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Persuasive-Informative Speech

Adoption and Abortion: Versus or Synonymous

"It's easier for me to kill you than to wave goodbye", says Dr. Laura Schelssinger speaking about those who choose abortion over adoption. As we have already heard countless times about abortion which is the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is in the period of viability, we think to our selves how terror for a parent to do such a thing. Issues spread all over the world and many critics disagree on the situation, weighing the circumstances, and showing alternatives beside abortionone of those is adoption. Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents. People, after seeing this two words abortion and adoption, majority of them will choose adoption especially those who are pro-life. If you think that abortion is an emotional subject for all of us, try speaking up honestly about adoption. Is it should be adoption over abortion? Or these two terms coincides each other? There are several problems with this argument about adoption vs. abortion. All who care about children and want the best for them should think about this carefully. Actually there is never really a choice between adoption and abortion. Although adoption viewed as many as giving a child a second chance to live and making that child inherit dignity to be born, the statements are not enough to support this opinions. It has been a debate that adoption should be choosing over abortion or any abandonment because of these reasons. First Adopting parents offer the greatest gift of all to children who are given up for adoption: a loving, nurturing family. Adoptive parents give children a chance they most likely would never have if they grew up in foster care. Second it offers the greatest hope for the child's development in life. For those who have limited means,

adoption may give their child a chance. And lastly, Adoptive parents gain a welcome new family member. Adoption enables the parents to have the family they have dreamed of for so long. These are some of the facts Ive gathered from different opinions from different minds of those who are prolife. Now what if ill show to you what the other side has to say. Children who are not well served by adoption, which provides them a divorce-like situation where they are torn between their natural families and the people adopting them. Adoption commonly creates in the adopted child a form of separation anxiety that can manifest itself throughout their lives. Abandonment and neglect are reported to be the two most devastating experiences the child would endure. Others masked the truth if who are there true parents. Now its all like aborting the child in the first place. All of these makes sense to us right? Decisions whether to adopt the child was seemingly a headache for us if we align the advantages and disadvantages. This would not be happening if parent who carelessly and unexpectedly making babies will take the responsibility on raising the child. The child has a right, the right to live and the right to be taken cared by his true parents. Abortion takes away in the eyes of the child to be happy while adoption give chance for the child view the world. But this does not mean adoption is the alternative to abortion. The morale is to become responsible to your actions especially to those who are becoming parents, both expected or unexpected. Whether adoption and abortion are synonymous or oppose each other, people should look up what is being deal upon here, it is the child. Rene John Francisco BN2A

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