Anti Obama CCIII

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) ) Complainant, ) v ) ) MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK, a Congressman ) ) Defendant. ) ______________________________________________)

Docketed 10/27/2013 Remedy Requested: Early-Retirement

Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D. & Robert R. Guzzardi, Esquire [functioning as conduits of disgruntled People, having pledged our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor on 8/28/2013 in Wilmington, Delaware at the end of the anti-ObamaCare rally led by Rafael B. Cruz and Jim DeMint, hosted by Heritage Action 0CDkQFjAA& DDlvaqFpwNMPipiKYVoiRA&sig2=ZjV56YUiAHMABD27sKj20w&bvm=bv.55123115,d.eW0 [noted to be sitting on the first row @ minute #12] hereby submit this Bill of Particulars regarding the alleged misconduct of a trusted Congressman, and consequently aver [under penalty of condemnation by peers and Democrats] the following facts: The Parties 1. Registered Republican Electorate [RRE] residing in Pennsylvanias 8th Congressional District. These ever-suffering voters thought they had found a trustworthy friend in the incumbent-attorney. 2. Michael G. Fitzpatrick [Mike] completing his 3rd Term [interrupted by Pat Murphys brief stint] representing Pennsylvanias 8th Congressional District [and pledged to retire after having served his 3rd consecutive term [due to recognition that term-limits are intended to forestall infection by D.C.-types]. This public-servant has forgotten [or never intended to uphold] his major campaign promise of 2010. 3. The Republican Party [GOP] in existence since 1857 [having displaced ineffectual Whigs with Radical Republicans who recognized the necessity to fight slavery and, as a result, to save the Union]. This entity is experiencing a civil war triggered by Senators Ted Cruz [R-Texas] and Mike Lee [R-Utah], recognizing both that the Republican Establishment has signaled intent to mount a primary against Lee and that true-Conservatives are responding in-kind [as per the gravamen of the current-complaint].


The Background 4. Mike pledged to oppose ObamaCare ["I oppose universal healthcare and will do everything I can to stop it. You have my promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act while fighting to keep the provisions we know are good policy," he said in a statement when the Supreme Court upheld the plan in June 2012]; As for the debt problem, Fitzpatrick said he takes his call for fiscal discipline seriously, and therefore returned $160,000 of his office's nearly $1.4 million budget to the U.S. Treasury. Used furniture, refurbished electronic devices and telephonic town halls helped him achieve the savings, he said. 5. On 8/4/2011, Mike said that he supported raising the debt ceiling but, like fellow Republicans in Congress, dug in his heels by insisting that a raised ceiling be balanced by a cut in federal spending. 6. A coalition of conservative activists living in the 8th Congressional District [and linked nationally] approved three Press Releases related specifically to ObamaCare, with the third [10/5/2013] reading: We urge Congressman Fitzpatrick do everything possible to support funding the government without voting for a Continuing Resolution that funds ObamaCare. Signatories included the following: Jaime Faucette President, Citizens for Constitutional Government Republican Committeewoman, Sellersville 1 267-374-6201 Anastasia Przybylski Co-Founder, Kitchen Table Patriots Coordinator [Pennsylvania], FreedomWorks Republican Committeewoman, Doylestown 3-2 215-534-1851 Linda Rosen 912 Patriot of Lower Bucks 215-262-3115 Rob and Lil Boysen Coordinators [Lower Bucks], Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots 215-547-6136 [Rob & Lil Home], 267-278-0827 [Rob's Cell], 267-278-1656 [Lil's Cell] Bill Harper Co-coordinator [Lower Bucks], Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots 215-431-8438 Jim Devlin Coordinator [Harleysville/Souderton], Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots Republican Committeeman, Lower Salford 610-717-6978 Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D. 804

Republican Committeeman Abington 7-2 215-333-4900 7. Skip accolades in this excerpt from Rob Boysen [Tea Party Patriots PA State Coordinator, Eastern Region Coordinator, Philadelphia Tea Party Patriots-Lower Bucks] and note what he had seen trending []: It would appear that our strategy of "compartment" funding is beginning to gain traction. From what I've been watching on C-SPAN, including Mike's Floor speech this morning, the "R's" have perhaps finally "seen the light"! Mike's speech was very passionate and very telling...if a "moderate" like Mike will speak out against the Democrats with such passion, then just maybe the rest of the 230 Republicans in the House and the 47 Republicans in the Senate will stand firm on this new proposal. On a personal note, I want to thank all members of our "Group" for their steadfast support and participation in what we've done so far! Dr. Bob, as Dave Sommers likes to say: "You're a brilliant man" and thanks to all of your "blasts", we're all "armed and dangerous" as we continue this fight. Rest assured my fellow patriots, the "eye of the storm" has not passed over us yet, so we have to remain vigilant and "ready for battle" on a moments notice during the next week or so. The fun begins sometime today when the House votes for this funding/delaying bill and sends it back over to the "Dark Side" (aka: the Senate) for what will surely be an epic battle among the D's, the R's, the Conservative R's and the "Squishy" R's. Put on your seatbelts and batten down the hatches my friends, this is going to be a "E" Ticket ride at Disney World for sure! 8. Another signatory, Linda Rosen, sees this as Tea Party of BucksCo versus Mike Fitzpatrick.

The Vote 9. On 10/16/2013, Mike voted to capitulate in both of these arenas [ObamaCare and Debt Ceiling], among a minority of members of the GOP-House [noting that Speaker Boehner violated the Hastert Rule by allowing the bill to be introduced] who inter alia approved: [1]Full Funding of ObamaCare [allowing for subsidies to be disbursed starting 1/1/2014], [2]Raising the Debt-Ceiling [ceding future control thereof totally to the POTUS, abdicating the Houses traditional duty, as per Article I, Section 7], and [3]Funding Pork [serving as a reward to Senator McConnell for his having abdicated his leadership]. [] 10. Following his aforementioned vote, Mike issued a statement [which has been carefully parsed] that included the following key-assertion: While I support efforts to repeal and reform the presidents healthcare law, including a bill I introduced that would retain the beneficial consumer protections while removing the harmful regulations and mandates, the October spending deadlines were not the best opportunities to make substantive and meaningful changes to the presidents healthcare law. {He has yet to specify a cogent alternatve.} 11. On Facebook, Mike issued additional statements that averred it is time to fight debt/deficit [ and], 805

clearly abrogating his prior pledge due to overarching concern [not articulated prior to his election(s)] regarding the urgency of ending the partial governmental shutdown [triggered by the Dems, who had steadfastly refused to allow passage of numerous bills that would have funded its key-components]; [only] one of his [only] 42 friends [Anastasia Nowosielski Przybylski] reacted, to wit: What is going to happen in three months??? The Rs just showed Obama that he can basically get whatever he wants and the media will protect him. I am seriously worried what the progressives will push for next. 12. On 10/20/2013, Mike met with selected members of the aforementioned coalition and claimed [personal communication] that he felt compelled to re-open government and to blow the debt-ceiling; queries regarding his prior pledges [in both realms] were not presented, and he was not reminded that tax-monies collected to fund ObamaCare-subsidies were not in a lock-box and, thus, could have been used to pay debt-interest [thereby calling the bluff promulgated by the Dems and the Media]. 13. Were Mike to win re-election in 2014, he would no longer be beholden to the electorate and would lack accountability in a fashion comparable to that characterizing the current conduct of the POTUS [and, thus, would feel even less reticent to support faux Immigration Reform measures

Count One Misrepresentation 14. Because Mikes vote violated the major pledges he issued during his Congressional Campaign(s), it is not possible to trust any future promise he might announce, such as to oppose Amnesty [which could be raised soon, inasmuch as Boehner has established his capacity to violate the Hastert Rule];. 15. Because Mikes vote alienated the RRE from the GOP, he has contributed to the civil war that appears to loom in conjunction with the 2014 GOP Primary elections affecting both the House/Senate.

Count Two Electorate Abuse 16. Paragraphs 1-13 are referenced herein as if reproduced in this Paragraph.

17. Mike has abused his faithful conservative-basetaking it for grantedforcing its membership to become enablers were recidivism to transpire; this assumes conservative leaders harbor a distaste for mounting a primary-challenge due to worriment the Dems could benefit [despite the inability of the Dems to have a realistic chance of regaining the House, as per a consensus of political-pundits].

Proposed Relief 18. For having violated the public-trust, he should honor his self-imposed term-limit of three terms [although his service has not been continuous] and announce his intention to retire on 1/1/2015.


guzzardi and dr. bob Two Voices, One Mind Unbeholden to any Party or Political Entity Fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way


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