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University of Bonn Faculty of Agriculture

Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics University of Bonn ARTS Secretariat Nussallee 1 53115 Bonn Germany

Please complete this form carefully. If a question does not apply to you, please fill in not applicable. Make choices by crossing appropiate answer.

Specify the academic year you are applying for:

Please note: The ARTS program starts in October. Application deadline for direct applicants is March 15 th in the year of intended study begin. Application deadline for DAAD application is July 31 st in the year before intended study begin at the German embassy or August 31 st in the year before intended study begin at the DAAD headquarters. You have to use the DAAD application form not the ARTS application form for DAAD applications.

Personal data: Last name(s):

(please underline family name) Affix a recent photo here

First name(s): Sex: Date and place of birth: Citizenship: Family status: Number of children: Current university affiliation:
(if any)



Postal address where you can be contacted during the application process: Name (if c/o): Street or P.O. Box: Postal code (if any): City: Province / State (if any): Country: Other contact data where you can be contacted during the application process: Email: Mobile:
ARTS application form revised version February 2013

Phone: Fax (if any):


Language skills: Profiency in English (as per certificate): Is your knowledge of German: Nil Poor Satisfactory Good

Secondary school education in your home country or abroad: Name / place: Attendance from to:

Type of final exam: Date of final exam: Result:

University education in your home country or abroad: Name / place - major / minor subject(s): Attendance from to:

University exams taken in your home country or abroad (original name of exam): Type of exam: Date: Result:

Highest degree obtained to date:

Expected university exam during application and beginn of the ARTS program:
(If so, inform the ARTS secretariat as soon as possible.)

Name of exam: Type of exam: Expected date of exam:

ARTS application form revised version February 2013

List of scholary publications (if any) (use separate sheet if necessary):

Practical training received in connection with your university studies (if any): Type of work: from to:

Professional work during the period of study or after graduation (if any): Type of work: from to:

Professional career you do envisage:

Area of specialization within ARTS you do envision (please mark):

Your final selection of the area of specialization have to be done by the end of the first / begin of the second semester. For information concerning the selective modules please visit: student area course book The topic of your research proposal should fit to your preselected area of specialization.

Ecosystem approaches Molecular approaches Economic approaches

ARTS application form revised version February 2013

Have you already contacted the University of Bonn?

(Please name university professors contacted.)

Previous scholarships received for MS studies in your home country or abroad:

(country, duration, donor of scholarship)

Current scholarship applications:

(Fill in the office to which the application was send.)

I have applied to: and also to: for a scholarship to study in Germany. Should my application for this scholarship be granted, I will immediately inform the ARTS secretariat. Name and address of a relative to be informed in case of emergency: Name (if c/o): Street or P.O. Box: Postal code (if any): City: Province / State (if any): Country: Email: Mobile: Remarks: Phone: Fax (if any):

I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I shall inform the ARTS secretariat immediately of any changes. Place: Date:

(Signature of applicant)

ARTS application form revised version February 2013

Please add to complete your application:

CV 2-3 pages scientific research proposal (please send also a soft copy to the e-mail address English language certificate Two letters of recommendation by employers (if the work is relevant to this application) or by professors who teach in the applicants major subjects degree award -> authenticated hard copy (seal or raised seal with original signature) academic transcript -> authenticated hard copy (seal or raised seal with original signature) Where applicable, add documents about work experiences, trainings and voluntary services.

Keep in mind:

All documents have to be in English or German or you have to add an authenticated English translation. An explanation of the system of marking must be attached to all certifications. Online application is not possible. Your application has to be received before the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

ARTS application form revised version February 2013

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