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Nama : Palmalina Anggita I.

S NIM : 201210330311161

Euthanasia voluntary should be legalized. I disagree with this motion, because as we know that euthanasia is one of the bad action. In euthanasia, life of people can be lost or killing someone with deliberately so the patient can death peacefully. This action is same with abortion, if we do that its mean were not respect with life of people. We dont have to killing someone for some purpose. There are types of euthanasia: 1. Euthanasia voluntary = In case the patient were asked to end of the life. 2. Euthanasia non-voluntary = The patient will not request or agree to end of the life. 3. Involuntary euthanasia = Its the same as non-voluntary but the patient show the exprestion that they want to. 4. Assisted suicide = Could be said process to help them. Someone give direction to end of the patients life. If action is done by doctor then call physician assisted suicide 5. Euthanasia with the intent to cause the death of someone to perform an action, one example by lethal injection. 6. Euthanasia intentionally causing the death of someone by stopping all the special care need of the patient. The aim is that the patient can be allow to die peacefully. The different types of euthanasia each of country has its own idealism in action legalize authanasia. Some states have even legalized euthanasia by lethal injection but in other countries its against the law. Euthanasia is an act of revocation of a persons life. Because it does this action must be supported by good reason. From several countries and screening survey sources, here are the three main reasons why euthanasia can be done: 1. Pain that cant to be bear. The biggest argument in conflict euthanasia is when the patient is experiencing tremendous pain. But in this day and age, the discovery of more incentive to overcome the pain, which directly led to the percentage of the assisted suicide is a dicrease. Euthanasia is the answer to stress caused by pain getting into. But there are also the call drugged stateor time when we doesnt feel any pain because of drug. We can conclude that there is no uncontroll pain, but some express the opinion that it can indeed be done by sending a person to a state of no pain. All of the pain can be eliminate, while that which is all that can be substracted if badly needed care is available with either. But euthanasia open answer of the scandal. The best solution to this problem is to improve the quality of medical professionals and to inform each patient, what are their right as a patient. However some physicians arent equipped with pain management or how medical pain relief, so they dont know how to act if a patient is experiencing tremendous pain. If this happens, let the patient find another doctor. With the doctors note must be someone who will control the pain, not to kill the patient. There are many specialist who are equipped with the skills that are not only able to control ones physical pain, but also cope with depression and metal anguish that usually accompany such excrucuating pain.

2. Right to Suicide Perhaps both for the pro-euthanasia is if we raise the most basic thing of all, which is "right". But if we examine more deeply, we're talking about here is not to give the rights to someone who was killed, but giving rights to those who did the killing. In other words, euthanasia is not a person's right to die, but the right to kill. Euthanasia is not give someone the right to end his life, but on the contrary, it is a question of changing the law so that doctors, relatives, or other people can intentionally ending one's life. Man has a right to commit suicide, things like that do not violate the law. Suicide is a tragedy, the action itself. Euthanasia is not a personal action, but rather let someone facilitating the death of another person. This could lead to an act of torture in the end. 3. Should Someone Forced to Live? The answer is no. In fact there is no law or medical ethics which states that anything will be done to keep patients alive. Insistence, against the patient's request, postpone death by reason of the law and so on also can be considered cruel and inhumane. That's when more care into action without pity, not wise, or it does not sound as medical behavior. The thing to do is to provide home care, emotional support and spiritual support for the patient and let the patient feel comfortable with all the time. This action is legal in other country but not in Indonesia. Why? Because our country, Indonesia, has law, etic, and religious way that against euthanasia. Although euthanasia has a many reason or many ways to do that, its still not recommended. We have a religion that againt the action to kill someone. For the active euthanasia is illegal in all its forms and is a great sin. That's because active euthanasia is killing someone with deliberately. And deliberate or premeditated murder is forbidden, whatever the underlying reason. Be it for reasons of compassion, the patient's own request, the patient's family requests, or other reasons that clearly was not accepted by the Shari'a. Allah says which means, "And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden (to kill) but with something (because) that's right." (Surat al-An'am 151) As if it was at the request of the patient, then the patient has a very large bear sin because he had killed himself or get someone else to kill him. While doctors and the families who are willing to get it all because sin has been pleased with even cooperate in sin. Allaah says which means, "And do not kill yourselves, Allah is Most Merciful to you." (Surat an-Nisa ': 29) And for the passive euthanasia, then we can know that the real nature of this passive euthanasia is the act of stopping treatment, as it is believed (or alleged large) treatment was useless and would only add distress to the patient. Therefore, passive euthanasia is legal return to the legal treatment itself. Whether treatment is obligatory, sunnah, or permissible? If we say treatment is obligatory, then it means stopping treatment (passive euthanasia) law is illegitimate. If we say that the legal treatment sunnah, then it means stopping treatment (passive euthanasia) law is makruh. And if we say that the legal treatment permissible (allowed), then it means stopping treatment (passive euthanasia) law is permissible.

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