Telecollaborative E-Notebook: Loretta Cooper Azusa Pacific SPRING 2013

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My First Year of School Implementation Plan: Standards and Time Frame Five Step Lesson Model Web Captured URL Synopsis of Learning The Day I Was Born Implementation Plan/ Five Step Lesson Model Web Captured URL Synopsis of Learning


My First Year of School
English Language Arts Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.3 Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.4 Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.5 Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Math Standards: Measurement and Data Describe and compare measurable attributes. Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category

Time Frame

Register for Project during the month of March Receive instructions and complete the activity with class during the month of April Return the activity to the coordinator, Ben Wagner; Send by April 30, 2013 The coordinator will send the information to all participating schools first week in May Culminating activities throughout the month of May at your own pace

5 Step Lesson Plan Model My First Year of School Lesson Objective (s) Pose questions and gather data about self and surroundings. Complete a daily classroom graph. Compare data with other kindergarten classrooms. 1. ANTICIPATORY SET Focus the learner Teacher will explain that something new will be added to the morning meeting time. Ask questions: Do you think all Kindergarten classes are the same. Do you think you get to school the same way, eat the same lunch, and play the same games? Would you like to find out what other kindergarten classes are the same or different from ours? How can we find out? Stating the Objective Each day for the next few weeks the class will participate in daily data collection and graph the groups responses. Class will share responses with other kindergarten classes. Transfer from past learning Teacher will show students a first graph they made at the very beginning of the year. Setting a purpose for learning Teacher will explain how we will gather data and share that information with other kindergarten classes.

2. INSTRUCTION Direct Teaching Teacher will ask daily question to collect and graph data (see list) Modeling Teacher will collect data and display results on classroom graph Checking for Understanding The daily questions about the daily graph would be asked and discussed. Sharing recordings and discussing the daily graph allows students to formulate their thoughts using appropriate vocabulary, and to clarify and extend their understanding. 3. GUIDED PRACTICE Students will transfer classroom graph onto their own individual graph/ classroom data sheet 4. CLOSURE/EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT Using key questions gives the teacher the opportunity to observe and evaluate the students understanding. Teacher gives students opportunity to voice what another kindergarten class graph might look like. Countdown anticipate results from other classrooms. 5. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Students during center time are given the opportunity to create their own graph and topic using their fellow students as data.


Data to be collected and emailed to project leader
What is the address of the school? What country do you live in? How old are you? How many days is your school year? How many hours is your school day? How did you travel to and from school? What is the favorite school lunch? Survey the class and select the lunch that is the most popular. What is the favorite sport or game to play at recess? Optional free choice

Culminating activities once all data is collected and distributed to all participating Kindergarten classrooms. Discussion still in progress between myself (guest teacher) and kindergarten teacher on how we will celebrate results of data collection. Draw meaning from conclusion of data collection about the world around them. Unknowns: How data will be reported back to the classroom from project leader.


As a guest teacher in a kindergarten class I did not have much control over the amount of time I was given to do this project. Originally I was given three mornings to come in but had to settle for just one morning and a return visit once all the data was collected from the participating classrooms. The first morning I came in I explained the project as the kids sat on the rug. They were very excited and wanted to share every aspect of their life with me. We talked about data collection and I shared a map of the locations of the other kindergarten classrooms participating in this project. The kids were eager to participate. I used the whiteboard to graph the data. They were excited to hear what the other kindergarten class data would look like. This erupted into a lively conversation of their predictions and how alike and different we might be. And yes there were some really far out ideas of how different a kindergarten class clear across the United States might just be. When the final data was collected I was able to come back in to celebrate the findings. There was so much potential for this project I would do it again with a classroom of my own. We were able to gather information connect with others using a minimum of technology (emails). What it did was give a class of five and six year old students a bigger picture of their world. And if I look at it that way I was able to accomplish what I set out to do. Share realworld data!

Information Gathered We live in the United States Age students started Kindergarten: 12 students Age 6 and 5 students Age 5 How do you travel to and from school: All 17 students travel by car The most popular school lunch: Mac and Cheese The most popular game to play at recess: Sandbox Activities How many days is your school year: 180 days How long is your school day: 6 hours 20 minutes Follow the link for information gathered from all participants


Five Step Lesson Plan Model Grade: Fourth Framework/Standards 4.2.b Communicate with others outside the school environment through the use of technology to share information (e.g., video conference, blog, wiki, chat room, discussion board). Lesson Objective (s) Students use internet search techniques through a web quest to acquire information about the year and day they were born 1. ANTICIPATORY SET Focus the learner What was the most important or interesting event that occurred on the day you were born? Teacher shares with class interesting facts about the day and year she was born. How can I find out this information? Who knows what a web quest is? Why would a web quest be helpful? Why would we want to share this information with other classroom? Stating the Objective Through a site called The Day I was Born you will conduct your own web quest to find out what occurred on the day you were born. With your finding you will create a list of events to share with other classrooms. Transfer from past learning You used the internet to research your explorers and report findings but a lot of you had trouble finding the information you needed.

Setting a purpose for learning You will collect, record, and organize data. Put it all together and share it with other schools This project We'll give you instructions on what to do when you reach the website that will lead you to uncover many facts about the day you were born. 2. INSTRUCTION Direct Teaching: Using SmartBoard Teacher will show web page from The Day I Was Born . Discuss Data Input Handout. Show webpage for posting of The Day I was Born online history book. Modeling: Teacher will take students step by step through web quest (using SmartBoard). Checking for Understanding Ask students why would we want to share our results with other classrooms? Ask if there are any questions about the web quest. 3. GUIDED PRACTICE Teacher will guide students through the first page of web quest. 4. CLOSURE/EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT . Did you enjoy working on this project? Why? Why not? Most interesting things learned by doing this project. Was the project too hard/ too easy/ just right? Suggestions for improving this project. 5. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Students in groups of three will follow web quest filling in handout. Finally posting in The Day I Was Born online History Book.



I scared off the teacher in the fourth grade class. When we originally spoke she was very excited to have me come in but as the time drew closer she felt this project would not fit in with what she was doing. Dismayed ( and not having a classroom of my own) I sought an alternative approach. Why not use this project with a homeschooling group? The project guides you along the internet to find out what was happening in the world the day your were born. And truly this is what I found to be one of the best parts of this Global Learning Project, it is a good vehicle for internet research. What it does is give students the motivation to do the research. Even I had fun finding out what happened the day I was born. Even though it was a homeschooling group I tried to stick with my implementation plan. With the exception of not having a smart board, but who needs that when you can huddle around one computer. Homeschoolers reaction: This is fun! Unexpected learning came out of this: there is untapped potential for marketing my educational technology expertise with Homeschoolers. And what about a global learning project with an objective of connecting homeschoolers? When Tristan finishes a project it would be great if he could upload his project for his fellow homeschoolers to see and exchange comments. You are not alone Tristan!

Homeschooler Tristan O.

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