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The healing power of spiritual breathing.

Anonym ous

MY GOAL: At the end of Scenario 07, lll be able to ask and answer questions using the phrase how many1 , lll be able to give short answers using simple present tense and lll be able to use the phrases there is and there are. With the reading materials, lll explore and develop the power and potential of spiritual breathing.
W e use how many to ask about countable nouns.


How many gurus are in the temple? How many rooms does the temple have? How many people do they know?

Does Kevin Costner have 7 Oscars fo r his movie Dances w ith W olves? Yes, he has those awards in his mansin. H ow many Kevin Costner movies do you know? The Bodyguard, Robn H ood and T h e Untouchables.


a in
Exercise 1
1- Complete the dialogue. a: ___________ y o u _____ in a house? _ in a temple. it _________ a yard?

b: No, I
a: What's it like? b: Yes, it _____

. It's next to the river. alone?

_________ you ____ _ a: That sounds nice._ a: No, I ___________ . I b: How many people__________ a: W e ___________ twenty five. b: That's a big community. ______ a: Yes, we ___________ . I t ____ 2- Complete the dialogue.

with my community. in the community?

ten rooms.

a big temple?

JO E : ____________ you _ SUE: No, I JOE; Where

I you live?

a car? the bus.

SUE: I live near here, on Main Street. JO E : _____________you walk to school? SUE: No, I ____________ . My dad takes me. JO E ; _____________ ca rs_____________your
father have?

SUE: H e______ JOE: SUE:No, JO E;___ SUE:

two cars. he take you everyday? ___ . My mom takes me sometimes. she drive well? , sh e________ . Shes an excellent driver.

JOE; Ok. Sue, time to go. See you later!


38 Thirty-eight

Ask and answer questions about Sue. Does Sue have a car? 2- Does Sue walk to school? 3- Does Sue drive to school? How many cars does her dad have? Do you drive?

Write four questions and answers about your partner.

What is breath therapy? Breath therapy is a healing art based on ancient eastern disciplines, as well as modern western methods. It represents a unique approach to wellness in spirit, mind and body. Breath therapy is based on two central concepts. The first concept states that, in the average person, the breathing mechanism is used at only a fraction of its potential. The normal or healthy breathing system that we are all born with has been damaged and inhibited by a number of conditions and events beginning at birth. Some of these damaging experiences include family and cultural influences, as well as every physical and emotional trauma you have ever lived through. The second concept states that when the natural breathing state is restored, every system in the body begins to work better. We find that breath itself naturally heals and renews body, mind and spirit. Your breathing system needs to be healed and brought back to the level that nature intended for it. Conscious breathing becomes a very powerful self-directed healing process. The breath reveis itself to be an untapped natural resource and a therapeutic tool for health, growth and change.



The practice of breath therapy involves the application of breathing awareness and breathing tecniques in a number of settings and for a variety of purposes, ranging from peak athletic performance to profound spiritual awakening, from substance abuse prevention to Creative artistic expression. Breath therapy exercises are designed to allow you to discover and explore the power and potential of breathing. Breath therapy techniques offer quick, effective ways to clear your head, settle your stomach, calm your nerves and open your heart.
- Dan Brule, breathwork teacher

Breath therapy is always presented and practiced in a heart-centered atmosphere with certain goals or parameters in mind: wholeness and oneness, freedom and safety, energy and liveliness, peace and power, health and happiness, love and enlightenment.


1-The Technique
Breath therapy makes use of a number of specific breathing techniques and exercises. Some of these exercises have an immediate effect. Some of the techniques are used to probe the breathing mechanism for breathing problems or inhibiting patterns. Some techniques are used to trigger relaxation, others are used to actvate, control or direct vital energy.

2-The Surroundings
The environment, physical as well as emotional, in which the techniques are learned and practiced, is also crucial to success. The results of practicing in a comfortable setting with gentle loving people will be very different than the results of practicing in an uncom fortable space w ithin a hostile crowd.

3- The Teacher
Water only rises to its own level. Its easier to leam parachuting from someone who has done it many times and has always loved it, instead of someone who is a novice and has less e x p e rie n ce than you.

4- The Mind of the Breather

Your beliefs, attitudes and expectations will directly influence the effects and outcomes of the breathing practice. Your purpose and intentions while practicing the techniques will determine your results to a great extent.

5- Something else/The Unexpected

Although its possible to perform a technique incorrectly, to practice it in the worst possible circumstances, to learn it from a terrible teacher and to do it for all the wrong reasons, something wonderful might still spark.


40 Forty


Breath watching (Insight meditation) The Consciousness Factor Engaging the exhale (Relaxation response) The Release Factor Charging the heart (Energy breathing) The Energy Factor Belly breathing (Diaphragmatic breathing) Equalizing the flow (Finding the valve) Connected breathing (Circular rhythm) Quadrant breathing (4 crner exercises) Alternate nostril breathing (Pranayama) Reverse respiration (Chi Kung exercise) Breathing into the three primary breathing spaces Two-phase breathing (Breath energy training) Holding exercises Breath sounds Personal practice/ advanced techniques

SINGULAR Affirmative form Negative form Question form Short answers
There is. There isnt. Is there? Yes, there i

There are. There arent. Are there? Yes, there are.

Write each sentence using tttie re is and there are. a. I don't have a televisin in my office. b. I have some pictures on the wall. c. I have a VCR on the desk. d. I don't have a fax machine. e. I have a refrigerator in my office. I don't have a coffee table in my office.

Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises
For thousands of years, the Chi Kung was taught and practiced in secret, within small closed groups. Only in the last 30 or 40 years, it has become known to great num bers of people in China and throughout the world. Chi Kung is one of the oldest forms of Chinese medicine. Many teachers have tried to make the system mysterious, offering little bits of information at a time, and only to loyal followers. Self-training and practice of Chi Kung removes mental barriers and increases the flow of energy throughout the body, healing and restoring vitality and balance to spirit, mind, and body. When chi, the circulating life energy thought to be inherent in all things, cannot flow through the body, it builds up where it is not wanted or needed and other parts of the body dont get enough of it. This principie is well known and proven through acupuncture.

When you learn the basics of chi kung and begin to practice it, you can: - Improve your metabolism and your digestin - Control your weight - Regain a more youthful appearance - Stimulate your lymphatic system - Build up your immune system (become less susceptible to viruses, etc) - Recover faster from illness and injury - Improve circulation - Balance your energy - Elimnate the symptoms of arthritis and chronic fatigue - Slow down the aging process - Reduce stress, muscle cramps and mental blocks - Increase oxygen supply to your body cells, tissues and organs - Improve the strength of joints and increase mobility and flexibility - Reduce pain - Strengthen and soothe the nervous system - Feel more calm, content and energetic Energy blocks, excess or lack of chi may result from disease, injury or stress. Sickness, pain, and other health anomalies are caused when chi energy is blocked. Chi kung or qi gong is the Science and practice of chi. Chi kung literally means energy cultivation. Physical and mental health can be improved by learning how to maniplate chi through controlled breathing, movement, and acts of will. The Science of chi and energy cultivation underlies all of the martial arts and every healing art in the Far East. There are five major schools of Chi Kung: BUDDHISM: Focuses on the development of mental clarity and ultmate freedom TAOISM: Focuses on longevity and for the cultivation of spiritual character. CONFUCIANISM: The moral q u e s tfo r self-knowledge, and energy training. MARTIAL ARTS: Focuses on physical health, self-defense and mental mastery. MEDICAL: For the prevention of diseases and the treatm ent of illnesses.

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