Assessment1 - Case Study

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Assessment Briefing for Students

Academic Year: 2013 / 14 Course code: MKTG 605 Course title: Marketing Management in E-Age Semester

Subject Area:


Course Leader:

Dr Riyad Eid

Assessment brief number (and title where applicable): 1

Component (Please delete as appropriate)

Weighting: 25 %

Assessment Brief/ Task

The company profile (Carrefour UAE) Recognized as one of the most active shopping concept developers throughout the region, the Group first introduced the hypermarket model to the Middle East in 1995. Majid Al Futtaim Retail manages Majid Al Futtaim Hypermarkets, a joint venture company with the worlds second largest retailer Carrefour, and offers shoppers the same quality, variety and value-for-money that have made the brand a household name to millions over the world. In the last 3 years, Majid Al Futtaim Hypermarket has opened 14 new Stores. In the expansion of Carrefour across the region currently there are 37 hypermarkets in the Middle East. In the coming year of 2010, Majid Al Futtaim Retail expects to open 10 new stores . Task You are working for a marketing research company and has been asked to conduct a market research with a research team (4-6 Members) to study the effectiveness of loyalty card schemes as a CRM tool in relation to customers who are the target market for such schemes. The main aim is to investigate the effectiveness of such schemes in consumers lives and whether they actually encourage loyalty to retailers. Carrefour management decided to strengthen Carrefours relationship with the customers so that the company could emerge stronger. Questions are raised as to the implementation of technology and supporting processes in a company that traditionally had not considered CRM as its core marketing strategy. In particular, your research should focus on the following CRM issues: 1. Carrefour CRM strategy, 2. The selected CRM software, 3. Companies that Carrefour have benchmarked, 4. The provided CRM training to gain the full benefits of the CRM implementation, and 5. The initial results that have been achieved. Interviews with the CRM manager, marketing manager and customer service manager should be conducted. Some interviews with customers should also be conducted to document the benefits of CRM from customers perspective.


In common with procedure set-up for Assignment 1 each report is expected to conform to the following presentation guidelines:

The report should be word-processed in MS Word, using either Times New Roman or Arial as the standard font. Except for the title page (see below) all text, including any headings and subheadings, should be in 12 point, black and left justified. On top of that, you need to present the results of your study in 12 PowerPoint slides. A4 paper of good quality should be used, and printed on one side only. The first page should be a title page including the following information; The title of the report (16 point, bold, centred, and positioned one-third of the way down the page) The month in which the report was prepared (14 point, bold, centred, and positioned below two lines below the title) Who the report is prepared for: i.e. Prepared for: Dr Riyad Eid ' (12 point size, left-justified, lower left hand corner) Who prepared the report, i.e. Prepared by: 'A.N. Other (Student number)' (12 point size, leftjustified, lower left hand corner) Date of submission: i.e. see below (12 point size, left-justified, lower left hand corner) Word count: i.e. see below. The second page should be a table of contents. This should indicate main headings and subheadings, and may make use of a hierarchical section and sub-section numbering system 1. Page numbers must be numbered consecutively throughout the text, and located centrally at the bottom of each page.

The Report should be not less than 2000 or more than 2500 words in total (excluding any embedded tables, graphs or figures; where appropriate these can make use of colour).

Important requirements
(Delete where appropriate, if other please provide detail) Mode of Working: Presentation Format: Assessment limits (words and presentation timings): Insert the following detail: Hand in date: Assessment should be marked for the attention of: Group

MS Word + PowerPoint presentation not less than 2000 or more than 2500 words + 15
minute presentation) 24 or 25/11/2013 Dr Riyad Eid

Preferred hand in location: In class Note: Expensive or elaborate bindings and covers of written submissions are not required in most instances. (Refer to guidelines however in the case of dissertations) Always submit an electronic copy of your written work as well as a paper copy. Always keep a copy of your work. Note: the detailed organisation and structure of each Research Proposal will reflect the researcher's judgement as to how the research requirement set out in the Research Brief can be addressed most

efficiently and effectively.

Always keep a file of working papers (e.g. photocopied articles) that support the sources used in your work.

The following detail is important when:

Preparing for your assessment Checking your work before submission When interpreting your grade and feedback after marking. (Note that your work will not be returned to you so always keep a copy of your work for this purpose.) Learning Outcome s Tested (Insert detail)

Understand how uncontrollable and controllable variables impact upon organisations marketing activities Identify appropriate marketing tools within a structured situation

Assessm ent Criteria (Insert detail)

Identify the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats facing each of the companies/brands Demonstrate how the uncontrollable and uncontrollable variables impact upon them. Describe their customers and how they segment and position themselves in the market.

Performa nce descripto rs (by grade) (Insert detail)

See below

To help you further:

Refer to module guide for contact details of course Leader leader and Departmental Administrator Throughout the module KOTLER and ARMSTRONG (200X) Principles of Marketing, Xth Edition, Prentice-Hall, USA BAINES, P., FILL, C., and PAGE, K. (2008) Marketing: Oxford: Oxford University Press JOBBER,D.,(2007) Principles and Practice of Marketing. 5th ed.,McGraw Hill Education.
DIBB, S., SIMKIN, L., PRIDE, W. and FERRELL, O.. (2005) Marketing: Concepts and Strategies. 5th European ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin KOTLER, P., ARMSTRONG, G., SAUNDERS, J., & WONG, V. (2008) Principles of Marketing. 5rd European ed., Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall

Detail of tutorial inputs, etc. Recommended reading and other sources (Where different from module guide listing)

If available insert checklist of issues for student to consider before submission.

Is there a clear structure to your work? Is the work well presented visually in terms of layout, fonts, and spacing, etc? Have you supported your statements with appropriate "evidence"? Is the argument clear and structured?

Are the materials you have used properly acknowledged in your work? Does the main body of your work correctly identify authors and other detail (dates and where appropriate page references) as specified in the Harvard system standards? Can all your references be traced to your bibliography? Has the bibliography been prepared to Harvard system standards? Refer to the grade descriptors and decide (realistically) the grade you want to achieve. (Honestly now) do the descriptions associated with that grade correspond with your work? If not what adjustments do you need to make?

Performance Descriptors Level 4 Final Letter Grades will be based on the following Percentage Scale:

A = 90 % - 100 % B+= 85 % - 89 % B = 80 % - 84 % C+= 75 % - 79 %

C = 70 % - 74 % D+ = 65 % - 69 % D = 60 % - 64 % F = Below 60%

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