Exhibit 3-3:: Personal Summary of Conflict Approach Assessment and Plan

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Exhibit 3-3:

Personal Summary of Conflict Approach Assessment and Plan

My attitude towards conflict is Mostly positive ____________More negative than positive___________ Fairly to very negative_______________ I plan to work toward having a more open and positive attitude toward conflict: Yes_________ No_____________

The conflict attitude of my immediate family during my childhood was Mostly positive______ More negative than positive___________

Fairly to very negative______________ The conflict strategy used most often in my immediate family during my childhood was Avoidance_________ Management____________ Resolution_________

The conflict strategy used most often by the organization with which I have been involved is/was Avoidance______ Management_____________ Resolution___________

I regularly use systems thinking when diagnosing and analyzing conflict: Yes__________ No____________

I plan to work toward using a system approach in diagnosing and analyzing conflict: Yes_____ No____________

Practice Problems:
Problem 1:
Two work associates consistently differ in their approach and recommendations regarding system utilized in the department and projects undertaken in the department. Is this conflict is constructive or destructive? This conflict is constructive because they consistently differ in their approach and recommendations for the system utilized in the departments and projects. So they dont have personal dislikes with each other.it is the type of conflict that produces well thought-out- decisions with knowledge of impact.so if they have differ in their recommendations and approaches, it will give an additional information to the organization What would you do to discover destructive and constructive elements and effects? We will check that either they have personal dislikes between them or not. If it will be destructive then there will be low productivity of their work. They will not respect to each other. Their behavior will show that either they have constructive conflict or destructive conflict. If they differ will be in benefit of organization it means they are on constructive conflict. So we can analyze their behavior, attitude towards each other. We can give them a mutual task to improve the system utilization in the department Which strategy would you use ---avoidance, management, or resolution? All the strategies are depending on situation.in this situation we will manage the conflict between these two work associates. Managing conflict constructively may be approached in a compromising or collaborative style. We will not break this conflict if its results are in better thoughts and ideas. Most of the organizations create such type of conflicts to increase creativity, more diversity and higher productivity.

Problem 2:
You have a dispute with a contractor. He refuses to take an action that he says is not required by the contract? Is this constructive or destructive conflict? It is the destructive conflict. What strategy will you use? Why? Resolving conflict is best course of action when behaviors are destructive. We have interdependency on the contracter.so we will use resolution rather than managing or avoiding.in resolving technique we have three options (1) try to change the situation (2) try to change the other person or (3) try to change yourself.in this conflict we have interdependency on contractor so we will try to change the contractor thoughts to gain our interest. He is right on his side that he cannot take an action outside of interest so we have to negotiate with contractor.

Problem 3: You believe that your boss insulted you and placed you in a bad light in the eyes of your peers. You are livid.s
Is this constructive or destructive conflict? This is a destructive conflict, because there is a personal anger due to insult. Which strategy will be the most effective? Why? I will temporarily avoid this conflict because I cannot quarrel with my boss.it may cause problems for me to create conflict with my boss.so I can use avoiding resolution technique because I have interdependency on my boss.so avoiding resolution is best technique for this situation. Fisrt temporarily avoid and then resolve the conflict by changing the situation or any other option.

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