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A from Note the editor

Fairview Heights Campus
Sunday - 8:30am, 10:30am, 6:00pm Saturday - 5:00pm

Collinsville / Maryville Campus

Sunday - 10:00am Sunday - 10:00am

You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 118:28-29 (NIV)
I have so much to be thankful for. I reside in the greatest country in the world; I have a wonderful loving husband, children and grandchildren who love me, and a powerful God who lives within my heart. And yet, as splendid as all that is, my life is still not flawless. Even though I know my perfect and holy God fills me with peace, joy and a rock-solid promise of eternal life in Jesus, I still sometimes find myself feeling unhappy with lifes situationsespecially with my own failures. And in this mystery within me, I have come to understand an important truth: I am always in the best place when I remember to take my eyes off myself and set my focus on Jesus. So in this holiday season, whether I am shopping in the crowded mall or sitting in an endless traffic jam on the highway, I will remember to set my eyes on Jesus and give thanks to God for sending His Son to be our Immanuel--God with us. In His Name,

Millstadt Campus


3 - What is Wrong with Shane... 4 - The Hidden Day 5 - The Gift of Gratefulness 6 - Reminded to be Thankful 7 - The Surprise Gift Under the... 8 - Our Christmas Story 9 - Getting to Know You 10 - Holiday Dys-FUN-ction 11 - Responding to New Birth 12 - Do You Hear What I Hear? 13 - Project Christmas Cheer 14 - Angel Tree & Cookies 15 - God At Work

Donna Harrison

Editor -

Senior Pastor: Rev. Shane Bishop Associate Pastor: Rev. Troy Benton Editor: Donna Harrison Proof Reader: Barbara Germany Design: Justin Aymer Cover Photo: Mike Creagh
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The Flame Online: Get The Flame Magazine online. Free pdf downloads. Email reminders of new editions. Visit Mission Of The Flame: Be inspirational through biblical articles and devotions. Be informative in the announcement of future events that connect people in ministry. Questions about the Flame? Contact Donna Harrison at:
The Flame Magazine is a bi-monthly magazine published by Christ Church. 2013, Christ Church. All rights reserved.

Shane Shane?
By Rev. Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor

is Wrong with

hen God created humanity, He soon gave Adam and Eve the task of naming the animals. This sounds like a tough draw to me. I am not gifted with the ability to pick out the perfect name. Lets face it, I named my childhood dog Sniffee because he sniffed a lot. They tell me in the early church, priests got to give infants their Christian names before they immersed them in water for baptisms. I am still open to this practice (the naming, not the dunking part) making a comeback. I would name everyone (boys and girls) after baseball players. I would use both first and last names. Our church would be full of Satchels, Madduxs, Hanks, Sandys, Willies, Christys, Mickeys, Morgans and Babes if it was up to me. My lone (and notable) exception to my inability for finding the perfect name concerns our (now deceased) red Fighting Fish I named Ho Chi Fin. That one still feels brilliant. When I found out my son Zec and his wife Sarahs second child was going to be a boy, I thought I might get in (yet another) request for a name. Perhaps this one would be perfect! My friend Mark Turners son Nick (our former Student Director) named his first son Asher Mark Turner after his father; that seemed like a wonderful thing for a son to do. I figured even if Zec needed some help to think of it, this was a potentially great idea. I had somewhat lobbied for Shane as a middle name for our first grandson Maddox Bishop Blaha, a first name for our second grandson Elijah Christian Bishop and a middle name for our first granddaughter Mabry McKenna Blaha and was clearly 0-3. It is clear to me now that I should have included cash incentives. To make things easier for Zec and Sarah, I suggested the name Shane Shane Bishop in hopes they would like either the first or the last name. I truly didnt expect to get them both, but I often go to the table prepared to lose

something, so I figured I was in a perfect position to get either a first or middle name nod. Before the big moment arrived, I was informed by Zec that Shane had been ruled out as a first name, Shane had been ruled out as a middle name and Shane Shane had been ruled out for the first and middle names. I was reeling. Zec informed me that they were going with the name Isaac (which means laughter). I told him if it was laughter they were going for, I am certain people would have laughed at Shane Shane. When God sent His son into the world, there was no doubt about His name. And you shall name Him Jesus for He will save the people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21) Jesus! What a name! His name is Savior. His name is Provider. His name is King. His name is Healer. His name is Lord. Jesus is the name above all names! There is power in the name of Jesus! There is hope in the name of Jesus! And that my friend, is no laughing matter! P.S. It now seems clear that if anything is ever to be named for me, it will have to be a fish.
Rev. Shane Bishop, Senior Pastor @RevShaneBishop

The Hidden Day

By Michael Harrison

Jesus said, Greater love has no one than this: to lay down ones life for ones friends.
John 15:13 (NIV)

mazingly, here we are once again entering that time of year when holidays and events begin to line up one after another. Its almost as though this annual ritualistic cycle finishes just long enough for us to catch our collective breath, engage the demands of the year ahead with renewed purpose, and thenPOW!here it is again, standing right there in front of us pointing at dates on the calendar, demanding attention all over again. And, somehow, in the frequency and routine of it all, truly wonderful and significant moments of remembrance begin to lose their luster in our heartsperhaps even tarnished by our well-meaning drive to top the last season. Almost unfairly, sandwiched somewhere between back-to-school sales, Labor Day, harvest parties, Thanksgiving Day, shopping and giftwrapping, Christmas and New Years Day, is a special day weve set aside, but thought very little of, until we find ourselves facing it surprise. Hidden in the midst of this tidal wave of busy joy is Veterans Day. Veterans Day, although just a small moment in our calendar, is rife with great meaning; especially to those for whom it represents. We Americans have chosen this day to remember and honor citizens who have elected to lay down their own freedoms, don a uniform and give up a part of themselves

(usually the prime of their lives) in order to ensure that we continue to have the privilege and blessing of our annual celebrations in freedom. Some of our veterans served one tour, some sacrificed the strength of their entire adulthood; many in combat. And many were forced to fold up their uniforms with a heavy heart, neatly placing them in a box in an attic, after leaving their minds and limbs and sacrifice on the field of battle with those who will never see another holidayas we are about to enjoy because of them. And here we are, amazingly, once again about to go into this season. Thank you, dear veterans! Thank you for giving the rest of us a new chance to enjoy this crazy time of making memories. Thank you for your sacrificethank you for being among those who demonstrated a love that has no rival. Thank you for giving yourselves for us. Happy Veterans Day! God bless our veterans!

Michael Gary Harrison, Author of A Spark In Darkness

The Gift of Gratefulness

By Matt Rygelski
aking up at 6:00 am, I am reminded of why I am not known as a morning person. The comfortable warmth under the covers is certainly more attractive than the cold air that has filled the room overnight. I have already pressed the snooze button twice. Enough excuses. I open my eyes and pull myself out of bed. Dreams are a wonderful thing. At night, I can drift off into a world where things are not what they seem. A life of riches gained as easily as the snap of my fingers, with homes in every capitalist country complete with more rooms than the White House. A garage the size of a barn, stocked with a different car to drive each day of the week. Season tickets to every game, with reclining leather seats installed just for my section of the stadium. The finest suits and the most polished shoes fill the closet. My beautiful wife and our picture-perfect, well-behaved children who fluently speak five languages complete this fantasy world. And it would not be complete, of course, without our luxury jet, private island, and million-dollar swimming pool! The instant I open my eyes, the fantasy world dissolves like a puff of smoke. The houses, the cars, the riches are all gone just that quickly. It reminds me of those families who appear in the news because they win the lottery, spend millions in the first year to celebrate, and then file for bankruptcy protection two years later. At first, waking up is disorienting. I remind myself of the carpet that has that lump I always stumble over or that smudge mark on the wall that needs a quick brush of fresh paint. I look around and I see the same house and the same car and the same to-do list that never seems to get done. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is probably the most well-known phrase from our U.S. Declaration of Independence. Life and liberty make sense, but the pursuit of happiness seems a little more difficult. As I scroll through the 900 channels of television or the 9 billion web pages of the Internet, I easily find someone telling me that if only I had this one product, if only I had this one look, if only I had this one dream I would find happiness. Once, I believed them. I awoke every morning with no purpose but to acquire those things they told me to acquire, and feel like a failure when I would lose. Every time I would fall, I would get back on that same routine and try to work harder or

work faster until I finally got the prize. I was happy, just like they told me to be, until I found myself chasing the next prize. Tired, so tired, and always tired. This is why I feel tired! Running a race leading to nowhere; exhausted and no further than where I started before. Whose dream am I dreaming anyway? I need to make a list of what I already have, instead of a list of what I think I want. Everything I truly need, God has found a way to provide. God has touched every person I have met in some way to steer me closer to Him. Thankfulness becomes easier each day when I realize Who has blessed me with riches greater than financial measure. When all of the houses, the cars, and the riches are all gone, it will be His blessings that survive. His love is never ending. I do have a beautiful wife and our well-behaved child who, at nine months, is working on learning one language. We have one home that fits us well, and two cars that work reliably enough to get us where we want to go. We have an extended family who tries to be as involved in our lives as we try to be involved in theirs. We have friends who surround us with comfort when we need it. We have a welcoming and inviting church to celebrate and worship our God together. We have each other. I am thankful. I really need nothing more.

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!
Psalm 107:1 ESV

Matt Rygelski

Reminded to be Thankful
By Shannon Peiffer
he object in my life for which I am most thankful is also the entity which I tend to take most for granted. I had several very powerful reminders this week alone as to why I should remember my gratefulness. I was married once before, to a man who was not godly and not good. A man who sought his own will for his life and not the Lords. He would not attend church with me. I could not hold his hand and share my joy of the Lord and my love for God. If I had had sons with this man, as I now have three, he would not have been a godly example to them. He had more problems than I can count and more demons than I care to share. As a friend once said, he had a choice, the demons or me, and he chose them. I grew courage enough to leave him and with the way my life unfolded since, I believe with all my heart God had a plan for me. A man came into my life that I never expected, a Christian. He was good to me in ways I never imagined. He shared my love for Jesus Christ. We went to church together and he would hold my hand as we worshipped God in unison. This was something I had never experienced before and it filled my life with an excitement that I never knew possible. I fell head over heels in love with this mans love and devotion to the Lord. I married him and though marriage is hard, that firm foundation we started from was far more than with the man where my life had first begun. Its so easy to forget what is most valuable when living gets hard, but God reminded me this week of that thankful heart. That first man found me on Facebook and wished me a happy birthday. Nice, you might think, but it drew up emotions in me I didnt know were there. I remembered what God has given me and what could have been, and I thanked Him for how blessed I am. Then my husband had a spell where he overheated and I feared he was having a stroke. He turned out to be ok, but in those moments it seemed thousands of things ran through my head of what my life would be without him, and I thanked God for how blessed I am. Finally I am sitting in church

with my husband and my eldest son, worshipping. I remember being alone in service and realizing that this boy of mine now has a godly example. I am humbled. I am grateful, and I remembered how blessed I am. Fourteen years is a long time to be enthusiastic for one incident, but I hold onto that gratefulness as it spreads joy and peace into my life. Colossians 3:15, Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Through all events thick and thin, and a marriage that has lasted over eleven years, the Lord is the glue that holds me to this godly man. Though hills and valleys come, I know now I can travel them, because God has a plan. Hebrews 12:28-29, Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. I thank the Lord for those amazing reminders of the nightmare that could have ensued. I pray in the future that I can always remember how thankful that I am today and never take him for granted. It is so easy to forget what you are most appreciative of when the devil gets a snare. What you would once have been most grateful for may now be something he twists to make you bitter. Dont let the seed of resentment steal your thankfulness, because it is in those moments your joy is stolen and the Lord cannot bless you as He could. Colossians 2:6-7, So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Shannon Peiffer

The Surprise Gift Under the Tree

By Rev. Troy Benton, Associate Pastor
y second favorite Christmas movie of all time is the slapstick epic, A Christmas Story. The film was made in the best city in the world (Cleveland) and portrays a family in that same city. The story is set in a time some years ago when the simpler and value-based elements of what makes Christmas fun and joyful to the world were at the focus of the celebration. gives this summary of the 1983 movie: Ralphie, a young boy growing up in the 40s, dreams of owning a Red Rider BB gun. He sets out to convince the world this is the perfect gift. But along the way, he runs into opposition from his parents, his teacher, and even good old Santa Claus himself. Every year my family and I gather around the TV with snacks and in a hush to watch this wonderful story of love, family, fun, an expectation of the antics and that affirmation of all that is good and wondrous at this season among seasons. Ralphie reminds each person that watches his journey as he looks forward to the opening of long-anticipated gifts on Christmas Day of the shared surprise of favor. For Ralphie, the manifestation of this comes with his receipt of the Red Rider BB gun many times requested. The gift is in the corner, under the tree, and is only brought to his attention after he believes the window for the granting of this gift has expired. For me, it reminds me of Gods amazing grace on our lives, and our receipt of Gods blessings completely undeserved. In other words, Gods FAVOR! Among the Christ story, Mary gives us insight to this surprise granted to the believer as they experience God moving in their lives. As the Christ child arrives, Mary proclaims, He has looked with favor on the low status of his servant. Look! From now on, everyone will consider me highly favored. Luke 1:48 CEB Take a moment during this season of hustle and bustle and count your blessings. Take stock of your health, your family, your job, your sanity, your strength, your relationship with Jesus Christ, and the multitude of ways God has favored your life. Already you can proclaim like Mary does in Luke 1 the keeping and care of God in your life. Get ready, because after doing so, you are now ready to note Gods favor in your life. I want to suggest this: The gift of being granted an active and ever-growing relationship

with the Savior of the world who has passion, plan and purpose for everything you have the potential to become and do for his glory is Gods favor! Jesus Christ engages in this nurturing, overwhelming and vital relationship with each believer...out of a depth of love that no person has words to fully explain! Jesus Christ desires this ever-impacting connection because its his desire for you and I to grow into a clear knowledge that we are created by Him, hold purpose from Him, and are secured by Him. This is favor! A living and eternal knowledge of the intent, intimacy, and importance of Gods love and lavish kindness toward you is Gods passion. These elements of eternal love are the gift under the tree of life named Jesus Christ that will be re-wrapped for you to find anew each day you desire to go to Him. This favor of His will and wonder in your life is the surprise that is the gift of life, under the tree of life that awaits your uncontainable desire to unwrap it. Ready...start unwrapping; its never too early to unwrap this one! Lets begin now; its easy, and God is ready for you! Pray this prayer of faith, and then email me if you do at I will follow-up with you on your next step.


Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe YOU died for my sins. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I confess YOU ALONE as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. Amen. Hear the words of Romans 10:9-10, If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Rev. Troy Benton, Associate Pastor @revtroy

Our Christmas Story

By Matt Denny

have never really been big on family traditions. To be honest, if you asked me right now when my dad or younger brothers birthdays are, I could not tell you for sure. (October and November sound about right.) Growing up, my family celebrated holidays, but we didnt have any time-honored rituals. Dont get me wrong; Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas were great! We had lots of family, succulent food, and good times, but no traditions. (There was the unofficial game of guess which grandparent falls asleep in front of the TV first at Thanksgiving, but I dont think that counts.) In 2001 my wife and I were about to celebrate our second Christmas as a married couple. We had scratched enough money together the previous year to buy our first tree and some inexpensive ornaments (Thank goodness for Big Lots!) and were on the lookout for new additions to our meager collection. Strolling through the mall one night, we noticed a Remember 9-11 ornament in a stores display window. The attacks on 9-11 and the subsequent recovery were still fresh on our minds and hearts. We decided to purchase the ornament as not only a way to remember that event but also as a conversation starter with the children we knew would be coming one day. We wanted them to ask us about it so we could share what had happened and how it affected us. That sparked an idea in my wife. She told me we should buy one ornament every year to commemorate a special event that had occurred that year. Even though I was relatively ignorant about family traditions, I decided the idea sounded pretty good. We quickly realized we were starting this tradition in year two of our marriage, so the good people at an engraving shop were kind enough to back date a First Christmas ornament for us. A family tradition had been born. Early on I felt like our new ritual wasnt ever going to be meaningful. We had to hunt pretty hard to find those two Family ornaments on the tree that first year. However, as years passed and new events occurred (a mission trip to Africa, a new home, the births of our children), we found ourselves putting more and more of our Family ornaments on the tree and

leaving more and more of the generic ornaments boxed up. We have even passed on the tradition to our kids. Each year they get to pick out an ornament that means something special to them. These range from meaningful (like the big brother/ big sister ornaments they picked the year Miles was born) to random. (Matthew picked Batman this year . . . just because hes Batman.) With these added treasures, we are just a year or two away from leaving all of our old, generic ornaments packed away. The tree looks amazing each year, but our favorite part of the tradition is when we actually put up the tree on Black Friday. Mistie and I play Christmas music, drink coffee or hot cocoa, and then get to tell our kids the story of our family one ornament at a time. I love to hear them ask What does this one mean daddy? -or- Wasnt this one from the time you guys . . .? I love presents and days off of school, but this has quickly become my favorite part of the Christmas season! God loves to tell stories. Almost half of the books in the Old Testament are narratives. Five of the longest books in the New Testament are biographies of Christ and the church. Since the beginning of time, God has chosen to instruct, rebuke, and encourage His people through the use of stories. My familys tradition reminds me of an account from the book of Joshua. God parted the Jordan River to allow Israels army into the Promised Land. Before the water returned, God told Joshua to collect twelve stones from the river bed and make an altar from them. It was to serve as a reminder of the mighty work God had done. When future generations saw this seemingly random pile of rocks, their parents were supposed to use the occasion to tell them about the mighty act God did for Joshua and the people. In the same way, Mistie and I want to use each ornament to tell the stories of what God has done for our family.
Matt Denny

Getting To Know YOU

Name: Noel Russell Job Title: Director of Retail Services Job Description: The Director of Retail Services is
responsible for the overall operation of the churchs Bookstore and Coffee Caf areas.

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

OFallon as thats where I graduated from high school and where we live now.

If I could live anywhere, it would be London. I studied History in college and focused on English History. I love the city and the history that surrounds it.

Do you have a nickname?

What countries have you visited?

My first trip out of the country was to Israel and Egypt. It was amazing and I would love to return some day. In college I went with the History dept. to England and Scotland. Then my husband and I went to Ireland for our honeymoon. I love to travel and would love to see Italy and Greece next.

I have a lot of nicknames, most of which I do not like. My dad calls me Noelly and sometimes Noey. My oldest sister used to call me Noelly Panelly Canelly (Yes, its ridiculous). However, my little brother couldnt say my name and called me Roan for years. Some of my friends call me Leon (which I dont particularly care for, not that my opinion counts). As long as you dont call me Nole well be okay. That common mispronunciation is irritating and happens often.

How did you meet your spouse?

Are you a beach, country or city person?

Mike was in a Christian band named Cope and he was a guitarist. My best friends had a band as well and they played a lot of shows in St. Louis together. We were friends for a long time before we started dating.

I love them all. I could really be happy in every setting as I think they all have something beautiful and different to offer. But right about now, I could really use a beach trip, so if somebody knows somebody

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Name one thing you miss about being a kid.

No, but I rarely wear shoes that tie. I wear flip flops until it snows and then as soon as it starts to thaw out I put them right back on.

I miss being able to walk around barefoot and not have people care. You walk around bare foot as an adult and they look at you like a hobo.

Were you named after anyone?

No, but everyone presumes that because of my name that I am a Christmas baby and I was actually born in July.

What is one food that you would never give up?

What advice do you have for the young people at church?

Dill pickles! I love them; they have been one of my favorite foods since I was a child. When I was pregnant I would order a plate of them at a restaurant and no one cared since I was pregnant. It was quite liberating.

Be really authentic with your faith and take the time to really biblically search out what you believe and why before you leave for college. People will really try to challenge your faith and if you dont understand it, you cant defend it or lead anyone else to Christ.

Name your most favorite time of the year.

Fall, I love the sweatshirts, bonfires, apple cider, hayrides and big piles of leaves.

What are your hobbies?

Where are you from?

I dont know if Im from anywhere. My father was a pastor and we moved every few years. So, I usually tell people Im from

I draw and like to create. My medium changes a lot, but I generally need to be doing something creative all the time. Thats one reason my job fits me so well. 9

Holiday Dys-FUN-ction
By Debby Creagh o any parts of this scene sound familiar? Holiday family time: Moms in the kitchen slamming pots around because Dad said something about her cooking. Dad is Mr. Jolly and ignoring Mom, but then says you cant even trim the tree exactly right and wont tell you what he means. Uncle Bob is pouring some extra ingredient into the punch. Aunt Edith doesnt want to be there and is pouting in a chair by herself waiting for someone to notice. Kids are running everywhere and the door is wide open. Mom finally blows a gasket and yells at everyone that NO ONE is helping or appreciates her. Oh yeah happy holidays! We are having FUN now! Ahhhhh, the HOLIDAYS! What a mixture of emotions, people, memories, and food that they bring. We look forward to them, dread them, anticipate, plan, over-indulge, and sometimes long for things to be different. Families are complicated. And for heavens sake, if you dont clean your plate the cooks will never forgive you! To say our families can be a bit dysfunctional might be the understatement of the year. Lets face it; they all are! Family gatherings can be funny, memorable, embarrassing, painful, and downright exhausting. HOPE for the holidays is what we need. In the midst of all the pitfalls and family foibles, we can learn about ourselves, our family members, and Gods plan for us. We need to know that with Gods help we can change and respond in ways that bring peace to ourselves, possibly our family, and even have an extra dollop of joy. So when we gather for the holidays with those who know just which buttons to push to get a reaction, here are a few tips we might consider adapted from life coach Teressa Moore Griffin: Make a conscious choice to keep the peace. Determine ahead of time that you will do all you can to make it an enjoyable and positive experience for yourself and those around you. When old reactions boil to the surface, ask yourself, Do I really have to respond the way that I always have? Take a mental time out, breathe, smile, and choose a different reaction; one that honors your decision to keep peace for yourself. Draw clear boundaries. Sometimes the best way to add peace and enjoyment is to be clear about lines you wont cross and lines you wont let others cross. This is especially important when others are abusive, intrusive or basically unkind. If its your home, set the ground rules and the consequences that will occur if boundaries arent respected. Share your house rules ahead of time and let guests decide if they want to come or not. The goal is to have a peaceful, enjoyable holiday. There will be some adjustments for everyone, including you! 10

Physically remove yourself from caustic situations. Another way you can set boundaries is to walk away from toxic interactions. If someone begins to behave as anticipated, you can certainly ask them to stop. Most people will stop when asked. However, some people are not aware, or dont want to be aware, of their impact on others. Its up to you to remove yourself from their presence. If necessary, excuse yourself from the gathering and find another time or way to connect with everyone. Wait before responding to something that infuriates you. This is a good practice in any situation. Automatic or reflex responses that are old patterns are often defensive and tend to escalate the problem. Take a few deep breaths. Give yourself a time out. Do something to clear your mind and allow your breathing to come back to normal. Youll know when the grown up and rational you is back in control. When you go back in and rejoin everyone, no response at all may be needed, but you can now make the conscious choice to respond calmly and rationally. Use their actions as lessons on how NOT to be. Family and loved ones offer us a great opportunity to learn about ourselves. What you notice about others, particularly family members, can hold a lesson for you about yourself. For example, if you notice someone in the family being critical and you comment on that to someone else, you are also being critical. Ouch. We also might wish some things about our families were different in various ways, and that can bring on many a holiday fight or frustration. Rule #1: We CANNOT control how others behave. We can choose how we respond. Look at them with the eyes of acceptance rather than through the lens of judgmentalism. Notice their God-given uniqueness and individuality. Be open to their reality, feelings, ideas, beliefs, concerns, and dreams. Ask questions, and let them tell you who they are. You dont have to agree, but be willing to really listen. Remember Rule #1. Christ loves, accepts, and forgives all of us, dysfunctional though we are. Our families need that same love and acceptance. If someone notices that youve changed or you are responding differently, what an opportunity to share what Jesus has done and is doing for you. My prayer is for our holiday season to be filled to overflowing with the love and peace of our Savior, and that we will with our families, In everything give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 For more information go to

Debby Creagh, Parish Nurse

Responding to New Birth

By Dave Merrill 2:10-11) With those words, all of humanity has been invited into a relationship with the newborn and living Christ. That includes you. How will you respond to this invitation? I love announcements of newborn babies. We all want to know the details: the date and time of birth, the weight, the height (well...length), the childs name, and a picture posted to Facebook...please. If we get a birth announcement in the mail with an invitation to come and see the child, many of us get very excited to go out of our way to witness the miracle of new life. In the case of my own grandchildren, I couldnt wait to celebrate and rejoice with my family when each new grandchild was born. This year, I am intrigued to review Gods Word to see who responded to the announcements of the births at the first Christmas and how each responded. Mary was greeted by the angel Gabriel and she was troubled and confused. Gabriel spoke to Mary and said; Do not be afraid, but Mary understandably questioned how she could conceive a child? After all, she was a virgin. In the midst of her wonder, Mary was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18). Recognizing Gabriels words that nothing is impossible with God and experiencing her obvious pregnant condition, Mary responded with, I am the LORDs servant, may it happen to me as you have said. (Luke 1:26-38) In the same days, Elizabeth (Marys relative) had become pregnant by Zechariah with her first son John. She recognized immediately the LORD has done this for me and has shown me His favor. In the presence of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus at the time, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, rejoicing with blessedness at the news. John (Elizabeths unborn son) leaped in the womb in the presence of Jesus and at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:24-25, 39-45) Zechariah (Elizabeths husband and priest) was also approached by the angel Gabriel. He was fearful and eventually rendered mute for his disbelief that an old man and his barren wife could

n announcement has gone out to all the world. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL the people. Today, in the town of David a Savior has been born to YOU; He is Christ the LORD. (Luke

conceive a child. Again, the angel utters, Do not be afraid. Zechariah, upon recognizing the authority of God, had to share the announcement of his good news so, in God-ordained silence, he penned the words naming his son John in obedience to the LORD and was freed to speak. His joy overflowed as he was filled with the Holy Spirit and praised God. (Luke 1:11-20, 57-66) Joseph (Marys husband) was also approached by an angel in a dream who told him, Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife. What was conceived in Mary was from the Holy Spirit, and Joseph did what the LORD commanded: to take Mary as his wife and to name the child Jesus. (Matthew 1:20-25) And then there were the shepherds in the field who heard the announcement of a new birth. One more time, an angel of the LORD appeared and the Shepherds were terrified. Again, words were spoken by the angel, Do not be afraid and the glory of the LORD (the Holy Spirit) shone all around them. When the shepherds saw the baby Jesus, they glorified and praised God. (Luke 2:8-15) In nearly every case, the birth was associated with the appearance of angels. The initial response tended to be one of disbelief, confusion, or fearfulness. Then came a command to not be afraid. Coincidently, we are told of the presence of the Holy Spirit and a subsequent time of rejoicing and praising God in recognition of His goodness and glory. You may feel a sense of uncertainty, concern, or even fear about being invited to come into the presence of the LORD this Christmas season. Be not afraid, you are not alone. Much to the contrary, you are in good company. Jesus says, Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. You have been given an invitation to join Christ Jesus in the celebration of your own new birth. Your new life in Christ is a gift announced by angels, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, and joyfully proclaimed in Gods glory. The birth of Jesus Himself points to the Way. Accept the Saviors gift and rejoice. Merry Christmas!
Dave Merrill


Do You Hear What I Hear?

By Carrie Gaxiola a-la-lala, La-la-lalaAre you singing along yet? What, cant name that tune? Why, its Carol of the Bells, of course! Its one of my favorite Christmas carols. I love Christmas songs (well, scratch I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas) and all the sincerity and joy they produce. I love the ornaments and lights, the smell of cookies and Christmas trees, the wonder and excitement of children. Its a beautiful time of year that has me acting like a kid quite a bit. Its the time of year when all your senses are involved in a heightened way. In a moment, as all the Christmas joy breaks down the floodgates, its a stark reminder to the world of the promise God gave of Christ the Messiah, our Savior. As I think my favorite thoughts about Christmas, it is almost dreamlike to ponder back many Christmases ago when I despised the season. It served as a reminder of how broken my family was, the dysfunction that created chaos and confusion, the dark days when I had no hope. I was in debt, desperate, and destitute of any light in my life or my future. As another familiar carol goes, I could not answer when the singers asked do you hear what I hear? or do you see what I see? Those questions were beyond my comprehension. I could not see or hear the Child that came to bring goodness and light. I envisioned nothing but a ravaged family and my shattered life. But God, in His goodness, saw fit to bring joy to my world and shine His light into my darkness. One December, ironically enough, in my little apartment, He used a radio program to tell me one more time of His awesome love and forgiveness. I finally heard the message of the gospel in a way I had never heard it before. It was the first gift I ever received that tangibly changed my life! I viewed my world for the first time, not through eyes of despair, but through the eyes of a child of God. So often I hear people talk of the commercialism of Christmas, the money, the busyness, and the lack of focus on the true meaning of the season. I would have to agree but for this one thing: when Jesus Christ comes into our hearts and redeems us, gives us the gift of Himself, it changes EVERYTHING! No longer are we bound to December 25th to celebrate His birth and the fulfillment of all the prophets, but every day, EVERY DAY is a celebration, a gift because the Christ child came, lived, died and rose again for us! I cant tell you how astounded I am by this amazing gift of His life for mine! Yes, at Christmas I do focus on gift-giving, decorating, baking and the many traditions of the holidays, but only because of Him! Because of Him, I can get out of bed in the morning! Because of Him, I am no longer lost in darkness! Because of Him, I am free from years of depression and bitterness! Because of Jesus, I can say that I am my Beloveds and He is mine; His banner over me is love! I dont love Christmas because I run out there on Black Friday and get the best deals, watch people get all stressed out or debate whether December 25th is the actual date Jesus was born, but I love the Christmas season, most importantly, as it embodies all the hope all of us will ever need. It is a day that wraps up all the celebration into one package and rejoices in the birth of perfect grace and forgiveness that I will never deserve but am given anyway. I love Christmas because I can now sing along with the carolers. Do you hear what I hear? Do you see what I see? Yes, yes, I can! I can see and hear His goodness and light through His blessed salvation. How about you and those you come in contact with? Wont you receive and share His amazing gift this Christmas season? Just like the shepherds, when they returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told to them! (Luke 2:20) Christmas is for rejoicing and telling of His great love of the Messiah, the Deliverer! Merry Christmas!

Carrie Gaxiola


Project Christmas Cheer

Nursing Home Ministry
Christ Church has been buying Christmas gifts for needy residents in our local and regional nursing homes since 1999, and we plan to continue this practice again this year. This is a wonderful way to serve Christ around the corner. We work with the nursing homes to find residents who are most in need of our help. Most of these seniors have very little disposable income with which to buy necessities. So when we buy a sweatshirt, socks, robe, body lotions or the like, it is meaningful to the residents and very much appreciated. Envelopes containing a name, gift ideas and sizes will be available on December 1 and 8 at Christ Church in Fairview Heights and both campuses for all services. If you are able to help us with this worthy cause, please take an envelope, buy and wrap a gift and return it to Scripture Hall no later than December 15. We have volunteers who will make the distribution to the appropriate nursing homes in time for their resident Christmas parties. Last year we collected 365 gifts for 15 different nursing homes. We will no doubt have about the same amount this year. Over the years we have provided hundreds of gifts to these often forgotten seniors. Thanks to your generosity and prayers we are making a difference. If you have a heart for the elderly and are willing to visit a resident on a regular basis, you can do so by joining the Nursing Home Ministry. It has been determined that the quality of life of the resident is vastly improved by these one-on-one visits. Erin Hanson at Christ Church will help you get involved. There is always a need for volunteers! Thank you for your support again this year and for your prayers. 13

Angel Tree is a Ministry of Prison Fellowship, providing Christmas gifts to children of prisoners who cannot be there themselves. If it were not for the giving spirit of those who lovingly support Angel Tree, some children would have no Christmas gifts at all. Upon receiving the Angel Tree form, available November 10, 17 and 24, you will be provided a childs name and age along with gift ideas. Prison Ministry recommends you purchase one clothing item and one toy, spending no more than $25. Please bring your wrapped gift with the Angel Tree tag on it to Scripture Hall. Christ Church will host the Angel Tree gift-giving party on December 14 and all are welcome to attend.


The Prison Fellowship Ministry needs cookies to be given out to inmates of the St. Clair County Jail and the Belleville Detention Center. They need about 750 dozen cookies (no nuts please due to allergies) as well as quart-size zipper-lock bags. Cookies should be delivered to Christ Church on December 15. If you wish to help package them for delivery, meet in Conference Room A on December 16 at 6:00 pm. Then the King will say to those on His right, Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer Him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something

to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:34-40


God At Work
New Members

-------------------------------Jessie Bland , Debra Altman, Colin Henry, Nigel Henry, Stefanie Henry, Christopher Gooding, Christine Gooding


-------------------------------Adeline Cox, Aidan Cox, Isaac Cox, Jennifer Mueller, Mackenzie Mueller, Addison Gooding

Christ Church Staff Milestones

-------------------------------10 Years - Samantha Allard 5 Years - Brenda Hardin 5 Years - Mickey Buehler


Josh Hellrung,Megan Hellrung, Jill Maschhoff, Keith Maschhoff, Steven Turner, Kathy Turner, Michael Eisemann, Justine Eisemann, Alyssa Stirrup, Olivia Stirrup, Carlena Malone, Matt Malone, Janet Rolph, Sandra Eastridge, Lucas McKelvie, Beth Ann Staley, Michael Staley, Matthew Staszewski


Nolan Hellrung, Leona Marzolf, Alyssa Stirrup, Olivia Stirrup, Caleb Menard, Matthew Staszewski

100,000 Hours



The people of Christ Church have committed to serve our community with 100,000 hours of service.

-------------------------------Eric Bruce & Angela Chitwood September 28

Kristofer Lafore & Lindsey Heffner September 27

We have served: 39,815.8 hrs

(as of 10/15/13)

Log your hours at


-------------------------------Sep Worship avg. = 1,666 Sep Connect Group avg. = 406 Year Avg. Worship = 1,726

Finances (as of 10/15/13)


Tithes & Offerings = $2,146,660.12 Expenses & Mortgage Payment = $2,203,045.17 Remaining Debt - $4,940,369.53


At Christ Church 2013
Dec 7 (Sat) Community Messiah Sing-A-Long (FH)
Rehearsal from 2-4pm, Performance at 6:30. Cost of Admission/Participation: please bring a new or gently used coat, hat, pair of gloves, scarf or blanket to be distributed to those in need by the Least of These Ministry (formerly Winter Patrol). The orchestra will feature advanced students from Philz Harmoniks Suzuki Strings studio and soloists from Christ Church.

Dec 8 (Sun) Christmas Sermon Series begins

All Campuses

Dec 8 (Sun) Kids For Christmas present The Camel Lot, 3pm (FH) Reception following presentation. Dec 14 (Sat) Trad. Service of Lessons and Carols - 5pm (FH)
The service will feature our orchestra and handbell choir, and take place during our regularly scheduled Saturday worship service.

Dec 15 (Sun) Choir and Orchestra Sunday (FH)

The Choir and Orchestra will present Joy of Every Longing Heart at all services.

Dec 15 (Sun) Greatest Gift Ever Given Childrens Play

Maryville Campus - 10:00am with Rev. Troy speaking.

Dec 19 (Thu) Christmas Get-A-Way Service (FH - Chapel)

If you will be traveling over the holidays and will be unable to attend a Christmas Eve Service, then this is the service for you! The service begins at 6:30pm and will consist of carols and candlelight, with Rev. Shane sharing the same message that he will give on Christmas Eve.

Dec 22 (Sun) Candlelight Service

Maryville Campus, 5:00pm with Rev. Shane speaking - Location TBA

Dec 24 (Tue) A Family Christmas Eve service 10am (FH - Chapel)

This service is designed to be a laid back, traditional music, families with kids friendly service that will have you in the Christmas spirit earlier in the day, and still allow you plenty of time to spend with family on Christmas Eve. Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, wassail and coffee will be served before, during and after the service.

Dec 24 (Tue) Christmas Eve at Christ Church - 2pm, 4pm, 6pm (FH - Sanctuary) - What is Christmas? Our worship arts

team, along with great music, drama and the spoken word by Rev. Shane will answer this question with one word, Jesus. Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, wassail and coffee will be served throughout the day.

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