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Power System Analysis

Chapter 3: Network Admittance and Impedance Matrices

Section IV: Thevenin Impedance And Zbus Matrix

To establish relationships between the elements of the Zbus matrix and Thevenin equivalent, let us consider the following example. Example 3.4 Consider the two bus power system shown in Fig. 3.15. It can be seen that the open-circuit voltages of buses a and b are Va and Vb respectively. From (3.11) we can write the Ybus matrix of the system as

Fig. 3.15 Two-bus power system of Example 3.4.

The determinant of the above matrix is

Therefore the Zbus matrix is

Solving the last two equations we get


Now consider the system of Fig. 3.15. The Thevenin impedance of looking into the system at bus- a is the parallel combination of Zaa and Zab + Zbb , i.e., (3.51)



Power System Analysis

Similarly the Thevenin impedance obtained by looking into the system at bus- b is the parallel combination of Zbb and Zaa + Zab , i.e., (3.52) Hence the driving point impedances of the two buses are their Thevenin impedances. Let us now consider the Thevenin impedance while looking at the system between the buses a and b . From Fig. 3.15 it is evident that this Thevenin impedance is the parallel combination of Zab and Zaa + Zbb , i.e.,

With the values given in (3.50) we can write

Comparing the last two equations we can write (3.53) As we have seen in the above example in the relation V = Zbus I , the node or bus voltages Vi , i = 1, ... , n are the open circuit voltages. Let us assume that the currents injected in buses 1, ... , k - 1 and k + 1, ... , n are zero when a short circuit occurs at bus k . Then Thevenin impedance at bus k is (3.54) From (3.51), (3.52) and (3.54) we can surmise that the driving point impedance at each bus is the Thevenin impedance. Let us now find the Thevenin impedance between two buses j and k of a power system. Let the open circuit voltages be defined by the voltage vector V and corresponding currents be defined by I such that (3.55) Now suppose the currents are changed by I such that the voltages are changed by V . Then (3.56) Comparing (3.55) and (3.56) we can write (3.57) Let us now assume that additional currents I k and I k are injected at the buses k and j respectively while the currents injected at the other buses remain the same. Then from (3.57) we can write



Power System Analysis


We can therefore write the following two equations form (3.58)

The above two equations can be rewritten as (3.59) (3.60) Since Zjk = Zk j the network can be drawn as shown in Fig. 3.16. By inspection we can see that the open circuit voltage between the buses k and j is (3.61) and the short circuit current through these two buses is (3.62) Also during the short circuit Vk - Vj = 0. Therefore combining (3.59) and (3.60) we get (3.63) Combining (3.61) to (3.63) we find the Thevenin impedance between the buses k and j as (3.64) The above equation agrees with our earlier derivation of the two bus network given in (3.53).



Power System Analysis

Fig 3.16 Thevenin equivalent between buses k and j


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