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Dabur India has been relying heavily on BTL activities in tier-II and tier-III towns. With rural consumers increasingly moving towards branded products, just leveraging mainstream media is not enough to connect with them.

Submitted By: Danish Vohra


Dabur India Ltd. - Corporate Profile

Dabur India Ltd is one of Indias leading FMCG Companies with Revenues of over Rs 6,146 Crore & Market Capitalisation of US $5 Billion. Building on a legacy of quality and experience of over 127 years, Dabur is today Indias most trusted name and the worlds largest Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care Company. Dabur India is also a world leader in Ayurveda with a portfolio of over 250 Herbal/Ayurvedic products. Dabur today operates in key consumer products categories like Hair Care, Oral Care, Health Care, Skin Care, Home Care and Foods. The company has a wide distribution network, covering over 2.8 million retail outlets with a high penetration in both urban and rural markets. Dabur's products also have a huge presence in the overseas markets and are today available in over 60 countries across the globe. Its brands are highly popular in the Middle East, SAARC countries, Africa, US, Europe and Russia. Dabur's overseas revenue today accounts for over 30% of the total turnover. The 125-year-old company, promoted by the Burman family, had started operations in 1884 as an Ayurvedic medicines company. From its humble beginnings in the bylanes of Calcutta, Dabur India Ltd has come a long way today to become one of the biggest Indian-owned consumer goods companies with the largest herbal and natural product portfolio in the world. Overall, Dabur has successfully transformed itself from being a family-run business to become a professionally managed enterprise. What sets Dabur apart from the crowd is its ability to change ahead of others and to always set new standards in corporate governance & innovation.

BTL Activities of DABUR

ATL are conventional medium like TV, Print ads, Radio etc. These days we have seen a new trend of companies not spending a lot on ATL as it is very expensive. Rather they are investing on BTL Below the line activities. These are like giving coupons, road shows, buzz marketing etc. BTL are very cheap and cost effective and we will see in future a skewness towards BTL as it is cost effective.

BTL is a common technique used for "touch and feel" products (consumer items where the customer will rely on immediate information rather than previously researched items). BTL techniques ensure recall of the brand while at the same time highlighting the features of the product. In addition, ATL is much more effective when the target group is very large and difficult to define. But if the target group is limited and specific, it is always advisable to use BTL promotions for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Dabur India too has been relying heavily on BTL activities in tier-II and tier-III towns. With rural consumers increasingly moving towards branded products, just leveraging mainstream media is not enough to connect with them. Some of the BTL activities of Dabur are as follows:

1. Dabur Amla Banke Dikhao Rani Pratiyogita - A rural beauty and talent hunt where rural women are groomed by trained beauticians.

2. Dabur Gulabari Miss Rose glow contest - A regional model hunt from state capitals, with the eventual winner receiving a wildcard to the Femina Miss India contest. A BTL initiative involving Vanya Mishra, a wildcard who was one of the winners at the Miss India contest. It resulted in Dabur Gulabari reporting its highest ever monthly sales in April.

3. Dabur Chyawanprash 'Swasthya Chetna Abhiyan' - The activity has five elements:
free health check-up, engagement activities, movie screenings, spot sales and a meet and greet opportunity with brand ambassador, Ravi Kishan. The company has three branded vans, accompanied by three doctors each, which will go from village to village conducting the engagement activity and basic health check-ups. Patient registers with the health camp will be maintained by the team.

4. Dabur Chyawanprash Immune India Campaign 30 kids were selected from across 14 lakh school kids, across 1,000 schools in nine states to become Dabur's 'Immunity Ambassadors' and featured in the next Chyawanprash campaign for spreading the message on the need for building stronger immunity in the face of growing incidents of flu and viral infections across the country.

Banke Dikhao Rani Pratiyogita BRAND

Dabur Amla Hair Oil

Banke Dikhao Rani Pratiyogita (Become a queen contest) Vikas Mittal of Dabur India says there is a need to move beyond traditional media options such as radio & TV and have a direct engagement with the consumer.

TARGET AUDIENCE Rural India, especially villages in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

AGENCY Ogilvy Outreach, the rural marketing division of Ogilvy and Mather India Ltd.

WHAT THEY DID The insight that the company used for launching this campaign was that most consumers in rural areas use loose mustard oil for their hair. Identifying them as its potential target group, the company began work on a campaign that would help in converting these consumers into Dabur Amla Hair Oil users. The first step towards this goal was to reach out to them and make them aware of the brand, and then to get them to use it. To achieve this goal, the company launched a participatory programme that offered the consumers vocational training, and also involved the local community in the effort. The entire initiative was woven around the brand.

HOW THEY DID IT The programme is essentially a beauty and talent contest aptly named Banke Dikhao Rani (Become a Queen) in the targeted areas. The contestants are judged on three parameters sundarta (beauty), susheelta (disposition) and yogyata (ability). The contestants are judged by village elders and leaders, such as the village headman, school teachers or social workers on the susheelta and yogyata parameters and trained beauticians are engaged by the company to judge their beauty quotient. While the participants are offered tips on beauty and personal care by the beautician, the winners are promised training to become beauticians, thereby giving them an employment opportunity. Daburs representatives visit targeted villages twice as part of the programme. During the first visit, villagers are informed about the event and invited to participate. A month later, the actual event is held. The campaign, which is still on, is held around June every year in various non-urban areas across north India. Rural and semi-urban markets are highly important for Dabur. Enthused by the success of such on-ground initiatives, the company now runs music and beauty contests for its Vatika and Dabur Gulabari brands as well.

RESULT The company says the initiative helped Dabur Amla Hair Oil report at least 20% growth in 201213. It also helped in building brand awareness as well as delivering the all-important brand experience.

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