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Soal-Soal Latihan Instrumentasi astronomi (P. Hakim) 1.

If the moon can be photographed in one second with a telescope of 45 cm aperture and 90 cm focal length, how long a time would be required to photograph the moon with a telescope of 90 cm aperture and 360 cm focal length? 2. The 2,4 m reflector can be operated as a f/6 prime focus or as f/12 cassegrain telescope. a. In which of these modes can an extended object be exposed fastest, and by what factor? b. Which mode has a fainter limiting magnitude? 3. Determine parameters of one of the telescopes at Bosscha Observatory! (use 3 eyepieces: 5 mm, 15 mm, 25 mm) 1. What would be the size of the image of the moon, produced by the 5,08 meters telescope with focal length 16,76 meters? 2. What is the smallest angle that could theoretically be resolved by the 5,08 meters telescope at a wavelength of 5000 ? 3. What kind of telescope would you use to take a color photograph entirely free of chromatic aberration? Why? 4. Ordinary 7 x 50 binoculars magnify seven times (magnifying power: 7) and have objective lenses of 50 mm aperture. For light of 5000 what is the smallest angle that can be resolved by the lenses of binoculars? Could two stars separated by this angle actually be seen as separate stars when viewed through 7 x 50 binoculars? Why? 5. When Mars is at its closest, it subtends about 24 in the sky. The diameter of Mars is about 6800 km. In principle, how close together could two features on Mars be and still be distinguished with the 5,08 m telescope? In practice, because of the limitations set by the Earths atmosphere, how close together can they be? With a 60 cm telescope, could a person be sure that the canals on Mars were only 3 km wide? Why? 6. Suppose that all stars emitted exactly the same total amount of light and that stars were distributed uniformly throughout space. Show that the depth in space to which stars could be observed would (ideally) be proportional to the aperture of the telescope used! 7. Tychos Supernova of 1572 attained is greatest brilliance at magnitude -4 on approximately 1st October, and thereafter began to fade, finally becoming invisible to the unaided eye on approximately 1st March 1574. If the apparent brightness at a time after 1st Oct 1572 is related to the apparent brightness on the date by the equation p = bo x 10-t/T 8. When performing photoelectric photometry with a particular system, it is noted as a 4th magnitude star generates 104 primary photoelectrons per second. What is the integration time required to achieve accuracy 1% on a 9th magnitude star? (assume the background count to be zero).

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