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NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education


B. OBJECTIVES:-Able to carry out analysis of correlations and linear regression by parametric inferential, using SPSS -Able to understand the result of a linear regression and correlation analysis.


: Table 4. Score of motivation and the understanding of concept for students of SMA XXX GK Stude nt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Motivation Score 65,00 75,00 65,00 70,00 70,00 65,00 60,00 60,00 75,00 80,00 75,00 85,00 70,00 90,00 75,00 Understanding of Concept 64,00 68,00 60,00 70,00 65,00 60,00 61,00 60,00 68,00 73,00 72,00 75,00 75,00 82,00 70,00

Table 5. The level of drug and the increase in the pulse of frequency in adults Numb er 1 2 3 4 5 Level of drug-x (in mg) ,50 ,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 Increase in Pulse Frequency (per minute) 10,00 8,00 12,00 12,00 14,00

NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education

1,75 12,00 6 2,00 16,00 7 2,25 18,00 8 2,50 17,00 9 2,75 20,00 10 3,00 18,00 11 3,25 20,00 12 3,50 21,00 13 D. ANALYSIS DATA TECHNIQUE : Analysis of correlation and linear regression by parametric inferential using SPSS program.


Data 1. Table Correlations result of motivation and the understanding of concept for students of SMA XXX GK

NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education

Data 2. Table linear regression result of the level of drug and the increase in the pulse of frequency in adults

NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education


This practicum topic is LINEAR REGRESSION AND SIMPLE PARAMETRIC CORRELATION. This practicum was held in Monday, 22th April 2013 at the Computer Mathematics and Science Faculty Laboratory. This topic has objective Able to carry out analysis of correlations and linear regression by parametric inferential, using SPSS and Able to understand the result of a linear regression and correlation analysis. We have 2 data that must be analysis, the first is motivation and the understanding of concept for students of SMA XXX GK and the second is the level of drug and the increase in the pulse of frequency in adults. The first data is analysis to know the correlations between each conduct and the result. The second data is analysis to know the linear regression. Analysis the first data is started by open the SPSS program, second entry the data about motivation and the understanding of concept for students of SMA XXX GK, third click analyze then choose correlate, after that choose bivariate, after that step the dialog box will be shown, move the motivasi and pkonsep by clicking the arrow at the left side of variables box, the condition must be analyzed

NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education

parametrically, is that the motivation scale is made using interval scale so that the correlation coefficient chosen is pearson but if the condition is not fulfilled then choose spearman. To complete the result for a descriptive result we can click the option button at the bivariate correlation dialog box, then choose means and standart deviations. The result of the first analysis are, the mean of motivasi = 72, mean of pemahaman konsep = 68, standart deviation of motivasi = 8,618, standart deviation of pemahaman konsep = 6,592, the total data both of data = 15. The pearson correlation of motivasi =1 and pearson correlation of pemahaman konsep = 0,891. From the result of pearson correlation and sig, (2-tailed) we can conclude that the two variables show a significant relationship with a correlations coefficient of 0,891. The result also mean that an increase in motivation is followed by an increase in understanding the concept because the result is positive (+). The result of the second analysis are, R = 0,951a, R Square = 0,904, adjusted R Square= 0,895, std. error of the estimate = 1,35579, sum of squares regression = 190, 088 , sum of squares residual = 20, 220, regression mean square = 190,088 and residual mean square = 1,838, F = 103, 412, sig 000, . The value of B is 7,055 and the standart error is 0,888, this is show the false of constant is 0,888. And the Kdr_obat in B is 4,088 and the standart error is 0,402. The standardized coefficients just divisible to Beta, and the value is 0,951. T of constant is 7,949 and the Kdr_Obat is 10,169, and the last significant of both is 0. From the result we can conclude the amount of the stimulus of kadar obat to the pulse rate is R2 = (0,951)2 or 0,904 like shown at the R Square.


The result of correlation analysis are, the mean of motivasi = 72, mean of pemahaman konsep = 68, standart deviation of motivasi =

NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education

8,618, standart deviation of pemahaman konsep = 6,592, the total data both of data = 15. The pearson correlation of motivasi =1 and pearson correlation of pemahaman konsep = 0,891. From the result of pearson correlation and sig, (2-tailed) we can conclude that the two variables show a significant relationship with a correlations coefficient of 0,891. The result also mean that an increase in motivation is followed by an increase in understanding the concept because the result is positive (+).

The result of the second analysis are, R = 0,951a, R Square = 0,904, adjusted R Square= 0,895, std. error of the estimate = 1,35579, sum of squares regression = 190, 088 , sum of squares residual = 20, 220, regression mean square = 190,088 and residual mean square = 1,838, F = 103, 412, sig 000, . The value of B is 7,055 and the standart error is 0,888, this is show the false of constant is 0,888. And the Kdr_obat in B is 4,088 and the standart error is 0,402. The standardized coefficients just divisible to Beta, and the value is 0,951. T of constant is 7,949 and the Kdr_Obat is 10,169, and the last significant of both is 0. From the result we can conclude the amount of the stimulus of kadar obat to the pulse rate is R2 = (0,951)2 or 0,904 like shown at the R Square.

NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education


DATA: Table 3. The level of pestisida poison and the increase in the death of frequency in pest


NAME : Hening Triandika Rachman NIM : 12317244025 CLASS: International Biology Education


The result of the second analysis are, R = 951a, R Square = 0,904, adjusted R Square= 0,895, std. error of the estimate = 1,35555, sum of squares regression = 190, 095 , sum of squares residual = 20, 213, regression mean square = 190,095 and residual mean square = 1,838, F = 103, 452, sig = 000, . The value of B is 6,076 and the standart error is 0,789, the value of poison rate = 4,088 with standart error = 0,402, beta = 0,951 , constant t = 7, 617, poison rate t = 10, 171 , both of sig = 000. From the result we can conclude the amount of the stimulus of kadar obat to the pulse rate is R2 = (0,951)2 or 0,904 like shown at the R Square.

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