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Sales System


1) Project Title: Sales System Developed By: HITESH R. ROHIT 2) Project Description: (110803116014)

The Sales system is a system using that we can manage the customer order in list and after calculating by software it is generate the total amount in bill. Sales system is very useful in small as well as big stall in market. Existing:

Currently people are written customer order on the paper and after that they are calculate total amount. That is very time consuming in real world and the mistake chances is more. So we can improve by sales system. Proposed:

Proposed Sales system will eliminate all the manual interaction and increase the speed of whole process. The authenticate person can login into the account in system. System will allow administrator to fill the product name, quantity and price of the product. That is store in database as well as calculates the total amount and generates the bill. The administrator can save, edit, update and delete the order. Sales system is generating the report how many customer purchase from their stall and how many products. So sales system is very useful in day to day life.

3) Tools and Technology: Tools: VB 2008, MS ACCESS

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Sales System

(2) SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

Feasibility Study
Requirement Analysis and Specification





Figure 1:- Software Development life cycle model

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Sales System

1) Feasibility Study:-

This phase commences with discussion on the requests made by the user. The requests can be for a new system or for modifying the existing one. An estimate is made of whether the identified users needs can be satisfied with the current hardware and software technologies or not. Preliminary investigation verifies the problem and understands the need for the required system. Preliminary investigation should be quick and cost effective. The output of preliminary investigation decides whether the new system should be developed or not. There are three constraints, on which the go or no-go decision rests. 2) Software Analysis :This phase studies the problems or requirements of software in detail. These requirements define the process to be managed during the software development. After analyzing the requirements of the user, a requirement statement known as software requirement specification (SRS) is developed .After analyses, planning for the project begins. It includes developing plans that describe the activities to be performed during the project, such as software configuration management plans, project and scheduling, and quality assurance plans. In addition, the resources required during the project are also determined. 3) Software Design:In this phase the requirements are given a defined form. Design can be defined as a process of deciding information structures, in terms of efficiency, flexibility and reusability. During this phase, strategic and tactical decisions are made to meet the required functional and quality requirements of a system. Software design serves as the blueprint for the implementation of requirement in the software system. Each element of the analysis model in the analysis phase provides information that is required to create design models. 4) Software Coding:The coding phase can be defined as a process of translating the software requirements into a programming language, using tools that are available. Writing an efficient software code requires a thorough knowledge of programming language and its tools. Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate programming language according to the users requirements. A program code is efficient if it makes optimal use of resources and contains minimum errors.

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Sales System

5) Software Testing:Software testing is performed to ensure that software is free from errors. Efficient testing improves the quality of software. To achieve this, software testing requires a thorough analysis of the software in a systematic manner. A test plan is created to test software in a planned and systematic manner. In addition, software testing is performed to ensure that the software produces the correct outputs. This implies that outputs produced should be according to user requirements, to produce the correct outputs. 6) Software maintenance:This phase comprises a set of software engineering activities that occur after the software is delivered to the user. The objective of software maintenance is to make the software operational as per user requirements and to provide continuity of service. This implies that software maintenance focuses on fixing errors, recovering from failures, such as hardware failures, or incompatibility of hardware with software. In addition, it facilitates future maintenance work by modifying the software code and database used in the software.

Process Model
Types of process model:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Waterfall model Incremental model Prototype model Spiral model Concurrent development model Rapid application model Here we are choosing incremental model for software development and its description are given below: Incremental model The incremental model has same phases that are in waterfall model. But it is iterative in nature. The incremental model has following phases. 1) Analysis 2) Design 3) Code 4) Test

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Sales System





Delivery of 1st increment





Delivery of 2nd increment





Delivery of 3rd increment

: :
Analysis Design Code Test

Delivery of nth increment


Figure 2:- Incremental model

The incremental model delivers series of releases to the customer. These releases are called increments. More and more functionality is associated with each increment. The first increment is called core product. In this release the basic requirements are added. The word processing software package can be considered as an example of incremental model. In the first increment only the document processing facilities are available. In the first increment, more sophisticated document producing and processing facilities, file management functionalities are given. In the next increment
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Sales System spelling and grammar checking facilities can be given. Thus in incremental model progressive functionalities are obtained with each release.

Merits of incremental model :-

1. The incremental model can be adopted when there is less number of people involved in the project. 2. Technical risks can be managed with each increment. 3. For a very small time span, at least core product can be delivered to the customer.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why we choose this model?

Because of my software requirements are reasonably well-defined. And overall scope of the development effort suggests a purely liner effort. Using this model we can make software very quickly. If we are adding more functionality in existing software then quickly develop software easily by incremental model. 5. When the customer requirement change then we can easily change in software at each increment.

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Sales System

(3) Software Requirement Specification

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose:The purpose this documents is to present a detailed description of the Sales System. It will explain the purpose and features of the software, the interfaces of the software, what the software will do, the constraints under which it must operates and how the software will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the end users and the developers of the software.

1.2 Document Conventions To develop the SRS on Sales System we have used IEEE format SRS, Font size is 12, Font type is Times New Roman.

1.3 Intended audience and Reading Suggestions The intended audiences for this document are: The developers of the project. The Programmer who are going to implement the software. This document will be reviewed frequently by the above audience to check if the different phases of the project are being completed by meeting the given requirement.

1.4 Project Scope This document covers the requirements for the Sales System. This software will provide a graphical environment in which the users of the system will be able to perform various operations that are associated with storing, maintaining, updating and retrieving Sales information. The purpose of this is to guide developers in selecting a design that will be able to accommodate the full-scale application.
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Sales System

1.5 References An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering Approach - Pankaj Jalote Software Engineering a Practitioners Approach - Roger S Pressman.

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective The product Sales System is an independent product and does not depend on any other product or system. The product will automate various tasks associated with handling Sales details and better organizing the stored information and optimum performance, thus helping the stall/shop to ensure smooth working of these processes.

2.2 Product Features The product, SDMS will automate various tasks associated with handling sales details. The software will be used by office personnel to store the details of the product which is purchase by customer. Periodically it will be used by the office personnel to input the price and quantity information after saving. Software inherently makes automatic calculations on Product price. And all this information is accessible to administrators. Also the software has a provision that will allow end users to print the required reports of various product statistics.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics This software gives access to 1 kind of users. 1. Administrator: The personnel and stall/shop administrator will have administrator access to add, delete and modify information stored in the database.
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Sales System

2.4 Operating Environment 2.4.1Software Components Product will only run on a computer with Windows Operating System. Product will have to be configured to connect to the centralized database. The required softwares has to be installed to run the software. All data is stored in and retrieved from a centralized database.

2.4.2 Hardware Components Product will run on a Pentium or AMD based desktop. Product will run on a computer with at least 128MB RAM and 40GB hard disk. Printer has to be installed on the machine to print reports.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints This software provides security. The login form prevents the system from being misused by unauthorized users. Only an authorized operator will be granted rights to modify as per requirements. This software is also reliable and fault tolerant. The system developed is designed to handle invalid inputs. Since reliability is major area of concern the system has a backup to avoid data loss. The user should know the programming language very well that is used to develop software.

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies We assume that the Office personnel do all the data entry based the correct values obtained from forms and registers. Users with administrator access should be careful in deleting or modifying any information knowingly or unknowingly which will lead to inconsistency of the database.

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Sales System The end users of this software are assumed to have basic level of computer knowledge i.e. point and click.

3. System Features 3.1 Login 3.1.1 Description and Priority The login form is used administrator. This module has the highest priority when compared to all the other modules. This model allows the user to enter his password in order to make use of the software.

3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences This module has text boxes where the user can enter his password. If the necessary information is not provided or if invalid inputs are given by the user then the system will pop a message box.

3.1.3 Functional Requirements Only authorized users are allowed to login. The authorized user is the administrator. If invalid password is given by the bank the system should inform the user. Unauthorized users try to access then it should not it allow the user to work on the system.

3.2 Data Entry module 3.2.1Description and Priority This module is used by data entry operator who is responsible for entering the details of a customer and product price. The module requests that the Data entry Operator specify the function he/she would like to perform (Add an entry or update an entry or delete an entry details).
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Sales System

3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences Once the Data entry Operator provides the requested information, one of the sub-flows is executed. Add a customer purchase entry sub flow Update a customer purchase entry sub flow Delete a customer purchase entry sub flow

3.2.3 Functional Requirements In Add a customer purchase entry Once the Data entry operator provides the requested information, the customer purchase entry is added to the system and an appropriate message is displayed In Update a customer purchase entry Once the Data entry Operator updates the necessary information, the system updates the customer record with the updated information In Delete a customer purchase entry Once the Data entry operator deletes the record, the system prompt s the user to confirm the deletion of the customer purchase entry. In Report generation we see how many no. of customer is purchases product.

4. External Interface Requirements 4.1 User Interfaces GUI along with meaningful Frames and buttons. Reports are generated as per the requirement.

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Sales System

4.2 Hardware Interfaces Hardware Environment System Configuration Pentium or AMD based desktops 1.9GHz or above Pentium or AMD processor, 128 MB RAM,40 GB HDD Operating system Windows Xp,Windows vista,2000

4.3 Software Interfaces

Front End Back End

Visual Basic 2008 Microsoft Access

When invalid inputs are given to the modules then the error messages will be popped up in order to inform the user that the input provided is not taken by the database. When incomplete information is provided by the user and the user tries to submit the entry in order to store the details in the database the system will pop up a message box asking the user to enter all the details required.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 5.1 Performance Requirements All the requirements relating to performance characteristics of the system are specified in the section below. There are two types of requirements.

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Sales System 5.1.1 Static Requirements These requirements do not impose any constraints on the execution characteristics of the system. They are: 1) Number of Terminals: The software makes use of an underlying database that will reside at the computer, while the front end will be installed in administrator machine. 2) Number of Users: There is only one user which is called administrator.

5.1.2 Dynamic Requirements These specify constraints on the execution characteristics of the system. They typically include response time and throughout of the system. Since these factors are not applicable to the proposed software, it will suffice if the response tine is high and the transactions are carried out precisely and quickly.

5.2 Safety Requirements The software is maintained by the office personnel and the installation of the required platforms and the software are to be done pre-requisitely. The system should be not given in the unauthorized users.

5.3 Security requirements The security requirements deal with the primary security. The software should be handled only by the administrator. Only the administrator has right to add customer purchases entry, update customer purchases entry, delete customer purchases entry.

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Sales System 5.4 Software Quality attributes

5.4.1 Reliability The software will not be able to connect to the centralized database in the event computer being down due to a hardware or software failure.

5.4.2 Availability The software will be available only to authorized users of the machines on which it is installed.

5.4.3 Security The software will ask for a password at the beginning that will validate the user and prevent unauthorized access.

5.4.4 Maintainability The product will be maintainable even after its developed to keep up with changes by the administrator.

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0 level DFD for Sales System :

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