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A dooms day in historic All Saints church in Peshawar Reporter: Mudassar Shah Date: 26/09/2013 Slug: Pakistan Peshawar

church INTRO Pakistani Christians have protested across the country to demand better protection for their community after a pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up outside a historic church in Peshawar, killing more than 80 people and wounding at least 140 others. As Mudassar Shah reports from Peshawar the families of the dead are angry and devastated.

Scene 1 START WITH THIS SHOT Aasia is sitting beside her daughter She tells how she sends her son to Church Aasia is weeping and her daughter tries to console her Other women also weep after some break Aasia goes to the place where she was waiting for her son on Sunday

Aasia Masih sent her sons and daughter to church as usual on Sunday She was at her relatives home when she heard a huge explosion. Aasia Masih SOT 1(Female, Urdu) My sons body was completely covered with blood. There were many people lying in Church. Some of them were without legs and others were without heads. She lost one son. Another son and daughter were badly injured. Aasia Masih SOT 2 (Female, Urdu) I will kill the culprit the way they have killed my son if I find them. My son was crying out in pain. I want to see them crying the same way. They have destroyed many houses and many mothers.

Scene 2

Waqar Masih usually works on Sunday.

Aasias relatives house where she was waiting for her son Her daughters sit beside her Waqar comes down on four stairs from a room to sit with Aasia Waqar has a plaster on his leg which is broken in blast Shots of Waqars plaster on his leg General shots of the house Shots of Aasias daughters

But this time his mother insisted he come to church with her. Waqar Masih SOT 1 (Male, Urdu) My mother fell into arms soon after the blast. I was injured and my leg was broken. My mother and my cousin were taken away in ambulances but they both died.

Scene 3

WHAT ABOUT THIS. (PERFECT) This Church that the bombers attack has stood for more than 100 years as a symbol of MuslimChristian harmony. It has Muslim-style minarets topped by a large black cross and the biblical verses are written in Persian on the walls.

General shots of Church (inside and outside) soon after the blast Women and men weeping in church yard Blood of the injured and dead people on earth Shots of the lady Reading hospital where the injured were brought for treatment Shots of women and men weeping Shots of Waqar in the hospital for treatment after the blast Christians get angry over police for not providing security Shot of the All Saints Church sign plate on Church wall

(In front of the Church, the minarets and dome can be seen and Persian can be seen)

Scene 4 General shots of Church People pray inside the Church and

Amongst the tears is also a deep anger that the security forces were not able to do more to protect the people who worship here.

some people weep Women hug each other and weep Shots of shoes of the people who are died in the blast Shots of the bouquets Some people burns candle People from different religions come for condolences as Sikhs have come to church Niha a college students weep and walk in church yard Niha bends on knee and weep People enter though Walk through gate

College student Niha Masih [nee-ha ma-see] stands in front of a pair of shoes that belonged to her brother. Niha Masih SOT 1 (FEMALE, Urdu Language) Strict action should be taken against the culprits. They have killed many innocent people. My brother was killed. My grandfather was also killed along with many of my relatives. We dont have strength to bury more people.

The police say the security has been beefed up and they can provide further security to minorities if they are not satisfied. But Father Shehzad Murad says they still feel very vulnerable.

------- Deputy Superintendant of Police checking the security and the reporter is talking to him Police checking motor cycle near church Police are checking the people who inter in Church premises Shops are closed near the Church Local Christians also check people along with police Father Shehzad Murad walks in Church yard He prays before the bouquet which has been brought for condolence Shots of Cross which hangs on his cloth

Father Shehzad Murad (Male, Urdu Language) We are a minority and we dont have resources to protect ourselves and cant do anything to protect ourselves.

The government is trying to reassure the community. Scene 5 Police stand alert near the Church Chief ministers visit to church Pervaiz Khattak SOT 1 (Male, Urdu) The government stands with you in the difficult time and I promise the government will not forget this for a long time.

People gather in Church

A splinter militant group known as Jundullah has claimed responsible for the attack. They say it was in response to US drone strikes. Major Pakistan political parties have agreed to negotiate with Taliban militants in an attempt to put an end attacks like this. The countrys main militant group, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan called the church bombings an attempt to sabotage these peace talks. For Asia Calling, I am Mudassar Shah reports from Peshawar, Pakistan.

Many people gather in Church who carry the injured to ambulances soon after the blast The dead bodies were also taken in ambulances

I could not see anything when I saw my children in the Church. I walked over several people to reach my children.

two suicide bombers rushed the church doors as worshipers streamed out on Sunday. One attacker exploded his vest inside, the other just outside

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