Essay Philo. How Religion Define Teachers

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9 1) Discuss according to the five religion in the way they define teacher. As we know, teaching profession is a noble job as the task of the teachers is to share their knowledge with others for good reasons. All the religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity define teachers in a way that conveyed how importance and noble the teachers are. In Islam, the teachers are known as tok guru who taught there was de finitely an authority in the holy verses of the Quran. The tok guru was highly respected by the community. Only tok guru and budak pondok can give lesson about discussing the Holy Books. Besides that, they were regarded as role models for the people. People will seek for their views or helps if there are matters concerning religious matters as well as other issues. Plus, the teaching of tok guru was believed to be absolutely true. So, their expertise regarding religion was unquestionable. Next, similar to the Islamics view, Buddhism defines teacher as monks and nuns as the peoples who were highly respected by their followers. They were also known as knowledgeable person in the Buddhist doctrine. As the result, they were regarded as the role model to the Bhuddists. The most interesting part was they were assumed as the channel for their followers to get graces through the presentation of gifts and motivation. Then, they were giving full attention towards the teaching of the Buddhist doctrine and meditation by leading a pious life as the return for their followers. Then, in Hinduism, the teachers are considered as Gods representatives in the world. In addition, the teachers are also occupies the second position after a Hindus parents and accorded the highest respect in the social hierarchy of the Hindus community. So, the teachers should be respected by the students by always follow their teachings very closely. In addition, the teachers are known as the most knowledgeable person and expertise in the Holy Books. They manage to show the right path based on their experiences, practices and insight. Next, the teachers are also the role model whereby the followers should practised their lifestyle. The teachers are also the ones who are responsible in taking care of the spiritual needs of the students whereby their

parents take a good care of physical welfare of their children. So, the teachers must have a moral and professional obligation to teach their students effectively. The teachers are the only people who can determine whether or not the students have completed their religious studies. Next, in Sikhism, the teacher or the Guru are regarded as the ladder which connects human beings to God. Besides, the Guru is the lamp that shows the true path to the students. The Guru owns good characteristics and kind, which can make their students, become complete and able to overcome the problems, are calm and composed, and able to unite the truth. The Sikh Gurus also an expertise regarding the knowledge of Holy Books. Last but not least, according to the Christianity, the teachers are the person who can guide and assist their students in seeking the knowledge about the Holy Bible. Besides that, they are responsible for protecting the students from certain groups who try to influence the students with the negative matters or false teaching. This is the same situation whereby the shepherd who cares and secures for the safety of their sheep. Next, the teachers can show the right direction to the students so that they can find the true path in the Holy Bible. Then, the teachers are able to ensure that their students reach great heights in their pursuit of religious knowledge by motivating them effectively. As a conclusion, all the religions define teachers as the people who are so important in a persons life. The personality of the teachers is the important factors that make the teachers deserve for the respect of the people.

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