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District and State End of Course Exams (EOC)

Standard High School Diploma

1st Year in Ninth Grade District EOC
Beginning 2012-13 For all 9th grade entry years

lge!ra " EOC

Geometr# EOC

$iolog# EOC

%S Histor# &

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

20% of final grade 20% of final grade 20% of final grade

30% of final grade No impact on grade or credit Pass/Fail 30% of final grade for credit Pass/Fail for credit 30% of final grade 'ust pass to graduate lge!ra " EOC&& 30% of final grade if taken in 13-1 or thereafter 30% of final grade

No impact on grade or credit 30% of final grade 30% of final grade if taken in 13-1 or thereafter 30% of final grade

No impact on grade or credit No impact on grade or credit 30% of final grade


20% of final grade

30% of final grade

'iddle School
School Year 2013-201 District EOC 20% of final grade Geometr# EOC $iolog# EOC Ci(ics EOC

Pass/Fail for high 30% of final grade 30% of final grade 30% of final grade school credit!! !"pplies only to #$ %istory and #$ %istory %onors& does not apply to st'dents satisfying the grad'ation re('irement thro'gh an "P& )B& ")*+ or ,+ co'rse!! Pending legislation ."/ change ho0 the "1 +1* impacts middle school st'dents#pdated 11-12-13

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