Thomas Alva Edison

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1847 Thomas Edison was born

1859 Thomas set up one of his first chemistry labs

1867 Thomas Edison began his first of many experiments

1868 Thomas Edison invented his first patent

1871 Thomas Edison got married to Mary Stillwell

1874 Thomas invented a new telegraph system

1875 Edison invented the first version of a copy machine

1877 Thomas invented the phonograph

1877 The carbon transmitter is invented

1879 Edison invented the carbonpowered lamp

1880 Edison worked toward widespread electricity

1883 Electricity went public

1892 General Electric is established

1900 Thomas Edison invented the battery

1931 Thomas Edison died

Thomas Edison was born in 1847 in Milan, Ohio, and like Ben Franklin, werer. both a scientist and an inventor. In fact, Edison patented 1,093 inventions in his lifetime including the kinetoscope, the phonograph, and his most famous - the incandescent light bulb. These inventions earned him the nickname "The Wizard of Menlo Park." The Menlo Laboratory in Newark, New Jersey, was to become the first research and development lab in the world. Edison called this lab his "invention factory."

In 1879, after 1,200 experiments, Edison made a lightbulb using carbonized filaments from cotton that burned for two days. The light bulb was one of Edison's greatest achievements and it changed the world. The first light bulbs were installed in a steamship and later in a New York factory. Even before the invention of the electric light bulb, Edison partnered with J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilts to form the Edison Electric Light Company in 1876, known today as General Electric.



The phonograph was the first machine

that could record and reproduce sound

created a sensation and brought Edison international fame.

Electricity and Lightbulb

In 1879, using lower current electricity, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he

was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting

source of light.

Edison Motion Pictures camera

In West Orange in February 1888, he invented a camera for motion pictures. He called it a "Kinetoscope,"

using the Greek words "kineto"

meaning "movement" and "scopos" meaning "to watch.

Edison Effect
The effect was rediscovered by Thomas Edison on February 13, 1880, while trying to discover the reason for breakage of lamp filaments and uneven blackening of the bulbs in his incandescent


By the time Edison died in October, 1931, entire cities were lit up by electricity and as a tribute to this American genius, all of America dimmed their lights for one minute in his honor.

1847 Thomas Edison was born

1859 Thomas set up one of his first chemistry labs

1867 Thomas Edison began his first of many experiments

1868 Thomas Edison filed his first patent

1871 Thomas Edison got married to Mary Stillwell

1874 Thomas invented a new telegraph system

1875 Edison invented the first version of a copy machine

1877 Thomas invented the phonograph

1877 The carbon transmitter is invented

1879 Edison invented the carbonpowered lamp

1880 Edison worked toward widespread electricity

1883 Electricity went public

1892 General Electric is established

1900 Thomas Edison invented the battery

1931 Thomas Edison died

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