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Summary: Alternate Universe. Four kingdoms where blood means everything. Four Elements. Four maidens. Four warriors.

One mission: to protect what is right and to maintain peace and order into the land of Haleina. But what happens when jealousy comes in their way?

Chapter 1: The Four Kingdoms [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter] Elemental Love Summary: Alternate Universe. Four kingdoms where blood means everything. Four Elements. Four maidens. Four warriors. One mission: to protect what is right and to maintain peace and order into the land of Haleina. But what happens when jealousy comes in their way? Disclaimer: I own only those that you dont recognize.. The things that you do recognize belong to J.K. Rowling. Chapter 1: The Four Kingdoms In the magical land of Haleina, it was divided into four kingdoms: Malaya, Arkhanta, Yua, and Halconia. Their god, Bathala entrusted to them the jewels of the elements of earth, wind, fire and water; these control the balance of nature and contain enormous powers that are used for the benefit of good. Malaya guards the jewel of the earth; Arkhanta protects the jewel of the wind, Yua the jewel of water while Halconia, the jewel of fire. Malaya is where the mortals live peacefully, Arkhanta is where witches and wizards dwell, Yua is where fairies reside while Halconia is where the most wicked wizards, the Death Eaters inhabit. The greedy Death Eaters wanted the four jewels to themselves so it was separately given to the three other kingdoms. War sparked against the three kingdoms and because of Bathalas fear that the peace and order of the four kingdoms, he also chose four men to protect the peace and order of the kingdoms and the four keepers of the four jewels. Our story begins at Malaya where a celebration was at hand because their Queen Violet has given birth to the youngest daughter, Princess Lily Jasmine Evans. The Evanses have an older child named Petunia Rose who was two years old. Violet had brown hair and green eyes and looked beautiful wearing a gold dress and a matching robe with a small train. What a beautiful child, Violet. Alona, the Queen of the Fairies said looking at the baby in Violets arms. She looks exactly like her mother except for her fathers eyes. King Xander entered the room, with a grim expression in his face, Xander has brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing his warrior outfit that looked like he just came from a battle while Violet had red hair and brown eyes.

What is it, Xander? Alona asked. Its Queen Leanne Potter, shes dead. Alona and Violet looked shocked, Xander continued, She was on her way to bury her husband Adrian who died in the war against the Death Eaters. A surprise attack from them left her dead. Prince James is missing, dead I sppose, while his twin, Princess Vitanni was the only one found. A soldier strode over to the Queen and showed her the baby princess. Violet gave the baby Princess Lily to her nurse and took the Arkhantan Princess into her arms. Alona sat in a chair. I still cant believe that theyre gone. Violet stood up, with the baby princess Vitanni and said, Princess Vitanni shall stay here and will be somewhat like Lily and Petunias sister. But we must silence the kingdoms about Vitanni surviving the attack. I fear that the Death Eaters will be after the princess and the sole ruler of Arkhanta. She will take her place as Queen when she is ready. Eight years later: Kitanna come back here! Lily exclaimed, running after the Princess of the Fairies. Lily had red hair and green eyes and was wearing an earth green off- shoulder dress with a crown of flowers. Kitanna laughed as she ran towards the gardens, she was clutching a small book that belonged to Lily. She had long black hair and honey colored eyes and was wearing a crimson and gold silver gold sleeveless dress and a ruby and gold hairpiece. Come and get it! she yelled. Lily stopped to rest. Feeling irritated, she used her powers. Kitanna was still running around until she hit a large tree. Ow, No fair Lily. You used your powers! Kitanna said as Lily caught up to her. Lily took her book from her friend, Dont mess with this earth princess. Oh yeah, Kitanna said, feeling irritated, How about this. She threw a ball of fire into Lily tree. Lily! Kitanna! Carol, the Queens serving maid said, rushing after the two princesses. Kitanna and Vitanni stopped using their powers; the burning tree was gone. Im surprised to see two eight year old Princesses running around like they were two year olds! Queen Violets serving maid, Carol scolded, how many times have I told you that as.. .. Future Queens of Haleina you must be at your best behavior. The two muttered to themselves while Carol scolded the two. Now, Carol said, Your mother has arrived, Princess Kitanna. She and your parents, Princess Lily

wishes to speak to the two of you. The two nodded. And made their way towards the throne room. Throne room: Lily, Kitanna, and their friend, Vitanni and Petunia entered the throne room. Petunia had mousy brown hair and brown eyes, she looked slightly gorgeous but she envied her sister more because the people loved her more since she was had powers. She wore a purple dress and a white tiara. The guards, people of the court, bowed as the princesses walked towards the thrones of their parents. Carol and Alonas serving maid, Shyla stood behind the Queen Alonas throne. King Xander sat a large throne and on his right was Queen Violet and at the Kings left was Queen Alona. Vitanni grew into a young Arkhantan princess, she had long black hair and hazel eyes, and she was wearing a white sleeveless dress with a crown of feathers. At the age of five, she already knew the truth, that she is the last of the Arkhantans. The four Princesses bowed toward the three rulers. Lily, Vitanni, Kitanna, Xander said, Meet Adrianna, she motioned towards the small girl their age with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a simple dress, Her father, the high priest and your uncle, was killed by the Death Eaters. Now I want you to be friends with her, okay. She shall be staying in the palace and once she turns sixteen she shall be one of the priestesses. The three princesses bowed with agreement. Now, Carol. Violet spoke, Dress up Adrianna. From now on, call her Princess Adrianna. Understand? Carol nodded, bowing. And motioned Adrianna to follow her. Petunia asked, Mother what is so special about that girl anyway? She possesses powers just like your sister, Vitanni and Kitanna. Now, I want you to treat her like a sister. The Queen said. No, Mother. Petunia said, I refuse to treat her like a sister. Shes not a real princess anyway! Petunia stormed off. Violet sighed. Alona said, Petunia can be pretty hard headed. Violet and Xander nodded. Palace gardens: Adrianna walked along the beautiful gardens of the Palace, as she walked guards and mortals bowed. She was thinking of her fathers death and this wonderful place of Haleina. Violets serving maid helped her dress up and now, she was wearing a blue off-shoulder dress, a headband of pearls and a

necklace of shells. Suddenly, she heard a scream. She ran towards where she heard the scream. She saw Princess Vitanni in a high tree, she seemed to be stuck and the tree was on fire. HELP! Vitanni cried. Adrianna concentrated and water coming from the fountain was splashed towards the burning tree. The fire was extinguished, she was about to climb the tree when Vitanni said, Wait, dont climb. The tree shrunk and Vitanni was on the ground. That was great, Adrianna, Vitanni said as Kitanna and Lily approached them, You just passed our test. Adrianna was about to bow when Kitanna stopped her, You dont need to bow to us. Youre one of us now. One of us? Adrianna repeated. It means that you also possess powers just like us. An youre my cousin, why bow to us? Lily answered. What about Petunia? I dont think she likes me. Dont worry about that sister of mine, shes really that evil. Shes just jealous that we have extraordinary powers not her. Really? Yeah, Vitanni said, reassuringly. So dont worry about her, were here for you. Your lucky that you have families not like me. My family was killed and I was the only one who survived. Vitanni added. My father was killed by the Death Eaters. Kitanna said. He was a fairy just like me. Youre not the only one who lost loved ones. Cheer up, here in this Palace. We dont permit anyone to be sad around us. You have us now, Lily said, cheering her up. So, Friends? Kitanna asked. Friends. That night: Petunia entered her mothers quarters. You called me, Mother? she asked as her mother signaled the servant to leave.

Yes. Why is it that you dislike the idea of Adrianna staying here? Violet asked. I dont want anyone to steal your attention from me, Petunia answered. That will not happen. Her mother said. I love the two of you. How did she become my cousin anyway? Her father was your fathers brother. Now, will you respect Adrianna as your sister? Petunia nodded. Good. Violet gave her daughter a hug. Time will come that one of you will become Queen and when that happens you have to work together to make sure the kingdom is in peace and order. And that would be me. Petunia thought. I shall become Queen! And theres nothing Lily and Adrianna can do.

Chapter 2: Eight Years Later [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter] Elemental Love Summary: Four Kingdoms where blood means everything. Four maidens. Four warriors. One mission: to protect what is right and to maintain peace an order in the land of Haleina. But what if jealousy is an obstacle? Disclaimer: I own nothing. I only own those you dont recognize but the stuff that you do recognize belong to J.K. Rowling. Author's note: James' name here is Jonathan..You'll see why in the later chapters. Chapter 2: Eight Years later Palace of Yua It had been eight years since Adrianna have entered the five princesses lives. Kitanna, Lily, Vitanni have been friends with her ever since and the four grew into beautiful and powerful maidens. Petunia on the other hand, loathed the four even more because along with their elemental powers, they had a possessed a few powers: Kitanna has the power of telekinesis and can read and control peoples minds, Lily has healing powers and can talk to animals, Vitanni can fly and can go invisible, and Adrianna is a physic and can imitate people. Queen Alona was attending to the village council when her serving maid, Shyla, entered. She bowed to

the council and the queen and said, Your Majesty, the four Princesses have disappeared again. The Queen of the Fairies sighed, Here they go again. Do you really think the four princesses can really take care of the three kingdoms, Sir Albus? She asked the old wizard on her left. Albus Dumbledore answered, Yes, Your Highness I never lost faith in them. They seemed to be strong willed and determined to protect what is right. I just hope youre right Sir Albus. I hope you are right. At the Yuan city Princess Kitanna walked around the busy marketplace, smiling at the things she sees. Vendors showing their customers their goods, women carrying large bags filled with their purchase, children running around. Kitanna wore a red cloak that covered her face to make sure the palace servants dont recognize her in case they were running some errands. Hey mate, check this out. a thief by the name of James said, to his fellow thief, Remus Lupin. Jonathan had messy jet-black hair, and hazel eyes while Remus had sandy hair and blue eyes. Looks like someone rich by the looks of it. He pointed to a girl walking toward to look at the jewelry a vendor was selling. Why is it that whenever you drag me to the market place, all you think about is stealing? Remus asked as she watched the girl purchase a jade necklace. Heck, its the way we live, mate. Jonathan said as he followed the girl. Kitanna was happy at her purchased necklace and made her way toward the forest where she was planning to meet Lily, Vitanni and Adrianna. Her instinct felt as if she was being followed and quickly walked towards an alley just outside the marketplace. Jonathan and Remus followed her to the alley. And saw nothing. Where is she? Jonathan asked. Out of nowhere, Kitanna charged Jonathan with her gold sais. Jonathan and Remus drew out his sword and skillfully fought the girl, along the way; the hood of her cloak fell and revealed how beautiful the Princess was. Kitanna managed to disarm Jonathan and Remus and pointed her sais at their necks. Why were you following me? She asked. The two didnt answer. Spit it out! Kitanna yelled, Or I will do it for you. Kitanna! Lily called as she ran towards her, holding a sword. What happened? You were supposed to meet us at the waterfalls when Adrianna had a vision of you! Lily was also wearing a cloak but only hers was green.

Kitanna lowered her weapon; Its nothing, Lily. I just fought with two robbers. She indicated at the two. Do you want to finish them? Lily asked, Because I can help you. She brandished her sword against Jonathan's neck. Its not worth it. Lets go. Kitanna put her hood back on and focused on her powers. Jonathan and Remus suddenly felt nauseous and fell asleep on the alley. The two Princesses walked towards the waterfalls. At the waterfalls in the middle of the forest Adrianna removed her dark blue cloak and was wearing a white off-shoulder dress. She slowly stepped into the falls chilly waters and gently lowered her body. Hey guys! She said as the three came toward the falls. Come and join me, the waters great. Vitanni removed her white cloak and joined her friend, while Lily and Kitanna did the same. The three enjoyed the cool water and started swimming around, laughing and having a bit of fun. Unknown to them, they were being watched. Sirius Black watched the Princesses as they splashed each other with water. He was just on his way to the marketplace to find his two comrades, Jonathan and Remus when he heard laughing and shouting, he followed the sound until he reached the waterfalls and saw the four Princesses. Sirius had black hair and grey eyes and was also wearing simple peasant clothes. The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes smote him as she splashed water at a girl with red hair. Babe watching, I see. Remus said as he and Jonathan sat alongside him. Where have you guys been? Sirius asked, Your dad, Jonathan, has been looking for you! Jonathan sighed, Went to the marketplace to steal but met a girl who can kick ass and woke up in the alley. Sirius laughed, Thats preposterous! Believe it. I was there. Remus exclaimed. Come on, lets go. Jonathan said, beckoning them. Dad might be looking for us. And the three left towards where they lived. Back to the Yuan Palace, an hour later The three returned to the palace fresh from their baths at the waterfalls. They were talking about something when the captain of the soldiers, Derrick, welcomed the girls. Derrick has a crush on

Kitanna ever since they were kids he watched as her three friends went ahead to change. Kitanna. Derrick said, Where have you been? Shyla has been looking for you. Oh, here and there, Kitanna answered, Why? Nothing. Just curious. Kitanna smiled, I gotta go. Derrick smiled back and watched Kitanna walk away. Despite Kitanna being the heir to the Yuan throne, which according to the law of Haleina, is forbidden to love, he still loved her and would protect her no matter what. In the edge of Yuas forest: Dad! Jonathan called as he entered the tent of his fathers tent. Where are you? A man in his fifties wearing robes named Ethan exited his room and said, Yeah, Im here. Remus, Sirius and I saw those four girls bathing in the water again. And this time I found out three of the fours names: Kitanna, Adrianna and Lily. Jonathan said as he sat alongside his father. Ethan recognized one of the names, Isnt Kitanna the princess of the fairies? I heard she is the only child of Queen Alona and the sole heir to the throne. And that Lily, Adrianna must be a princesses like her. Jonathan said dreamily, I never knew that Queen Alona had a daughter? But that Lily was beautiful. Ethan stomped his daydream. Do you really think you could love a princess like her? Youre just a thief. Shes only fit to marry someone whos as rich and powerful as she is. His son sighed. What choice has he got? Jonathan stepped out of his fathers tent and sat started climbing a tree next to his fathers tent. He sat at a branch and watched the splendid view of the Palace from the tree; it was beautiful scenery at night. One day hell be staying the Palace having valets and servants at his beck and call. Back at the waterfalls: Lily walked towards the waterfalls singing a song. She was wearing her green cloak that hid her face so no one would recognize her and held a small basket. As she reached the waterfalls she sat at the edge and gazed into her reflection. She started picking flowers and placed it in her basket. Her friends loved to hang around in the waterfalls just to simply escape the Palace. Nice place to think, huh? a male voice behind her asked. She took out her sword and turned to the person. The man blocked her sword. Whoa, I came here in peace.

Arent you the guy my friend fought with the other day? Lily asked, lowering her sword. You were the one who tried to steal from her. Jonathan shrugged. That was my plan until you came along. I never realized you were that beautiful. Lily threw a few of her flowers at him. I never thought I would meet a fairy as arrogant and as egoistic as you! James laughed, For your information, Im a wizard. And I never thought that Id meet a beautiful fairy like you. Lily stood up, with a basket of flowers in her hands. I am a witch born to a mortal family. And if I were you, I would back off or- -Or else what? Jonathan asked teasingly, Youll kill me with your sword? Please, I could injure you in a matter of seconds. Itll be a sinch. The Malayan Princess put her basket down and said, One more and I swear youll be sorry! Kitanna, Vitanni and Adrianna walked towards the waterfalls to find Lily confronting James, they were all wearing their cloaks, Kitannas was crimson, and Vitannis was white and Adriannas dark blue. LILY! Kitanna called. Lily turned and saw her friends coming to meet her. YOU AGAIN? Kitanna exclaimed, advancing on James. Havent I told you to lay off? Okay, Lily said, picking up her basket of flowers. Why dont we just leave. Before Derrick sends troops to find us. Kitanna, Vitanni and Adrianna ignored the thief and dashed off. Back at campsite: Jonathan walked towards his fathers tent and was surprise to find Sirius and Remus inside. He sat down alongside them and sighed. Why do I have a feeling that you went to meet with those girls we saw in the waterfalls? Remus said as his best friend helped himself to an apple. What makes you say that? James asked as he took a bit at his apple. Nothing. Mate, didnt your dad tell you that you should forget about that girl because youre just a thief. Sirius said. They might just be like my family, mind you. Sirius was from an aristocratic family in Arkhanta, they were so snobby and obsessed with their riches that he couldnt take it anymore. So he

ran away from home at the age of sixteen and ended up meeting Jonathan and Remus. Are you guys saying that because I cant snag the girl I like? Jonathanasked. Maybe. Well, just you wait. Ill have Lily falling for me in no time. Back at the Palace: Lily went to the altar and placed the flowers she picked on Bathalas statue, she burned incense. She closed her eyes and put her hands together to pray. She was wearing a green one-shoulder gown, an emerald and silver headdress and had vines twisted in her arm. Suddenly, she felt as if she was being watched. She shrugged off the feeling and focused in her prayer. After her prayer, she went to the room she was using while shes visiting Yua. Her sword was in her bed as since she removed it as she changed right after her walk in the waterfalls. So, a voice said. Did you miss me already? Lily took her sword out but Jonathan blocked it. What are you doing here? Oh just wanted to know if you already missed me or not. Lily put her weapon down and sat in her bed. Listen, why dont we fight. If you win: You can call the guards to chuck me out but if you lose: youre mine! Jonathan said. Lily took her sword once more and charged him. With pleasure! The two fought for awhile. Jonathan blocked Lilys sword and said, Are you tired? Lily thrust her sword but Jonathan skillfully managed to block it. Are you crazy? Im just getting warmed up. After fifteen minutes of fighting, Jonathan managed to disarm Lily. Ha! Youre mine. Oh yeah? Lily asked, GUARDS! Jonathan ran to hide once more as Lily ran to get the guards. When the Malayan Princess returned, he was gone. Malaya after three days: The four Princesses went to Malaya to receive their final test to their training: to fight against someone who holds the key to the kingdom, whoever gets the key is the next person to rule the kingdom. Petunia would be joining them since she also is eligible to the throne. Although Kitanna and Vitanni were not from Malaya, they were to fight the person who has the key to their respective kingdoms.

The five entered the training post outside the Palace. They were wearing a two piece warrior attire made of leather. Kitanna wore a ruby necklace, Lily was wearing an emerald one, and Vitannis was diamond while Adriannas, sapphire. The five clutched their weapons: Petunias was a sword, Lilys was also a sword, Vitannis was an arnis stick one in each hand, Adriannas was a spear while Kitannas was golden sais. The village councils of Malaya, Arkhanta and Yua only King Adrian was present while the two Queens were nowhere to be seen. Sir Albus Dumbledore said, The rules are simple, Your highness. Take down your opponents and retrieve the key to the three kingdoms. Only three of you shall win while the rest will leave disappointed. He indicated the two cloaked persons wearing the keys around their necks. The five talked amongst themselves. Why dont we let Adrianna go first, Petunia said in a mock sweet voice. Adrianna said, Sure. A princess fears nothing. Adrianna stepped in and got ready for battle while the cloaked person stepped in and readied itself. She attacked her opponent but missed. The two dueled until her opponent managed to disarm her and point her spear against her. Adrianna lost. You have fought well, Princess Adrianna but your strength was not enough. Adrianna placed a fist in her heart and bowed, she left to watch her friends duel. It was now Kitannas turn. The Princess of Fairies fought her opponent skillfully and in just thirty minutes, she pointed her sais at her rivals neck. I think that belongs to me. It gave her the necklace with the key. Well done, my daughter. Alona said, removing her cloak. She was her opponent. Now, you have just proven yourself worthy to be the future Queen of Yua. Kitanna smiled and bowed to her mother. She walked alongside her mother toward where Adrianna was standing. Top that, Petunia. Kitanna whispered as she walked over. It was now Vitannis turn. The Arkhantan fought gallantly until she finally had the key in her neck. That was fun. It was now Petunias turn to fight. Lily saw that as she was starting to have a hard time. She rushed to her sisters aid but in the end: she was the one who held the key in her hand. Violet removed her hood. Well done! She gave her two daughters a hug. Even if you didnt win, Petunia. I still admired the way you gallantly fought against me. Petunia felt a rush of anger towards her sister. She was supposed to be the future Queen not her freak of a sister. Petunia broke from her mothers hug and dashed off to her room.

Petunias room: Petunia was wearing her elegant gowns once more. She gazed at the window of her room. Thinking where she had gone wrong. Her mother entered her room she was wearing a beige dress and a tiara made of silver in her head. Is something wrong, Petunia? I didnt see you in the celebration for the next heirs to the thrones. She sighed. I wanted to be Queen, Mother. I wanted to show that I can be better than that freak. But you lost, Violet replied, You know that the law states that Queens can never fall in love. The kingdom is her love, sometimes, you have to marry not for love, but because its required to. Take this advantage to marry someone and have children, not just simply to have a child to be your heir but because you and your husband love each other. Petunia gave her mother a hug, Thanks, Mum. It was in the party that she made up her mind: Lily, Kitanna and Vitanni may someday become the Queens of Malaya, Yua an Arkhanta but one way or another she will find a way to make their lives as miserable as possible. Chapter 3: Let the war begin and Petunia's discovery [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter] Elemental Love Summary: Four Kingdoms where blood means everything. Four maidens. Four warriors. One mission: to protect what is right and to maintain peace an order in the land of Haleina. But what if jealousy is an obstacle? Disclaimer: I own nothing. I only own those you dont recognize but the stuff that you do recognize belong to J.K. Rowling. Chapter 3: Let the War begin Malaya, Two weeks later: A spy for Malaya ran toward the gates of the Palace, he was wounded and suffered from fatigue. He had just narrowly escaped the hands of the Death Eaters in Halconia. He overheard Voldemort, their leader, that they plan on waging war against the three kingdoms to have the four elemental jewels. The spy ran towards the Palace doors and into the throne room. He bowed before the King, Queen and the three Princesses. Your Majesty. The Death Eaters are planning to wage war against the three kingdoms in order to gain the four elements. With that, the spy fainted. The Queen said as the soldiers took the spy to the Palace infirmary, Send a message to Queen Alona in Yua, Princess Vitanni and Sir Albus in Arkhanta (A/N: Vitanni isnt a queen yet, shes just visiting

Arkhanta and speaking to the village council). We must get ready immediately. After an hour, the messages were sent to the two other kingdoms and in no time, Queen Alona and her daughter Kitanna, Sir Albus and Vitanni went to Malaya with soldiers from the three kingdoms. It is now time, my children, Queen Violet said as the four element keepers sat around the village councils and surrounded by their soldiers. For you to guard your respective jewels since you were chosen to protect it by Bathala. Derrick came in carrying four jewels in an ancient box. For you, Adrianna is the jewel of water, The Malayan Queen handed her a pear-shaped sapphire jewel. Adrianna accepted it. For you, Princess Vitanni. Sir Albus said, handing her a circular diamond jewel, The element of the Arkhantans, the jewel of the wind. Vitanni accepted it. For my heir, Queen Alona said, The jewel of fire. Alona handed her daughter a triangular shaped ruby jewel. And finally, for my heir to the Malayan throne, Violet said, giving her daughter a square shaped emerald jewel. The element of the Malayans, the element of earth. The four felt the jewels power rush towards them. Defend your jewels well. Sir Albus said to the four princesses. For they hold extraordinary powers that the Death Eaters are dying to have, use it well. At the edge of the Malayan forest: The Death Eaters walked towards the lands of Malaya. King Xander yelled to their troops, Show them that they have messed with the wrong Malayans, Arkhantans and Yuans! Kitanna, Vitanni, and Adrianna and Lily, who joined the Malayan King to fight against the Death Eaters shouted, CHARGE! The troops advanced on the Death Eaters, war ravaged the once peaceful forests. King Xander stabbed with his sword a Death Eater. He saw the evil leader of the Halconia walking towards him, killing every soldier that comes into the way. Voldemort had a snake- like face and was wearing black robes. The two faced each other. Xander, what a pleasant surprise. The evil leader of Halconia said, I thought that you would curl up into your castle and watched your men die in my hands. Come to avenge your brothers death? Andrew was a good man. How dare you kill him. Xander replied. He started to thrust his sword at Voldemort, but he blocked it. Brave of you, King Xander, Voldemort exclaimed, Too bad your bravery will just take you to your

grave. Xander fought hard while Voldemort skillfully blocked every single attack of his opponent. In the end, the evil one stabbed his opponent. Lily and Adrianna, seeing from afar the two fight, yelled, NO! The two ran and rushed to the kings side, they took over the Xanders fight with the leader of the Death Eater. Voldemort fought the two skillfully he managed to disarm Adrianna. Lily and Voldemort were face to face. How touching, the daughter fighting for her father, Voldemort said in a sarcastic voice. The Princess managed to hit Voldemort in the arm, a nasty gash could be seen in his robes. That was for my father, uncle and all those innocent lives you murdered. Lily replied. Kitanna and Vitanni rushed to the scene, killing every Death Eater along the way. The two pointed their weapons at him. This is not over, Princess. I will return and when that comes, Ill make sure all the jewels are in my hands. And well be ready. Adrianna replied, standing. Voldemort yelled. RETREAT! The remaining Death Eaters and Voldemort Disapparated, they were gone. The four rushed towards fallen king. The soldiers gathered around him and put their swords down and kneeled before them. Lily, Vitanni, Kitanna and Adrianna had tears in their eyes. You have done well, Lily. Xander said, reaching for his daughters hand, Adrianna, Vitanni and Kitanna, rule well. Please tell your mother and sister that I love them so much. Avenge the deaths of your families. Lily, too sad to talk nodded. Farewell, my Princess. Lily said, No, dad. I need you to help me rule the kingdom with you. King Xander no longer replied and closed his eyes. He was gone. The four started crying. Derrick said, Have a peaceful journey at Savera, King Xander. Savera is the place where Bathala stays in the heavens. Palace of Malaya, a day later: Queen Violet and Petunia were told about the devastating news, both were in shock and sadness, meanwhile, Malaya was told of their news: their King has died in battle. The least that they did was join the Queen and the Princesses in mourning. King Xanders body was placed in a wooden altar, wearing his robes. The soldiers, the Queen and Princesses gathered by the gardens for their Kings funeral. The council, the rulers of the kingdoms were wearing his or her formal gowns and white veils. Violet

went towards her husbands remains and placed a kiss in his cheek; Petunia held his hand for the last time. Lily, Kitanna, Adrianna and Vitanni placed his ring, scepter, sword, and a shield with the Malayan coat of arms in his side. Then joined the others, they put their hands together as Derrick lighted the torch and threw it in the Kings body. Everyone started leaving, except for Lily, she watched as it burned into ashes. Voldemort will pay. Lily vowed, I promise you, Father. Yua, a month later: Kitanna wore her red cloak once more as she sneaked out of the Palace to go to the waterfalls again. Kitanna, wait! Lily, Vitanni and Adrianna were running to catch up with her, the three were wearing their cloaks oncemore. Kitanna stopped. Going to the waterfalls again? Lily asked. Without us? Vitanni added. Okay, you can come with me. Kitanna said smiling. The four went to the waterfalls and was met by the least they thought would go to Yua: The Death Eaters. The four glowed into their respective colors, once the glowing stopped; they were all wearing their warrior outfits all clutching their weapons. The Death Eaters charged at them but the four were ready. The four fought with no mercy, killing every single Death Eaters that dared to fight with them. More Death Eaters entered the scene soon; they were outnumbered: twenty to four. Oh, great. Lily sighed. The four held their weapons tight. How nice of you to join our little party, Princesses. Luscius Malfoy said, he was Voldemorts right hand man, Now, hand us the jewels. Never. The four attacked them. At one point, Kitanna was losing until her honey colored eyes glowed red, she used her telekinesis to pull her opponents into a tree. She noticed that the tree that came her way was destroyed. Luscius disarmed Lily; he pointed his sword at her neck, End of the line, Princess Mudblood. Youll see your father soon. A rush of anger flooded toward Luscius, no one messes with her fathers memory. Lily s eyes glowed a darker shade of green, the earth rumbled cracked the ground from which Luscuis was standing, and he fell on a hole. Lily said, Dont mess with my fathers memory! She picked up her sword and rushed to help Kitanna. Jonathan, Remus and Sirius heard as if a fight was going on in the other side of the woods. They took their swords and rushed to the scene.

Adrianna just stabbed her last opponent with her sword when she saw Vitanni fighting three Death Eaters at the same time. Her eyes glowed blue suddenly she sang a song that sent vibrations and that thrown her opponents into a tree and were knocked unconscious. Thanks, Adrianna. Vitanni answered as she kicked a Death Eater in the stomach. Youre welcome. Adrianna replied as she killed another Death Eater. Vitannis eyes glowed white with anger as she was fighting five more death eaters a large tornado swept the five she was fighting and were knocked unconscious. That was everyone. The four turned into each other as they gave each other a hug for a job well done. Unknown to them, Luscius was about to attack at them when Jonathan pointed his sword at his back. Dont even think about it. The four, startled with the three guys, clutched their weapons once more. Luscius, Jonathan said, What pleasant surprise. Jonathan. Voldemorts right hand man replied with so much hate. Before they knew it, Death Eaters sprung behind the four and had a dagger on their necks. The four dropped their weapons. Let Luscius go or I will kill this red head. An oily haired guy said. Snape, let the four girls go. Remus said in a deadly calm voice, his hand clutching his sword tighter. And you wont get hurt. Let Malfoy free first. the Death Eater replied. Even before they let go of Luscius, the four put an elbow in their stomachs and punched them unconscious. The four lowered their hoods and said, Thanks. You havent seen the last of us. Luscius said and Disapparated. All the Death Eaters unconscious or conscious disappeared. Lily, Kitanna, Vitanni, Adrianna! Derrick said, with a few troops, he rushed towards the scene. I heard that there was an attack so we came right a way. Derrick hugged Kitanna. I was so worried. Derrick, Im fine. Kitanna replied. Derrick, is everything alright? a man the same age as the four asked, clutching a sword. Anthony, theyre fine. Derrick replied.

Anthony held Vitannis hand and squeezed it. I thought I lost you. Anthony had brown hair and blue green eyes and was wearing robes. Anthony Diaz is another childhood friend of theirs that was born from a rich family and had a crush on Vitanni since childhood. Vitannis cheeks turned pink. Lily smiled, Were fine. Thanks to these three. The Malayan princess indicated at the three thieves. You might have not seen us alive anymore. Derrick and Anthony shook hands with them. Thank you for saving the Princesses. Malaya, Arkhanta and Yua owes you. Derrick said. Yes, Adrianna said, We owe you our lives. The four shook hands with them and suddenly a flash of light appeared. The nine suddenly became alert. Shrugging the feeling, Derrick, Anthony stirred the four and said, Queen Alona has been looking for you. Since when have you arrived from Malaya, Anthony? Lily asked, We missed you so much. Just awhile ago. Anthony answered. In the heart of the woods: Did you feel weird when you touched the hands of the Princesses? Remus asked. No, Sirius replied, eating every single fruit there was in their tent. Its like as if, we were meant to see them. Sirius shook that aside. Here we are go again. Are you gonna rant about those stupid things about destined stuff? Jonathan, please tell him to stop! Jonathan didnt answer. He was daydreaming again! Jonathan? Sirius asked, moving his hand up and down. JONATHAN! What? the daydreamer answered back. Didnt you hear what I just said? Please shut Remus up! Jonathan ignored Sirius and walked outside the tent, he wore his cloak once more. Hey, where are you going? Remus asked, rushing to his side, Sirius tagging along. Back at the waterfalls: Jonathan, Remus and Sirius arrived and saw Lily, Adrianna, Kitanna and Vitanni with Anthony, talking.

Lily tore her eyes at them at the moment and saw them, Hey. Her four other companions smiled. Lily rushed towards Jonathan smiled and hugged back. Thanks for saving us. Jonathan felt peculiar. Dont mention it. Kitanna sat down by the stream and looked at her reflection. Is this place occupied? Remus asked, sitting alongside the Yuan Princess. Yeah, go ahead. Kitanna replied. Look, I think we started on the wrong foot. Im Remus Lupin. Princess Kitanna. She replied. Friends? Friends. Adrianna sat by herself looked at the sky. Dad, I hope I made you proud of where Im standing now. Hey. Sirius said, Who are you talking to? My father who passed away when I was eight, Adrianna answered, I know that its crazy. But I always know hes just there listening to every word Im saying. Im sure hes listening to you right now and proud of you. Adrianna smiled. Thanks. Im Adrianna, by the way. Sirius Black. The two shook their hands and smiled. Vitanni and Anthony dipped their feet in the water. Its good to finally be back. Anthony answered. Yeah, I missed you a lot in Malaya. Theres something I always wanted to tell you. Vitanni listened. Fire away. I-I-I love you. Anthony stammered. Vitanni looked stupefied. Look, I know you dont like me but just please just tell me something. Your stare creeps me out. Vitanni said. Y-You do? Yeah, since we were kids- Before Anthony could continue, Vitanni gave him a hug. I love you too! Anthony smiled and hugged back.

Jonathan and Lily were talking about something when Jonathan sighed as he looked at Lilys face. I just realized how much I loved you back there, he blurted out. What? Lily asked. I just said that I realized how much I loved you back there. I did too. Lily answered. You were the one who taught me that looks can be deceiving and the first impressions arent really whats inside of the person. You have to get to know him first before you make that impression. Wow. Jonathan said, sighing. I taught you that? Lily nodded. I loved that arrogant, egoistic thief in you. Jonathan slowly removed her hood and revealed Lilys red hair. Slowly, their faces got closer and closer. The two were about to kiss. No, Lily said. I cant do this. Jonathan asked. Why? Im the keeper of the jewel of earth and the future queen of Malaya, Jonathan. The law of Haleina states that a keeper is forbidden to love! We can keep it a secret, Lily. No one would know except Sirius, Remus and your friends. But we would living in a lie. Could you do that? Could you risk dying once everyone finds out? Jonathan replied defiantly. Ill die a thousand deaths just to be with you, Lily. Lily hugged Jonathan once more. So would I, Jonathan. So would I. The next day: Lily entered Sir Albus study in Arkhantas castle. She was wearing her green gown once more. Sir Albus, may I talk to you? Sir Albus nodded. What can I do for you, Princess Lily? Lets presume that a keeper of the four jewels and a future queen falls in love with a thief. Can they be together? Your Highness, Sir Albus answered, there are things that make duty to your kingdom and to your self the same. Lily listened with rapt attention. The wizard continued, The duty to your kingdom is to serve and protect your people while the duty to yourself is to follow what you think is right.

But whats the similarities, Sir Albus? the Malayan Princess asked, confused. They share similarities because every decision you make you have to think with your head and feel with your heart. Lily, if you think that you really love someone, go and follow your heart. Everything will fall into place, Your Highness. Youll see. Lily watched as Kitanna trained with a few soldiers back at the Yuan palace. Thinking about Jonathan and her duty as the next Queen of Malaya. Deep in thoughts, I see. Queen Alona said as she approached Lily. Lily was about to bow to the Queen but Alona stopped her. No, Lily. I must bow to you, Alona bowed, Im just a mother, Lily and nothing more. The Queen sighed as she watched her daughter fight a few soldiers. As the year goes by I see my daughter growing up to be like me but she has the spirit of her father inside of her. You miss him dont you. Lily said, Your Majesty, I thought Queens arent allowed to love. The kingdom is her love. Alona smiled, You have been listening to your mother I see. Yes, Queens are not allowed to love. But what if Kitanna finds a person who cares and loves her? Would you order your troops to kill him? Would you even order them to kill Kitanna since she violated the law of Haleina? Lily shook her head. But how did you end up marrying Kitannas father? It was an arranged marriage, Alona began, He was a very powerful aristocrat from Arkhanta. Even in an arranged marriage, a Queen can never love her husband. Hes just a companion, a friend. I tried everything in my power to stop myself from falling in love with him. But by the time I was about to tell him that I loved him, something grave happened. What was it? Lily asked. He died in the hands of Voldemort, without even knowing how much I loved him. So thats why, Kitanna had so much hate and anger from Voldemort and his Death Eaters. I hope you learned a lesson on that, Lily, Alona uttered, I want you to promise me that when the time you, Kitanna and Vitanni become queens, you shall not take the path I chose: the path of regretting why you didnt say how much you love the person for the rest of your life. LILY! Kitanna called, Care to join me? Sure, Lily called back, but before she could ask Queen Alona something, she was gone. Village council, three days later: The four keepers, Sir Albus and Queen Alona gathered in a council room in the Palace to talk about

some matters concerning the kingdom. In the room, instead of Alona sitting on the throne, it was Kitanna who sat there, her mother sat at her left while Dumbldore sat on the right. Lily, Vitanni and Adrianna sat behind the Kitannas throne. It was Kitanna who the Queen asked to facilitate the meeting since she must familiarize with it as future queen. The head of the council, Malice, stood up. The meeting shall now start. Sir Albus stood up and said, I wish to propose a change in the law of Haleina. A council member asked, In which part, Albus? About the present and future queens of Malaya, Arkhanta and Yua forbidden to love. There was a sudden uproar in the council. Preposterous! This is madness! Crazy! Our ancestors abided by that law why change it now? Princess Kitanna put up a hand to silence the council, I think that Sir Albus is right. Malice stood up, Your Highness, with all due respect. But allowing you to love might cause a weakness to you. Malice, I understand. But think about your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, Kitanna replied, Would you allow them not to learn how to love a person? How it feels like to know that you are being loved by a man who would die for you? Malice sat down, defeated. A council member named Catherine stood up and said, Princess Kitanna, loving someone might be used against you by Voldemort or his Death Eaters. Would you allow that? Dumbledore stood up. Catherine, at some point you are right. But this might make the Princess stronger. They say the greatest magic is the power of love. Theres not a proof of what you say, Sir Albus. From what we know love is just a weakness. Remember the last time, an element keeper and a protector of what is right died for love, did it make us stronger? No! I remember it well, Catherine, Dumbledore answered, courteously. Voldemort only won in those fights because of his anger, hatred and greed in his heart. Preposterous! ENOUGH! Kitanna exclaimed, I suggest this honored council to think about it and hand out a decision after we, Lily, Vitanni and I sit on the thrones as queens.

The council talked amongst themselves. Passing out a decision, Malice stood up. We agree. But you will not pass the decision until all three of us are seated on the thrones as Queen. They nodded in approval. Kitanna adjourned the meeting. Malice and the rest of the council bowed to the Princesses and the Queen and ignored Dumbledore as they dashed out of the room. The Queen talked to Kitanna, Vitanni, Lily and Adrianna once everyone but Dumbledore left. You did well, Kitanna. Alona said. But I must warn you, Malice wants her daughter, Annaliese, to be Queen. They will find a way to remove your right to the throne from you. Thank you, Mother. Kitanna replied, But isnt Annaliese only a daughter of a village council? Yes, but right after your father died, I never married to have another heir born. The council suggested, or rather, Malice suggested that Annaleise be the next Queen if anything happens to you. Well then, if Malice and Annaliese wants the throne, then come and get it. If they can. Kitanna exclaimed. Goodluck, Princess Kitanna. Dumbledore replied. Malaya, a week later: Lily, Adrianna returned to Malaya while Vitanni returned to Arkhanta a week later. The two trained with a few soldiers to pass the time and to improve their skills with a sword. Petunia watched as Adrianna pointed her spear at a soldiers neck and Lily fighting two soldiers all at once. Theres something different in the way they move, I noticed, Petunia thought. Why dont I snoop around just in case I can unearth something to be used against them. An hour later: After training, the two wore their cloaks and dashed towards the Palace door making sure that no soldier or maid was on the halls. As soon as they were far away, Petunia put the hood of her purple cloak on her head and followed them. She found herself in the middle of the woods and into a tree. She hid behind a tree as the two looked if the coast is clear. Once the coast was clear, Lily exclaimed to the tree. Asmenon, listen to your master. Take us to the edge of the forest of Yua, by the waterfalls. A huge portal enough for an elephant to enter opened in between the two trees where Lily yelled at awhile ago.

The two entered. Following the two, Petunia dived into the portal. With a soft thud, she fell into the earth of Yuas forests. She followed the two as they went to the clearing, the sound of the raging waters getting closer. As they reached the waterfalls, Petunia saw Kitanna and Vitanni coming from another direction as the four saw each other, they checked if the coast was clear once more. Petunia hid by a tree and watched as the four talked, laughed and dipped their feet in the waters. A few minutes later, four men entered the forests; she recognized one, Anthony Diaz, one of Lilys mortal friends. The four lowered their hoods and went over to them and gave them a hug or a kiss. Aha! Petunia exclaimed to herself, Queens are forbidden to love. You and your little friends just broke the law. Just you wait sister, Ill make sure that loving that peasant is the most terrible mistake youve done in your life. Lily looked at Jonathan in the eyes. I wish that I was just a normal mortal. Why? Jonathan asked, If you werent a witch and an element keeper, I wouldnt have met you. Its not that, Lily answered, Im scared that someone might find out. Jonathan gave her a hug, No one will find out, I assure you. Back at Malaya: Petunia managed to enter the portal to return to the Palace. She quietly entered her room; she removed her cloak and sat on her vanity. She removed her clips and let her long brown hair cascade in her back; she started brushing her hair. So, Petunia thought, The four are hiding from the world their little romances, huh? Well, then I guess its time to put my plans into action. Adrianna woke up from her dream. She sat up in her bed and sighed. It was Petunia planning something sinister against them and finding out her secret. But what is it?

Chapter 4: Elemental Love [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter] Elemental Love

Summary: Four Kingdoms where blood means everything. Four maidens. Four warriors. One mission: to protect what is right and to maintain peace an order in the land of Haleina. But what if jealousy is an obstacle? Disclaimer: I own nothing. I only own those you dont recognize but the stuff that you do recognize belong to J.K. Rowling. Chapter 4: Brewing Plans and a Sudden Revelation Previously in Elemental Love: Petunia managed to enter the portal to return to the Palace. She quietly entered her room; she removed her cloak and sat on her vanity. She also removed her clips and let her long brown hair cascade in her back; she started brushing her hair. So, Petunia thought, The four are hiding from the world their little romances, huh? Well, then I guess its time to put my plans into action. Adrianna woke up from her dream. She sat up in her bed and sighed. It was Petunia planning sinister against them and finding out her secret. But what? Malaya; Palace Gardens, the next day: Adrianna watched sat on a bench on the Palace garden, thinking about that dream about Petunia plotting something sinister against them. She nodded as people bowed when they passed by her. Kitanna and Vitanni wandered into where Adrianna was. Hey, Kitanna said as the two sat down alongside her friend. Something wrong? You better tell whats wrong because Kitanna can read minds, remember? Vitanni added, giggling. Adrianna sighed, I had a dream last night. Petunia is plotting something against us, especially Lily. Vitanni thought for awhile, the four know better than wave Adriannas dreams aside because sometimes, it comes true. Girls, I think its time for us to have a little game with Petunia. Ooh, Kitanna squealed, Id like to know what youre up to! Is Lily here? Vitanni asked. Went somewhere with her mother awhile ago, Adrianna answered. How about Petunia? Off in her suite, taking a little beauty sleep. I sppose.

Perfect. Near Petunias room: A soldier came up to his comrades who were guarding nearby Petunias room. The soldier said, Sir, the captain wishes to speak to you. The two nodded and left. Once the coast was clear, the soldier shape-shifted back to Adrianna. Vitanni, Adrianna whispered, The coast is clear. Vitanni became visible; the keeper of water was surprised to see that Vitanni was in front of her. All we need to do now is to wait for Kitanna, Adrianna whispered, looking for any sign of guards heading towards Petunias room. Particles of gold and crimson appeared before them and Kitanna materialized in front of the two. I hypnotized the guards to take a little break for awhile. Vitanni and Adrianna stifled a giggle. Lets go inside before they return, Kitanna said, opening the door. The three quietly entered the room and approached Petunias bed. The sleeping princess was slightly snoring and was dead to the world. Kitanna placed a hand in her forehead and closed her eyes. She tapped into her mind and saw her plans. Got it, Kitanna whispered. Lets go, Vitanni replied, Before she wakes. The element keepers of fire, water and air tiptoed out of the room and closed the door. Yua. that night: Derrick walked out of the Palace talking to a fellow soldier and good friend, Marc. When can we charge into Halconia? Marc replied, We cant just do that once we charge into Halconia, our men will meet face to face with death. But with the jewels on our side, that old bloke is powerless. Derrick defended. Marc sighed, I must go, my wife and son are waiting for me. Derrick nodded; he was about to enter the castle when Petunia walked from behind. She was wearing her long, purple cloak over her purple gown. Princess Petunia, what a pleasant surprise, the captain said as he bowed to the princess. What can I do for you?

Oh nothing, Petunia said, I just wanted to escape Malaya once in awhile. Is Kitanna here? No, Derrick answered, She went to Malaya. Derrick, would you mind if I ask you something? Petunia asked. Care to walk with me? Sure, Your Highness. Derrick directed her towards the forest. Do you like Kitanna? Derricks insides froze. Nobody, not even Marc knows about his attraction to Kitanna. H-how did you know that? Petunia replied lazily. It doesnt take a genius to see a person in love. But you wont tell anyone about this right? The captain of the Yuan soldiers said, nervously. Petunia laughed, Me? Princess Petunia Rose Evans, tell the three kingdoms that a captain like you has fallen for the future queen of Yuas goddess like beauty? Derrick shook his head. Good. Petunia said as she walked out. As she reached the entrance to the forest, she said, But just so you know, Kitanna has been secretly seeing a thief and a peasant. So are my sister, Vitanni and Adrianna. Id wipe out the competition if I were you and as for Lily, Vitanni and Adrianna; why dont you do the honors and kill them. You still want them to rule, right? But that would mean hurting the four! Derrick called out. I cant do that, theyre my friends. But arent they the ones who would get hurt in the end? Petunia shot back, Future Queens and a Priestess for Bathala are forbidden to love, right? Before Derrick could say something, Petunia walked away. Library inside the Yuan Palace: Kitanna hummed a song as she searched for a book on the topmost shelf. The palace librarys shelves were ceiling high that you need a ladder to get the book you want from the top shelves. Derrick entered the room an said, Kitanna, I wish to speak to you. Be right down in a moment! Kitanna exclaimed as she went down the ladder. Yes, Derrick. What can I do for you. She started searching the book she wanted on the other side of the room. I heard from someone that youve been sneaking out of the waterfalls, Derrick replied. And what did that person say I was doing in the waterfalls? The Princess asked, picking up a blue

book. Here it is! That youve been seeing someone, a thief. Kitanna dropped her book. What?! Yes, Derrick said, Funny isnt it? O-of course. Kitanna replied, picking up her book. Derrick grabbed her arm. You above all others should know that a person of royal blood cannot love a thief, a peasant and a traitor. Remus is not a traitor! Kitanna exclaimed. Derricks eyes widened while the keeper of the element of fire gasped at what she said. So its true then? Derrick asked. Yes, its true, she replied, And I love him. You touch a single hair in him, you can forget about our friendship, our good times together. You were the only person who understood me when my father died. With that Kitanna dashed off. The next day, waterfalls at the edge of the forest: Jonathan walked over to the forest when he saw the familiar emerald green cloak that Lily always wears; her back turned to him watching the water cascade down the stream. Lily? he said. The girl turned around and instead of seeing the woman he loves, he saw Petunia. He drew his sword and said, Who are you? What have you done to my Lily? Relax, Petunia answered, Im her sister, Princess Petunia. Why were you wearing her green cloak? Jonathan asked, still clutching the sword. Where is she? Shes safe, in Malaya, Petunia replied, I came here to speak to you. What is it that you want with me? To ask you to leave my sister alone. Shes our future Queen, and the law states that she is forbidden to love. I dont care about that law anymore. Well both risk our lives for each other. Jonathan answered, defiantly. But in the end, who will get hurt? The both of you. So if I were you, leave Lily in peace, let her become Queen.

Jonathan said, I dont care what you say, Princess Petunia. But Lily and I love each other and we shall be together. Jonathan left, leaving Petunia boiling in anger. If you wont leave Lily alone, then that leaves me no choice. Saturday, same location: Jonathan and the others went to the waterfalls on Saturday to meet with the girls, like they always do. Where are they? Anthony asked, checking his watched, Its almost midnight. Right on cue, the four arrived wearing their usual cloaks. The four men dashed to meet them. The four hugged each other as they meet their loves. The four, with tears on their eyes, said to their partners while secretly taking out their daggers, Forgive us, someone already knows. Before the four men could say or do anything, the four element keepers stabbed their lovers and watched helplessly as they fell on the ground, lifeless. May Bathala forgive us and take them to Savera, Adrianna whispered. The four left immediately. Meanwhile, Derrick dashed to kill the element keepers lovers at the waterfalls, just as Petunia said, but once they reached it. They saw all for of them, dead. Petunias plan was a failure. Malayas gardens: WHAT?! Petunia exclaimed, Thats not suppose to happen, the four were supposed to be killed in you and your mens hands. Be quiet! Derrick hissed, Yes, it is true. I saw the four of them dead, end of story. But they were skilled with a sword! Petunia replied, They know better than to just stab themselves. How can I tell this to Vitanni, Adrianna and most of all, to my sister? That they committed suicide in front of you? Tell them that the Death Eaters killed them, Derrick said, getting ready to leave, For all we know, theyre out of the fours lives and I can have Kitanna to myself. That night: Derrick went to Kitannas suite, looking very grave. Kitanna, I must tell you something.

What is it? Are Lily, Adrianna and Vitanni okay? Kitanna asked, worriedly. Theyre fine. Derrick replied. Then what is it then? the Princess of Yua demanded. There was an attack by the waterfalls, Derrick answered. When we arrived to help those men, we were too late. W-who were the casualties? Kitanna asked. At the same time in Malaya, Petunia answered to Vitanni, Adrianna and Lilys question, Thieves named Jonathan, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and your mortal friend, Anthony Diaz. Kitanna sat down at her bed, Derrick placed a hand on her shoulder but Kitanna waved it aside, Leave me, Derrick. I wish to grieve in peace. Derrick sighed and quietly left the room. A month later: A month has past since Derrick and Petunia broke the news to the four. Ever since then, they remained in their room, crying and refused to talk to anyone even Queen Alona, Queen Violet and Sir Albus. Lily, Adrianna, Vitanni, and Kitanna even refused to do their daily duties, which bothered everyone in the three kingdoms. Rumors have spread that their keepers of the four jewels were sick and dying but the Queens and Sir Albus quickly denied this. Yua, that day: Queen Alona entered her daughters room, carrying a tray of food. Kitanna, I know you do not wish to speak to me but as your mother, you have to face me. Kitanna remained motionless and pretended to sleep. Alona sighed. Kitanna, please. I dont want to see you like this, it breaks a mothers heart to see her daughter in this state. Kitanna sighed and sat up, A month ago, there was an attack at the waterfalls that Father used to take me with Lily, Adrianna and Vitanni. There were casualties, the men we loved, Mother. Alona hugged her daughter; Its alright, Kitanna. Sometimes we have to let go of the people we love once they journey to Savera. Arent you gonna punish me? Kitanna asked, surprised, Arent you gonna kill me? Exile me? Her mother shook her head. I dont care what the council says anymore. We dont always have to be perfect because our flaws make us better persons. If your heart says this is the right path, take it. No council will stop you because youre the one who writes your life. Even us Queens.

Kitanna smiled and said, Does that mean you wont be nervous if I take the throne? Just as long as rule with your heart and head, Kitanna. Its not the crown that makes a queen, its whats in your heart. How can you love your people if you yourself dont know how to learn and feel love? And besides, its time that Yua, Malaya and Arkhanta have three Queens that breaks the tradition sometimes. Kitanna laughed while Alona smiled, Why dont you change? You have a month long duties waiting for you, Kitanna. Sure. Malaya, an hour later: After talking with the four element keepers, Queens Alona and Violet to talk amongst themselves on their plans once Kitanna, Vitanni and Lily are finally seated into the thrones as Queens. The three must produce heirs, once the three are ready to pass the throne. They have children to take their place, Alona suggested. I agree, Alona. Violet agreed. Meanwhile, with the four keepers: Things are pretty lonely right now, huh? Vitanni asked, sitting down at the palace garden. Yeah, but life goes on, Kitanna sighed. Petunia entered the garden with her friend named Andrea, saying in a loud voice, I finally made their lives miserable, huh, Andrea? Soon, theyll be begging Bathala to take them to Savera and be reunited with those thieves once more. Then you shall be our Queen. Petunia laughed, The people would at least like a Queen who wouldnt fall for a small peasant. Lily stood up angrily and went to where Petunia is, her three friends didnt even bother to stop her because they too were angry with her. SMACK! A red handprint was still visible on Petunias cheek. You want to be Queen, Petunia? Lily exclaimed. Petunia looked mortified and angry as well. Well, lets settle this. I challenge you, dear sister. Whoever wins, gets the throne. Youre on, then. Throne room, Malaya:

The soldiers, maids, and some of the people of Malaya, Queen Violet, Alona and Sir Albus Dumbledore came to watch the two Malayan Princesses fight. Petuina appeared wearing her white warrior outfit, while Lily, Kitanna, Vitanni and Adrianna wore their respective two piece warrior outfit and brown boots, the four had necklaces on bearing the color of the element they were protecting. They were also clutching their weapons. A soldier bowed and handed a sword to Petunia, who accepted it. Lily, Petunia! Violet exclaimed, Stop this at once! No, Mother, Petunia said, I want to show Lily that I am the rightful Queen of Malaya. And I want to teach you a lesson, Lily continued, Petunia wants to be Queen, then shell have to go through me, first. Sir Albus sighed, This will only stop if Princess Lily accepts her loss. The two nodded while Kitanna, Adrianna and Vitanni watched in fear. Heres a little catch, dear sister, Lily said, her hand glowed a shade of green and gold, You see this jewel? Her square shaped jewel appeared. I will not use my jewel against you, this fight is strictly mortal to mortal. Petunia nodded, Lets stop chatting and lets fight! Petunia charged at her sister but Lily blocked it. Petunia and Lily fought hard with each other until Lily was hit in the arm. A bleeding gash could be seen in her right arm, she fell on the floor. Please, Lily, just accept that you lost. I dont want to kill you! No, Petunia. I want you to see the point; I won in that test fair and square. Your jealousy and power hungry self did this to you. Then, forgive me. Petunia raised her sword but just as she was about to stab Lily, Kitanna blocked her with her golden sais, Vitanni hit her with her arnis stick and finally, Adrianna cut her back with her spear. Petunia fell into the ground, she screamed in anger. Face it, Petunia. Kitanna said, Lily is still the next Queen. Your heart is filled with so much anger and jealousy that will never win you a crown. Yeah, a male voice said, Petunia was surprised to see Derrick, Jonathan, Sirius, Remus and Anthony, smiling. B-but I thought you were killed! Petunia called, And you Derrick, you were also in on this plan?

Derrick nodded, Yeah, I know I love Kitanna but she has chosen who she loves, I must learn to let go. But my plan was fool-proof! Think again, Adrianna, said, Thanks to my visions and Kitannas powers, we were able to find out what you were up to. Vitanni and Adrianna helped her friend stand up. Yeah, Jonathan agreed, Everything was a set up, except this one. Petunia shouted angrily, I hate you, all of you. I swear that I shall be Queen and not that stupid freak! Before Violet could stop her, Petunia left to her room. Lily focused on her powers to heal herself; she placed a hand in her bleeding wound. Her hand glowed a yellow green color; the gash was no more. Derrick knelt on one leg to Queen Alona, Your Majesty, I am ready for my punishment. Alona laughed, There is no need for that, Derrick. You did the right thing for Kitanna, you dont deserve to be punished. Derrick smiled, Thank you, Your Majesty. Jonathan, Sirius, Remus and Anthony grinned and made their way towards the four. Great plan, Vitanni, Anthony whispered, Petunia got what she deserved. Thanks. VItanni whispered back. Halconia, a few moments later: Voldemort walked to his throne where a cloaked woman was standing at the edge. Stranger, if youre here to sell me something, Voldemort said, lazily, Go do it someplace else, I have business to attend to. The woman removed her cloak, it was Petunia, I know I came in such a short notice but there is something I wish to ask you. Voldemort and his Death Eaters laughed, Foolish Mortal, do you really think Id bow your favor? Petunia said, And I assure you that you wont refuse this offer Im willing to propose. Malaya, at the same time:

The four Princesses entered the edge of the Malayan forest wearing their cloaks. Jonathan, Sirius, Remus and Anthony asked them to see them at the forest because of there are something important they wanted to tell them. Guys? Lily asked, Did you wanted to see us? Jonathan walked over to Lily and smiled. Yeah, we did. I know its a bit weird and all but.. Sirius knelt down on one knee and showed Adrianna a silver diamond and sapphire ring. .. Dont worry, we didnt steal this.. Remus said to Kitanna, But Im certain to do this- Anthony continued. Princess Lily Evans- -Will you marry me? Sirius finished. The four element keepers looked shocked but pleased at the same time, they looked at their friends then to the two guys in front of them. Yes! they exclaimed. Jonathan got up and placed the rings in her hand, it was a silver engagement ring that had two topaz jewels on it and on the middle was an emerald jewel. We also wanted to surprise you with this, Jonathan whispered. Sir Albus entered the scene smiling at them. Lily, Kitanna, Adrianna and Vitanni looked at each other, the conclusion drawing in their faces. The four chorused, Yes, Id like to get married with you right here, right now. (A/N: Dumbledore knew Sirius, Remus and Anthony because of that plan the four keepers did to outsmart Petunia) Back at the middle of the forest: Dad? Jonathan called his fathers tent; he wanted to tell him that he was already married to Princess Lily. As he entered, he saw his father holding an armband. Jonathan said, Sirius, Remus and I have to tell you something. Ethan sighed and motioned him to be quiet. Jonathan, theres something I think its time that you found out about it. He handed the small armband made of silver that had a small symbol engraved that he didnt recognize. Suddenly, his grip tightened on the armband as he had a vision.

A caravan just went into the clearing of the woods, in front was a two soldiers riding on horses holding a flag with the symbol in the armband, soldiers surrounded a small carriage, behind the carriage were soldiers carrying a body that was covered in a flag the soldiers in front were carrying. Inside the carriage a woman had long black hair and had blue eyes, wore a long off-shoulder dress and a small headband with a tiny diamond jewel on it; she smiled at the two bundles she was carrying a sleeping baby girl and a baby boy who both had jet-black hair. A soldier closes to the carriage and said, Queen Leanne, we have to leave the woods of Yua, its not safe for you, Prince James and Princess Vitanni. But we have to bury my husband, Queen Leanne insisted. The soldier bowed and took off into the woods. Suddenly Death Eaters came in and attacked. The Queens soldiers and a few men who emerged from no where managed to defeat the Death Eaters. The commander entered and bowed, Leanne, we have to leave you here. There might be Death Eaters advancing on us. Leanne nodded, Take care of yourself, Xander. Xander nodded and beckoned a few of his soldiers to the clearing. Leanne placed in her babies into a small crib, when Death Eaters entered and attacked. She took out a dagger from her bag and stabbed a Death Eater who was advancing on her children when behind her; a Death Eater stabbed her. Ethan came into the scene, killing the other Death Eater. He helped Leanne sit up. Farewell, Prince James and Princess Vitanni, Leanne whispered, she closed her eyes, she was dead. Ethan went to the crib and took the baby boy, leaving the baby girl crying. When Xander returned, he saw Leanne and her soldiers lifeless and carried the crying baby Princess, he noticed that the Prince was gone. PRINCE JAMES! he yelled. He gasped as the visions abruptly blinked out. Im really a-? Jonathan said, too lost for words, all Ethan did was nod. Forgive me for not telling this to you sooner, he said. Outside the tent, Jonathan still stunned by his sudden vision. When Remus asked what was wrong, he just shook his head. It finally dawned into him, he was the missing prince and twin sister of Vitanni of Arkhanta. Coming up next:

Revelations of Jonathan, Sirius, Remus life and Voldemort Chapter 5: Elemental Love [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter] Chapter 5: Revelations and an attack Summary: Four Kingdoms where blood means everything. Four maidens. Four warriors. One mission: to protect what is right and to maintain peace an order in the land of Haleina. But what if jealousy is an obstacle? Arkhanta, the next day: Vitanni was already made Queen of Arkhanta. Vitanni sat on her throne while discussing some matters; she was wearing a long, white, one-strap dress and a brooch that looked like a wing. Lily, Kitanna and Adrianna sat at the Arkhantan Queens right while Dumbledore sat at her left. Jonathan, Remus and Sirius entered the throne room while the guards around them surrounded him swords and spears pointing at them. The four took out their swords. Vitanni said to her soldiers, Let them go, theyre my friends. The soldiers put their weapons down and gave them a better way towards the throne. Mate, there are lots of stuff we can steal here! Sirius whispered. Shut it, Padfoot! Jonathan whispered back. Padfoot was his nickname for his friend while Remus was Moony and he was Prongs. Vitanni, Kitanna, Lily and Adrianna stood up, What brings you guys here? Anthonys in his office. Hes busy with his family business, Adrianna added. Anneliese entered the room, My Princess, with all due respect, I suggest you set aside romantic flings with these thieves and return to our businesses. No, Kitanna said, All they have for us are also business, Anneliese. It is better that we hear it. I just wanted to ask, Jonathan asked, If you happen to know Prince James. Yes, Vitanni replied sadly, I know him, he was my twin brother, he died in a Death Eater attack alongside my mother. But what if I say that Prince James is alive? Jonathan, err, James searched his pockets and saw held out the small armband Ethan gave him. Vitanni saw the spiral shaped symbol, This is the symbol of the people with royal blood in Arkhanta! Kitanna, Adrianna and Lily were too speechless for words, Dumbledore just looked pleased (A/N: He

knew Jonathan was really the lost Prince of Arkhanta ever since they first met) , the people in the room started to talk to their neighbors. Annelise spoke up, Preposterous! Maybe he stole it, he is a thief after all. But there is a way to prove that Jonathan really is our long lost Prince James, Dumbledore said, Adrianna, Kitanna, if you please? Adrianna approached Jonathan placed a hand in his forehead and closed her eyes while Kitanna stayed in her place her eyes widdened as she tapped into Jonathans mind. The Princess of Water opened her eyes; I have seen the tragedy the night Vitanni and James mother were killed. The Princess of Fires eyes returned into its normal size, I saw his dreams at night, it was about hearing Vitannis mothers voice and the one Adrianna saw. Vitannis eyes started to water, James? Vitanni and James pulled each other into a huge bear hug. Well, then, Lily said, Lets welcome back Prince James Potter of Arkhanta! Vitanni took her brothers hand and walked together alongside each other as the soldiers drew their swords together and the two walked through it, the people of the court bowed. WAIT! Kitanna said, We still have two more people to welcome. Adrianna, Vitanni, Lily, the court, looked at the Yuan Princess. Sir Sirius Black of the Black family and Sir Remus Lupin, the son of the late brave knight and lady, William Lupin who served Malaya, Yua and Arkhanta well. Sirius and Remus looked surprised and shocked at the same time. Without warning, Kitanna and Adrianna dragged Sirius and Remus alongside them, following Vitanni and James while Lily walked behind them, smiling. That night: Sirius stood at the balcony of the Arkhantan Palace by the order of Vitanni, she ordered to respect them as they respect the Princesses. Sirius? Adrianna asked, Everyones looking for you, the whole kingdom must be in here, theyre celebrating James return. Sirius sighed. Something wrong? the Princess of Water asked. Sirius shook his head but Adrianna sensed there was something wrong. Look, Sirius, I can sense that something is wrong. Please tell me whats wrong.

Sirius said, My family was so obsessed with the Dark Arks that I hated it, I ran away from home, met James and left all this luxury to get away from them, somehow, it finds me. Adrianna sighed, Heres a little advice: Ignore your family, theyve been dead but your brother, Regulus was nowhere to be found. Youre the only Sir Black left. Sirius looked at Adrianna, As far as Im concerned, James, Vitanni, you, Kitanna and Remus are my family now. I dont care about them anymore. The Keeper of Water said, Well then, thats settled. Lets go downstairs and let the old Sirius Black I knew joke around with his friends. Lets go, then! Offering his arm to Adrianna, who gladly accepted it. The next day: James got up from his room in the Palace; Vitanni insisted him, Sirius and Remus to stay in the Palace. There was a silent rapt on the door, a servant entered carrying robes made silky dark blue material and lying on top of it was a leather armband with the golden symbol of Arkhanta. Another servant entered with breakfast in a tray, he got up on his bed and another servant placed a midnight blue bathrobe on him. Vitannis serving maid, Serena entered, she bowed at the Prince and said, Sir Albus Dumbledore wishes to see to you in an hour, My Prince. James nodded awkwardly. This was his dream after all, to have valets and servants at your beck and call, but why does it seem so uncomfortable? Meeting room: James entered the meeting room, he was wearing the midnight blue robes. The room was empty except for his twin, Remus, Sirius, Kitanna, Lily and Adrianna. Vitanni sat at her throne while Lily, Kitanna and Adrianna at her left. He saw that a chair, assumed that it was reserved for him was at Vitannis right, Remus and Sirius sat at his left. Ah, Prince James, Dumbledore said, bowing as James sat at his throne. You must be wondering why I summoned you. They all nodded. A legend, Dumbledore continued, About the keepers Bathala chose came true. Legend? Lily asked. Yes, Procer, a Legend. Procer in Latin means Princess It states that Bathala chose four maidens of royal blood to protect all four of the jewels but, feeling scared that the Keepers of the Jewels of the Earth, Wind, Water and Fire would fail in this mission, he

also chose four warriors, men who would protect the keepers and the jewels. But who are those men? James asked. You are, Dumbledore said, He also gave you four powers in to help you protect the keepers, the jewels. Anthony stammered, What sort of powers? That is what you must find out, in time, you shall find out the powers Bathala has given you only at the right time. Prince James, Sirius, Remus and Anthony, Dumbledore warned, I must warn you, time will come that Voldemort will be after the jewels, only you holds the key back to the keepers and the jewels. I dont understand, Remus said. You will, Dumbledore replied, Soon. Yua, the next day: Remus walked alongside Kitanna in the gardens, maids walking behind her. The guards and peasants who met them bowed while Kitanna and Remus nodded at them. Why didnt you tell me you were a member of an aristocratic family? Kitanna asked. Remus sighed, I guess I was nervous about your reaction. You dont have to be, Im actually happy that you were royal. Every royal I see are either bossy or arrogant but not like you guys. Sir Lupin smiled, Thanks for that compliment. Kitanna signaled her maids and the guards surrounding them to leave, they bowed to her and left them alone. Did you tell your mother yet? Remus asked. Kitanna nodded, I did, also Lily, Vitanni and Adrianna, but she made us promise that we wont tell a soul, not even our most trusted serving maids. Im sensing that Lilys about to tell her mother, and probably also Adrianna and Vitanni because, you know- Remus placed his index finger on Kitannas mouth. Shh, you talk to much. Kitanna looked curiously at Remus. Unconsciously, their faces inclined towards each other. Just as they were about to kiss, her mothers voice called, Kitanna! The two broke apart, and saw Queen Alona with guards and maids behind her. Kitanna called back, Mother?

I wish to speak to Remus, Alona said, as she came over to where they are, Alone . Kitanna nodded and bowed to her mother and left them alone. Malaya Palace: What? Violet exclaimed. Mother, Lily said, I love Prince James and he loves me, why cant you see that. No, Violet said, I meant that you never even told me that you got married? I just wished that I would be there and I was supposed to invite the Lockharts from Lirea once you get married. Queen Violet, James said, We know it was such a short notice but I really love your daughter and thought why not marry her, please understand. Violet sat at her throne and sighed, Should I call you James or Jonathan? Lily went over to her mother and gave her a hug, Thanks. And as for Vitanni and Adrianna, the two couples kneeled before Lily and her mother, Just make sure that no one knows except the people you trust, understood? Oh, and a tip, dont tell your maids, they might spread it to the kingdom even before you could say stop. The three keepers gave the Queen a huge hug, Thanks, Queen Violet! they chorused. Violet smiled, Now, I wish to speak to Prince James, Sir Black and Sir Anthony alone. The three looked nervously at each other, bowed to Queen Violet and left. She also motioned her maids and guards to leave, who bowed and left the throne room. Back at Malaya: You must realize, Remus, Alona said, That both of you might face consequences once your secret is divulged. Remus nodded, Im ready for anything. She and her father both have the same qualities, the Queen said, theyre both brave, smart and such a quiet person, but both stubborn. You must be patient with my daughter. If you hurt a single hair at my daughter, you will answer directly to me. Remus chuckled, I will remember that, Your Majesty. Alona smiled, I like you already. Kitanna has made a good choice on choosing you as her husband. All Remus did was to smile at the Queens compliment; its not everyday that he gets a compliment form someone, let alone the Queen of Fairies.

A pixie fairy entered the scene, My Queen, Malice and Anneliese wishes to see you, they are waiting for you at the throne room. Alona nodded, Ill be there, Cossette. The pixie nodded and disappeared into bits of yellow and green. Well then, Im sure Kitanna would be worried that you didnt show up, Remus. Remus bowed to his mother-in-law as she left. Malaya the next week: Violet sat on her throne as she talked to Dumbledore while Petunia, Lily and Adrianna sat at the queens far right, when a soldier entered. Your Majesty, the Death Eaters are attacking in a market place, Yua and Arkahanta are also under attack! Violet, Petunia, Lily, Adrianna and Dumbledore stood up. Violet exclaimed, Send more troops to help Arkhanta and Yua right away. Lily, Adrianna, Petunia go to the marketplace and help the soldiers there. With a quick nod, Adrianna and Lily disappeared in particles of green, gold, blue and white while Petunia ran out of the throne room to dress up. Market place: Chaos was everywhere as the Death Eaters advanced at them carrying wands and swords, poor mortals ran for their lives as a fire was slowly growing bigger and bigger. Lily and Adrianna appeared into the scene wearing their warrior suits and carrying their weapons. Theyre also using their magic! Lily gasped, with a quick nod at Adrianna; they both advanced into the scene using their powers and their skills with their weapons to fight. Lily and Adrianna managed to knock kill as many Death Eaters when they both came face to face with Voldemort. What a pleasant surprise, Princess Lily and Adrianna here to rescue her people, how touching, pity your father isnt here to see you die. Pity youre not the only one who wont escape in this place alive, Adrianna said as she also entered the scene, spear stained with blood. Voldemort threw his wand aside, and took out his sword, Lets not use magic in this game shall we? The two charged the Evil One while Voldemort skillfully blocked their weapons. He managed to hurt Adrianna in the arm, causing a huge red gash to show in her arm, it was now down to Lily. Lily ingeniously disarmed Voldemort, she pointed her sword at her opponents throat, End of the line, Tom. Volemort flinched at the sound of his muggle name, How dare you! he hissed. Behind Lily, Petunia slowly advanced at her sister, her sword ready. How dare you use my filthy mortals name! Youll one day see me triumphant with all four jewels with me and youll be with your father soon.

Petunia raised her sword, but Adrianna blocked her cousins sword. Lily tore her eyes at Voldemort for a moment and saw Adrianna and Petunia fighting. Volemort took this opportunity to grabe his wand, Stupefy! Lily fell on the ground unconscious, Adrianna saw this. Lily! Petunia disarmed the princess of water and everything turned black. Malaya, an hour later: Violet worriedly paced at the throne room thinking why Lily, Adrianna and Petunia werent back yet. The door to the throne room opened and Petunia entered along with Derrick, Frank Longbottom, the head auror of Arkhanta, and a few injure soldiers. Wheres your sister and cousin, Petunia? Violet asked, as her eldest daughter walked to hug her mother. Petunia looked grave, Lily and Adrianna was captured by Voldemort, Im sorry if I didnt manage to help her. Your Majesty, even Kitanna and Vitanni were captured, Derrick reported gravely. Prince James, Sirs Black and Lupin werent severely injured, Frank added, Professor Dumbledore and Queen Alona is asking you whats our plan of action? Violet sighed, Tighten the security around the three kingdoms, ask the support of the other lands and take a handful of spies to Halconia. Derrick and Frank nodded and left immediately to send a message to the other kingdoms. She sighed as she felt nervous about her daughter and niece. Mother? Petunia asked, But I want to help in saving the four keepers, what do you want me to do? Violet looked at her eldest daughter for awhile, Oversee the security measures. Petunia nodded and walked out of the room without even changing. The next day: Alona, Violet, Dumbledore, Derek, Frank and Arthur Weasley, Vitannis advisor next to Dumbledore, talked privately in the meeting room where they decided on what was to happen to the rescue, none of them had enough sleep since they were too busy being worried on finding the four keepers. Sir Albus, Alona asked, Is it possible that the girls are dead? Because every time we had a lead to the girls, Voldemort is always one step in front of us. Alona, we must have patience, Dumbledore said, As for presuming that the girls are dead, Voldemort has to keep them alive if hes still hungry for the jewels. Why cant he kill them? Violet asked, curiously. Its an opportunity if he wants all four kingdoms to

himself? It was very clever of Bathala on this, legend has it that once the keepers have the jewels with them, theyre the only ones who can hand it over to another person. If they die, the jewels go to Savera with them. Voldemort also needs the jewels before he takes over Haleina. The door to the room opened, the soldiers bowed as Prince James, Sirius, Remus and Anthony entered. We heard what happened, James said, And wed like to help. Im afraid, theres nothing you can do out there, Alona said, We still need a very good lead as to where Voldemort is, Halconia is such a huge place! Then its settled, James said. What is? Violet said. Well go ahead to find them, James said defiantly. James, we understand what you feel, but the three of you dont know where to find the keepers! What are you going to do? Go around Haleina? Derek exclaimed. Remus tried to sound nonchalant and defiant at the same time, Not exactly, well go to the places that used to be his hideouts to check it all out. Everyone raised an eyebrow on this, Look, we are not going to allow ourselves to sit down while our wi-I mean-friends are there dying! All we ask is that you support us. Dumbledore sighed, Well be in touch through owl and may I suggest that you take a few men with you? The four nodded, Dumbledore said, Take Frank and Alice Longbottom, the couple entered, bowing to the prince, Theyre Aurors and the best in their field, how about Arthur Weasley? A man slightly shorter than James came up and bowed, Hes Vitannis advisor and great with a wand. Why dont you take a few of one of my most skilled soldiers? Violet said, five men bowed before them and walked towards them. And from me, Alona added, Take Derrick, Marc and a few of his chosen soldiers? Remus slowly balled his fist, lets just say they werent in good terms ever since he laid his eyes on him, he slowly nodded. Lets go.

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