conservative Republican principles and can convey a vision for Minnesota that appeals beyond the conservative Republican base. The vision Im sharing is one where every child in Minnesota has the opportunity for a great education, and where the least fortunate among us are treated with dignity and not herded into ineffective government programs but provided access to the same free market opportunities the majority of us enjoy. I see a Minnesota where patients and doctors control intimate healthcare decisions, and where government isnt looking for more money but looking to unleash the creative and innovative power of individual Minnesotans. That vision is best achieved by implementing policies based on conservative principles. That is the vision party activists responded to today, and it is the vision Ill carry throughout the campaign. ### jeff4gov | @jeff4gov | jeff4gov

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