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Have You Ever Wanted More From Your Game?

A better grip? Better tempo? Smoother transition? More solid ball striking? Increased distance? Better swing plane? More feel? And lower scores!!! The SwingSetter Pro provides all this and more Call 1-800-514-6504 to Order Now!*
Instant Feedback: The adjustable magnetic ball is designed to promote the correct setting of the wrists in the backswing. Hearing the snap in the backswing and the sound of impact becomes addictive as you improve both technique and tempo.

Dont Waste Your Time Hitting Ball After Ball on the Range Without Any Feedback on Your Swing!
With The SwingSetter Pro You Will Feel Where You Have to Be and What You Have to Do to Hit Consistently Great Shots!
The biggest revelation I think golfers have using SwingSetter Pro is that they are easily able to feel what they have to do to hit good shots. Equally important, if they hit a bad shot, they know what they have done wrong and how to x it. And youre going to be amazed at how solidly, consistently and further youre going to hit the golf ball. Practicing for just a few minutes with the SwingSetter Pro will x all of your basic faults and with only a little use, allow you to maintain a consistent and powerful swing. I believe the SwingSetter Pro is the simplest, fastest way to develop the feel for a great golf swing. You can swing it at home or hit balls at the range and its the perfect way to warm up for a round. I guarantee that the SwingSetter Pro will have you hitting the ball longer, straighter and more consistently the very rst time you use it. David Leadbetter. So Call 800-514-6504 or go to: to order yours right now. You owe it to your golf game to own a Swing Setter Pro.

Developed with the worlds leading grip manufacturer, Golf Pride, the patented molded grip perfectly positions your hands on the grip vital to properly creating the wrist action needed to generate maximum speed through impact.

Extending from the butt-end of the grip, the Plane Pointer allows you to keep a close eye on the plane of your swing. Staying on plane is something that the worlds best golfers continually monitor to keep their swing on track and their scores low.

The NEW SwingSetter Pro Improves The Five Key Areas of Your Swing and Will Deliver Amazing Results for Your Game!

*Be one of the rst 500 to order the amazing SwingSetter Pro and get a $200, BONUS gift package that includes David Leadbetters entire 4 disk, interactive DVD training system, his home computer swing analysis software and reusable impact labels for better ball striking!

Swing Better cover story

Instant Feedback: The adjustable magnetic ball is designed to promote the correct setting of the wrists in the backswing. Hearing the snap in the backswing and the sound of impact becomes addictive as you improve both technique and tempo.

Developed with the worlds leading grip manufacturer, Golf Pride, the patented molded grip perfectly positions your hands on the grip vital to properly creating the wrist action needed to generate maximum speed through impact.

Extending from the butt-end of the grip, the Plane Pointer allows you to keep a close eye on the plane of your swing. Staying on plane is something that the worlds best golfers continually monitor to keep their swing on track and their scores low.

To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit



By David Leadbetter
THROUGHOUT MY CAREER I have always been interested in looking at the ways in which training products can help a golfer to ingrain the movement and the feelings that we look for in a solid and repeating swing. By and large, most of these products are limited, in that they tend to focus on one specic element of the swing. This is why I am so excited about the SwingSetter Pro an ingenious new training device that can help golfers of all age and ability to learn a good overall swing technique through feel. The SwingSetter Pro is the result of the thousands of letters and e-mails that I have received from satised SwingSetter customers who absolutely loved the original SwingSetter, but craved the ability to hit a golf ball. After a tremendous amount of re-engineering the product, we created a training aid that all of the instructors at my teaching academies around the world now use as an integral part of their teaching, for the simple reason that it reinforces the core elements of my philosophy on the swing. Once a student understands a handful of principles (which over the following pages I am going to explain to you) the SwingSetter Pro makes for the perfect swing trainer to develop and maintain the golf swing youve always wanted.
Improve your motion through FEEL Whats the common denominator we see in good players? Answer: They all have great motion. There is a sense of ow; the clubhead is swinging freely and it is accelerating when it meets the ball. (Poor players, in contrast, exhibit poor motion. They appear to be hitting at the ball rather than swinging through it. And, as a result, they lose clubhead speed and suffer a lack of distance.) Take a closer look at a good swing and you discover that good motion starts from the word go. A good grip paves the way for a good wrist action fundamental to the correct setting and loading of the club in the backswing

As close as you can get to a one-on-one lesson with me...
and the SwingSetter Pro will help you to negotiate these key rst moves. The molded grip guarantees that your hands are correctly tted, and, as a result, the wrists enjoy the full mobility they need in order to hinge correctly in the course of making a swing. And once you have the feeling of setting the wrists, you will be well on the way to experiencing the thrill of truly swinging the clubhead and releasing maximum speed as you unwind to a full nish. The real ingenuity of the SwingSetter Pro comes in the shape of the adjustable magnetic resistance ball, located 12 inches or so down the shaft. The magnetic ball is specically designed to help you work on setting the wrists correctly and thus getting the clubhead swinging up with some real speed in the backswing whereupon you hear an audible snap as the magnet is forced apart. While the original SwingSetter was designed with a second magnetic ball that released through the impact zone, the SwingSetter Pro replaces that distinctive snap with the sound of impact between ball and clubface providing that instant feedback that so many golfers look for when practicing. Now let me show you the SwingSetter Pro in action

With three settings on the adjustable magnetic ball, the SwingSetter Pro is fully adjustable to accommodate natural differences in players physical strength and swing tempo.

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If there is one tip I could give the average golfer, especially slicers and those who lack distance, it would be to stress the importance of tting his or her left hand on the grip correctly. As the rst point of contact between a player and the club, the left-hand position is vital in terms of your ability to hinge the wrists correctly and generate a true swinging motion.

Go Low in the Left Hand

Holding the SwingSetter Pro at a 45-degree angle will help you to t your left hand correctly. This is a habit I encourage you to adopt out on the course

To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit


When it came to designing the molded grip, my brief to the engineers at Golf Pride was quite simple: I wanted to make sure that the grip was taken more towards the ngers particularly in the left hand as the majority of amateurs tend to take the club too much through the palm, which effectively sties a good wrist action. The result is a training grip featuring a series of rubber ns and visual indicators which guide your hands into a perfect position every time. It doesnt matter if you prefer an overlapping or interlocking grip, regular practice with the SwingSetter Pro will see to it that you become accustomed to the feeling of a perfect golf grip. I was also very keen to create a training grip that promotes the correct positioning of the left thumb, as this detail is often misunderstood. The left thumb is not draped squarely down the center of the grip but is instead pinched short and angled slightly to the right of center as you look upon it. If you have a club handy, pick it up and check this detail on your own grip. One of the things I have always felt is that the better the connection between the left thumb and the upper part of the left forenger, the better the security of the hand on the club. If the thumb and forenger are allowed to separate, you effectively lose power.


Look for this triangle between the arms and shoulders

About the position of the left thumb

Ready to go
To create a good, athletic posture, position your feet no wider than shoulder-width apart (instep to instep) and ex your knees slightly. You want to feel a slight tension in feet, thighs and abdominal area as you bend gently from the hips while maintaining a at lower back. Your body is now in a perfect posture, ready to move.

Low in the ngers

Holding the SwingSetter Pro at a 45degree angle, lay the grip diagonally in the ngers of the left hand so that it runs from the base of the little nger through to the rst joint of the forenger. Check that the left thumb is in the designated outlined area. For optimum feel and full mobility in the right hand, make sure that the grip again runs primarily in the ngers. When you close your right hand the left thumb should be totally covered, tting snug beneath the eshy pad at the base of the right thumb. Another feature of this grip is the lower n that is designed to separate the right forenger from the second nger and thus give you a distinct trigger. This is vital in terms of creating a full set of the wrists in the backswing and then holding that angle in the wrists as you swing the club down before cracking the whip at impact.

Feet, knees, hips and shoulders square to the target line

Feel the trigger

To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit


How to set your swing in motion



The initial sequence of moves at the start of the backswing are critical in terms of your ability to set off a chain-reaction which is exactly what a good swing is. And the key lies in cultivating the wrist action that gets the club set roughly by the time your hands reach waist high. Young or old, amateur or pro, every golfer we see at my academies worldwide will be drilled in the importance of getting into what we term this fully set position at halfway back: the left arm parallel, wrists fully set, club loaded with energy. From here, all you have to do is complete your upper body turn to get into a perfect backswing position. So, with a good grip and athletic posture, prepare to work on this rst series of moves. The key is to create a momentum early in the

backswing, and you will do that when you get your stomach muscles moving in tandem with the hands and arms (what you dont want is the situation where the hands and arms work independently of the body). Once that initial momentum is dialed in, you then want to feel the wrists hinging to get the clubhead swinging up. Get some speed going and snap that backswing ball apart. Exactly when should the wrists begin to hinge? It varies among different players and depends to some extent on how long your arms are. Players with long arms generally set the club a little later. My own preference is that I like to see the wrists begin to hinge as the butt-end of the grip passes the right thigh. From there you really want to feel as though your wrist action is accelerating the weight of the

clubhead upwards. As a result, by the time your left arm is parallel to the ground, you should have a full 90-degree set. SWINGING. In the sequence above, this dynamic action takes place between frames 2 and 4. Everything moves at the same speed for the rst couple of feet, to get from the set-up to what I term the 8 oclock position. But then the clubhead has to get active after all, it has a long way to travel in relation to the hands and arms. This is the gearing effect that we see in a good swing. The wrist action gives your swing a change of gear that speeds up the clubhead

Wrist action gets the club head


To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit


Depending on your height and build, look for the Plane Pointer to extend at or just inside the ball-to-target line. Here, youre in the safety zone - your swing is on plane and you can complete your backswing with total condence.

the trick being to synchronize this with the rotation of your body (i.e. timing) Ernie Els is a great example of a player who understands the dynamics of this motion. The general impression with Ernie is that he swings the club fairly slowly. But take a closer look and you will notice that while his body may be fairly quiet in the backswing, the clubhead is swinging at quite a speed right from the start. Ernie really is a master of generating this easy energy; with a combination of a gentle turning of the stomach and free-owing arm/wrist action, he creates a gearing effect that gets the clubhead swinging early with a full set of the wrists. Once you master this move, I guarantee youll enjoy effortless power (not the other way around).


Swinging the club on a consistent plane is one of the keys to solid and consistent ball-striking. Your natural plane is established by the lie angle of the club at the set-up, and the main checkpoint we use occurs at the halfway stage. Your swing is said to be on-plane when the butt-end of the grip points down at - or just a few inches inside - the ball-to-target line. Regard the shaded area above as your safety zone. Most amateurs are too at going back (right), and end up having to lift the arms to the top. But when you learn to hinge the wrists correctly to get the club up on its end, all you then have to do is complete your shoulder turn to arrive at a solid and consistent backswing.

Plane Pointer points beyond the ball, your swing is too at

To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit




Spec i Pull al -ou Drill t Manu al


cial Spe out lPul ill Dr ual Man


Swing the SwingSetter Pro at your normal tempo to release the magnetic ball on the backswing by the time you are halfway back; this is when your left arm is parallel to the ground. Extend the Plane Pointer prior to swinging and check to see that at the halfway back position the Plane Pointer is aimed down toward the ground on or slightly inside the target line. The magnetic ball must snap prior to your reaching the halfway back position. Check the position and hold it for a couple of seconds, allowing the magnetic ball to reset, and you are ready to swing again. A late snap of the magnetic ball near the top of the backswing should be avoided. This could result in several swing errors, including poor wrist cock, overswinging, lack of power, being off plane, etc. Making a smooth backswing and properly setting the wrist angle are the keys to leverage and solid contact. If you nd that you are snapping the ball late or snapping it at all, you may require a more aggressive setting of the wristsmade easier by a good grip, which you now have! You may need to speed up your tempo to accomplish the snapping on the backswing, as some people, believe it or not, actually swing back too slowly (this is particularly true of ladies). Check the resistance levels on page 4 to ensure you are using the proper setting. A tip to get the correct wrist action and hear the snap is to start the backswing from a position slightly forward from where the golf ball is positioned and use your stomach and abdominal muscles in conjunction with the hands and arms; this provides momentum to the SwingSetter Pro.

Spec i Pull al -ou Drill t Manu al

cial Spe out lPul ill Dr ual Man




Spec i Pull al -ou Drill t Manu al

cial Spe out lPul ill Dr ual Man




Hold Your Downswing

Properly Aligned Downswing


Spec i Pull al -ou Drill t Manu al


Check Your Plane

cial Spe out lPul ill Dr ual Man



L to L



Unwind and release your max speed at impact

One of the reasons good players are so consistent is that they sequence their swing so effectively. Thats why the halfway-back position is so important: if you can get the wrists fully set and the club loaded in that rst series of moves back from the ball, all you have to do is complete your shoulder turn to get into a solid position at the top of the backswing. I mentioned on the previous page the importance of the gearing effect and sequencing the swing, and this is the result. You want to sense that the turning of your body and the swinging of your arms and the club arrive together at the top. Feel the weight of the SwingSetter Pro and swing it with the combined momentum of arm-swing and body turn. Thats the key to transferring energy effectively into the clubhead. (One of the problems that I see affect many amateurs is that they tend to think too much in terms of turning their body to the detriment

of not setting the wrists correctly. The result is that they end up having to lift the arms to complete the backswing a huge power drain, as movement is occurring independently.)

Crack the whip, maximize speed

In the months of testing that we did with regular club golfers, one of the comments I heard time and time again was that using the SwingSetter Pro helped them to get away from having too many technical thoughts. Focusing on just the set and release positions in the swing i.e. trying to get the snap at halfway back and again at impact becomes addictive, and so with regular use the SwingSetter Pro encourages a free-owing and quite aggressive swing. It creates movements and promotes the full hinging and snapping of the wrists at the right point in the swing. In short, it encourages a uninhibited motion.

With my travel schedule as busy as it is, I do not have the time to get out and work on my golf swing as much as I would like, but the SwingSetter Pro helps to keep me in touch with my swing. What it does is keep me in sync i.e. it helps me to move the club, hands, arms and body in tandem. As I mentioned a moment ago, theres a gearing effect in the swing largely determined by the overall quality of the wrist action and this is what I work on perfecting. I get the club set at halfway back, then go after the feeling of the club and body arriving together at the top of the backswing and again at impact. While I prefer hitting balls with the SwingSetter Pro on the range, it is certainly a great tool just to make practice swings at home in the backyard to keep my swing in shape when I cant make it to the course. it to the golf course.

To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit


Heres a drill that will strengthen the very heart of your golf swing working halfway back to halfway through. This helps the wrists you to synchronize the setting of the wrists with the body turn in the backswing, then holding on to that angle in the downswing before fully releasing the hands and forearms as you unwind to the target. Set the SwingSetter Pro to a weak tension at the 1 or 2 setting. Then swing to halfway back snapping the magnetic ball to form this clear L-shape between your arms and the SwingSetter Pro. From here, and without stopping, accelerate through the impact area release your speed but stop at halfway up in a mirror-image of the halfway-back position. Repeating this exercise develops the quality of the synchronisation between your arms and body and makes you generally more aware of setting the wrists back and resetting them through for a powerful, accelerated release.

Snap the backswing ball as you fully set the wrists

Release to a mirror-image at halfway through

Start a few feet ahead of target ball

Sense motion from your middle as you let the club swing

Use this momentum to create width and set your wrists

Complete full shoulder turn


To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit


Above all, regular use of the SwingSetter Pro will improve your overall technique as it provides feedback to help you improve quicker and easier than you have ever have imagined. To further promote the full and instinctive setting of the wrists during the rst few feet of your swing, start the SwingSetter Pro a couple of feet forward of the target ball (see sequence below). As you let it fall, build on its natural momentum with the turning of your stomach to really crank the wrists and set your swing in a truly dynamic motion. To heighten your sense of feel and awareness, make a series of swings with your eyes closed, without hitting the ball of course! This really places the emphasis on your ability to set the wrists correctly on the way back before accelerating through impact. The snapping of the ball will promote a consistent instinctive tempo.



Those of you who slice the ball need to work on extending the triangle of the arms through impact. Adopt a good posture then swing the SwingSetter Pro to the top (snapping the magnetic ball) and hold this position for a count of three. Then swing down through impact with both arms fully extended and the Plane Pointer looking at your navel. Hold this position, and then repeat. This develops a feel for a complete backswing, the full release of the clubhead and full extension of forearms past the ball as opposed to the weak chicken-winged position . Weak chickenwing look is common among slicers

Make a full backswing and hold for a count of three

Extend both arms for a full release

Hold on to the angle

and then release the speed at impact

Crossover conrms a full release

Turn all the way to face the target

To Swing Better, CALL 1-800-514-6504 or visit


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