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()f? rrA!1Pl\
71-572 Civ.T.
.t.f()I)GES, et: al,
lJefendan t:
o R D E R
rrHIS came on for consideration upon the filing
t,d: c'l complaint by Jim Fair, Pro se.
III the plaintiff seeks entry of a
i.e i- fj ,:(tJ
()rder restraining the in'Jesti ture of a duly aJ.)pointed
anc1 c(.. tJnited states District Jl.ldge. Plaintiff also see]{s
d,ecla.ra'f:ory ancl oth,eJ: inj unctiva relief.
'fhe comJ:")laint herein is so frivolous, merit.less alld
a.s tt') the bounds of judicial decorum. 'l1Jlis
acti(.")n is unreasoI:'lable and can ser\1e no ptlrpose otller than ti1.e
.pers()n?-l aggrand'izement: of plaintiff. The JJringing of this actior
represents a plain abuse of judicial process.
Under these circumstances the Court will deny plaintiff's
. ent.ry of a temporary restraining order and will
t.lle act.ion wi th FCej uclice on grOl.llld 'tha1: .plaint.iff
llcl'i ,nC) t: a fai t.h effort to state a claim for relief.
1. Plaintiff's prayer for entry of a temporary restrai
ORDERED at I"lorida, this 27tl1. day of
neceln})Or, 1971 ..
tnlY'I"r;'l') .1 l.Jf'>(lfr.

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