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Drug Study (Budesonide) Patient: Demitrio De Asis Age: 82 years old Sex: Male Physician: Dr.


Medical Diagnosis: COPD in AE, Varicelle Infection

Drug Name Generic Name: Budesonide Brand Name: Pulmicort Turbuhaler, Pulmicort Respules

Dosage: Dosage: 0.5 mg/2ml suspension Route: Inhalation Frequency: BID q12 hours

Classification: Corticosteroid

Mechanism of Action Budesonide is a manmade glucocorticoid steroid related to the naturally-occurring hormone, cortisol or hydrocortisone which is produced in the adrenal glands. It is used for treating asthma by inhalation. Glucocorticoid steroids such as cortisol or budesonide have potent anti-inflammatory actions that reduces inflammation and hyper-reactivity (spasm) of the airways caused by asthma. When used as an inhaler, the budesonide goes directly to the inner lining of the inflamed airways to exert its effects.

Indication Used for the control of asthma in persons requiring continuous, prolonged treatment.

Contraindications Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to drug or for relief of acute asthma or bronchospasm. Use cautiously with TB and systemic infections.

Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities CNS: Headache, Assessment & Drug Effects dizziness, lethargy, fatigue, pa Do not use more often than prescribed; do not resthesias, nervousness stop without consulting your health care provider. Dermatologic: Rash,edema, p ruritus, alopecia It may take several days to achieve good effects; do not stop if effects are not Endocrine: HPA immediate. suppression, Cushing's syndrome with overdosage and systemic Use decongestant nose drops first if nasal passages are blocked. absorption GI: Nausea, dyspepsia, dry mouth Local: Nasal irritation, fungal infection Respiratory: Epistaxis, rebound congestion, pharyngitis, cough Other: Chest pain, asthenia, moon face, acne, bruising, back pain Store Respules upright, protect from light; discard open envelopes after 2 wk; gently shake before use. These side effects may occur: Local irritation (use your device correctly), dry mouth (suck sugarless lozenges). Report sore mouth, sore throat, worsening of symptoms, severe sneezing, exposure to chickenpox or measles, eye infections.

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