Lesson Plan 2 Final

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5E Lesson Plan

1. Author: Emma Brady & Marge Hayden 2. Teaching Partners: Kristen Quintana 3. Title of Lesson: What is a Galaxy? 4. Date of Lesson: Oct. 23, 2012 5. Length of Lesson: 50 minutes 6. Grade: 5th grade 7. Source of the Lesson: Created by Emma Brady, Alachua County Public Schools, for UFTeach 8. Concepts: The universe is made up of galaxies. Galaxies are composed of stars that may or may not have planetary systems, interstellar dust and remnants of dead stars such as black holes and pulsars. Planetary systems contain planets of varying sizes and other small objects that orbit the star such as asteroids and comets. The Galaxy that the Sun resides in is the Milky Way, a spiral shaped galaxy. The Sun is far from the center of the Galaxy, halfway to the edge of the Galaxy along the Orion spiral arm. It is estimated that our galaxy is 90,000 light years across and contains over 200 billion other stars. The sun takes 200 million years to complete one revolution around the center of the galaxy. It has only completed 25 revolutions. Complied from Windows to the Universe. 9. State Standards (including cognitive complexity): Benchmark Number SC.5.E.5.1 Benchmark Description Recognize that a galaxy consists of gas, dust, and many stars, including any objects orbiting the stars. Identify our home galaxy as the Milky Way. Cognitive Complexity: Low Recognize and explain the difference between personal opinion/interpretation and verified observation. Cognitive Complexity:


10. Performance Objectives: Student will be able to do: Identify our home galaxy as the Milky Way. Identify typical objects found in a galaxy including gas, dust, stars, and objects that orbit stars including planets. Recognize the difference between myths/popular interpretation and verified observations of the Milky Way. 11. Safety Considerations: remind student not to put anything in their mouths especially when they are constructing the model 1

12. Materials List and Advanced Preparations: galaxy myth/reality classification cards For Galaxy Model (elaboration) o kosher salt=stars o flour-interstellar gas o fine sand (colored if possible)=dust o round baking sprinkles=planets o black card stock or construction paper o glue www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq4etCTg_WY (Convert to wmv at zamzar.com or bring on flash student assessment sheets What teacher needs to do: -Make galaxy classification cards -Print model template on card stock for each student. -convert videos -double check picture links -create Powerpoint or prepare chart paper -print student assessment

ENGAGEMENT What the Teacher Will DO Teacher tells students that they will be learning about something people have been fascinated with for centuries. What the Teacher Will SAY Probing/Eliciting Questions Good morning! Who remembers my name? Student Responses and Potential Misconceptions [Miss Q]

Today were going to start off with a song. Teacher asks students to look at turn off lights some pictures. Teacher will flip through five pictures of spiral SLIDE 2 galaxies from Hubble at this site http://www.youtube.com/watch http://hubblesite.org/gallery/al ?v=YAlqdunLAL0 Start at 0:20 bum/galaxy/spiral/npp/16/hire s/true/ It will be faster if you That was kinda cool. Can pick 5 pictures and put them someone tell me what were into a powerpoint before class. going to learn about today? If there is no projector available, pictures of galaxies There were a lot of pictures in need to be printed or otherwise there and Im curious to know obtained. what you guys think or even know about what were learning After viewing pictures, teacher about today. asks students to tell their neighbor what they are pictures SLIDE 3 of and then pick a volunteer to What is something you see in ALL tell the class. It is probable that of the pictures? students will know that they are looking at galaxies. Some Why do you think some of the may specifically say, the Milky galaxies in the pictures look Way. Be sure to point out cloudy? these are all spiral galaxies, but not all are the Milky Way. How are we able to see these galaxies? Once the fact that these are So there are several types of galaxy pictures is established galaxies but we live in a spiral the teacher explains that there galaxy called the what, who are several types of galaxies, knows? but that today we are going to focus on just one: The Milky Way, a spiral galaxy and our home.

Someone means a particular student I pick Solar system, space, [galaxies/Milky Way] [we live in the Milky Way] [galaxies are large and full of stars]

Call students by name [Stars] [other things floating around in the galaxies, maybe dust] [telescopes] [Milky Way]

EXPLORATION What the Teacher Will DO Show diagram of Milky Way with our Solar System labeled or clip if projector and Discovery Education is available (all Alachua County teachers have access, but need to know their passwords) What the Teacher Will SAY Probing/Eliciting Questions SLIDE 4 Our solar system in the galaxy Our solar system is just a small part of the Milky way, which is the galaxy we live in as you just saw. So last time I was here we did an investigation to explore the digestive system, and this time were going to use classification, a model, and a video to learn about the Milky Way. Now I want you guys to watch this video as a review of the things we discussed as well as something to make you think more about the Milky Way. SLIDE 5 Disc. Edu. Video on the Milky Way Grab model bag and use it to explain instructionsIm passing out a bag with 10 cards and a sheet of paper. The piece of paper is divided in half and labeled Supported by Evidence and Personal Interpretation. Each card has a statement on it that falls under one of the categories. Your job is to decided as a group which cards fall under which category and why you think it belongs there. What are you going to do when I give you these bags? Student Responses and Potential Misconceptions

Milky Way video

Provide a stack of cards for each group and 2 cards labeled Personal Interpretation and Supported by Evidence. Practice with them how to use these cards by providing something that represents Personal Interpretation and something that represents Evidence (a full moon makes people act strange and the moon revolves around the sun) Tell students that they will now classify each of their cards under one of those statements.

[Separate the cards into the column they fit under and write a reason why on the back] 4

EXPLAINATION What the Teacher Will DO When all the groups have finished, go over the correct classifications by having the students help you place each statement in the correct location. Scientists often make models. Guide them to draw a model of the galaxy and label center core, arms, stars, dust, gas, planets What the Teacher Will SAY Probing/Eliciting Questions SLIDE 6 Student Responses and Potential Misconceptions

You are now going to take 5 minutes to draw a picture of the milky way individually. I will pass out bags to each group that has the materials you need. On the board I am going to post the Key you will use while drawing. I want you to label at least on of every object within your model as well as include the key somewhere on your poster. SLIDE7 Where will the Key be posted for you to look at? What will you include on your poster to identify the different parts of the milky way? Are you going to play with the materials? [the board]

[a Key and one label for each thing] [Definitely not]

Elaboration What the Teacher Will DO Provide materials for the students to create models of the Milky Way Galaxy. What the Teacher Will SAY Probing/Eliciting Questions Im passing every group out some of these cups. Youre going to create the shape of the galaxy your group is assigned. Student Responses and Potential Misconceptions

I want you guys in your groups to analyze different aspects of the models youre going to make. EVALUATION What the Teacher Will DO Provide an individual assessment for each student. Formative Assessment Review their answers to determine success of the lesson. Student Responses and Potential Misconceptions

NAME: _____________________________ (Explore and Explanation) Read the cards that you placed under the Supported by Evidence title. Make a list of all the objects you think you would find in a galaxy. List the Typical Objects found in a Galaxy

Draw what you think our Milky Way Galaxy would look like if you were not in it and could be looking at it from space.

NAME: ______________________________ Assessment SC.5.E.5.1 1. There are billions of galaxies in the universe. What is the name of the galaxy in which our solar system is found? a. Andromeda b. Nebula c. Milky Way d. The Solar System 2. Draw an imaginary galaxy. Dont worry about the shape, but be sure to clearly label at least four items that can be found in a galaxy.

NAME: ______________________________ Assessment SC.5.E.5.1 1. There are billions of galaxies in the universe. What is the name of the galaxy in which our solar system is found? a. Andromeda b. Nebula c. Milky Way d. The Solar System 2. Draw an imaginary galaxy. Dont worry about the shape, but be sure to clearly label at least four items that can be found in a galaxy.

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