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Training Party

A Lucky Springs Story

By Cheryl Dragon

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

Resplendence Publishing, LLC 2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349 Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Training Party Copyright 2012 Training Party Edited by Michele Paulin and Juli Simonson Cover art by Les Byerley, Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-500-7 Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. Electronic Release: April 2012 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the authors imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

Dedicated to Yoda of Oz

Chapter One

Being deeply involved with two men might be a womans fantasy, but this woman would never ask for it. Tucker Gallen glanced through the side window of Angie Hennisons house and caught her in a heavy three-way with Ben and Jerry. Finding her naked with two men would be a turn on, but Angie had asked him to watch her so she didnt pack on extra pounds before her friend Cassies wedding. Tucker had told her ten times she didnt need to lose weight, but she was determined to drop another five pounds before the big day. Now, hed caught her red-handed with a pint of Chunky Monkey and a spoon. Tucker and his buddies loved her curves, and theyd much rather be the men keeping her busy, but she kept them in the friend zone. He walked around the back of the house and entered through the kitchen door. Angie always left the back door open when she was home. Good old, safe Lucky Springs, Louisiana. You really shouldnt leave doors open, Ang. With the factory hiring so much, there are tons of single men swarming the town. You need to be more careful. He barged into her living room. Men? Like theyre going to come after me. You work at the factory, so do Landon and Dane. If anyone bugged me, youd find them and beat them up. She put the ice cream behind a decorative pillow. Not very subtle. He loved that she wasnt good at lying. True. And with all the added men around here, single women will be a hot item. He reached behind the pillow and produced the mostly eaten pint. Now, you know I dont think you need to lose an inch, but you asked me to keep you on track. She looked at him with those big blue eyes and pouted. Her long blonde hair hung over her shoulders, and she hadnt even bothered with makeup. Tucker inspected her outfit, cargo

pants and a T-shirt. Not even workout clothes. Maybe shed given up the weight-loss nonsense? Hed miss the excuse for dropping in on her unannounced but maybe, hed finally make a romantic move insteadexcept he wasnt good at letting down his guard. Im sorry. I needed sugar! I want to look good for the wedding. Especially with all these new men around here. I wish Cassie hadnt asked me to stand up. The dresses dont hide anything. Angie rubbed her forehead. You dont need to hide anything. If youre determined to turn yourself into a stick figure He marched to the kitchen, annoyed at her and his own feelings. Sure, shed been the chubby girl in school, but when puberty had hit, it had landed in the right places. She wasnt skinny, but Angie was a real woman. He searched her fridge and put two more pints of ice cream on the table. Then he found cookies and chips in the cabinet. Angie stood in the doorway. Dont. Thats emergency stuff. If its not here, Ill go shopping or drive-thru for something. You made me promise to help you. Not to let you eat this stuff. What sort of friend would I be if I broke my promise? He nudged her to one side and headed for her bedroom. With freedom to search, he was less interested in snacks and more in what else she might be hiding. Where are you going? The food is in there. Her voice betrayed her panic as she stayed right behind him. Right. You never snack in bed. We know you better than that. Landon and Dane said you love chocolate in bed. Tucker and his pals had no secrets. Those two got more out of Angie sometimes because they were a gay couple and friends of hers from high school. She shared things with them that shed never tell a straight guy. I hate them. Angie rolled her eyes. You love us all. Were your friends. He hated that word. They could be so much more. He opened one nightstand and found a variety of fun-size candy bars. He dumped them on the bed then went to the next drawer. No! She pressed behind him and reached to slam the drawer. But Tucker was taller and stronger. He held her back and found books and toys. Not hiding his smile, he spread the books out on the bed and found three rather good-size sex toys. Two vibrated and one was clear glass. At least, youre getting some exercise.

No. Just put it away. I dont go through your private drawers and look at your porn stuff. She reached for it, but Tucker kept himself between her and the bed. Hed grown up on the poor side of town on a ranch that didnt make much of anything. When hed gone to work at the factory, his father hadnt been happy but Tucker was. Hed found freedom and his guys, and it worked. Traditional wasnt their way. Still, Tuckers feelings for Angie hadnt disappeared. Hed worked hard to overcome his childhood and take control. She was the one thing missing in his life. No matter what he told himself, deep down he craved her love in addition to the friendship. As Tucker inspected the titles on the well-worn books, he knew Angie fit right in with them. He couldnt believe his luck. Books on submission and sexual play dominated the selection. There was also one on natural sexuality and oddities. There were post-its marking pages on that one. Put it away! she demanded. He turned to her and saw the tears brimming in her eyes. Dont be embarrassed. We all have our needs. Our quirks. Have you tried it? What? she asked. Have you let anyone dominate you? He stroked her hair and spoke casually. Angie shook her head. Its just a fantasy. I just like strong men. I read fiction books about it and got curious. Its not real. I couldnt do that. Of course, you could. Its more fun than you think, especially when you involve other people. He flipped the kinky book open to the marked pages. Put it down. Please! Her face was red. No. He saw her kink marked, and lines were highlighted. Dropping the book, he nudged her onto the bed. Theres nothing wrong with you. Nothing to be ashamed of. I can help. Help? She scooted back. Were friends, arent we? You trust me? he asked. She nodded. But I cant do that. I dont need sex help. I need to look good for the wedding. Did she really think of him as just a friend? Tucker wanted more. Think of it as a way to burn calories thats a lot more fun than jogging.

Do you know how much sex Id need to have to burn that many calories? She rolled her eyes. If youre into obedience, it shouldnt be a problem. Now, lets see you do your little trick. He tugged off her cargo pants. She tried to protest, but he got her shirt off, too. Standing back to admire her, Tucker let desire fill him. Her curves werent subtle but sexy in a pinup girl way. Her cotton bra and panties were cream with black stripes. The woman wanted to feel sexy even if she didnt think others saw her that way. Trick? She reached for the blanket, and he swatted her hands away. Im in charge. If you dont like it, lets go talk to Landon and Dane. They like it. Tucker slid a finger under her chin and leaned in close enough to kiss her. Say yes, and we can all have a lot of fun. Youll feel so good that you wont care what size you wear. Im confused. Landon and Dane are together. They like to watch you have sex? Stop playing, Tucker. This feels so weird. She tried to back up. He kissed her and cursed his lack of control. He wanted her too much and had to prove it. When she stopped her retreat and kissed him back, Tucker had the power, but she had his heart. Parting her lips, he filled her mouth with his tongue, and she moaned softly. Their friend status was history. Now, all Tucker had to do was not screw it up! Once her body relaxed, he let her go and watched her large chest rise and fall as she caught her breath. Tucker was far from done. He grabbed the book and opened it. Female ejaculation wasnt a new concept for him, but hed never had a woman who did it to any noticeable amount. She had so many notes and highlights that she either did it or wanted to. He wanted a demonstration. Her eyes were bigger than normal as she shook her head slightly. Tucker smiled. She was new to submission, and easing her into it would be smart. Landon and Dane would flip when Tucker brought her home. Theyd loved her since high school but had their own relationship and kinks to work out. Things were falling into place, but Tucker was the one who needed her desperately. As much as he loved his male subs, he craved a female. Not just any female submissive would do. He wanted Angie to beg for him and love him. He didnt want an extreme sub; he needed a strong woman in his life whod yield in bed.

Whats wrong? she asked. He smiled, realizing hed been quiet for far too long. Nothing. You want to submit, Ill keep you safe and youll love it. Can you do this? He pointed to the book. Ang blushed. Sometimes. With the toys. Show me. He pulled off her panties and stared at her bare pussy. As much as she lamented having no man in her life, she kept herself groomed for it. You like getting waxed? Shut up. Dont tease me. You and the guys are just going to laugh about me later. Her hands moved down to cover herself as she sat up.

Tucker pushed her hands away. Never. Theyll be too busy enjoying you. Now, pick a toy and start masturbating for your new Master. Angie felt a laugh bubble up, but she pressed her lips together. Shed never see Tucker act like this. When he reached around her and unhooked her bra, she tried to hold onto it, but he snatched the garment away, and she was naked. Covering up was her first instinct, yet he looked at her with hunger and power, a mix shed never seen from any man shed dated. The nice guys were too nice, and the true bad boys scared her. Please dont. Tucker, I know Im a freak, but I dont know what Im doing. Im not good at this. I cant make you happy. He was her friend. She couldnt get kinky with him. Sure, shed dreamed of him like this so many times, but he was safe and good. In her dreams, he turned naughty and powerful, but dreams didnt come true. Oh, I think you can make me happy if you try hard enough. Landon and Dane will love it. The girl theyve always wanted, on her knees for them. He slid a confident hand up her inner thigh. He was so strong, she couldnt run or struggle. Who was she fooling? Herself? She wanted this. Landon and Dane? Her high school fantasy guys whod fallen for each other and made her feel silly for falling for them. Thankfully, shed kept her feelings to herself. Southern ladies had men pursuing them, never the other way around. Its complicated. Lets start by getting you over this performance anxiety thing. Whos in charge? he asked.

Her gaze locked with his brown eyes. There was no doubt he had her. Her fantasies started to spin. Would he punish her for the ice cream? What would he do? You are, she whispered. What? He spread her legs open and ran his hands up to cup her breasts. Youre in charge. Her body tingled under him. Wetness was never her problem, instead it was her curse. She got wet so fast, and it never seemed to stop. With one dirty thought, she felt as if everyone at work knew she was horny. Still, she loved how it felt. Right now, her pussy was tight, and her wetness was undeniable. All he had to do was touch her. Good. Tucker stood straight and stared down at her. His arms were folded. Why wasnt he touching her? What did I do wrong? she asked. He smiled. Nothing. Use your toys and show me how you can come like this book. Its embarrassing and messy. Wouldnt you rather have sex? She ran her hand over the front of his jeans. He was getting hard. I want you, not more toys. Tucker had always been so disciplined and reserved. Landon and Dane had brought him into her world as a friend, and shed seen his fun side. When she was little, shed thought he was so quiet, the poor kid who kept to himself. She liked this side of him better. He grabbed her hands and held them to the bed. You need to learn this game faster. If you want to have sex, if you want me to fuck you, then you need to obey me. You want me? She wiggled her hips. He did, and the jolt it gave her was better than ice cream or a new vibrator. This was real. Tucker smiled and ran his tongue up her slit once. She shivered and groaned when he avoided her clit. He was in charge. Unlike most men, he had self control to spare and wasnt only interested in his fun. Ive never been watched before. Ang squeezed her eyes shut. Youll get used to it. He let her go and stepped back two feet from the bed. His arms were crossed as he stared at her expectantly. Ang grabbed her pillows and piled them behind her, against the wall. Her bed was in the corner so she had plenty of things to lean on while she played and read. There were three toys on the bed. If hed gone to her other dressers bottom drawer, hed have found many more, but these were her current favorites.

The vibrating ones would be too easy, and shed get off before her proper build up. Shed played with the glass one so much. Now, someone had found it. Her face burned as she picked it up. When did you do this for the first time? he asked. She looked at him then away as she pressed the cool glass to her cunt and twirled so it got wet. Masturbating. I startedI dont know. High school. Liar, he said. How did he know? They were friends, yet he seemed so intense now. His focus was all on her, and that made her pussy tighten. Rubbing the tip of the toy up her slit, she made it slick for him to see, and her fingers could help her to the goal. When? he asked. Middle school, okay? I didnt really discover this trick that you want me to do until high school when I got a toy. She pressed the glass to her cunt and her body took it eagerly all the way to the ball end she held onto. Maybe you need a longer one? he suggested. She groaned and fucked herself with the toy. Arching her back, she rubbed her clit with her other hand. Her hips rocked. The orgasm was easy, but she had to feel her body open to give Tucker what he wanted. The urge to please him turned her on more. Looking at Tucker, she saw the lust and something more in his eyes. His cock was hard, yet he stood there clothed and serious. Was he really a Dom? He might be too much for her. Add in Landon and Dane The idea made her hips lurch. Her body moved faster than ever to the goal. It was messy, but once shed found out she could do it, it was a rush unlike any other. This time she didnt need a made-up fantasy of a man making her or standing over her, waiting to punish her if she failed or if she made too much of a mess. Now, it was real. Oh God! Her hips pressed into the bed as her body opened, squeezing out the juices as she shuddered. It was out of her control now, and she pulled the toy from her pussy. Her muscles tightened again and there was more. Tucker did this to her, and she looked at him as she gasped for air.

He had a slight smile on his face, and her cunt twinged again, but there was nothing left. When he leaned in and kissed her thighs, she trembled. Then his lips brushed her slit. He tasted her cum and inspected the wet spot. You must go through a lot of sheets. She smiled. If it was just for me, Id put a towel down or two. Did you like it? He stood up, and for a second, she worried hed found fault with her. Not enough screaming and noises? More begging him to join her? Angie didnt play games well. She just threw herself into her needs. Now, she might have a man to please. Not bad. You enjoyed it. He unzipped his fly and eased out his hard cock. Without asking, she scooted toward him, right into the wet spot, but she didnt care. He unbuttoned his fly and pushed the denim aside before sliding his hand in her hair. Too tired? She grinned at him and leaned forward; her feet hung over the edge as she wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his cock. Toys were good, but the real thing was something she hadnt had enough of in life. Pushing thirty and another round as a bridesmaid didnt depress her. The problem was she needed a man who wanted her and wasnt afraid of her dad being the rich mayor of Lucky Springs. She couldnt change her family or her need for approval. Her secret hope had been for a strong man whod understand her. Tucker was that man, and shed never really seen it. Ang pressed to him. Giving his firm ass a squeeze, she ran her fingers over his muscled lower back and hips before stroking his long cock. He wasnt made of glass, but hed trigger some serious orgasms. Sucking the head, she focused on him. Pleasing her Masterlearning his taste and what he liked was all that mattered in that moment. She sucked his balls and took her time. The male form turned her on, and Tucker was perfect. Part of her worried what happened next. For all her reading, shed never submitted to someone. How did he do this with Landon and Dane sharing a house with him? As she licked up his shaft, she knew the gay guys would love to share Tucker, but were things that kinky over there? She was eager to find out everything. You want to suck all day or you want to come home with me and see how much fun submission can be? His hand fisted in her hair.

She moaned at the feel. He had the power, and she wanted him to use it. Kissing his hips, she pressed her breasts to his cock and rubbed until he thrust against them. He must really enjoy her curves. If only she could diet to a flatter stomach and not lose any cleavage. You dont want to suck me off? he asked. I do. This is crazy, Tucker. I want to try it all with you. She looked up at him and stopped worrying about what he thought or wanted. She sucked his cock and let herself fully enjoy the experiment. His hands tightened in her hair and guided her pacing. He never gagged her. Even when she tried to take more, he pulled her hair until she backed off. The slight ache in her scalp sent a shiver down her back. He knew exactly what he was doing. It was Tucker, and she trusted that hed never hurt her. No doubt he could make her a sex slave. Ang wanted to taste him. She sucked the tip of his cock, flicking it with her tongue until Tucker groaned. His hips rocked slightly, lifting just into her mouth. Her hands worked the rest of his shaft faster and faster until he released her hair and came in her mouth. Smiling, she licked and sucked up the cream shamelessly. A blowjob had never felt so natural and perfect. Before shed been awkward trying to figure out what her partner wanted. She licked Tuckers cock clean and kissed his sac. That was amazing. He grabbed her chin and kissed her hard. Wait until Landon and Dane get to play with you. What? She smiled harder but didnt press the question further. If she trusted Tucker, she trusted the other two even more. Shed do anything they wanted just for the experience of submitting and group sex. Three men! It was a theme in any sexual fantasy or dream yet always the one she dismissed as impossible. Tucker mustve seen that page marked in her book, too. Get dressed. Were going to my place where I can watch what you eatif you want to lose weight. Hell, well keep your body moving so much youll need more calories. Tucker pinched her ass, but suddenly kissed her mouth. Slow and deep, he took over her body more with his lips on hers than by finding her dirty little secrets in a drawer. He liked her, and it felt so good to be herself fully. She kissed him back, clinging for more until he pulled away. There was one question she couldnt resist asking. So the super wet orgasm didnt bother you? I always thought men would find it gross. Did you ever ask one?

She looked away. One time. In college. The guy was adventurous and not from Lucky Springs so I felt sort of anonymous. He thought I had to be peeing. Idiot. Dont worry. You dont need to hide your books or toys anymore. I want to know all of your fantasies. He tucked her hair behind her ears. She reached for her shirt and cargo pants then changed her mind. Any particular way you want me to dress for you guys? Tucker smiled. Good question. A dress and heels would be better than hiding your body. Get ready for that wedding. Nodding, she went into her closet in search of something she owned that looked a little sexy. She couldnt be the town slut, with her dad being the mayor and all. That was her moms constant lecture all Angies life. Her dad had always been in town politics of some kind. Angie had a few slinky summer dresses in the back of her closet that her mother had pronounced too short to be decent. Her pussy throbbed at the idea of wearing them for three men. She shouldve cheated on her diet a lot earlier!

Chapter Two

Lounging on the couch, Dane rested his head on Landons shoulder as they watched TV. Dane checked the clock. It was getting late. Tucker had just gone out to check on Ang and grab a pizza. One of those things had gone wrong. Call him, Landon said without Dane asking the question. Theyd been together forever and could read each other like a book. Landon understood Dane worried about the group. That didnt mean Dane didnt love his time alone with Landon. They had their weekly fix, and Tucker never got jealous. Dane leaned up and kissed Landon cheek. His reddish brown hair and green eyes always made Dane feel lucky, as if he had his own sexy leprechaun. Somehow, hed fallen for a white guyactually two, but Landon was his first and what they had was special. By the time Dane got his phone out, he heard Tuckers car in the driveway. Landon shrugged, and they both watched the door. Tucker was predictable and a planner. Late meant there was a story. Dane snuggled back with Landon now that the concern was gone. When Angie walked through the front door wearing a skimpy blue dress and high heels, the men exchanged a smile. Dane felt the bubble of arousal deep inside. He knew Landon felt it, too. She was the one whod stood by them in high school. A gay interracial couple meant taunting at school and confused parents at home. Danes family had really struggled with him dating a white guy. Accepting their bisexuality had taken longer. Throw in the submissive play, and things werent so simple. Dane loved having Tucker in his life. Tucker had confidence and took the lead. The way Angie was looking at Dane and Landon, Dane suspected Tucker had worked his magic on the sexy blonde once already.

Hi guys, she said. Hey, they answered. Tucker carried in two large pizzas and nodded toward the kitchen. What are you two staring at? Lets eat. Dane grabbed plates while Landon got the drinks. Sweet tea or something else, Ang? Tea is good. She stood nervously and stared at the boxes. Sit down and eat. Tucker pulled out a chair for her. She shook her head. I cant eat that. You promised to help me lose weight so Ill look good for the wedding. Dane stepped in behind Ang and grabbed her hips playfully. He turned her to the left and right. His hands slid up her waist to either side of her breasts, and he cupped them. Hed been one of her gay boyfriends, harmless and fun, for years. Theyd seen each other naked, but now, it would be different. You dont need to lose an ounce. We keep telling you that. She blushed and sat in the chair. Thanks. Whats up? Landon asked. Tucker opened the pizza boxes on the rectangular wood table. Everyone relax and eat. Ang, I promise youll burn more calories than youll eat here. But no rabbit food. Its pizza night, and youre eating because we got extra just for you. She grabbed a slice and dabbed the grease with a napkin before she took a bite. The guys dug in, but Dane kept an eye on Ang. She was nervous and a bit more reserved than normal. Dane and Landon shared a shrug and looked at Tucker. Ang is going to stay with us until the big wedding so we can help her burn a few more calories. Tucker dug into the pizza. Okay, but how? She hated gym in school and sports of any kind. The girl doesnt get dirty. Landon gave her a wink. You have to find an activity that you enjoy to keep fit, Tucker said. Ang put down her slice. Im not moving in. I cant. People will talk. Let them. Your friends are helping you slim down for the wedding. I caught you with a pint of ice cream and all sorts of junk food in the house. Besides, how else can you cover being here and having submissive sex with three men? Tucker took another bite.

Ang? Finally, we see the wild side. Dane stared at Ang who was now so red she looked sunburned. I knew it. Landon smiled as he took a second slice. You wanted her. We both did. But submissive? Dane asked. He searched my room for food and found stuff. She filled her mouth with pizza. You cant have secrets from the guy in charge. Landon put another slice on her plate and got rid of the empty box. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. Welcome. Ang swallowed and looked at the three men. Explain how it works. What you three have isnt typical. Tucker is in charge of you two, too? Sexually, yes. Hes the Dom, but its not seriously strict or harsh. The rest of the time its all equal. Everyone works, does chores and gets a vote. Dane leaned in kissed her cheek. Never thought wed get this lucky. Ang makes four? Landon asked. Thats the plan. Tucker nodded. Well give it a try until the wedding and see if she wants to stick with us longer. So youre all flexible? she asked. Bisexual, Tucker corrected. Yes. Does that make you uncomfortable? Be honest. Thats the only way to get what you want. No, it doesnt bother me. I thought these two were gay so its a surprise. She blushed. Dane chuckled. Don't stress about it. Weve only wanted you since high school. Me too. She smiled and ate her second slice. Tucker watched her but talked to Dane and Landon about the factory changes and expansion. When they were done, they cleaned up. The air was comfortable and quiet. They moved into the living room, where Tucker turned off the TV and sat in the armchair near the front door. He pulled Ang in his lap, facing the couch, and watched them over her shoulder. Why dont you two show Ang what shes been fanaticizing about for years? Dane and Landon shared a smile then a kiss. Tucker loved to watch and tease his men. They both wanted Ang. Itd been years since theyd had a woman, but she was special. She got to watch. They took their time with foreplay, and Tucker got to hold her form and her scent. Landon finally opened a drawer and produced condoms and lube packets as Dane stripped. He watched Angs eyes to see how she reacted. Those eager eyes took in everything.

She did want them. Dane helped Landon out of his clothes, and their hard muscled bodies were on display. They loved to show off their forms. To have Tucker, a guy theyd thought was straight, take charge of them and enjoy their bodies only made it better. Tucker whispered to Ang, and she nodded. Tucker smiled. Dane on the floor. Hands and knees. Landon, fuck him. Restraints? Dane asked hopefully. No, lets not scare off the new addition. We have normal sex, too. Tucker rubbed her breasts through that tight dress. Danes cock was already growing hard, and watching her would make this a quick fuck. Landon knew how to ride a guys ass perfectly. Getting into position, Dane arched his back and his lover rewarded him with a smack on his ass. It felt so good, Dane wanted more. The lube came next, Landon worked it in and smacked Danes ass again. After one last look at Ang, Dane lowered his head and relaxed his body. As Landon filled him, Dane eased back to add friction. Landon reached around and grabbed Danes cock roughly. Dane nodded, rocking his hips to enjoy both. Landon pulled back then filled Danes ass all the way and ground. Landon knew Dane so well. It made Dane give in more, letting go and giving his body in complete submission. When Landon pulled out again, Dane groaned. Landon might love being a sub, but he was so good at taking the lead when Tucker wanted him to. Dane fucked into Landons hand and got a slap on his balls in return. So good! He rocked back on Landons cock and took a few inches. Dane looked up to see Ang. She was there; it wasnt just a dream. He needs it. Fuck him hard and fast. Show Ang how her men get off on each other. Tucker spread her legs, one on either side of his knees, so she was fully dressed and yet sexually posed. Dane smiled at how natural Ang looked. There was no discomfort or fear in her eyes. She soaked up the action. Landon leaned forward and pressed his chest to Danes back. The fast fucking made Dane moan, and Landons hand worked on Danes cock just as fast. Years of getting fucked and dominated told Dane the best orgasm was to hold still and let the Dom do the work. His hips wanted to move, but he held still and focused on his ass. That hot friction grew as Landon hit the spot deep inside.

Cursing and shouting, Dane grabbed the rug and let the release take him. Landon ground to Danes ass and pumped randomly. Dane knew Landon was deep in his own climax. He went silent sometimes. So sexy and quiet, a final grunt was all he gave his lover. Then Dane felt the hand tighten on his cock. Landon worked Danes erection like an expert, grazing the tip with his thumb and squeezing from the base to tip faster and faster. Dont come on the carpet, Tucker said. Dane slid free and stood up in front of Tucker and Ang. She leaned forward and sucked the tip of Danes cock without hesitation or waiting for approval. His high school wet dreams flooded his brain, and he came in her mouth like it was his first blowjob. After Landon dumped the protection, he moved to be part of the group. Being held from behind, Dane relaxed and kissed Landon over his shoulder as Ang licked his cum and kissed his shaft. Like it? Tucker asked. Theyre so beautiful. Sexy. Its unbelievable. She ran her hands over Danes abs and hips. He inhaled sharply and felt the fire of need stir again. He loved men, but that didnt mean he didnt need this woman every way he could get her. If she was this eager, Dane knew theyd be able to keep her happy. Tucker squeezed her chest then rubbed her pussy through her striped panties. Her hips lifted. Angs soft moans made Dane want to make her moan a lot more. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her mouth. Sex wasnt all he wanted. Ang kissed him back then curled a finger at Landon. He kissed her hard while Tucker pulled her dress down to show off her unsupported breasts. No bra? Your mother would be horrified. Dane rubbed and kissed her breasts. I know. Tucker wouldnt let me. Its indecent not to wear a bra. She leaned back and let the men play. Landon joined Dane in sucking her firm flesh. Your moms not here. Tucker kissed her mouth. I decide whats decent now. The dress was tightly supportive. You dont need anything else. Your body craves to be free and admired. She squirmed in his lap, and Dane saw Tuckers wet fingers slipping under her panties.

Is she coming already? Dane pulled the underwear off her, and Ang eagerly lifted her ass to help. No, she gets very wet. Ill let her show off sometime. Eat her pussy. Make her scream. Tucker held her legs open so she couldnt move to one side. Please, she added. With such a protective family, she had needs built up for years. She was perfect for them. Dane had always suspected she was wild deep down, but shed kept it all so tightly hidden until now. Landon chuckled. You like watching men? He spread her pussy lips and rubbed her wetness from core to clit. God, yes. Angs lifted her hips. Fuck me, please. Dane sucked her clit. Ang had to learn that she didnt give orders. She could beg, but Tucker was the final word in sex. Shed get plenty, but they had to reward her sub side by making her wait and earn it now and then. Landons face pressed in, and his tongue darted in and out of her core. Ang hummed and smiled, digging her hands in their hair as she lifted for more. Shes so wet. Dane rubbed her entrance, and her fluid coated his fingers. Harder, she said. Landon nipped her clit as Dane tugged at her inner pussy lips with his teeth. They were a good team and pushed her further and further toward release. Tucker gripped her nipples and pinched, holding her in place and adding to her pleasure. Her gasps and shudders grew more frequent. Then she nearly jumped out of Tuckers lap, but they held her and rubbed her clit furiously. Dont stop! She trembled, and her legs shook as her groan went on and on. She belongs with us. Landon kissed Dane. Definitely. Dane licked her inner thigh then her hip. Landon tongued along her pubic bone and just above as she came down from the release. Like having three men? Tucker asked. She nodded. Doesnt anyone want to fuck me? Oh, we all do. Subs like to beg. Its okay to ask. Dane sucked one of her nipples deep in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it.

Ang looked at Tucker. Please. I need it. Maybe, I should suck you all off instead. I need it. They kissed, and he let her slid down to the floor with Dane and Landon. Lets see if you really do fit in. But first you have to promise to stay until the wedding. Tucker stood.

The heat of Dane and Landon on either side of her made it easy to relax and agree to anything. Leave it to Tucker to know shed rethink the living situation later. People would talk. Her body hummed for more attention, and shed been more active today than she had in three days. All it took was a bad diet day, and she felt defeated. If she lived here shed have plenty of distractions and exercise. Ill stay. But you only get to boss me around for sex. No macho crap the rest of the time. She kissed Tuckers knee. You have to stay open because three men will do different things to you than one. Plus, sex can happen at any time. Tucker picked her up and settled her on her back in the low comfy chair. Without orders, she wiggled until her ass was on the edge and hooked her knees over the arms of the chair. It was a fantasy come true, and she wanted to enjoy every second. Ever been tied up? Tucker asked. In her dreams. Itd all been in her head. No. Hold her. Tucker nodded to the other guys. Im not going to run. She giggled and reached up to hold the back on the chair. Dane and Landon moved to either side of her, and each held a thigh and an arm tight. Angie tensed at first. Looking at them, she saw their muscles and knew shed never twist free. Then she noticed how they looked at her, as if she were a treasure and a part of their world they wanted to hold onto. Ang wanted the full experience. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed and lifted her hips. Tucker slid on protection and knelt in front of the chair. He licked her cunt, working his tongue through her inner folds until she lifted to his face. He repositioned himself, and his long cock finally filled her pussy as Dane and Landon leaned down and sucked on her breasts. Angie tried to touch their amazing bodies but found her

hands pinned. They were serious about the restraints. Shed read and dreamed about being a captive, but now, there was a flash of panic. It disappeared when Dane kissed her mouth. Tucker eased back and rubbed her clit. Theyd felt her fear? Shed never been with men like this! Men who cared and paid attention to her every move. Once her exes got going, nothing had stopped them. Sometimes, shed felt like a sex toy. Angie knew shed never feel that way with these three, and while she wanted to fuck all of them, she promised herself shed never treat them like her toys. The thumb rotating her clit sent deep charges of pleasure through her body. She arched and tried to sit up. The men held her, and Tucker filled her again. Her body stopped playing and submitted to the heavenly sensations. Hands and mouths kept her in place as his cock filled her again and again. Her release built, but for so long shed been in charge of her own orgasms with the toys that it threw her off to be under their control. Tucker, please! she screamed. The orgasm sent her out of control. They held her safe as her hips snapped and her body twisted. When Landon kissed her mouth she deepened it and bit at his lower lip. It was so good, but it wasnt enough. She wanted to feel more. Tucker rocked hard to her again, and his groans told her shed succeeded in pleasing him. Smiling against Landons mouth, she licked his chin. More. The men chuckled and let her go. Angie sat up as the loss of body heat and men made her ache. What? Youve read all those books, yet you call me by my first name and demand more? Tucker pulled her to her feet and guided her to the couch. Sorry. Master doesnt feel right. Like I dont know you. Any Master wont work. I couldnt do this for someone else. She wanted to be close to them, not a random slave who didnt matter. Obviously. Youve barely done anything. Tucker nodded to Dane. Dane sat on the couch and slid protection on his hard dark cock. Moving to straddle him, Angie felt an arm grab her. Tucker had her, and she realized that could be for either of them. Clearly, all the men were bisexual, and she couldnt be greedy. Sorry, she said. Its been so long, and Ive never had this many men. I need it.

You need to be grateful for whatever you get and do what youre told. Tucker squeezed her ass then smacked one cheek hard. Please. The discipline tingled all over her body, and she wanted more. A spanking was top on her list of fantasies. It wasnt original or outrageous, but that had made her feel as if she fit into the lifestyle. You can handle them both? Tucker asked. She nodded and looked him in the eye, but that felt wrong. When she looked down, she saw his beautiful body and wanted to get him hard again. No wonder Doms didnt want their subs making eye contact. They needed to be focused on the goal. The sex. At least for subs like her, thats what she needed. Tucker let her go, and she straddled Dane, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him slowly. She lowered herself on his cock and pressed her breasts to his hard chest. He was so hot, and it was Dane. She couldnt do this with any other men. Some people could have anonymous sex and have it mean nothing but not her. Ang felt safe with these three guys, but Dane was special. The south was still funny in some ways, and dating a black man would send her family into a tizzy. That attitude in her parents shamed her, but kissing Dane felt a little more forbidden. That was saying a lot, considering she was having sex with three men! Her sluttiest cousins had probably never done that! For Ang, it just felt right. His cock felt so good, and he held still, not in a rush or demanding anything. Angie knew now that others understood her feelings and desires. She could snuggle with three hot men and get spanked. That was a fantasy. Tucker moved behind the couch so she could see him, and she knew it was absolutely true. Then she gasped as cool lube ran between her ass cheeks. Ang moved on instinct, but Dane held her hips firm as Landons cock teased her rear entrance. Her mouth gaped in shock as her body both craved him and tensed. Youve never been fucked in the ass? Tucker asked. With toys. She leaned forward and tried to relax. Dane scooted down a little so Landon had more room to play. Relax. We wont hurt you. Until you beg us to, Tucker said. She smiled. I want it. I just dont know how.

Trust us. We know a little about fucking ass, Dane said. Landon kissed the back of her neck and licked down her spine to her crack. We know a lot about it. She nodded and rocked her hips on Danes member to trigger all those good nerve endings that made her relax. When Danes fingers worked her clit, she felt her body open even more. Landons cock pressed to her, and he went so slowly that she wanted to push back for more. But Dane had her and slowed her hips. She loved her man-cage of arms and hard bodies. Tuckers eyes were on her as if she needed a keeper. It made her smile and want to show him how much she could take. Shed played enough, and when her body tightened, she took a deep breath and controlled those muscles to invite Landon in fully. When she felt his body pressing to her and the tight ache deep inside with two cocks pressing, Angie inhaled and moved her hips slightly. The men groaned, and she gave Tucker a sweet southern smile that told him she was just fine. Like it? Tucker asked. God, yes! Angies body tightened on them, and she realized she didnt have as much control as she thought. They werent plastic! Their cocks strained for each other as well as to fill her. That sent new sensations through her body. Theyve wanted to do this a long time. Tucker moved closer. Share a woman? she asked. Share you, Dane said. Angie focused beyond the sexual passion to feel the longing in them. It wasnt just her dream or fantasy in high school. Crushing on gay men wasnt new. Theyd wanted her, too, and they still wanted her now. Their desire fueled her, but she looked at Tucker. His pull and power were the center of the group. When Tucker nodded, Landon pulled back then filled her again. Angie lifted slightly and waited for correction. None came so she lowered herself on both men and felt their torsos press closer to her. When she lifted again, Dane held her hips, and she froze. They filled her together and then alternated. Gasping, Angie went from tight to empty to being teased. Her hand reached out for Tucker, and he stepped closer. Kissing his hip, she wanted him hard again, but he shook his head. Touching his firm body was enough. Her boldness was rewarded when the men

synchronized their thrusts again, and she got both cocks deep inside her. They stayed inside, fucking her and driving her to edge by only moving inches. How such small motions could create such intense ecstasy amazed her. The men were well hung but hadnt hurt her at all. Her hips finally rebelled, and she rocked harder between them to get the full feeling. Landon kissed her shoulder blades. She felt him lean over and sample Danes mouth. Looking to the right, she watched the men make out as their bodies worked together. Grabbing Tuckers hand, she drove toward her release and didnt let the guys change the pace. Landons fingers worked her clit. That was all she needed to come hard. Squeezing them both, her body hit climax fast. Tuckers fingers laced with her, and he kissed her hair as she groaned and trembled. When she could finally hold still, Angie realized the men were still hard. Next time, shed make sure they came with her, but for now, she let their efforts extend her pleasure. Landon came first and pressed deep. Dane shouted and lifted as she ground down to him. Tucker smiled down at her. The small approval was a big rush for her. Hugging Dane, Angie knew she was a submissive who could please her men. Well? Tucker asked. I think she fits right in. Like shes juggled men before, at least in her dreams. Landon eased from her and sat next to Dane. She likes the middle. Danes arm curled around her waist to keep her close. Tucker smiled. Then she wont mind sharing a bed with three big men tonight, will she? Angie frowned. I didnt bring pajamas or anything. If Im really staying, I need to get some things from home. All the men chuckled, and Ang sat back. What? Im not living naked. You said sex was the only submissive playtime. I cant wear the same dress every day. I cant wear that to work. Youre right. But youre not bringing any pajamas into this house. Sleeping naked is the rule. There are a few more youll learn. Well get your stuff tomorrow. You have everything you need tonight. Tucker leaned down and kissed her hard. Her body was tired, but she didnt want it to end. Would it still be real tomorrow? Moaning, she kissed Tucker deeper and didnt argue with his plan. As long as she had what she needed and made it to the bridesmaids dress fitting tomorrow, shed be fine.

It was still dark when Ang woke in a strange bed. Her leg was tangled with a very masculine thing and there were at least three hands on her body. Lifting her head off a strong shoulder, she saw it was Tucker holding her and her insides melted. She shifted and saw the hand on her ass was Danes. Turning, she studied Dane and Landon curled up together in the moonlight not a foot away. So intimate and at ease, it felt perfect. The arms around her tightened and she looked up at Tucker. Youre not running are you? he asked. She shook her head. Do they always sleep like that or am I in the way? He looked her dead in the eye. You are never in the way. Those two have been through a lot together. They sleep wrapped up like that most nights. You can join them, they wont bite. I just meant you three have a nice setup. If Im stepping on private time or whatever. Just tell me. She kissed his chest and inhaled his scent. Those two usually do a date every week, just the two of them. High school love can linger. Its strong. Dont worry, they love us as much, its just different. He kissed her chin. I cant believe theyre bi and wanted me. I had dreams about them but no clue. She let her lips press to his for a second. And you hid this so well. People see what they want to. He stroked her hair. Ang tucked her head under his chin and listened to his heart beat. If this is real, and you three felt this way, why didnt you ever ask me out before? The three of us? Just me? It was complicated and juggling three men might not be too much to ask, but if you werent at all submissive then youd be turned off. We might lose the friendship. None of us wanted to risk that. Wanting you to have a wild side and having proof are two different things. As close are you with Dane, you never showed him your books. Outwardly, youre a perfect southern lady. She groaned at the title but couldnt argue with his logic. I have to be good and I see your point. Plenty of women might not like this stuff. Itll take me some time to figure it out. Its not super serious. Really. Its fantasy play and a little control. You can tell me any fantasy and well try to fulfill it for you. Everyone here just wants to make each other happy. Dont be shy.

Shifting until she was fully on top of him, she pressed her breasts to his chest and kissed his mouth. Im not good at this outside lady, inside sex slave thing. I want to, but Im not going to be natural at it. Dont stress about that. Its my job to make you feel safe. Ill never do anything you dont want. Be honest with me and itll get easier every day. He pulled her in tight and kissed her hard. Its not hard, but to be honest, Ive been keeping this side in private, in my house for so long. Ang wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. This house is another safe place. Ill never ask you to do anything sexual in public. If you want to start something, wed love it but dont worry about that. He massaged her back. That did make her feel safer with the sex play. The relationship wasnt just sex; theyd all been friends for too long. Maybe that was why she was so nervous about the development? While Tucker wasnt big on admitting his feelings, she saw it in Dane and Landons posture as well as Tuckers eyes. It was more than kinky sex and she needed that because she was already getting very attached to the idea of these men in her life. Tucker yawned and Angie nuzzled his chest. The big hunk of man underneath her rolled toward the other men. She found herself sandwiched between Dane and Tucker. Lots of hands were on her as she fell back asleep.

Chapter Three

Finishing off his eggs, Landon watched Angie sipping her coffee innocently. She looked anything but innocent in that little dress. Later, theyd take her to get her things. It had been an interesting night of kissing and snuggling all around. Somehow, a woman made things feel permanent in a way men never could. At least, for them. He loved Dane and Tucker, but it wasnt complete without her. Landon put his dish in the sink, and everyone else followed along. It was Tuckers turn to do the dishes, but Angie had to hop in on the chore schedule, too. I think Ang might want to get her chores done early since shes running off for wedding stuff later. She can do the dishes, Landon said. Tucker shook his head. My turn. Dont drag our guest into work until shes permanently staying. Wow, you guys take chores seriously. Its only dishes. Im not above filling a dishwasher and doing my part. She reached for the door. No, its broken, and weve never gotten around to fixing it. We have to do them by hand. Landon tossed Tucker a dishtowel. Landon and Dane watched as Tucker got to work, but Ang stayed close to him. Tucker whipped some bubbles at her as the sink filled with hot water. Her expression was playful, but there was a hint of seriousness in her forehead. As much of a pain as Angies family was, they were rich and powerful. Odds were this was her first time washing dishes by hand so it was good for her to learn. You guys always watch whoever washes the dishes? she asked.

Its a nice view. You keep teasing us with that ass, and Tucker might get the wrong idea. Landon nodded to Tucker. Tucker was hard already, and Landon could tell. All of the men were turned on looking at Ang with bubbles. You guys like to make chores more fun? She leaned forward and turned off the water, making sure her ass was up in the air and those creamy thighs stayed tight. Lets wash fast and get to the fun. They want a show. Tucker worked on the plates while Angie scrubbed silverware. Landon leaned over and rubbed Danes growing member as they watched her rinse forks and get ever wetter. Dane freed Landons cock and stroked him while the others were still washing. She looked back and blushed at them. Its that hot? Never had a rich society girl washing our dishes. Landon leaned over and kissed Dane. What doesnt turn you guys on? She wiped her hands on the dishtowel. We could ask you the same thing. Tucker grabbed protection, opened his fly and slid up behind her, running his hands under her skirt so everyone could see. No panties but such warm curves. They could get lost in her. Here? she asked. You want to obey and do what youre told, right? Dane asked. Yes, please. Come over here. All of you! she begged. They chuckled. Not this time. They get to watch now. You watched them last night, Tucker said. Angie trembled, and Tucker wrapped his arms around her hips and lifted her up and onto his cock. She grabbed the sink and a plate slipped. Tucker didnt stop, thrusting in and out of her tight cunt as her breasts pressed to the counter. She held on, and her hips worked with him. There were bubbles in her hair as she slipped on the wet counter, and he filled her again. She muffled her moans as Tucker fucked her faster. Trust me, I wont let you fall. Tucker rubbed her clit and fucked her hard. Please! she screamed and slid forward. He held her safe as her orgasm rocked her from head-to-toe. Landon jerked Danes cock as Dane sucked his. Angs moans filled the kitchen and triggered Tuckers release. A good Dom,

he kept her safe and held his footing. Landon knew that face, Tucker was coming deep as he stayed buried inside her. Landon came in Danes mouth as Danes hips jerked. Finally, Ang got her hands firmly on the counter and her feet tried to find the floor. That sweet ass rotated against Tucker. When he lifted her off him and let her stand on her own, she turned and kissed him fast before looking at the other men. Enjoy the show? Yes, thanks. Dane licked his lips. Landon rubbed the mark where the counter edge had pressed into her breasts. Angie didnt even seem to notice it. She really did belong here. You made them both come. Thats good. Tucker winked at her. So youve earned a fantasy of your own. Pick wisely. You have to be able to stop and go to your dress fitting. You like to tease me. She hugged him. What I really need is a spanking. Ive never had one. Then thats what youll get. Tucker kissed her. Landon kissed Dane, knowing theyd get their share of fun. Watching a first timer take a spanking was a real turn on. Rubbing the cum in Danes skin, Landon pulled his hand back and licked up the extra.

Angie shivered. Spanking sounded so good. Sex certainly made chores more fun. Her body hummed with afterglow, but when Tucker and Dane opened their flies, her mouth watered. They were dressed for the weekend in jeans and T-shirts that advertised beer or sports teams. Real men. Deep down, she really didnt want to go for the dress fitting with the girls this afternoon. She wanted to stay with the guys! But shed known Cassie forever, and Angie couldnt let her down. The small wedding had blown up into a huge Lucky Springs event. Cassies career as a photographer spanned Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill. When shed finally come back from New Orleans, shed started taking photos of Lucky Springs residents, highlighting the diversity and quirks of small town love and life. Shed really put Lucky Springs on the map, and everyone shared in the success. This would be the biggest wedding of the year. Tucker sat her on the table and rubbed her aching breasts. Then he kissed them. You liked that position? If you dont like something, tell me.

Her chest hurt a little, and it made her feel even better. Im not a princess. I want it a little rough. Tucker patted the table. When she sat primly on the edge, he pushed her onto her back and turned her on her side at an angle. For a second, she braced herself, but he had her safely. Dane grabbed her hands and held her wrists together. Landon held her knees pressed together and Angie knew she was in for more than a spanking. It only turned her on to play along. Ive dreamed about a spanking for so long. I just want to please you. That was a little lie. Her clit throbbed harder with her legs firmly pressed together. She wanted the sex and the great orgasms. Getting the guys off made her releases so much better. Tucker rubbed his hands all over her body while Dane bent over and kissed her. Their tongues teased, but just as she went for more, he pulled away and pressed his cock to her lips. His cock tasted like cum, but he was growing hard again, she couldnt resist. Licking his sac, she looked up and admired his erection. When Tuckers hand landed on her ass, she gasped. That was the game, and it made her pussy tighten. Tucker couldnt fuck her while spanking? Damn! She just wanted more and more. Dont bite him. You have to prove you can juggle multiple men and your fantasies. Control yourself. Tucker smacked her ass again. Angie moaned and sucked Danes cock. Dont stop, she said. Landon leaned over and licked her breasts, pinching and teasing them. More distraction. Just what she needed! Angie relaxed as Tucker hit her bottom again. The sting and heat of it spiked her arousal. She tried to swallow Danes cock, but when another slap landed, she had to control her jaw. Work and sex and submissionher mind whirled in a happy fog. Shes pretty good at this, Dane said. Landon kissed Dane, and Angie trembled. Watching their intimacy notched her desire up another level. Her high-school fantasies were right in front of her now, with Tucker adding a new level of kink. Youre too easy on women, Landon said to Dane. We cant be rough on Angie. Dane stroked her hair. She couldnt keep quiet and realized no one had said she had to. Please, someone fuck me.

Tucker smacked her rear again. You like being spanked? She nodded. I love it, but you shouldnt have to do all the work. Fuck me now. I need it but have to leave this afternoon for a little while. Ill make it up to you later. You want to be fucked and spanked? Tuckers hand landed and squeezed her flesh. She shuddered. Yes. I love it. I need both. Shes not good at begging yet. That ladylike air about her. Landon smiled. Please! She rocked on the table and filled her mouth with Danes balls. Tucker pushed her top leg forward so he had more access to her pussy. When his fingers probed her wet folds, she groaned and tried to open for him, but they held her knees. His tongue licked over the cheek hed spanked, and Ang flinched at the new feeling. It hurt a little, but the sensation eased into a warm glow deep inside. The rustle of a condom wrapper made her pussy tighten. Tucker filled her cunt, which was tighter than normal in this position, and held her thigh down so she couldnt give him more room. Her body shook slightly, but she squeezed him to egg him on. Then she went back to work, straining her neck for Danes cock, but Landons hand was already stroking the shaft. Lick behind the balls, babe. Hell come like a fountain. Landon nipped at Danes neck. Dane pulled Landon close, and that meant Angs hands were suddenly free. She wrapped her arms around Danes hips and licked at that sensitive spot like a good little sub. Landon knew Danes body better than she did, and she wanted to help get him off. Ang wanted to learn all their little tricks and fantasies so she could act them out as naturally as this felt. Tucker slapped her rear again. It felt so much better when her pussy was stuffed tight. More please. She squeezed Danes sac and licked that spot as Landon jerked Dane faster. Tucker pulled out then filled her again before she got another smack. Moaning, she nuzzled Dane and heard his grunts. Looking up, she saw him come as Landon kissed him and rubbed the head of his cock. The warm droplets landed on her neck, shoulder and breast. All she could do was suck his balls and lick her way up his shaft, over Landons fingers. She needed to suck the head and taste him. You like it. Tucker gave her one more smack and drove his cock in and out of her faster and faster.

Yes! Angie clung to Dane as Tucker controlled her lower body. As Tucker rapidly fucked her, Angie found herself in a zone of abandon. Shed never trusted like this before. The freedom and security added pleasure, but being held down and taken was another dream come true. Her cunt tried to hold onto Tucker every time he filled her. The climax tore through her, and her nails dug into Danes thighs. Please, Tucker! she screamed. He filled her again and ground against her, his hand pressing to her swollen ass cheek. It made her release last longer. Angie craned her neck to look at Tucker, and finally, she got something right! He came, and she got to see his face as his orgasm hit. It almost felt as if she were floating. He leaned over her body and sucked her breast. Good? she asked. Not bad. Tucker rubbed her breast. They were really concerned about her safety and thought she was delicate. She had plenty to show them. Youre perfect. Dane kissed her forehead. Ill try harder next time. It might be easier if you actually tied me up. Your hands would be free. She looked at the clock on the wall. I need to go get my clothes. Im sorry, but I have to get to the dress fitting on time, and I cant wear that blue dress. Tucker stood straight. Youre absolutely right. You owe your friend your time for her wedding. You can discuss your new relationship while youre there. Angie laughed. Right, Ill ask Cassie what she thinks of me submitting to you and fucking three men at once. That wont be awkward at all. Ang has no clue. Landon kissed her softly. People in Lucky Springs can keep secrets. What secrets? Ang considered herself plugged into the gossip of Lucky Springs. Tell Cassie youre staying with us and see what she says. Tucker winked and dumped his protection. Ang shrugged and sat up properly, putting weight on her punished side. Tucker had made one cheek good and pink. It wasnt anything serious, but sitting would be interesting for a while. Shed been trained to sit like a lady from a young age. Being good in public was imperative for her fathers good image at campaign functions. Good girls didnt fidget, but no one would suspect her secret.

Shed always tried to be appropriate, and some thought shed tell her father every bit of gossip she heard. She had close friends who trusted her, but other people didnt always tell her things because of who her dad was. But her family didnt need to know any of this. She looked for her dress. Can we go get my stuff now? Hang on. Landon licked Danes cum off her body. Thanks! She kissed Landon. As much as theyd play with her, theyd also look out for her. It couldnt be permanent, but shed enjoy it as much as she could. A weight-loss boot camp at her gay friends housepeople wouldnt believe her. It couldnt go on forever. **** At the dress shop, Angie hugged Cassie. The bride was glowing and looked fabulous as she got her fitting. There was only one place for dresses in Lucky Springs, and every girl got her prom and other formal gowns here. They had everything from wedding dresses to funeralapparel. It felt like home. Angie had gone to formals because her parents expected it. The boys were popular and appropriate. They also bored her. Shed also done pageants a little as a child, and the whole southern cotillion world bored her. Her parents just wanted her to get married and be envied while she raised pretty blonde daughters. Angies singleness was a rebellion of sorts, and weddings were nice reminders of her lack of husband, but this was all about Cassie. Hows life? Hows work? Cassie asked. Fine. Nothing new here. Working at her uncles insurance office wasnt exactly thrilling, but she was good at helping people and making sure they were protected. It also kept her from working for her dad. The saleswoman held up Angies dress. Lets get you in the fitting room. Angie went into the room and changed. Stepping out to look in the mega mirror that showed her from three angles, she nodded. It fit. The thrill of it not being too tight across her hips or bust was huge! Ang twirled. Youre perfect in that! Last eighteen they had in stock. The saleswoman knelt to pin the hem. Cassie rolled her eyes at Angie. So that means youre a ten in real sizes. You look great!

Thanks. Im really a twelve at best, a fourteen in some brands. Tucker, Landon, and Dane have been helping me stay on my exercise routine so I dont blow it. All three? Cassie smiled. Angie blushed and looked at herself in the mirror. The dark purple dress looked good on her, and Angie couldnt wait for the guys to see her in it. She shouldnt talk about the guys though. Theyre friends from high school. Friends. Cassie went into a room to change out of her white dress back in regular clothes. Once the saleswoman was done, Ang was free to change back to her clothes. Oddly, Cassie followed her in. Whats up, Cassie? Change and tell me about Tucker. Cassie folded her arms. Angie changed slowly and felt as if Cassie could read her mind. What? The guys work out a lot. They keep saying I dont need to lose weight but are helping me exercise to keep from messing up the dress thing. Right. Youre grinning like an idiot over exercising. Cassie pointed at the mirror. Angie was smiling like a fool. She tried to stop and couldnt, especially when she slid into her jeans that pressed so nicely to her pink cheek. Im happy for you. Its about time you guys made it legal. The wedding will be a blast. Yeah, right. Im not dumb. I know those guys. Cassie nodded. Angie remembered Tucker telling her to ask about it. What about them? I mean, were friends. Friends do a lot of things. Be careful. It starts out as fun and turns into something you cant live without. Cassie chewed her lower lip. What do you mean? Ang frowned. Sure, Cassie lived with three guys, but two were gay and in a relationship. One was the grooms brother. It was just a nice, middle-class family in a big, old house. Not weird in small southern towns. Sometimes there were a lot of generations sharing a roof, and sometimes it was siblings. But maybe You and those three? Cassie smiled wide. I shouldve invited you to a party. The mayors daughter, though People might get nervous, or you might get offended.

Party? Ang sat on the small stool and wiggled her feet into the cute shoes shed picked out. The guys had taken the rest of her clothes to the house while shed showered and gotten ready for this. Cassie moved in closer. The parties are just sort of a way to spice things up. You dont have to do anything with anyone, unless you want. But your guys have come by from time to time. Hot. They get the schedule. Youre invited. Youre not the only one with a group thing. Not alone in the group thing? Wait, your cousin Jessica? She lives with four guys. You mean? Cassie nodded. See. Three is nothing. But it is a big commitment. If you need a little girl talk, just call me. No, no commitment. Its just for now. Until the wedding. For fun. For exercise, Ang said hastily. Cassie laughed hard and covered her mouth. Please, you can use any excuse you want, but nothing is just sex. Were not that type. They arent no commitment guys. Dont hurt them. They wouldnt pull you into what they have if it wasnt serious. Id never hurt them, Angie insisted. She loved them all. Good. Youll be amazed how your life changes. But make time for your female friends. Theyll keep you grounded. See you at the bachelorette party! Cassie winked as she headed out of the changing room. Angie looked at herself in the mirror as her brain cranked through all the new info. Parties and group love with commitment. Tucker wasnt kidding about the secret side of Lucky Springs, and Cassie was right. As much as Angie didnt want control, she could still hurt those big sexy men. Her insides warmed. At the moment, she just wanted to get back to them. The glow in her cheeks said she was in love, and Angie couldnt deny it. They made her feel special and it wasnt just the sex. She could be herself with those three men in ways she couldnt be with her family or friends.

Chapter Four

Tucker heard Angs car pull into the driveway. By the time she rang the doorbell, he was in the front room waiting for her. Landon and Dane pulled in after her, just returning from their movie afternoon. All three walked in smiling. Hi. She looked at him. Is something wrong? Tucker shook his head. Nothing. I just wanted to know if the dress fit well. I made you a promise, and everyone in this house is dedicated to you looking great at the wedding. Oh. Right. She looked around and shifted her weight from side-to-side. Its still a little tight in places. Not too much but I think if we keep up the workout sex and healthy eating, Ill be fine. Angie looked around. Where are my suitcases? Ill unpack. Already done before Landon and I went to the movies. Dane kissed her cheek. But babe, you shouldnt lie to us. Lie? She blushed. Tucker held up his cell phone with a picture of her in the dress. You look perfect. Not tight anywhere. Im afraid well need to do our own inspection. Where did you get that? Cassie? Ang demanded. Landon laughed. No, one of the salesgirls is my brothers sister-in-law. She was just showing off how good you looked. Youre hot in that dress. It felt tight in the rear. Ang took a step back. Tucker chuckled. Maybe thats just the spanking. But well check to be sure. Guys, strip her and put her on the coffee table. Tucker went into the main bedroom and grabbed lube, condoms and cock rings. He wanted to shake things up and see how everyone reacted. Landon was a switch; Tucker had

always known that. While Landon loved following orders, he also loved being responsible for others and giving pleasure along with correction. The group was shaping up perfectly. Dane and Ang were pure submissive. Now, Angie needed to learn that even little white lies werent going to help her. Total honesty was the only way this worked. The relationship would evolve more and more over time, but they had to be able to trust her first. Walking into the living room, he saw the guys had done their job quickly and quietly. Ang knelt on the coffee table without restraints. Her legs were spread, and her back was arched. There was a little wobble in her posture as she tried to keep her hands behind her head and her chin up without slouching. Very nice. Now, you two get naked. Tucker dropped the supplies on the table as the men stripped. He walked around Angie and saw her lip quiver, her back straightened and her nipples stand up even more. Dane and Landon stood on either side of Tucker once they were naked. I dont see any excess flab. Dane leaned over to inspect her thighs. You like being assessed? Tucker pinched her nipple. Angie licked her lips. No. Im sorry if you disagree, but I think my stomach could be flatter. I dont have a six pack like you guys. Move your hands down to the small of your back and stick your breasts out. Tucker rubbed the place where her hands moved to. Then he squeezed the pink spot on her ass. It was fading too fast. A soft moan escaped her lips. You liked getting spanked? Tucker asked. She nodded. Yes. Landons hands slid over her breasts and down her stomach but went over her hips instead of to her tempting pussy. No. Your stomach is perfect. I agree. All those ab muscles arent what men are looking for. Tucker cupped a breast and licked her nipple. But I need to keep in shape. Right? she asked. Of course. Well make sure of that. Right now, however, I think you deserve a treat. Tucker let her go. Tie her hands.

Tucker went into the kitchen and retrieved the same type of ice cream shed been eating when this had started. To give her a real treat, he disrobed first. He returned to the living room, naked, with the pint and a spoon. Oh, were going to have fun. Landon kissed Dane. No, please. Just fuck me. Angies hands were tied with soft nylon rope, but that didnt seem to bother her. She stared at the ice cream. But this is what I found you eating the day I brought you here. It cant be bad now. You loved it. Tucker moved in and grazed her breast with the cold carton. She shivered and shook her head. Its very bad. I shouldnt eat that stuff. I have you guys. Thats much better and healthier. Its healthy to admit your needs and have them fulfilled. Trading one indulgence for another wont make you happy. Are you sure you want us instead? Tucker rubbed the spoon between her legs then licked off her juices. Obviously, I do. Her face was red, and her eyes closed. Tucker took a spoonful of ice cream. Its okay to have small indulgences and exercise. Youll find the balance. I dont want you to turn into a skeleton. None of us is attracted to that type. Youre exactly the way we want you now. Her lips stayed firmly pressed together even as her eyes opened and searched his. When she spotted his erection, her posture changed. Id rather suck you off. Tucker smiled and let a drop of ice cream land on her breast before he ate the rest. He handed the pint off to Landon who tried to feed her with no more luck. He continued the teasing. A glob of ice cream slid down her ass, and she held still. Then Dane took the ice cream, and instead of offering her any, he rubbed a spoonful on each breast. Her gasps at the cold made all the men hard, and Tucker snapped cock rings on all three of them. Dane wasnt done and slid a huge spoon of ice cream along her hips. Her heat melted it quickly, and her hips wiggled. Fine, she doesnt want any. Eat it off her. Tucker knew his men had earned a reward even if she hadnt. Dane and Landon moved her to lie on her back with her hands tied to one side of the table under her. Her legs were on either side, cute heels still on. Tucker took the ice cream, now

half-melted, and poured the liquid contents over her breasts and down her stomach. He offered her a bite as the other men began to eat the ice cream from her body. Her moans and gasps gave him access to her mouth, and he shoved the ice cream inside. She grumbled but swallowed. Finally, he let himself kiss her. His love and passion for her was deep, but she had to learn not to listen to all the programming her parents had put in her head about what a good girl was and how she was supposed to look. It hadnt made her happy. Hed let out her true self no matter how much work it took. Thank you, she said. Were just getting started. He put pillows from the couch under her neck and shoulders. Youll want to see this. Tucker slid on protection and got behind Landon. Lubing his tight ass, Tucker rammed his willing sub, and Landon lifted his ass for more. Angs eyes sparkled as she used her strength and the pillows to prop herself up so she could see better. Landon rocked back for more and ate her cunt deeper. Tucker didnt ignore Danes ass and lubed it for later. Angies moans from their attention mixed with Landons grunts as he rocked back for more. Finally, Landon cursed and squeezed Tuckers cock hard with an internal release. Pulling free, Tucker changed to a fresh condom then filled Dane hard. The shudder of surprise from his sexy man pushed Tucker closer to release. The cock rings were very necessary now. The men were getting creative. Landon rubbed his cock in the ice cream and let Ang lick it off. Tucker grabbed Danes arms and pulled them behind his back. Danes face was buried in her cunt as his ass was fucked hard. The men needed the paddle too but later. They deserved a reward first. Angs moans grew louder, and finally, she shrieked in release. Her perfectly wide hips lifted to Danes face. Grinding to Danes ass, Tucker pinched those gorgeous black balls, and Danes hips jerked. The vise on Tuckers cock made him nearly lose his own battle. The pain and the pleasure of the ring kept him in control. Tucker loved to deny himself at times. Take those off, Angie whined. You dont give the orders, and you want us hard to fuck you. He pinched her pussy lips together. The wetness shocked him, and he knew exactly what he needed to do now.

Dane moved up and copied Landon, dipping his erection in the melting ice cream and offering it to their captive lady. She licked him fast. Tucker knew she loved the ice cream and cock so it didnt really matter what she craved more at the moment. She was eating the ice cream. Tucker ducked into the guest room where theyd put her suitcases until they figured out a better setup. He rummaged through her bag to find that big glass dildo shed gushed over. Now, all the guys would get to see her true lustful nature. He kept it behind his back as he walked into the living room. She sucked Landon and Danes cocks as if she could defeat those rings. A very good sub. You want me to take those rings off? Tucker asked. Yes, please! she begged. Youll have to perform for us first. Tucker nodded to Landon. Untie her. Landon obeyed, and Angie looked confused. Even a bit disappointed. Tucker loved it. He walked over to her and ran the glass toy along her breasts. No. She reached for his cock. No. He smacked her hand away. I make the rules. Youre asking for a real spanking if you dont obey. But I want the real thing. Not a toy. Landon kissed her. Dont knock the toy. Sometimes, its what you need. She has a secret gift, but shes ashamed. Tucker pressed the heavy glass to her clit. Im not ashamed. Why cant I use a real cock instead of a toy? She folded her arms. Will it work? Tucker challenged. She shrugged. I dont know. I want to try. But youd have to let me ride free with no orders so I can get there. Tucker laughed. Okay, fine. But if you dont do it, the toy gets a turn. Fine. She nodded. Tucker slid a condom on. Lying on the table, he let her straddle him and lower herself onto his cock. Having her leaning over him, her lush breasts bouncing as she rode gave him a great view. She rubbed her clit and pressed down all the way on Tucker.

He gripped her thighs and knew without that ring hed have come already. Angs hips snapped harder then faster on his cock. Then she went hard again until her body tremored slightly. She lifted off him and gasped. Her juices had built up over the teasing, and she came for them in a flood. Tucker didnt mind getting wet. Dane and Landon licked up her juices and rubbed her quivering body. Tucker sat up and kissed her, rubbing her breasts. Very nice. Please fuck me, she whispered. That wasnt enough? he asked. She gripped Landon and Danes cocks, and Tucker knew it wasnt. Someone fill her ass and her mouth. Take the rings off when she comes. Tucker gripped her hips to take charge of fucking her even if he was on the bottom. Angies eyes sparkled at the men. She loved them and their sexual encounters; he could feel it. Tucker tongued her breasts as Landon filled her ass. Dane slid into her eager mouth. Her hips rocked back naturally, and she eased forward to suck Dane further. In no time, she found the perfect rhythm to juggle three cocks in her body at once. Tucker let go of her hips and watched her glory in the male attention. Part of him had worried shed try too hard or feel pushed, but as her hands pressed to his chest for leverage, Angie was in charge. Hed underestimated her. Since shed put on her show, she deserved to have her way. Her soft hands caressed his chest, and her nails dug in with ecstasy. Tucker kissed her breasts and unsnapped the ring as his climax took him. Her pussy squeezed him, and he lifted her again and again. Landon cursed as he came in her ass. Ang kept gasping and rubbing Danes cock in her mouth as he released his cock ring. The cum slid down her chin, and her tongue tried to catch all that she could while Dane pulled back. Landon and Tucker licked at Danes cock as he kissed her mouth. Leaning back, Tucker knew he never wanted to see her diet down to some stick figure. He cupped her hips and squeezed. Youre perfect. You three are. Ive never had ice cream like that before, but I do like three men more than a sugar rush. She smiled. Landon gave her one last kiss before backing up. He got up and kissed Dane. Ang stood with shaky legs, and Tucker held her as he got to his feet. She was sticky, and he was soaked, but Tucker wanted to make sure she helped clean up since shed gotten her fantasy just now.

Landon and Dane, go shower off and then I believe its Danes turn to make dinner. Well clean up this mess on the table and floor then wash up. **** Ang woke between Dane and Tucker. Landon was behind Dane in a cute spoon position. When she moved, she found her back aching. Not from all the great sex but from getting down and cleaning the floor. Tucker seemed to love putting her to work. If she could move in permanently, shed hire a maid, but that would mean they couldnt screw around naked whenever the maid was therea flaw in her logic. But it didnt matter. She couldnt live here. Ang knew it was only a matter of time before her parents found out shed been staying. They had their own lives and didnt pop by her house for no reason. As long as she showed up to the charity meetings and work on time, it shouldnt be a problem. Maybe this could work? No! People would talk eventually. When she found a better position, her back stopped aching. As much fun as the coffee table had been, it hadnt exactly been comfortable. Sex in a bed wasnt too much to ask. Rolling onto Tucker, she kissed him and slid over to use the washroom. When she returned, the men each took turns freshening up. She loved seeing their naked bodies so casually displayed. What should we do today? Tucker asked. Fuck me in a bed. She didnt care if she got a real spanking as long as all her needs were satisfied. Demanding little thing. Landon chuckled. Are you saying were not meeting your needs? Tucker asked. No, you are. I loved the coffee table thing. All of you inside of me is exactly what I wanted. Ang knew she had a lot to learn, but how else would she figure it out? Cassie emailed me the schedule for the sex parties. I think that might help. Dane nodded. No! I cant do that. Im not going. Ang pulled her hair into a ponytail so it didnt stick out like her normal bed head. Tucker grabbed her ankle. Not even interested in talking about it? You forget whos in charge of your sex life. Dane and Landon kneel at the edge of the bed. Bend over.

Angie scooted to the head of the bed and stared as the men did exactly as instructed. Their firm asses were now displayed for her. Tucker grabbed something from the closet. He walked out with a wooden paddle, and her eyes fixated on it. The noise as it cut through the air made Angie shiver, yet her pussy was already swollen. Im sorry. I love servicing the guys and you. I loved last night. I just wanted more in a bed. Tucker smiled. Thats a better way of saying it. But yesterday, you got your way. Today the guys do. Youll help me. Ang, we love you, but you need to understand that we really enjoy the occasional party. Showing you off would only make it better. So once Im done here, we can discuss the party. Her fear took over. What if someone she knew saw her and told her parents? Or told someone else who told her parents? Angie trusted Cassie and her guys, but when gossip was juicy, people loved to talk. Her older brother had found that out the hard way when hed given the quarterback a blowjob his senior year. Rumors had spread like wildfire. Hed gone away to college and, now, lived in New Orleans. Ang missed her brother. They visited, but it was never the same. Shed tried to talk her parents into supporting him, but they couldnt handle it no matter how gay-friendly Lucky Springs was. Tucker swung the paddle and connected with Danes ass. Then it was Landons. She watched as Tucker varied the angle. The men moaned, and their bodies tensed. They seemed to love it. She wanted to join the lineup. Growing bold, she climbed out of bed and sat in front of them. Seeing their faces contorted in pleasure and pain, their cocks hard and balls heavy, Ang wanted to finger her pussy. No, she wanted to join them or maybe suck them off. Ready to talk? Dane asked her. She frowned. Im not going to a party. I cant. Im sure Id love it, but people will talk. Tucker stopped his strikes. He towered over her, paddle in hand. Your closest friends have group relationships. Theyve been to these parties. Make no mistake. You wont get to fuck anyone else. You can watch and be watched, but youre ours. So dont think well let you play. He nudged her ass with the paddle. Angie shifted onto her hands and knees. He struck her ass, and the impact made her shudder. The sweet pain of wood and how it reverberated through her body and centered in her pussy took away any fear of parties. I dont want anyone else. But do you want to go to the party? Tucker demanded.

The paddle landed again, and she moaned. Deep down, her curiosity bubbled. Yes! Please. Tucker moved back and gave Dane and Landon each one final smack before he dropped the paddle on the bed. Get up here, Angie. Kiss some ass. Angie couldnt believe herself, but she did want to see what the party was like and who else was there. The paddle had made her forget her fear and get real. The anxiety made it more of a turn on, but as she licked over Dane and Landons punished bottoms, she knew shed enjoy it. With three great men like this, how could she not enjoy everything? Tuckers hand landed on her ass, and she wiggled her hips to ask for more. He gave it to her, on both cheeks, more and more as she leaned down between Danes legs to suck his balls. Then she gave Landon the same treatment and tongued the spot between his ass and sac. The men were groaning, but Ang did too as her ass grew hotter and just a little numb in spots. Fuck me, please. I want all three of you inside me again. Angie pressed her face to Danes thigh and arched her back. She knows what she wants. No playtime. He squirted lube on her ass. Angie gasped with gratitude. Tucker pulled her back, and Landon turned to sit on the bed. Tucker tossed him protection, and before she could say anything, Ang found herself riding Landons cock. Tucker filled her ass fast, and she had two deep inside her. Dane knelt on the bed and pulled her head to him. Angie sucked his cock in her mouth all the way and refused to let go no matter how much the fucking made her bounce. Landon helped by sucking Danes sac, but Angie wasnt giving up his cock for anything. They all wanted her and were getting off on her body. She knew they liked men, and knowing they liked her as much sent chills down her body. The way Tucker pressed to Landons cock mightve had something to do with it, too. The ache and the pressure ignited pleasure, and it spread to her pussy. Most of her orgasms were fast and powerful, but this one worked slowly. Too many men? No. She focused on the building heat and sucked the head of Danes cock harder and faster. Landons tongue worked underneath, and suddenly, Dane braced on Landons shoulder as he came. Angie wouldve shared it with Landon, but he was more interested in kissing Danes roughed-up ass. Swallowing her mouthful, Angie rocked on the two erections she had left. Tucker held her hips tightly and snapped into her. Gripping Landons chest, Angie braced herself

as Tucker worked her rear. Occasional smacks made her groan. Spanking or fucking. Both! She was a bad girl. Her mother was right. Angie couldnt stop smiling as Tucker came in her ass. Landons hips lifted harder, and she ground to him. The heat spread to her clit. Tucker finally pinched her pussy, and his fingers drove her over the edge. It wasnt shock and awe this time, but a slow smoldering climax that made her tremble. Why couldnt she have those all the time? She tried to slow it down and cling to this feeling of release, but it had to end. Happy? Dane asked. Oh God, yes! She kissed him then Landon. Turning her head, she kissed Tucker deeply. But when her eyes caught the clock on the nightstand, she knew she was screwed. Damn! What? Tucker rubbed her ass. Church. If I dont go, Im going to get phone calls. Oh, Im so going to be late. Text your mother that you have a migraine. Dane shrugged. Angie hated lying and hiding. But when the wedding was over, this was over. She looked at Tucker. You can go to church. Id never stop you from that. Go late or decide to take a Sunday off. Thats not my area of authority. He kissed her neck. But I bet well distract you in the shower so long youll miss it. Ang groaned and decided one Sunday in her life wouldnt ruin her. She could stay home and thank God for the men hed given her by spending time with them. Danes excuse was perfect, and everyone would leave her in peace and quiet to recover from a brutal headache. Saying shed spent her Sunday in bed wouldnt be a lie. All shed be doing was making herself and her men feel better.

Chapter Five

A week later, things hadnt fallen apart. Dane knew he wasnt the authority in the house, but he wanted to keep Angie as much as the rest of them. Shed fit in perfectly and loved to get fucked and spanked as much as Dane did. Plus, she clung more to Tucker so Dane got more of Landons attentions which they both loved. The group worked, but today was another one of those tests Tucker felt was so necessary. Dane didnt like lying to Angie, but he was giving her a ride to the bachelorette party shed worked so hard to plan. Im not a big drinker. You really didnt have to drive me. Angie sat in the passenger seat, looking hot in a glittery green tank top with matching wrap. Her cream skirt and heels looked innocent, but Tucker had made sure she had no panties. Whats the harm? Now, you can have a few drinks and talk sex with the girls. Everyone there knows about the parties. Its a small group. Dane knew it was as Jessicas house, and hed seen the invite list while Angie had been planning the food order. Thats when hed offered to be the entertainment, but it had to be a surprise for Ang. Its not wild. Drinks. Pizza. There isnt much kinky fun in Lucky Springs. Outside of those parties, of course. Were not having skanky strippers shipped in from Baton Rouge. Beyond the budget. Angie shrugged. Dane couldnt wait to see her face. Once shed promised to text him when she was ready to leave and had gone inside, he parked and used the backdoor. Jessica had four great guys. Two of whom Dane knew from school. They were all hanging in the kitchen eating and keeping an eye on things in case it got too wild.

They gave the women time to eat and have a few drinks. When they were chatting and giggling, he went around to the front door and pounded on it. Jessica opened the door, and Dane walked in wearing jeans and a tight fitted shirt. You ladies are getting loud in here. I thought you must need some entertainment. Angies eyes were huge when Jessica turned on the music, and Dane began to dance. Cassie covered her mouth. Clearly, this was a surprise for her, too, but Angie looked as if she wanted to crawl under the table. It was one of her men, and the five of the women in the room were cheering as he took off his shirt. Dane loved it, but Angie looked furious. When the pants went, Angie gawked at the G-string he wore. I knew he used to do this, but what a surprise. Cassie hugged Angie. Angie shook her head in disbelief. Dane tried to coax the bride to dance, but she refused. When none of the other women wanted to get too close, Dane grabbed Angies arm and pulled her into center of the room. He wasnt totally naked! He twirled her around and teased her. Relax. Its fun. She ran her hands over his muscled arms. He kissed her. Dane wanted her to see the thrill of being watched. But she climbed down and got another drink. The party shifted to the cutting of the cake. Dane turned off the music and hoped Angie wasnt really upset. Dane grabbed a piece and offered it to Ang. They dont call it Lucky Springs for nothing. Angie laughed. Youre crazy. What the hell? No. Im not. Its fun. Dane took a finger full of frosting and ate it. She did a shot of something cinnamon before she dug into the sugar. Do you really like showing off your body like that? Shaking your ass for these womenother mens women. Youre mine! Dane laughed at her outburst. Glad we cleared that up. He kissed her hard, and the women cheered. **** Storming into the house, Angie slammed the door. Dane had been quiet in the car, but she just seethed. Finding Tucker on the couch, she tossed her purse at him. This is your fault. How could you do that? Tucker stood calmly and caught her wrists. You need to calm down now.

Shes had a few. Dane shook his head. She liked it then didnt. Hes not a piece of meat you can show off like a new car. Ang wasnt playing sub now. Landon laughed. Are you meat or a car? he asked Dane and gave him a long gentle kiss. Stop it! I know it was a bachelorette party, but we had fun stuff planned. We didnt need one of my guys as a stripper. Ang wiped away the tears. Dane held her from behind. Hey, people like different things. I like being watched. I volunteered. I asked to do it. I wanted to see your face. If Id thought itd upset you, I never wouldve done it. Angie shook her head. I dont get it. The sex partiespeople know who youre with, Im assuming. Thisyou were on display for anyone. Not me or us. He likes that. Landon shrugged. Thats why hed never be fully satisfied with just me. Even if I bossed him around and paddled him all he wanted. I still wanted some of that, and he wanted to be watched by others. It gets him off more. You might like it if I you try it. Youve got no shame coming in front of three men and soaking our coffee table. Hell, you love three cocks inside of you. Whats embarrassing? Hed made a lot of good points. If Landon wasnt upset about Dane, she couldnt really argue because her feelings were surprising her. Being a sex object felt great at times. Ang smiled and turned to Dane. Sorry, I didnt mean to ruin your performance. I just didnt like seeing you like a sex object. I didnt want you to be humiliated. I wasnt. No one groped me. They all have plenty of men to screw them after the party. Dane kissed her. Relax, and dont go screaming and throwing things at Tucker. Reality clicked in, and Angie backed away. Im sorry. I didnt think. Tucker whispered to Landon who disappeared into the back bedroom. Its okay. You were worried about Dane. We want you to be attached to us, but you dont have to protect and care for everyone. We share the job, and Im in charge. Tucker pulled her wrap off and tossed it aside. Landon returned with a pot of body glitter and handed it to Angie. Whats this for? she asked. Youre going to learn what it feels like. Strip for us. Tucker sat back on the couch and nodded to Dane.

The music pumped, and she froze. The men sat there on the couch encouraging her. She wasnt naked, yet all their eyes focused on her made it feel sexy. Wiggling out of her tank top, she tossed it aside and turned to wag her ass at them as she unzipped the cream skirt and let it fall. The obnoxious and very male sounds they made actually turned her on. She fought it, but they were her men. Itd be different with other men watching. Right? Turning to face them, she grabbed the body glitter and coated the mens hands in it. She danced a little and badly. Shaking her ass and her boobs was about as all she could do to impress them. When she leaned in chestfirst to Dane, he cupped her breasts, leaving glittery handprints on them. Then Landon stroked up her thighs and rubbed her outer pussy lips. Finally, Tucker smacked her ass with both hands, leaving two big glitter prints as he pressed and pressed. Ang reached for the iPod on the end table and turned it off. Please. Please what? Done so soon? Guess you dont like it? Tucker rubbed the excess glitter on her back. No, I do. For you guys, I like it. I get it. Being the center of attention is sexy. The truth is I was the good daughter all my life. My mother fussed and insisted on that. I like the group, the mix. Guilt kicks in at times. I loved giving blowjobs in college, but the sorority girls said you dont do that until you get a ring. Im overcoming a lot of weird ideas. But thank you, Dane. I do get why you love showing off your body. Those women couldnt take their eyes off you. Your form is amazing. I dont know how Ill do at a sex party. If people stare at me, I might freeze. Ang sat on the coffee table. Youre wet as hell. I could feel it, but I wasnt smearing glitter in your pussy. Landon smiled. Lets work off the desire before we tackle the issues. Tucker walked into the bedroom and everyone followed. Angie tagged at the end. She wanted the sex, but she didnt want to ruin the parties for them. It had felt so natural, but maybe, she wasnt good for them. Maybe they were better off without her. Ang crawled onto the bed, glittered up and feeling kinky. When the wooden paddle landed on her ass, she yelped. It wasnt too hard. It was just unexpected. She arched her back for more. Please, I need it. You dont want the party? he asked.

I do. I dont want to embarrass you. She moaned as he landed another strong smack. Then just focus on us. Dane had stripped down to nothing and moved close. He kissed her, and her tears well up. Im sorry. I want to make all your fantasies come true. Someone might talk about the bachelorette stuff tonight. We kissed. And the sex parties. Im worried. She pressed her face to his chest. Trust us. Landon rubbed her glittered breasts. The friction felt so good she pressed for more. Tucker landed the paddle twice more, and her ass stung. Her hips trembled, and he dropped the paddle before kissing her ass. The glitter made it feel extra good this time. You need to stop controlling and over thinking. Trust us. Tucker rubbed the glitter off her ass. I do. Im sorry. I love you guys, but I cant change my life overnight. I dont want to ruin what you have. What we have. She clung to Landon and Dane. Her pussy throbbed for attention, yet she just wanted to hold them. I knew she loved us. Dane kissed her. Landon dropped kisses in her hair. Tucker squeezed her ass. Good. If you love us, then trust us and stop arguing. Let me handle it. Tucker licked her pussy. Angie knew shed never be able to explain this to her family, but she couldnt stop either. Spreading her legs, she had her Dom eating her pussy as she kissed the two other men. Reaching for their cocks, she knew she was safe. But how the hell could this work long term? The glitter was everywhere, but the guys seemed like the rough hand jobs as Tucker tongued her cunt deeper and deeper. A hand squeezed her rear, and she saw Landon grin down at her. She sucked his cock and realized while she knew these guys, loved and trusted them, she didnt fully understand their kinks. Learning their desires would be half the fun. One party wouldnt hurt. Cassie would be sure Angie was safe. Whens the next party? she asked. Tomorrow. Tucker tugged her pussy lips with his teeth. She didnt care about tomorrow as he worked her clit harder and squeezed her bottom to make it sting just right. Ill go.

Chapter Six

The party was at Jessicas the next night, and Landon was glad. No one wanted Angie to have a chance to change her mind before she got the experience. He enjoyed showing off Dane, and Angie was getting plenty of looks as well. She fidgeted with her hair while talking with Jessica and Cassie. Shell be fine. Dane hugged Landon from behind. I know. Im not sure Tucker will. Hes totally in love with her. So are we. Dane nipped Landons earlobe. Forever now. Weve got the right girl. Its all falling into place. I know. But its different. We love her and want that female form. Tucker couldnt live without her now. I hope she doesnt freak out. Not tonight. Shes great when the sex gets going. Dane slid his hands under Landons shirt. I love that she wanted to protect me. From women who have plenty of men of their own. Ang got possessive of you. Shes so cute! Landon shook his head. Tucker walked up and put his arm around Angie, and she relaxed a little. Something had always been missing from their lives, as great as things were. For a while, Landon had worried about Tuckers friendship with Angie. Landon had wondered if Tucker might simply have wanted to get the rich girl in town, the mayors daughter who everyone liked and respected. Landon saw now that he still had some things to learn. Tucker, the Dom in charge, was a slave to love like the rest of them. Come on. Party then, next week, the wedding! Dane slid a hand into Landons pants.

Landon grabbed Danes wrist. Ive been neglecting you. Youre just asking for punishment. Weve all been dazzled and distracted by Angie. But Id like a bit more of your attention. Dane kissed the back of his lovers neck. Turning fast, Landon pulled Dane close and kissed him hard. Youre always my first. We just have to make sure Angie sticks around. A heartbroken and miserable Tucker is not something I want to live with. Dane smiled. No. Me, either. Staring the party early? Angie asked. Nobodys naked yet. Landon pulled her in the middle and pressed her to Dane. Tucker nodded to Jessica and her group of guys. Things are getting started. No rush. He kissed Angie slowly. Landon felt her body relax. They were quite a group. He cupped her breasts and kissed her neck. Dane squeezed her ass and licked along her shoulder. Tucker pulled her from the sandwich and let her watch the other groups as he took off her clothes. Landon and Dane undressed each other then Tucker. They downplayed the BDSM stuff at the parties, but this time was all about Angies initiation. Tucker massaged her naked body as she stared at the others in various stages of sexual exploration. When things started to get intense, she turned to look at Tucker. You guys work fast, she said. Relax. You can just watch. He kissed her again and grabbed her butt. We can save the fun stuff for in private. She shivered and knelt down. I want to enjoy my guys. Licking around his balls, she nuzzled his cock. With no more shame, she threw herself into the blowjob. He was proud of her. Landon slid under her and fit his head between her legs. Eating her pussy, he got to pinch her ass as well. When he felt lube on his cock, Landon had no idea what Dane would do. That was half the fun of the group thing. With his tongue buried deep in Angie, Landon lifted his hips to encourage Dane. Finally, Danes cock pressed against Landons. It felt weird at first, but when Dane gripped both cocks in his hand, it was the best hand job ever.

He tried to lift for more, but Dane pressed Landon back down. Letting Dane run that show, Landon focused on Angies clit. Her soft moans and muffled noises told him she was enjoying herself plenty. You dont have to be quiet. Tucker proved it and shouted his orgasm. Danes thrusts sped up, and Landons orgasm hit. Dane grunted, and their cum landed on Landons chest. He couldnt help but laugh and tease Angies cunt. It felt so good and easy, when she licked the cum from his chest. She crawled down Landons body, and he saw her kissing Dane. She fits right in. Landon winked at Tucker. Nodding, Tucker gave Landon a hand up off the floor. If we make it through the wedding, shes ours. You think thatll freak her out? Landon moved closer to Tucker as the other two made out as if it were high school. Her parents will be there. Hell, half the town will show up. The only people who wont are the newbies at the factory who dont know either side. If it were Angies wedding, Lucky Springs would shut down. Tucker shook his head. Landon laughed. Yeah, her dad would declare a holiday. Doesnt mean you cant marry her one day. No rush. Tuckers gaze was stuck on Angie and Dane as he nodded. Landon knew hed read Tuckers mind. It was too soon to get that serious, but Landon would be thrilled if she were still living with them after the wedding. **** Lost in the kiss, Angie felt Tucker tug on her hips. It was real, and she looked around the room full of couples, trios and more. For a second, she caught eyes with the son of her dads best friend. He gave her a slight smile and went back to sucking some guys cock. Angie sighed in relief. He wouldnt be ratting her out, and she wouldnt out him. This was a safe place. Tucker wrapped his arms around her waist as she knelt facing the crowd. Everything was exposed, and she didnt care. He kissed her and rubbed their bodies together. You okay? he asked.

She nodded. Its not what I thought. Its freeing and fun. His touch felt different now. Before he was always pushing her, testing her and she understood because she was intruding and complicating their lives. Now, he was proud of her and possessive. Good. Just remember who you belong to. He gripped her hair gently. She smiled and glanced at the room to see if anyone was watching. I know. I dont want anyone else. Three is perfect. Do you like watching them? Being watched? he teased. Angie nodded. Its arousing. I liked the oral, but I really need Yes? he asked. Pressing her face to his neck, she knew hed make her say it. Her fingers slid down to stroke his cock. Shed said it plenty but in private. Please fuck me. Youre so polite. One thing I didnt have to teach my new sub. He kissed her cheek and pushed her onto her hands and knees, facing the crowd. She found Dane in the same position, and they were shoulder-to-shoulder. His massive muscled form made her feel petite, and she kissed his upper arm. They like to be in charge? Dane nodded. And we like to not be. He was so right! When Tuckers fingers worked her pussy, she moaned. She expected his cock fast and rough the way she wanted, but no. Ten fingers worked her pussy lips and teased her core until her wetness for him was all over her cunt. When he grazed her clit, Angies hips snapped back. Please, she said. Yeah! Dane rocked back. Angie looked to see he was being fucked already. Landon was all the way in Danes perfect ass and pumping away. There was kissing and playful groping. They were so cute and sexy together. Why did Tucker have to tease her so much? He wasnt hard yet? Tucker, please! she begged. He pressed his hard chest to her back and kissed her neck. Please. What did he want to hear? Master? She couldnt say that here. Dont forget who you want. Who you belong with. Where you really fit in. He filled her pussy in one stroke. She gasped and pressed her head to the carpet. Harder!

Tucker tugged at her hair to make her look out at the crowd. They know. Its not a secret. Its not the end of the world if you have group sex. Or if youre a size sixteen. Twelve! she corrected him. I dont care. Youre hot, and youre mine. He drove into her again and again. Angie stared out at the crowd, but it was a blur as Tucker ruled her mind and body. They were one, and she pushed back for more. He changed his grip and cupped her breasts, pinching and tapping them like a teenager. When he played rougher with her tender flesh, she groaned and felt her orgasm starting. Nice and loud. Come for them, he whispered. She shook her head. For you. He rubbed her clit as he drove into her again, and the climax blasted through her body like a shot. Angie screamed and bucked back on Tucker so it wouldnt end. While her release passed, Danes gave her pleasure, too, as he shouted and cursed at Landon as he came in shudders. Angie kissed Dane while her hips worked Tuckers erection. He hadnt lost control, and she wanted to hear him again. Shed have to wait. Landon went into overdrive, and by the look on Danes face, Angie had to say he loved it. Finally, Landon came and leaned forward to bite Danes shoulder. They kissed, and she envied their love. She craned her neck to look back at Tucker. I wanted you in high school, she admitted. With no warning, he pulled out of her and flipped her on her back. Angie saw the need and focus in his eyes. There was no one else in that room now. I wanted you, too. But you werent ready. He kissed her and drove into her. Kissing him, she held onto his shoulders. Tucker ground to her, never easing up but using short strokes that hit her deep. How did he know exactly where to trigger her? The orgasm was different, and she felt her cunt closing up. Not here! She didnt want to come like that here! But her body couldnt fight Tucker, and he wasnt backing off at all. The release was so good she screamed and arched her back as her juices hit Tuckers erection. His shouts and grunts sent her to another level of bliss. It wasnt just a weird ability of hers. He got off on it! Landon and Dane applauded, and others joined in. Angie felt her face burning, but it wasnt shame. It was love, lust and passion fulfilled. Wrapping her arms around Tuckers neck,

she kissed him slowly. When he plundered her mouth with his tongue, she smiled. Then his never resting fingers rubbed her clit, and she shook in response. He grinned down at her. I cant believe you did that here, she whispered. You did it. You need three men, or youll have an adult toy store in your bedroom, carpel tunnel by forty and be bored. You need a challenge. Ill give that to you. Tucker nipped her lower lip. She ran her hands up his neck and over his face. Youre definitely doing that. The mood of the room shifted, and she tried to look. Time for a break. Rehydrate and stretch. He kissed her quickly and eased back. Angie felt tender and numb in places, but stretching sounded good. The men helped her up and she made sure she got hugs and kisses all around before they went for drinks. Dane, sweetie that he was, tossed a towel on the wet spot. She couldnt be the first to do that at a sex party, and she was actually a little proud. The hum of her insides said it was totally natural. Anyone who couldnt get off that intensely was just jealous.

Chapter Seven

Tucker and the men had sat through the beautiful wedding staring at Ang up front. Now, they were at a table toward the back of the reception. He didnt want to distract Angie, but he really wanted her to come to them. Angie was announced as part of the wedding party and looked amazing. If shed been on anyone elses arm but the grooms brother, Tucker mightve been annoyed. There are the parents. Dane nodded to a table where the mayor and his wife sat. Tucker knew them well enough to not go over and say hello for no reason. They didnt travel in the same circles, and it was up to Angie to change things. Itll be fine. Landon shrugged. The wedding party ate quickly, and the bride and groom made the rounds. When Angie came over to the mens table before visiting her parents, Tucker had a surge of hope. Youre gorgeous! Dane announced. The reviews arent in from Mom yet. She took a sip of Tuckers whiskey and soda. Let me get you a proper drink. He kissed her cheek and headed off before she had a chance to say no or object to the casual affection. When he headed back from the bar, screwdriver in hand, he spotted her approaching her parents table. He timed it just right and met her there. No way, hed let her face them alone. Here you go. One drink for the hard working bridesmaid. He put his arm around her waist in a possessive signal. She blushed slightly but recovered. Thanks. Mom, Dad, you remember Tucker Gallen. He just got a big promotion at the factory. Good for you. The mayor nodded and shook his hand briefly.

You clean up very nice. I didnt realize you had a date, Angela. That groomsman isnt available? her mother asked. Tucker smiled and stood his ground. Mom, hes gay and involved. Tucker and I have been seeing each other for a little while. She took a sip of her drink. Tucker gave her a squeeze. You looked amazing. Cant wait to get you on the dance floor. Angies mom frowned. Well, the dress is flattering. Just a shame youre the biggest one up there. Tucker cleared his throat. I think she looked the best up there. She did get your genes, but women pay money for a figure like hers. Tucker. Angie put her hand on his chest. Lets make the rounds. We dont want to be rude. He let her drag him away. The shocked expressions of the mayor and his wife were satisfaction enough. Theyre terrible to you. No, my mother just doesnt want me to let myself go like she did. After two kids, she blew up. She had weight loss surgery, and it didnt really work. She cant seem to lose and blames being pregnant. Angie sat and gulped down half her drink. What happened? Landon asked. Nothing important. We just need to keep Angie from believing anything her parents say. Tucker kissed her cheek. Will you stop? I appreciate you being my date so Im not alone and a loser, but upsetting my parents isnt exactly what I had in mind. Angie rolled her eyes. They were out of line. When you get pregnant, well make sure you keep exercising and afterward, step up the toning. If your mother let her size get out of hand, she shouldnt blame her kids. Tucker avoided another drink of his whiskey or hed really tell her parents what he thought. Angie stood and scowled at him. When I get pregnant? What the hell are you talking about? You just jump from kink to kids after a few weeks?

Tucker backpedaled in his brain. Hed moved things too fast. Sorry, that was a big assumption. But you know how we feel about you. Cassie made a complicated commitment. Why cant you? You better not! She held up a finger. He stepped into her space and hugged her. Im not proposing here. However, Im warning you its coming. Dont move out. Give this a chance. We dont want to lose you. And I can handle your parents. You dont have a clue how crazy itll get if they think were really serious. Angie rested her chin on his shoulder. Youre the one who told them about my promotion. Youre setting them up and making me look good. He pulled back and kissed her. Dont let people who make you miserable rule your life. Theyll pick out a guy who makes you miserable and want him for a son-in-law to keep you down. Tuckers bossy, but he adores you. Dane leaned on Landon. We all do, but hell get public and parental duty. We owe him so much. It can work, Angie. Landon grabbed Danes hand and dragged him toward the bar. **** Angie headed back to the head table as they announced the bridal party dances. She helped Cassie straighten her veil and touch up her lipstick. It felt normal and easy. You okay? Cassie asked. Waving it off, Angie nodded. Fine. Parents like mine arent easy to please. And its complicated. Tucker wants me to stay. You want to leave their place? Move them in with you. Cassie shrugged a bare shoulder. Angie knew no one looked better than the bride in her strapless number. Still Ang felt sexy and confident in her curve-hugging dress. I dont want to leave, but its so fast and so much at once. Men are like that, at least the good ones. When they find the right one, they act fast. Competitive creatures. Plenty of men are eyeing you tonight. Give Tucker and the guys plenty of attention. Make sure they know youre not running. Thanks, but dont worry about me. Its your big day.

Cassie nodded. And nothing can ruin it because Ive got exactly what I want. Thanks for helping me, but dont use it to avoid your men. Jess is here, and Id be a terrible friend if I didnt advise you to hold onto those guys. Single drunk women will be all over Tucker in a couple of dances. That wasnt something Angie had thought of. She watched the dancing and did her part with the bridal party. But when her duty was finished, she went in search of Tucker. Landon and Dane were a handsome pair out there. Shed gotten the hint that they could appear to be two couples. No one outside needed to know the truth. Ill dance with you guys later. She couldnt resist holding onto them, plus it might diffuse her parents rage if she wasnt all over Tucker all night. Given time, her parents would get over it and let Tucker into the family. Angie just had to be stubborn and not start World War III in public. But kids. That still made her queasy. Tucker was down the aisle and playing house, and she still wanted more of the tying up and paddling. Could it all work? She found him talking with some admiring women. Excuse me, I have a dance or ten with this lady. Tucker turned to Angie. Youre sure you wouldnt rather be with them? There seemed to be a glow deep inside her when he focused on her. She loved it. Now, now. Dont pout. He led her to the dancing. Sorry, if I scared you with the talk of babies. Weve got plenty of time. Its just that the wedding is here, and we dont want you to leave. This is more than sex or exercise. She had known that the second he started bossing her around. I love you guys, but its so weird to think of it as real. I can handle your parents. Dont worry. He held her tighter as they slow danced. I know, but Im not sure I can. It feels bad to be a couple in public then four in private, she whispered in his ear. Tucker looked over at Dane and Landon. They do look very hurt. She smiled and smacked his shoulder. I know they were together first. They dont mind, so okay, I just need to get used to it. You will. Just stay with us. He kissed her hair.

Angie hugged him tight. I want to. It just feels like you want a commitment. Im not ready for rings or vows. One step at a time. Sell your place and move in. Our place has the room, and you seem comfortable. He kissed her on the lips. Looking around, Angie realized no one was looking at them. Everyone was into their own dancing partner. The real estate market sucks out there. With all the men moving into Lucky Springs for the factory jobs, you can rent it out and do just fine. Or sell it. The factory is hiring some office staff, too. All those new employees mean they need more accounting and HR people. You could always apply to work there. I can give you a big recommendation. His hips pressed to her. She nudged him back. No, I think Ill stay at my uncles for now. He and my dad get along, but he understands I dont want to be under my dads thumb. It helps to have him in my corner. As much as I love you and the guys, having you right there at work would be so tempting. Wed get fired. Tucker nodded. Youre probably right. We do need our jobs. But thats why you have to live with me. The pressure made her pulse pound for more time with them. She knew what she wanted. Ill take your silence as a no. Angie jumped. No, not a no! Look, weddings do this. They cast a spell of romance and happily ever after. Weve got that. Wedding or not. Tucker hugged her tight. I know. Just let me think about it for more than a minute. Angie sighed. Okay, yes Ive been thinking about it all along, but now its real. I dont want to hurt you guys or freak out because I jumped too fast and didnt think. Tucker kissed her. Think all you want. He spun her in between Landon and Dane as a fast song started. She felt the pull from them as well, but the space let her move and soak up the crowd. Lucky Springs was home, and she couldnt imagine life anywhere else. Her family was here and whatever choices she made, she wasnt going to run away. Maybe she could invite her brother home for a holiday and have it at her place?

Dane slid up behind her. You know theres an after party. The type of party you like. He slipped away just as fast. Angie felt a shot of desire and knew she needed another drink to make it through the night.

When the bouquet toss was announced, Angie tried to hide behind Tucker. Two drinks down and halfway through another, she didnt want to be out there with the singles. She really wasnt! But there was no ring on her finger, either. With her mother glaring at her, Angie went out and played along as if it mattered. She never caught the bouquet! Not once in her many, many times as a bridesmaid or wedding guest in her whole single life. In front on the right, Angie held up her hands, careful not to pop out of her top. When she saw the ribbon wrapped bouquet of fresh flowers heading her way, instinct kicked in. Angie grabbed it and grinned as if it were a diamond ring. Tucker applauded, and she blushed. Luckily, she had to take a picture with the bride. Then it was the mens turn. It was so old-fashioned and silly, but it felt good. Angie watched as a garter sailed through the air. Dane, Landon and Tucker were all out therea bit of a lie and they all knew it. Dane bounced the garter to Tucker, and she was very glad they were such a wonderful team. When the traditional dance came up, it wasnt forced or awkward like so many of them. Angie held him tight. You set that up. How could I possibly have done that? Even if Cassie had wanted you to catch the flowers, you had teenagers and tons of ladies out there. Shes not that good at throwing over her shoulder. The garter was easy. I had help. The cameras flashed, and Angies smile got even bigger. Would you have caught the garter if I hadnt gotten the bouquet? Tucker shrugged. Maybe, to make you jealous. But I dont think Dane and Landon wouldve volunteered to help. I probably wouldnt have tried as hard. She rested her head on his shoulder. Fine, Ill move in. Sell my house. But you cant complain about my parents. Not once. You know what youre getting into.

Deal. I wont complain to you. Ill tell them what I think. When they get out of line, theyll hear it from me. He kissed her. The crowd applauded and cameras flashed. Ang knew hed speak his mind, and for the first time, she felt protected and totally safe. Her parents opinion didnt matter because Ang had found unconditional love and acceptance.

Chapter Eight

At the after party, Dane hugged Angie tight and laid her naked body the cool ceramic tile. Youre all ours. She shivered but nodded. Better be nice to me. Landon kissed her. Nice and rough. You might need to learn to use a strap-on, Ang. Tucker spread her legs and rubbed her pussy. Dane nodded. Oh, definitely. What? Angie turned bright red and sat up. Thats not something Ive ever even thought of. Three guys, okay. But no girls. Landon laughed. Not girls. Us. God, yes, I havent gotten fucked nearly as much since you moved in. Dane pressed his body to hers. Im sorry. Im being greedy. I dont need all of you. I do like it. Im not against toys, but Ive never used a strap-on. Youll have to practice. Sounds like fun homework to me. Dane rolled until she was on top of him. We would all like some attention there. Landon picked up some lube packets. Dane grabbed Landon and bent him over the back of the sofa. Lubed and protected, Dane filled Landons ass fast. Landon didnt ask to be fucked often, and he was subtle, but Dane wanted the honor in their little power play. You guys are so gorgeous together. Angie kissed Danes back.

Then she was gone, and from the noises, Dane knew Tucker was screwing her brains out. Then Dane felt lube on his ass. He tightened for a second, but when a thick toy advanced, he looked back. Angie was riding Tucker and working a long vibrator up Danes rear. I cant take all that. Dane moaned as she gave him more. Fuck him, babe. He loves to be in the middle. Landon rocked his hips back on Dane. It was the truth. Dane loved giving and getting. He was more than willing to share the honors with Angie. She was the new flavor in the family, but now that they were committed, they all had to share. He wouldnt backseat his needs. Let me know if I do something wrong. Ill go slow. Angies soft voice only made Dane fuck Landon harder. Damn, youre doing it right, Landon said. Dane agreed. She had a steady hand and good pattern to her thrusts. She knows how to work toys. Obviously, shed fucked herself for long enough. I want to feel her hips work. Give her time, Tucker said tensely. Someones going to come. Like the show? Landon bucked back and screamed. Dane watched over Landons shoulder as his lover jerked off and squeezed Danes cock deep inside. Landon wanted to act so dominant sometimes, yet he loved being fucked and easily had a dual orgasm. Dane loved his switch, but the group was what they needed for sex and for security. It felt so good when Landon let it out. I love fucking you, Dane said in Landons ear. I love spanking you. Wait until we get home. Landon pulled Dane in and kissed him. The kiss ended too fast but Landon moved down to help Angie. He coached her how to pound Danes ass for maximum pleasure without going too far. Dane was so close when he heard Angies climax. Bracing for her erratic fucking, Dane knew Landon took over. The smooth strokes got faster and faster. Turn around, Landon said. Dane pulled off the used protection and rubbed his cock as he turned. Leaning back on the sofa as his own orgasm built faster and faster, he saw Angies beautiful face mid-orgasm. That sent Dane over, and he jerked his cock with a toy buried in his ass. Landon got the first wave as Angie recovered enough to suck Danes cock. Tuckers shouts mixed with Danes, and he knelt, kissing Angie and Landon.

So were supposed to hire a babysitter so we can all come here and do this? Ang asked. It was sort of weird that Tucker brought up kids. But lots of people here have them. Dane hugged Angie. Hey, I made my intentions known. Im honest. Tucker smacked Angies ass. She laughed. Im glad someone understands. Kinky sex parties and wooden paddles dont say normal family. We dont need normal. This is way better. Landon kissed Danes chest then stretched out on his back to kiss Tucker. Dane leaned forward. Can you take that out please before I come again? I really need to be paddled. Angie gently pulled out the toy but left it vibrating as she rubbed it up and down his crack. So youll help me learn how to use a strap-on? I dont want to hurt you or Landon. Well start you off with something small so you cant do damage. Youll get the hang of it fast. He kissed her and took the toy away from her. No, I want a big one, like you guys have. She stroked his cock. Dane thrust into her hand. Youve got to earn it. Work your way up. Ill practice a lot. She nudged him to lie next to Tucker, and she snuggled in, draping herself along all three of them. **** A month later, Angie couldnt remember why this had been so scary. Her parents werent thrilled with the living arrangement and wanted Tucker to move into her house. Eventually, theyd stopped asking questions when Angie had reminded them what great looking kids she and Tucker would make. The grandparent card had trumped the fact he wasnt some fancy southern lawyer or from a rich familytheir idea of an ideal husband for her. Pulling into the guys driveway, she knew she was now home. Tucker had been right; her old house had sold fast to a group of guys looking to move up at the factory. Shed considered renting it out, but that was a headache. Now, she felt free to throw herself into her life with her men in their house. They should be home now, and she wanted to celebrate! She walked in, and the house smelled great. Tucker had made pasta, and her stomach rumbled. The diet roller coaster was history. Shed accepted into her size twelve or fourteen

body, and with all the hot exercise, she could eat what she wanted, and her body pretty much stayed there. Hey, you got a package. Landon kissed her as she walked through the living room. Yours? she teased. He grabbed her tight. No. Something from UPS. Later? After dinner, definitely. Angie went for the side table where they kept the mail. It was Friday, and shed cut out of work early for the house closing. Her uncle was actually happy for her. He and Tucker had become friends after a few family dinners. Knowing she had allies made it so much easier to ignore her mothers comments and her dads snobbery. Dinners on. Tucker walked out and kissed her. Good, Im starving! She looked at the return address and knew exactly what the package was. Her pussy throbbed to try it out, but her stomach won. Since the wedding, you havent fought us about eating at all. Dane put the garlic bread on the table as she walked in. What for? Ive got my men. I can let myself go. She shrugged and took her seat. Tucker laughed. Just remember, we can make you work off the calories. Thats just fun. Ive got the final toy to fuck Dane with. If you guys are up for that sort of fun tonight. She put her napkin in her lap like a proper Southern belle. The mouth on her. Landon shook his head and dished out cheesy pasta. You love it. But I do miss the way you guys fed me ice cream that one time. I couldnt really say no. You never say no to sex. Dante poured the wine. Why would I do that? If I want to get spanked, there are more fun ways of acting up. She leaned over and kissed Tucker. Ive got a manners and propriety question for you, since you were raised that way. Landon leaned in to her. Angie shrugged. Okay, Ill try. How long does a girl have to be dating a guy, with her family knowing and everything, before they can get engaged? She shot a look at Tucker who glared at Landon. Dane gave her a sheepish grin. Its just a question. Landon shook his head at Tucker.

Angie cleared her throat. Well, theres the very old-fashioned idea that hed ask her parents permission and, if they approved, theyd have a say in when he proposed. If theyd been together long enough, had the right situation, and so on. Short engagements werent a bad thing, but too short and people worried you had to get married. It was like a flashback to her childhood when an older cousin had gotten in trouble. The rushed wedding hadnt fooled anyone. Living together probably would be frowned on anyway. Dane dug into his food. Very much. Modern day is different, obviously. A parents blessing is still nice, but you dont need permission. To avoid the having to get married appearance, Id say together for six months. Engaged for six months. It takes at least that to plan a wedding anyway. Angie suspected that they were talking about her and Tucker. Sounds right. Thanks. Landon nodded casually. Dane tossed a piece of garlic bread at Landon. Then we are long overdue, mister. Ill take you ring shopping tomorrow. Landon winked. Dont think were not going. Dane kissed his man. Angie felt a little left out. I know you two have been together a long time, but I think we should all have one, big anniversary. Not separate ones. Aww, she loves us. Dane sipped his wine. Were just trying to drag your cute ass into a jewelry store. Pick something out so Tucker doesnt screw it up in a few months. Landon took her hand. Get you sized and everything. The bands will all match. She looked at Tucker. You guys have been planning this? You can say no. Delay it if you want. Tucker took her hand. But Im not going to have your parents think Im not serious about this. Ill talk to your uncle and Dad at the summer picnic, and well be married by Christmas. She smiled. Sounds okay. A nice holiday-themed wedding. But you better let me run that show, or Ill be using my new toy on all of you. Youre not the only ones who can tie knots and take charge. The three men laughed. All yours. Planning, decorating, dresses and all that. We just need tuxes and for you to tell us what to do. Tucker kissed her. I want some input in the food and dcor. Dane pouted.

Of course, you can have input. This is weird. Angie shook her head. Were planning to be engaged. Youre planning to fuck Dane with a toy tonight. Itll all work out. Landon nodded. Angie knew it would be. It was going fast. Yet the throbbing between her legs and the flutter under her breast said it was all perfect. They focused on dinner and Angie hoped her toy worked out as well as shed dreamed. **** In the bedroom, the package sat in the middle of the bed. They were all naked and nosey about her purchase. Angie went to open it and got a firm slap on the ass. The wooden paddle was out, and she stuck her ass up. They werent exactly like the Dom/sub relationships in the books shed read. Tucker was in charge, but no one licked his feet or called him Master much. Landon played both angles, and she left it to him and Tucker how that worked. She was a sub, and tonight, shed earned the right to use her newest and biggest strap-on on Dane. But first, Tucker clearly wanted to spank her. Dane knelt next to her and got it, too. He smiled and tugged at the tape on the package to get another sharp crack on the ass. Danes cock grew, and Angie wiggled as her wetness increased. The men turned her on doing almost anything, but shed grown to love the paddle and to take more than shed ever thought. Living with her parents had left her with a high pain tolerance, and the physical felt so much better than verbal. It was cathartic. Come on. We have to open it. She pouted. Tucker nodded to Landon, and he came around and tore open the package. A big strap-on with firm cock came out, but there was another smaller phallus that fit into her and bumps to hit her clit. It was genius, and she wanted to use it. How convenient. Tucker smacked her ass again. I thought youd like it. That leaves more cock for others. I think she needs a proper chain. Landon tossed out lube and condoms. A chain? She took the toy and kissed the tip. Danes eyes grew wide. Thats big. You can take. Landon is bigger. She kissed him.

The wooden paddle landed again, and she wanted to fuck as the stinging sensation wore off. Can I fuck him? Please. Tucker sighed. Fine, this is how much I love you. But youre getting a serious spanking tomorrow before we go to the jewelry store. Her pussy tightened. Thanks, I love you, too. She kissed Tucker, and he held her tight. The love made it feel serious, but she was still new enough to the sex play to crave it. Nothing felt better than her ass throbbing in public. No one knew their kinky secret, and shed wear a short skirt to tease her guys. Dane and Landon helped her snap into the straps, but it was Tucker who took hold of it and eased the one end into her cunt. She moaned as he ground it in firmly. You bought a toy for two. Youll have to use it a lot. Tucker kissed her. Bend over any time. Ill be ready. She was on thin ice and ready to plunge further. He pinched her ass, and she gaped. Her pussy clenched the toy, and she rocked forward. Youll fuck air. What have we done? Tucker smacked her bottom. Dane pressed his chest to the bed and offered his ass eagerly. Landon lubed the dark rear as Angie got the toy into position. Then Landon kissed Dane and disappeared behind her. Ang pressed forward, and Danes moan encouraged her. Slow. Landon pressed his cock to her ass and helped guide her. Ang nodded, loving the help. When she felt lube hitting her ass, she leaned forward instinctively, and Dane groaned. Sorry, I think I know what they mean by chain now. She held onto Danes back and advanced a little more. Youve got it. Dont stop. Let him fuck you, Ang. Dane backed up just a little. Ang gasped as his backward pressure sparked pleasure on her end. Then Landon pressed his cock to her ass, and she was pinned. Reaching around, she jerked Danes cock and teased him as she made the last few inches disappear in his body. Landon was all the way in her, but his grunts made her look. Tucker was at the end and pounding Landon hard. He set the pace and everyone followed. Even Angies hand stroked Dane in time. How am I doing? she asked. Damn, dont stop! Dane rocked back on her.

Youre a natural. Landon pinched her nipples and twisted them until she moaned. Ang, you dont come until Dane does, Tucker said. Bossy. She took a deep breath and thrust harder as she squeezed the tip of his cock. Dane screamed and came on the bed as he bounced back on her toy cock. The grinding and Landons throbbing member filling her backend pinched Angie into a vise of pleasure. Landon rubbed her clit so fast she couldnt even hold onto anything. Her hips snapped, and her body shook. Landon pushed her forward, and she hugged Dane from behind as Landon and Tucker worked in unison. They both had amazing self-control and Angie let the heat in her ass relax her as she came. When Tucker screamed, Landon grabbed her ass cheeks, and Angie yelped. It was nothing compared to the paddling shed get tomorrow, but then Tucker would fuck her missionary after. She didnt get it very often. The jewelry shopping was a real incentive. She couldnt deny it would feel good to have a symbol that this was forever. The line fell apart, and Tucker rolled her onto her back. He gripped the base of the toy and worked it into her pussy again and again. He wanted her to come again. Dont. I cant. Her hips twisted, and she felt the build. The more they turned her on, the wetter she got, but she was getting better at controlling if she gushed all over or not. I want it. Or no spanking tomorrow. He knew just how to trigger her orgasm and make her give in. His fingers grazed her clit and kept working the toy in her cunt. The pleasure made her body tense as her pussy tightened and gave Tucker what he wanted. The rush of fluid as she came was a form of submission. He unsnapped the straps and tossed the toy aside, and Angie looked at him as she caught her breath. Watching Tucker, her Dom, licking up her pussy juices made her smile. Landon and Dane sucked on the end of the toy thatd been deep in her pussy, and she knew it was a very good purchase. She couldnt imagine anything better, but a ring on her finger was definitely in her future.

About the Author

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels. Author loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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