DSP Test1 2005

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Discrete-Time Signal Processing Test 1 Fall 2005 2005 10 17 120

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1. (10%) Consider an LTI system with the frequency response H(ejw). Show that when a sinusoidal input x[n] = Asin[w0n+] is applied to this system, the output is also a sinusoidal sequence with the same frequency w0. {Hint: You may need to represent the output in terms of the magnitude response |H(ejw)| and phase response H(ejw), and use the symmetry property that the Fourier transform of any real sequence is conjugate symmetric, i.e., H(ejw) = H*(ejw).} 2. (a) (5%) What is the initially-at-rest condition of a constant-coefficient difference equation? (b) [Fibonacci number] Consider the difference equation y[n] = y[n1] + y[n2] + x[n1]. Assume that it is initially at rest. (b1) (10%) Write down the frequency response of this system. (b2) (10%) Is this system stable? Explain your answer. (b3) (10%) A Fibonacci sequence f[n] is recursively computed by
f [n 1] + f [n 2] n 2 1 f [n ] = n =1 0 n=0

Show that the impulse response of the above system is the Fibonacci sequence. 3. Consider a moving-difference system as follows:

1 0 k y[n] = ( 1) x[n k ] 4 k =3
(a) (5%) Is this system FIR or IIR? (b) (5%) Is this system causal? Explain your answer. (c) (10%) Write down the system function (in z-transform) of this system. List all the poles and zeros of the system function. (d) (5%) Show that the ROC of the system function is the entire z-plane except at z = 0 or z = .

(e) (5%) Write down the magnitude response of this system. Evaluate the magnitude response at w = 0, (1/4), (1/2), (3/4), , and draw a rough sketch of the magnitude response within the range [, ]. ( 2 1.414 ) (f) (5%) According to the magnitude response of this system, is this system approximate to a high-pass or a low-pass filter? Explain your answer. 4. (a) (5%) Consider a real-valued signal x[n] with frequency response X(ejw). Show that the frequency response of the time-reversed signal x[n] is X*(ejw). (b) (10%) Let a FIR system with system function H(z) be given as follows: x[n] H(z) v[n] s[n] H(z) g[n]

Assume that the impulse response h[n] is real-valued. Consider a cascading system having the real-valued input x[n] and the output y[n]. The output is obtained by setting s[n] = v[n] and y[n] = g[n]. Question: Find the magnitude and phase responses of the cascading system. 5. (5%) Determine the inverse z-transform of the following:
1 1 z 3 X (z ) = 1 1 + z 1 3 1

, x[n] is a right-sided sequence.

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