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PKL in PT.

I am Elly Eko.S, I will tell you about the eksperience when implement PKL in PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU for 3 months. PKL periods are times that make heads spin. A vacational students would implement PKL. What the PKL ?? PKL is a practice field (praktek kerja lapangan), which means that a student is considered successful in vacational competence he took in the vacational high school. When I first heard the word PKL who are is my mind and I am sure there BOS men should be ready to handle the chores. On 2 july 2012, is the date and the first day I implement PKL in PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU. It felt nervous, scared, happy, so one. Before implement the activities of PKL, I was with my friends from other schoolsmare also PKL in PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU collected in a room and there we were given interviews about what it PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU, what products are sold, the marketing is done PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU to sell their products. Besides we also taught a walk around the PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU in order to get to know more about the environment there. In this first meeting I was told by one employee that I and my friends Yuli is placed in the laboratory. The second day, me and Yuli delivered by one of the employees to the laboratory. There we were introduced the employees in the field. We happy because there employees good and funny, but there is a feeling of shame because the employees likes it there the majority of men. The second day we are still stiff to perfom work activities. How we were taught how to sterilization room, fertilizer analysis, making media for bacteria growth, and how to calculate the bacteria using a microscope. Lose of new sciences that we get there. There we are also taught to discipline in attitude, work, and time. On day 7, the events that occurred up to now I can not forget. I solved laboratory equipment. The fear of being scolded always there in my mind, but alhamdulillah everything is fine. Employees there do not yell at me, but they just said that I should be more cautious in the future. The time kept going, with in 2 weeks of thank god I was able to understand about the work there. Implement PKL there fun but also boring, want it was right back to school. Time goes so fast, with out feeling already dated 28 September 2012. My last day there PKL carry. Sad, glad thats what I felt at that moment. implement PKL in PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU is one experience I will never forget and will always be remembered by my obvious. There is also where I get the sciences that hat not been I get. Thanks to PT.PETROKIMIA KAYAKU and field laboratory for the cooperation that has existed.

ELLY EKO.S / XII-AK 1 / 16

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