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Visual Studio 2012 Setup: Common issues and workarounds

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Visual Studio 2012 Setup: Common issues and workarounds

Article ID: 2872457 - View products that this article applies to.

Microsoft Visual Studio cannot be installed, and you receive an error message that contains one of the following errors: 0x80200010 - Connectivity issue during download 0x80070005 - Access denied 0x80070643 - Installation cache or ISO is corrupted 0x800713ec - .NET Framework installation is in progress Web Deploy 3.0 - Certificate warning or Unable to locate package source error

To work around these issues, try one or more of the following methods.

0x80200010 - Connectivity issue during download

This error typically occurs when the Visual Studio installer experiences issues that affect your Internet connection during the download of required components. If you receive one of these error messages, try again to install Visual Studio after your Internet connection improves. If you continue to see this error, try the following methods: Install Visual Studio from a different source. For example, if you installed Visual Studio from ( or from the Microsoft Download Center ( , try downloading Visual Studio from MSDN ( /securedownloads) . Install Visual Studio by using the "layout" switch or an ISO file. For more information about how to do this, go to the following Visual Studio and MSDN blog articles: Installing Visual Studio ( How to: Install Visual Studio 2012 Update Offline (

0x80070005 - Access Denied

This error occurs when Visual Studio cannot access one or more of the required installation files. This error may occur for any of the following reasons: An outside process, such as an antivirus or antimalware application, has locked a Visual Studio installation file at the same time that Visual Studio is trying to install the file. To work around this issue, coordinate with your system administrator or other IT professional to make sure that Visual Studio files are not locked by these processes. The user who is trying to install Visual Studio does not have administrator credentials on the computer. To successfully install Visual Studio, you must be logged in as an administrator. Permissions on some registry hives can prevent Visual Studio from installing successfully. For more information, see the following MSDN blog article: Solving setup errors by using the SubInACL tool (

0x80070643 - Installation cache or ISO is corrupted

This error typically occurs when a file that is related to the installation becomes corrupted. You may experience this error when you install Visual Studio by using an ISO or DVD burned from ISO. You may also experience this error during a repair of Visual Studio.

Error when you install from an ISO or a DVD burned from an ISO
If you use an ISO file for your installation of Visual Studio, or if you use a DVD that was burned from an ISO file, the ISO file may become corrupted during the download process. You can verify the integrity of the ISO file by using the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier ( . To do this, follow these steps: 1. Download and install the Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier. Note To use this tool, you must know the file path of the ISO file. 2. During the installation of the tool, you are prompted to provide a directory in which the files are to be extracted. Note the directory for later access. For example, you can extract the files to the following location: C:\TEMP\fciv 3. At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:

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Visual Studio 2012 Setup: Common issues and workarounds

<DIRECTORY_NAME>\fciv.exe -sha1 <ISO_NAME>

Note In this command, <DIRECTORY NAME> is the folder to which you extracted the files, and <ISO_NAME> is the path of the Visual Studio ISO file. For more information, see the ReadMe.htm file in the extraction directory. 4. Verify that the SHA-1 value that is returned by the File Checksum tool matches the expected value. To determine the expected value, examine the folder to which you downloaded the ISO file. Notice that the expected SHA-1 value is different for each download source. a. If you downloaded the ISO file from MSDN ( , the SHA-1 value is provided in the Details section for each ISO file. b. If you downloaded the ISO file from the Download Center ( , you can find the SHA-1 value by expanding the "Install Instructions" section of the product page. If the expected SHA-1 value does not match the value that is returned by the File Checksum tool, the ISO file is corrupted. In this case, delete the file, and then download it again. If you obtained the ISO file from a DVD, you can try to download the Visual Studio web installer or ISO file from MSDN or the Download Center, and then try the installation again. If you purchased the DVD from a retail store, you might also be able to download Visual Studio from the store's website, and then use the license key that was provided together with the DVD to activate Visual Studio. Contact the retail store for more information about this process.

Error during a repair

If the error occurs when you try to repair Visual Studio, your installation cache may have become corrupted. To repair the cache, follow these steps: 1. Close Visual Studio. 2. Open an elevated command prompt. To do this, click Start, type cmd in the Start search box, right-click cmd.exe in the results list, and then click Run as administrator. 3. At the command prompt, type cd "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache", and then press Enter. 4. To clear the .msi and .cab files from the cache, type the following commands at the command prompt, and press Enter after each command: Delete /F /S *.msiDelete /F /S *.cab 5. Try again to repair Visual Studio.

0x800713ec - .NET Framework installation is in progress

This error typically occurs when an installation of the .NET Framework that is separate from Visual Studio is already in progress. Because many components of the Visual Studio installer depend on the .NET Framework, an attempt to install the .NET Framework while Visual Studio is being installed can cause unexpected behavior. To work around this issue, wait for the .NET Framework installer to finish before you install Visual Studio.

Web Deploy 3.0 - Certificate warning or Unable to locate package source error
A warning related to WebDeploy 3.0 may cause two types of problems:

1. During installation, you may encounter an Unable to locate package source error that is not resolved via the Download packages from the internet option. 2. After installation is complete, you see a message that indicates setup has completed but not all features have installed correctly, along with the following warning: Microsoft Web Deploy 3.0 A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file. To work around these issues and successfully install Web Deploy 3.0, you can try any of the following approaches: Obtain an updated installer that has been published at the distribution channel of your choice (such as MSDN (
/securedownloads) or Microsoft Download Center ( ).

Install the latest Visual Studio 2012 Update ( . Explicitly install Web Deploy 3.0 ( . You can install this before or after you install Visual Studio 2012.

More information
If this article does not address the Visual Studio installation issue that you are experiencing, please go to the Visual Studio Setup and Installation forum ( .

Article ID: 2872457 - Last Review: October 18, 2013 - Revision: 8.0 Applies to
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8 Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop

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Visual Studio 2012 Setup: Common issues and workarounds

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