Research For Khufu Secret Room-25 Aug 07

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By Dawoud Khalil Messiha

In searching for new rooms in the Great Pyramid, Dr. Khalil Messiha, the Egyptian physician and archaeologist (1924-1998), spent more than four years in analytical and research studies. In the beginning of 1967, he applied officially to the Egyptian Antiquities Organization (EAO), and on March 2nd,was permitted to start work in collaboration with Dr. Hishmat Messiha, curator of Giza pyramids area and ex-director of the Egyptian Antiquity Department 1987. Like many archaeologists and researchers, Dr. Khalil was attracted to the Great Pyramid's legends and traditions about the enigmatic secret royal tomb, still undiscovered until today. He decided to start his investigation and excavations in the Queen's chamber, based on analysis study and historical and archaeological evidence. The detailed results of his research and his analysis study are still unpublished. The basis on which Dr. Khalil believed that there should be a secret burial chamber for Khufu were: 1 The true royal burial chamber should below level. The so-called King's and Queen's rooms (misnamed by Arab explorers) were built in the super structure, whereas most other pyramids had only one subterranean burial chamber hewn out of the bedrock below the superstructure1. The only discovered hewn subterranean room of the Great Pyramid was left unfinished by the pyramid builders, and it was not used as a burial chamber.2 In other pyramids of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dynasties, underground chambers were used as burial chambers for the kings; while the subterranean room of the Great Pyramid was not used as a burial chamber, even recent investigations in 1992 by French researcher Kerisle could not determine whether there were any secret rooms or corridors concealed under its unfinished floor.3 Legends about a secret royal burial chamber beneath the pyramid were recorded by historians and writers throughout history. Herodotus, the Greek historian and traveler (c. 484-420 BC), recorded in his book "The Histories" for the first time the description of Khufu's secret chamber and its treasures, and described its location beneath the ground level under the Great Pyramid.4 Although many authors and travelers recorded their visits to the pyramid, like the Greek author Diodorus (c. 60 BC) and Pliny the Elder (1st century AD), nothing mentioned about underground rooms related to Khufu. The legend of secret burial rooms of Khufu under the pyramid stones appeared again after Caliph Al Mamoun's men forced entry into the pyramid in 829 AD. However, they rediscovered the corridors and rooms in the superstructure previously opened before in Pharaonic
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British Museum Dictionary, p.232 Edwards, pp. 120-121 3 Lehner, p.67 4 Mohamed Sakr Khafaga, pp.250-251

times, legends about secret entrance, rooms and corridors under the Pyramid construction continued, and were suggested by later authors. Al Maqrizi, the Arabic historian of the 15th century noted that the door leading to the eastern (Khufu) pyramid located underneath by forty cubits. 1 He also said that pyramid builder constructed in the eastern (Khufu) pyramid astronomical doors and his ancestors statues, record of the history either in the past or future, and holies in which the arranged water runs.2 Abu Al-Hassan Al-Masoudi, in his book "The Golden Fields", said that the pyramids are tombs for the kings and when the king dies, they put him in a coffer in the center of the pyramid and then erect the pyramid over him and dig underground passage of 100 cubits long leading to the pyramid entrance. Al Kaisi, in his book "Treasure of the Minds", spoke about a pit in the Queen's Chamber leading to different funerary chambers. He said "in the eastern (Khufu) pyramid a square room with gabled roof have a square pit of 10 cubits deep in its middle large enough for a man to get inside leading to four doors, one on every face of its sides leads to a hall in which bodies had been deposited..", Al Kaisi also talked about the discovery of a coffin of green stone.; 3 Referencing Al Maqrizi, Al Qoudai talked about a Coptic manuscript that was found in Dayr Abu Harmis (known now as Dayr Apa Jermiah, situated at the western edge of the site of the ruins of Saqqara and maybe ruined in the 10th century4), the papyrus manuscript written in the first Coptic language (the ancient Egyptian language) and translated by a monk from Dayr Al Qalamon at Fayoum states, "..King Surid was buried in the eastern pyramid (Khufu pyramid). The pyramid had entrances under ground level leading to passages of 150 cubits long. The eastern (Khufu) pyramid entrance from its northern side (which is correct as we know), inside the pyramid kept treasures of gold and emerald".5 2 Reference to pyramid texts which composed of spells that have evidence being written before pyramid age6; an important elements the identification of the dead king with Osiris. The king would become one of the circumpolar stars. The king is said to spent his after life in the boat of Re7. We have three items that should be applied in the pyramid structure to achieve the symbolic religious texts. Two of these items (items 2.1 & 2.2 in the following paragraph) were discovered by Egyptologists in the Great Pyramid and its complex while the third item (item 2.3) is still not yet discovered. 2.1 The king would become one of the circumpolar stars. One of the earliest beliefs described in the Pyramid texts states that the king would become one of the circumpolar stars, regarded as a symbol of presence because they never set

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Al Maqrizi, p.112 Ibid, p.113 3 Ibid, pp.113-116 4 Grossmann & Coquin, Dayr Apa Jermia, in the Coptic Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, p. 773 5 Al Maqrizi, pp. 116-117 6 Wallis Budge, p.322 7 A J. Spencer, pp.140-141

when viewed from Egypt.1 According to Alexander Badawy2, the so-called ventilation tunnels found in the northern and southern tunnel of the King's Chamber have a slope of 31 degrees for the northern tunnel which oriented toward the circumpolar stars in the north, and 45 degrees in the southern tunnel which oriented toward the Orion constellation belt. The tunnels function was intended to open way for the king's soul to the stars. 3 In the speculated tunnels, the actual purpose of the so-called ventilation tunnels still open to interpretation, but the accepted theory is that they were used for symbolic religious reasons. The King's Chamber and empty sarcophagus may have served the Ka of the king, not his mummy, which may still be preserved in a secret chamber. An additional explanation recently introduced states that the south shaft opens exactly between the two boat pits to the south of the pyramid, which means Khufu's soul would take the two boats, using one for the day trip, land one for the evening trip. 2.2 The king is said to join Re, the Sun god in his daily journey across the sky and to spend his afterlife in the boat of Re.4 King Khufu had five boat pits that have been excavated around his pyramid at Giza. Two are located along its east face, north and south of the mortuary temple. Another is aligned with the causeway, and the other two are along its southern side-one of which has been opened and the other remains sealed with limestone blocks. This group of pits, which are situated around several sides of pyramid, may have been associated with the belief in a solar hereafter and the dead King's journey in company with the sun-god aboard his two barks. The two discovered boats of Khufu are thought to be funerary boats used to transport the King's body from across the Nile to its final resting place on the Giza plateau. However, the other pits, found empty around Khufu's pyramid, may have once held his sun boats, which pyramid texts tell us, were a means for the deceased to join Ra in his bark.5 2.3 Identification of the dead king with Osiris: Herodotus, the Greek historian and traveler (c. 484-420 BC), recorded in his book The Histories, the description of the secret room where Khufu was buried, which is very similar to the Osireion temple arrangement found near the Setti I temple at Abydos in Upper Egypt. Herodotus, during his visit to the Giza Plateau (c. 440 BC), was told that beneath the pyramid were vaults constructed on a kind of island, which was surrounded by water brought from the Nile by a canal. On this island the body of Cheops (Khufu) was said to lay. However, no trace of either the canal or the island has yet been found.6 The Osireion construction is a symbol of the legend of the creation, where Osiris was buried on the eternal hill (island) surrounded by primeval waters.7 Dr. Khalil and Dr. Hishmat Messiha
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A J. Spencer, p.140 A. Badawy, p.280 3 British Museum Dictionary, p.233 4 A.J. Spencer, pp.140-141 5 Dilwyn James, pp.34-35 6 M.S. Khafaga, pp.250-251 also Ahmed Fakhry, p.175 7 Baikie, Vol. 2, p.181 also Abdel Hamid NorEldin, p.210

believed that most probably there would be a secret room beneath the Great Pyramid to comply with the description of Herodotus and the arrangement of the Osirieon.1 Although the Osirieon is a construction of the Modern Kingdom, it is believed that it reflects the arrangement of an older temple of the Old Kingdom. Although not all of Herodotus information about the pyramids and pyramid construction can be taken as fact, many of his ideas based in truth. For example, Herodotus in his description of the causeway leading to the Great Pyramid, stated that it was built of polished stone, on which were carved pictures of animals. The veracity of this statement was doubted by some archaeologists until the discovery that the walls of the Mortuary Temple were decorated with reliefs, lending credibility to the accuracy of Herodotus's statement regarding the causeway.2 The use of lifting machines as described by Herodotus could be explained by Selim Hassan finding of pulleys used in construction of the pyramid3, also found a granite pulley while excavating Khufu Temple at Giza in 1933. Selim Hassan stated that ancient Egyptians at the time of pyramid builders had the knowledge of using pulleys for lifting stone blocks, and not only using ramps for lifting heavy blocks as archaeologists had previously believed.4 An explanation of how the pulley was used was introduced by some researchers recently.5 The pulley is preserved in the Cairo Egyptian Museum; J. d'entre 72364. Herodotus described the ascending way or ramp to the pyramid as a construction way6, which is accepted to Egyptologists as a theory for construction because it has archaeological evidence in the construction of other pyramids, like Meidum Pyramid and North Pyramid of Dahshore erected by King Snefru (Khufu's father).7 Herodotus denied the existence of burial chambers beneath the second pyramid constructed on an island which was surrounded by water brought from the Nile by a canal like those of the Great Pyramid8, which still true until today as our knowledge. The legend of water canals under the Great Pyramid and its secret royal chamber continued through ages. Al Maqrizi, the Arabic historian in the 15th century, echoed Herodotus's tales about the Great Pyramid's underground chambers and water canals. "The king ordered the pyramids to be erected and built some corridors by which the Nile could pass to a certain point then floods to places to the west and Said (upper Egypt). He ordered the pyramids to be filled with talismans, marvelous things, money, idols, kings corpses; ordered priests to inscribe on walls & ceilings all wise men knowledge and sciences"9 3 Many Egyptologists have long accepted Borchardt's suggestion that the pyramid's three chambers represent two changes in plan- the abandonment of the subterranean
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Khalil Messiha, unpublished report 4 Feb 1987 Edwards, p. 135 also Lehner, p.109 3 Selim Hassan, Ancient Egypt, Vol. 1, 292 4 Ibid, p.288 5 Lehner, p.211 also Georges Goyon, pp.68-69 6 Mohamed Sakr Khafaga, p.250 7 Lehner, pp.99, 217 8 Mohamed Sakr Khafaga, p.255 9 Al Maqrizi, p.112

chamber in favor of the King, and then the Queen's Chamber in the favor of the King's Chamber. 1 Dr. Khalil Messiha believed that the three vertically designed chambers (the underground chamber, the Queen's chamber, and the King's chamber) do not appear to be related to changes in design (which has never been proven), but rather to serve as ritual purposes. This idea is now gaining support from other researchers. No ritual reason or architectural (or even structural) purpose supports the theory of changing original design of the pyramid in any stage. Several clues, however, combine to make it probable that the three chambers and the entire passage system were planned together from the outset. Three chambers seem to have been the rule for Old Kingdom pyramids.2 This arrangement was found in Djoser mastaba of the 3rd Dynasty and pyramids like the unfinished pyramid at Zawiyet El-eryan dating from the 4th Dynasty, the Menkaura pyramid of the 4th Dynasty and pyramids of the 5th and 6th Dynasties. The analysis study of the three rooms of the Great Pyramid is still very controversial, but most of the theories confirm stet that these rooms were constructed as original designed. Still there is much debate about whether either of them was used as a burial chamber. If none of the known three chambers were used as a royal burial chamber, there should be another secret chamber in which to keep the royal mummy and all king treasures needed for his journey to eternity. 4 The three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid are void of any inscriptions or relieves. Most probably the royal burial chamber of Khufu would have had inscriptions and relieves covering its walls as prevalent in other funeral constructions of the 4th dynasty, and of Khufu himself. Selim Hassan, while excavating the funeral temple of King Khufu, discovered for the first time inscriptions and relieves covering its walls. His discovery descredited the theory that the Great Pyramid temple would have no relieves or inscriptions.3 It is logical to believe there is a possibility of a secret royal burial chamber with walls covered with the King's name in Cartouch, his figure joined with ancient Egyptian deities, and scenes of the King during his life with his family and servants to serve him in the after life journey, as ancient Egyptians believed. It is not likely that the pyramid builder's aim was to erect the pyramid without any inscriptions. We know that the outer surfaces of the pyramid were covered with inscriptions and writings. The accounts of historians and travelers since Herodotus (c 440 BC) visiting Giza plateau from the 5th century BC until 13th century AD described inscriptions of ancient Egyptian language covering casing stones of the Great Pyramid.4 The inscriptions that once covered the pyramid outer surfaces survived and were still visible for several centuries after pyramid's completion. For example, the Arabic traveler Abedel Latif Al Baghdadi (born 1179 AD) talked about the many inscriptions covering the casing stones of the pyramid, perhaps some of them are graffiti of visitors through ages. By the 13th century, the rulers of Egypt started to dismantle the pyramid and satellite pyramids, using their stones and Great Pyramid casing stones as a quarry until all the
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Mark Lehner, p.111 also Edwards, pp. 120-126 Mark Lehner, p.111 also Alberto Siliotti, p.51 3 Selim Hassan, Ancient Egypt, Vol.1, p.293 4 M.S. Khafaga, pp.253-254

inscriptions once covered the Great Pyramid's surfaces were disappeared. The appearance of the Great Pyramid since 13th century remains as we see it now void of any inscriptions.1 Inscriptions and Khufu's name inside the pyramid: As we now know, the insides of the pyramid are completely plain, without the inscriptions and pictures that abound in other Egyptian tombs. According to ancient Egyptian believes the "Ka" is supposed to dwell in the tomb, or more precisely, in the mummified body, which could be substituted by a statue or group of statuettes of the deceased, and it was the form in which the dead received their funerary offerings.2 The presentation of the offerings and the reliefs and paintings on the walls of the tomb could magically provide for all the requirements of the deceased, in addition if you destroyed a persons name you ended his existence in the next world. 3 For this reason, the names of individuals are frequently found to have been hacked out from the walls of their tombs. But none of these were found inside the Khufu Pyramid. The only occurrence found of Khufu's name inside his pyramid was workers graffiti in red paint on stone blocks of the so-called relieving chambers discovered above the upper chamber misnamed as the King's Chamber. As an added bonus, the markings in these small chambers provide us with not only the name of the work gang responsible for those blocks, but also with the name of the king that built the pyramid, King Khufu. Workers graffiti in red paint have since been found in other Old Kingdom pyramids, temples and mastabas.4 The lack of any inscriptions on walls inside the pyramid is in a way contradicting with ancient Egyptian believes. Spencer states, "The ability of the written word to have a positive effect is best seen in magical texts designed to ensure the well being of the dead, and particularly in the pyramid texts, which had the specific function of conferring protection on the dead king. These inscriptions themselves had the power to safeguard the king's eternal existence, which would only be treated if the texts should be entirely destroyed".5 Therefore it is likely that somewhere in the great pyramid the missing name and figure of the king do exist and will be found one day. The idea that the inside of the Pyramid should be covered with inscriptions was popular in all ages, even in Coptic and Arabic eras. It may be echo of Herodotus descriptions or traditions of ancient Egypt heritage. Al Maqrizi reported that king Surid built the Great Pyramid and decorated the walls and ceilings of his pyramid chambers with representations of the stars, plants and all sciences, and placed treasures within, such as iron weapons that did not rust and glass that bent without breaking. Maqrizi also says that, according to the Copts, Surid was buried in the pyramid surrounded by all his possessions.6 Dr. Khalil noted that if Surid is a memory of Khufu, this may not be so far

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Ahmed Fakhry, pp.148-149 Spencer, pp.58-63 3 ibid, pp. 62-68 4 Lehner, p.53 5 Spencer, p.70 6 Al Maqrizi, p.113

from the truth, which is the same idea of archaeologist Mark Lehner after Dr. Khalil research by more than 30 years.1 Khufu's men were interested in recording their king's name wherever they worked or traveled. The name of Khufu has been found written in the alabaster quarry at Hatnub. Two tablets bearing his name have been found in the Sinai. His name has also been found in Bubastis. It has also been inscribed on a temple at Byblos (Lebanon), which might imply that he sent an expedition there to bring back cedar wood that was used in the construction of his boats which were found in 1945 on the south side of his pyramid. Finally, his name was found written in the western desert to the north of Abu Simbel and northwest of Toshka, from where they took the diorite to be used in the statues. There is very little evidence of Khufu in connection with other gods, except his small statuette found in building K in the temple of Khentiulmentiu at Abydos, his name was also found on vessels in the temple of Horus at Nekhen.2 5 All the main pyramids of Egypt, at Saqqara, Dahshor, Gizeh, Abusir and Meidum had the funerary chamber located at or below ground level exactly below the vertical axis of the construction. The Queen's Chamber in the Great Pyramid lies exactly on the east-west center axis of the pyramid but it is not possible to be the funeral room of Khufu as it lies over ground level by 21.21 m and void of coffer or sarcophagus and any funeral inscriptions. The royal secret burial chamber would most likely situated somewhere below the vertical center axis of the pyramid, beneath the Queen's Chamber. 6 The stories and legends recorded by Arabic writers and historians about Caliph Al Mamun finding treasures and bones inside the pyramid after his men forced entry inside it can be explained. Ahmed Fakhry suggests that the contradicting stories of Arabic historians and travelers about Al Mamun's men findings were relating to mummies and sarcophagus from different eras, and never related to Khufu.3 This explanation is logical and supports theorizing Dr. Khalil's analysis study proposing that Khufu's real burial chamber is still undiscovered. On the other hand, Selim Hassan believed that Khufu's mummy was in his coffer in the King's room and it was robbed during the revolution era of the 6th Dynasty.4 Most likely the Great Pyramid was robed at the time of the fall of the Old Kingdom. During the Modern Kingdom some restorations to the Great Pyramid were done by Prince Gaa-Mouae, son of the King Ramsis II. We are sure that the pyramid was opened during the Roman era, visitors had access to many of its inner rooms and corridors, which were used to bury dead people at that time.5 About 25 BC; the Roman geographer Strabo reported a movable stone, high up and in the middle of one of the faces of Khufu's pyramid that allowed access to the descending passage.6 Mark Lehner stating that Al Mamun's breach in fact already existed and had been made by the ancient Egyptians who were familiar with the interior. Saitic period (26th dynasty) priests could
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Lehner, p.41 3 Ahmed Fakhry, p.148 4 Selim Hassan, Vol.1, p.294 5 Ahmed Fakhry, pp.145-148 6 Lehner, p.39

possibly have repairs, since at this time there was an attempt to restore Old Kingdom monuments.1 Starting from the Queen's Chamber: When collecting the pieces of the subject; we can form a vision of the real royal burial chamber. It should be located below the pyramid's vertical axis, deep under the ground level, with a channel once filled with water leading to river Nile; composed of a room or complex of rooms with its walls covered with inscriptions and writings incorporating Khufu's statue, his name in Cartouch, his figure joined with deities and gods, scenes of the King with his family and important men of his reign, all his treasures and his mummy. Dr. Khalil started his research of the Great Pyramid in the Queen's Chamber, in which he and Dr. Hishmat believed unique features still concealed secrets behind its walls or floor besides, it lays exactly on the east-west center axis of the pyramid. The technology available in 1967 and even today is not advanced enough to explore what is behind and inside a huge stone construction like the Great Pyramid accurately and without damage to its stones. Dr. Fathy Elbedewy, the Egyptian professor of Physics at Ain Shams University, explained the difficulties and the inaccuracies resulting from using high technology systems, such as cosmic rays, electromagnetic waves and georadar waves, searching for new voids or rooms inside the Pyramid.2 Dr. Elbedwey was once a member of the team of the Cosmic Ray Expedition led by Swiss Astrophysicist Dr. Louis Alfarez working from 1967 to 1971 in the Khefren Pyramid. Dr. Khalil Messiha decided to start his exploration using the safest and most accurate technology suitable for such a case. He proceeded in his investigation based on radiation of mass theory. Following this theory enabled him to explore the inside of the Pyramid and what is inside its huge stone construction to a great depth without destroying stones, and at the same time avoiding the errors of the interference of waves inherent in using cosmic wave and geo-radar wave technologies. The theory of radiation of mass relies on detecting the resonance of substances, geometrical forms and mass waves on the semi-magnetic (magnesthetic) and semi-electrical (electresthetic) levels, by using sensitive manual or electronic tools. The manual tools were developed in the second half of the 20th century in Europe for many types of radionic computers, such as those manufactured by Bruce Copen in UK.3 Reference to Dr. Khalil notes dated 27th Feb. 1967, 2 and 4th March 1967, and after more than 18 months of analysis by radionic computer and manual radiesthesic instruments he found the entrance location and a hollow space at about 20 meters below the Queens chamber. Moreover his instruments detected a ray emitting from a mummified body of a man or an animal. Research in the Queen's Chamber day by day: A longitudinal section of the Great Pyramid (Fig. 1) was prepared by Dr. Khalil Messiha, indicating his discovery of the corridor and the secret chamber of King Khufu. As
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Ibid, p.41 Fathy El Bedewey, pp.181-190 3 Bruce Copen, The Radionic Computer

previously mentioned, Dr. Khalil was officially permitted by the Egyptian Antiquities Organization (EAO) to start work on March 2nd, 1967, in the Queen's Chamber in collaboration with Dr. Hishmat Messiha. He used some of the same workmen who had previously excavated of Khufu's "Solar Boat". The floor of the Queen's Chamber was covered with a thick layer of cementious mud concealing all the details of the stones of the original floor slabs, which had not been known until March 1967 when it was discovered by Dr. Khalil. A comparison of the Queens Chamber floor before and after excavations of 1967 confirms that the stone slabs of the original floor were not evident before 1967 (Fig. 2). Note the appearance of the original floor stone slabs in the picture taken in 1990-the one to right. Dr. Khalils discovery of the original floor slabs has evidence in "Pyramids of Egypt", a book written by Edwards, and considered one of the important scientific references about Egyptian pyramids. Edwards noted, There are many indications that work on the Queen's Chamber was abandoned before it had been completed. The floor, for instance, is exceedingly rough; if the chamber had been finished it would probably have been paved with finer stone. 1 This means that visitors to the Great Pyramid, in the early 20th century and maybe before, had not seen any stone floors until Dr. Khalil Messiha had proven, in 1967, that the pyramid builders had totally finished their work inside the Queens Chamber, and that its floor was made of stone slabs, each of which weighed tons. One or more of those stone slabs represents the entrance to the secret room, which holds Khufu's secrets. The workers started by cleaning the floor and removing the mud layer and remains of the old excavations, which continued from 3rd Mars to 7th Mars 1967. Additional reference to what Dr. Khalil found comes from Flinders Petries notes. His description in 1883 about the Queens Chamber, chapter 7, section 42 states, "the general floor is hopelessly irregular, consisting plainly of rough core masonry; and furthermore, it has been built over with similar rough masonry, which was afterwards stripped down to insert chamber walls Petrie added in the same section But all round the chamber, and the lower part of the passage leading to it, is a footing of fine stone, at the rough floor level.2 Petrie described the unfinished floor of the Queens chamber and talked about a floor slabs if the builders set it, the Queens chamber floor level will be raised due to its thickness. Was the 10 cm cementious layer removed by workers in 1967 composed of mud and dust made by the feet of thousands of visitors through the ages or was it was originally made by pyramid builders? The original floor of the Queen's Chamber (5x5 meters) was made of huge fine limestone blocks of various sizes. During their work in cleaning this layer of mud, the workers found chips of ancient bronze tools. These were specially packed and sent on 11th, March 1967 to the laboratory of the Cairo Egyptian Museum for analysis. The workers found it very difficult to remove the entrance stone slab defined by Dr. Khalil. The huge lime stone was very heavy and defied every effort to remove it. Efforts
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Edwards, p.123 Petrie, chapter 7, section 42


continued from 7th to 13th March without success because the team was trying to remove the stones without destroying them. Dr. Khalil stated in his diary notes that the stones were glued to each other by a very strong mortar, which was barely noticed by the naked eye. It seems pyramid builders used a special kind of mortar in the important parts of the pyramid construction. In his writings about joints between the pyramid stone blocks, Petrie stated, The mean thickness of the joints of the north-eastern casing stones is 0.02 inches"1. In the body of the pyramid, the blocks are very roughly shaped and not at all carefully fit together. Considerable gaps are found that are in part filled with a mixture of small pieces of stone in a mixture of poor mortar. Whether this mortar ever had much cohesive quality may well be doubted, but the filling in of any considerable voids between the blocks tends to give increased solidity to the whole mass of building2. The careful way in which special mortar of thickness about 0.02 inches was used in the casing stones and the Queens Chamber floor stones was not by accident. It was not necessary to use mortar with such a great cohesive power if the paving stones were simply set on the bed rock or sands and masonry core. Most probably the pyramid builders used this technique to conceal their secrets safely under the floor stone slabs. In Dr. Khalil's diary notes about his excavations; he repeated his analysis work by radionic computer on 10-11th March, 1967. As before, his analysis proposed the existence of a room and a mummified body of a man or animal at a distance not less than 20 meters down. On March 13th, the team decided rather than removing the stone blocks of the floor, they would drill a small hole two inches in diameter through, which they passed a probe wire, which went down more than 20 meters. Through that hole, the chief of workmen passed his palm under the stone and brought reddish chalky powder which sent to the laboratory of Cairo Egyptian Museum. The steel wire passed more than 20 meters down what should be a corridor or shaft, and not a gap between stone slabs full of sands for many reasons. One reason is that the overlap of floor stone slabs of different courses will not permit steel wire to go down more than one or two meters, the thickness of first course of blocks. The second reason is the floor slabs, with their heavy weight located at the 25th course of masonry, should be resting on bed rock or other stone blocks transferring the load to bed rock which will stop steel wire from going more distance contrary to sands. The dowsing tools and the radionic computer of Dr. Khalil indicated that this was the true King Khufu Chamber. Dr. Khalil was permitted to work for only ten days, after which he received an official order to halt his excavations on March 13th 1967, and to permit "Cosmic Rays" project to begin, which was ready to begin, sponsored by the California American University and IBM the computer company, lead by Dr. Louis Alvarez, and aimed to explore the Pyramid of Khephren rather than the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

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Ibid, p.13 Somers Clarke, p.81


Research and excavations of other expeditions for secret rooms inside the Great Pyramid: Dr. Khalil's research was suspended by EAO, in spite of several applications to continue research in the Great Pyramid using the theory of mass radiation. EAO's answer, dated 23 Sept 1967, signed by General Director Mr. Gamal Mokhtar, stated that Dr. Khalil's work was being delayed to allow cosmic ray expedition work to be performed1. Another EAO's answer, dated 10 Dec 1970, signed by General Director Mr. Gamal Mehrez, claimed a delay of Dr. Khalil's application2 to allow cosmic ray expedition to work, which has never been performed in the Great Pyramid. 1 Cosmic rays expedition of 1967: The Cosmic Rays Project of California University never explored in the Great Pyramid as they had planned, and then got no conclusive results from investigating the Khefren Pyramid in more than four years of research, because the force fields (of radiesthetic nature as explained by radiation of mass theory) led to the utilized electronic devices astray. Dr. Fathy Elbedweiy an Egyptian professor of physics in Ain Shams University and a member of the Cosmic Rays team lead by Swiss Astrophysicist Dr. Louis Alfariz, also mentioned the contradicting results as appeared on the computer taps of the Cosmic Rays project.3 2 French expedition of 1986: In 1986 the Egyptian Antiquities (EAO) gave permission to two French companies to undertake a micorgravimetric study of the Great Pyramid. The technique, normally used for assessing the foundations of dams and nuclear power plants, measures the density of structures. Analysis of the microstructure found an anomaly west of and below the horizontal passage to the Queen's Chamber. Gilles Dormion and Jean-Patrick Goidin, two French architects associated with the study, drilled three small holes in the passage to investigate the anomaly. It is more likely that the layers are simply the packing between the limestone walls of the passage and the masonry of the pyramid.4 In a study in the Jan. 1987 issue of the Geophysic Magazine, Jack Montoken, an expert of geophysics, said it is impossible to detect the location and dimensions of a void inside the pyramid depending on the survey by the microgravemeter in a corridor of only 1.00 m wide. He said the survey should be done in a large open area in order to obtain a contour map having results not affected by the surrounding environment. The microgravemeter could be effective in the open land area or the mines that have enough wide space. The inside of the pyramid is different from an open space, in that the stone blocks, the great voids like the grand gallery, corridors of the pyramid, and the known and unknown rooms would create a huge background that affects the results and analysis of the microgravemeter. The results of the research confirmed the difficulty of the
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ref. to EAO documents, file 5-1/9 dated 26 May 1967 ref. file 5-1/9 dated 3 Sept 1970 3 Fathy Al-Bedeiway, pp. 123-125 4 Lehner, p.67


analysis of the measurements that were taken in three locations in the corridor leading to the Queens Chamber with 0.50 m space between every location. The results raised to the possibility of a void near the western corner of the Queens Chamber that could be sand filling gaps between stone blocks.1 However, the results supported what Dr Khalil claimed 20 years earlier about a secret corridor or shaft. This led Dr. Khalil to reapply to the EAO, and to have a meeting with Dr. Ahmed Kadry (EAO General Director), who asked him to perform more experiments at other sites, including the Great Sphinx, which he finished two years later, finding exciting discoveries that he recorded and posted to EAO. 3 Wassida University expedition: A Japanese team, lead by Mr. Sakuji Yoshimura of Wassida University, was permitted in 1987 to investigate the Great Pyramid. Dr. Youshimora used electromagnetic wave devices, which can penetrate two to four meters into the ancient structures. His expedition investigated the Queens Chamber, the Kings Chamber, and corridors of the Queens Chamber. Reference to the report of Dr. Youshimora, the electromagnetic technique and the electromagnetic scanner he used was approved by the Japanese Ministry of Construction in Aug. 1986. Most likely the Japanese expedition found part of the same cavity discovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha 20 years earlier. Both the Kings and Queens Chambers of the Great Pyramid were surveyed. Unfortunately, when the recording equipment was carried into the pyramid, it was somehow broken for unknown causes, therefore, the computer analysis that was planned to be done in Japan could not be completed. However, the conclusion of the expedition after the survey of 23 Jan. 1987, were: a-The existence of a void of 2.5 to 3.00 meters height west of the corridor leading to the Queens Chamber has been confirmed, as well as the presence in the cavity of quantities of sand in agreement with the French Microgravimeter measurements. b-The scan also revealed the existence of another cavity behind the north western wall of the Queens chamber. The cavity has a height of 1.50 meters and an estimated depth of about 4 meters.2 The report also confirmed that their devices could not investigate more than five meters down.3 Dr. Elbedwey believes that the Japanese expedition results are only possibilities since when they modified the resonance of the electromagentic waves that they have used in the first stage of the analysis done on Jan. 23rd 1987. After using different resonance in the second stage of work on Sept 3rd 1987, the results confirmed the existence of the cavity near the northwestern wall of the Queens chamber and denied the existence of the other cavity west of the corridor leads the Queens Chamber.4 As happened with the French expedition of 1986, the Japanese electromagnetic scanner supported the possibility of cavities near the Queens Chamber, as proposed by Dr. Khalil's research 20 years earlier.
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Fathy Elbedewy, pp.188-190 Sakuji Yoshimura, p.64 3 Sakuji Yoshimura, p.6 also Fathy ElBedewey, p.181 4 Fathy ElBedewey, p.181


4 French expedition lead by Jean Kerisle: In 1992, the French professor Jean Kerisle investigated the subterranean chamber with ground penetrating radar and microgravimetery. In 1995, he obtained permission and drilled into the bedrock floor in search of a cavity, but nothing was found.1 5 Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities (ESCA): ESCA decided to clean the ventilation tunnels in 1992, in order to develop a system to permanently lower the humidity in collaboration with the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo, which arranged for a robotic expert Rodolf Gantenbrink to investigate the narrow shafts, about eight inches square each. Gantenbrink mounted a miniature video camera on a wheeled robot and sent it up the air shafts of the King's Chamber. Using the robot, he cleared the shafts and set up fans inside to circulate the air and lowered the humidity. The next year he sent a new version 65 meters up inside the shafts where it was stopped by a smooth limestone plug, from which two copper lay of the floor just in front.2 The next year (1993) the robot was also sent inside similar shafts from the second chamber (the Queens Chamber). Gantenbrink found that the northern shaft turned sharply to the west after approximately 27 feet, and the robot could go no farther. In the southern shaft, the robot was blocked after 208 feet by a door or small slab with two copper handles that blocked the entire shaft. The left handle had lost a piece sometime in antiquity, which was lying about six feet in front of the door. In September 2003, SCA sent another robot into the shafts to find out what was behind the door. They opened a hole 1 centimeter in diameter and sent a camera through the hole. To their surprise another 21 centimeters closed room was found beyond the first one The robot was also sent into the northern airshaft and found that after 20 meters the shaft bent and continued for another 8 meters. This bend may indicate that it was designed to miss the grand gallery, and it also confimrs that it was carved during the construction of the pyramid. The robot continued for another 60 meters and then stopped in front of a door with two copper handles. It is the same distance as the door in the southern shaft with two copper handles.3 Zahi Hawas Secretary General of ESCA, declared in 1993 when a new void found behind the stone door inside the northern shaft of the Queen's Chamber, 34 years after Dr. Khalil's research, that Khufu's actual burial chamber might be hidden somewhere inside the Great Pyramid. "'The presence of these doors in the Great Pyramid raises many questions. One idea is that the doors are challenges that the king must face during his journey to the afterlife. It is written in the Pyramid Texts that the king will face bolts before he travels; perhaps this is a reference to the doors copper handles. Yet if this is true, why is Khufus pyramid the only one with such doors? Also, why are there no doors in the shafts of the third chamber? Logically, they should be where the kings body was buried. It is possible that these doors are evidence that Khufus actual burial chamber might be hidden somewhere inside of his pyramid. An ancient story from the Westcar
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Lehner, p.67 Ibid, p.67 3 Zahi Hawas:


Papyrus tells of how Khufu searched for the secret documents of the god Thoth in order to design the chambers of his pyramid; we are still trying to understand the complex he and his architects left behind".1 Dr. Khalil said that the world would find all the secrets of the Pharaohs, Unlike all known rooms in the Great Pyramid, Khufu's secret burial chamber walls will be covered with Hieroglyphic inscriptions on fiance, or some kind of ceramic with turquoise color. King Khufus sarcophagus (supposedly made of Alabaster) and other historical records, like papyrus rolls, should be found there. After research work was postponed on 1967; Dr. Khalil recorded in his notes that he is the opened the way to "Khufu's secret room". He will never enter the secret room he envisioned-Dr. Khalil Messiha passed away in 29 Dec. 1998. REFERENCES 1-Abd ElHamid Nour Eldin: "Sites of the Egyptian Antiquities", Arabic Edition, Dar Al Khalig for publishing, Cairo, 2001. 2-Ahmed Fakhry: "Egyptian Pyramids", Arabic Edition, Anglo Egyptian Library, Cairo 1982, translated to Arabic by Ahmed Fakhry of The Pyramids 1961 by the University of Chicago, USA. 3-A.J. Spencer: "Death in Ancient Egypt, Harmondsworth, 1982. 4-Alberto Siliotti: Guide to the Pyramids of Egypt, White Star Publishers, Milano, Italy, 1997. 5-Alexander Badawy: "A History of Egyptian Architecture", translated to Arabic by Mohamed Abdel Razik, Salah ElDin Ramadan, EAO, Cairo, 1988. 6-Dawoud Khalil Messiha: "A New Scope of Ancient Egyptian Architecture", article in Arabic, Architects 9th Congress, Union of Egyptian Architects, Cairo, Egypt, 18-19 April, 1999. 7-Dilwyn James: Egyptian bookshelf, 'Boats', Egyptian bookshelf, published for the Trustees of the British Museum, British Museum press, London, 1995. 8-Edwards: The Pyramids of Egypt, Penguin Books, Great Britain, 1967, First published 1947. 9-E.A. Wallis Budge: "From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt", Originally Published in London, Oxford University Press, 1934, reprinted by Dover Publications, INC., New York, 1988. 10-Fathy Elbedwey: "The Pyramid and Computer", Arabic Edition, Public Egyptian Organization for Books, Cairo, 1991. 11-Georges Goyon: "Kops, Le Secret des Btisseurs des Grandes Pyrmaides Pyrmaider", Le grand Livre du Mois, France, 1990 12-Hishmat Messiha: Official report to EAO about cleaning the floor of the Queen's chamber dated 11 Mars 1967. 13-James Baikie: Egyptian Antiquities in The Nile valley, A Descriptive Handbook, Arabic Translation by Labib Habashy & Shafik Farid, Vol. 2, Egyptian University Press, Cairo, 1972.

Zahi Hawas official web site:


14-Khalil Messiha: "Search for Khufu secrete burial Chamber", unpublished diaries dated 27 Feb to 13 Mars 1967, written in Arabic 15-Mark Lehner: "The Complete Pyramids", The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, Egypt, 2004. 16-Mohamed Sakr Khafaga: "Herodotus Talking about Egypt", Arabic Translation from Greek, Dar El Kalam, Cairo, 1966. 17-Petrie W. M. F.: The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, London, 1883. -R.O. Faulkner: "The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts", translated to English by R.O. Faulkner; First published by Oxford University Press, U.K., 1969. 18-Saied Karim: "The Mystery of The Egyptian Civilization", Arabic Edition, Public Egyptian Organization for Books, 1996, p.194. 19-Sakuji Yoshimura & Takeshi Nakagawa: Non Destructive Pyramid Investigation (1) By Electromagnetic Wave Method, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 1987. 20-Somers Clarke & R. Engelback: Ancient Egyptian Construction and Architecture, first published 1930, Dover Publications, INC., New York, 1990. 21-Taqi-eddine Al-Maqrizi: "Al-Mawaez wal eatbar bizikr Al-khetat wal assar", issued in Arabic, Bolaque, Cairo, 1853 References about Theory of Mass radiation & Radionic Computers & Radieshtesia: Belizal et P.A. Morel: Physique Micro Vibratoire et Force invisible, Editions Desforges, Paris, 1965. 2-Bruce Copen: Radionics, Vol. 1, Academic Publications, Sussex, England, Second Edition, 1982. 3-Bruce Copen: The Radionic Computer, Academic Publications, Sussex, England, Third Edition, 1980. 4- Dawoud Khalil Messiha: Secrets of The Golden Section, published by the author Cairo, 1997. 5-Dawoud Khalil Messiha: "The Secrete Burial Chamber in Khufus Great Pyramid, article in American Dowser Magazine", Vol. 40, No. 1, pp.40-42, Danville, Vermont, USA, Winter 2000. 6-Dawoud Khalil Messiha: Pharaohs Secrets, Radiesthesia Science, Series of Science and Life, No., 152, issued in Arabic, Public Egyptian Organization for Books, Cairo, Egypt, 2006 7-Enel: "Radiations Des Formes Et Cancer", Editions Al-Maaref, Le Caire, 1951. 8-Enel: "Premiers Pas En Radiesthesie Therapeutique", Editions Al-Maaref, Le Caire, 1949 9-Khalil Messiha: "Your First Steps in Dowsing", published by the author, Cairo, 1985. 10-Khalil Messiha: "Radiesthesia and Dowsing", series of lectures in the Coptic Higher Studies Institute, Anba Rois, Abassia, Cairo, Egypt, 1973. Copies of the lectures are reserved in the Library of the Coptic Higher Institute. 11- Khalil Messiha: "Dowsing the Great Pyramid", issued in the American Dowser Magazine, Vermont. U.S.A., Vol. 28, No.2, 1988. 12-L. Chaumery et A. de Belizal: "Essai De Radiesthesie Vibratoire, Editions Dangles,


38 Rue de Moscou, Paris, 1956. 13-L. Turenne: "De La Baguette de Coudrier aux Detecteurs du prospecteur", Les Mineraux, Les ondes des formes Geometriques, La Lecture sur plans, L Evolution de la Matiere, Les ondes nocives, 19 rue de Chzelles, Paris, Edition 1935. 14- L. Turenne: De La Baguette de Coudrier aux Detecteurs du prospecteurs, Methodes scientifiques de contrle de toutes les ondes de la nature, 7 livre, 19 rue de Chzelles, Paris, Edition 1943. 15-L.Turenne: De La Baguette de Coudrier aux Detecteurs du Prospecteur", Lois des Semblables, Introduction Ondes des Maladies, Ondes des Remedes, Ondes Radio, Actives, 19 rue de Chazelles, Paris, 1933. News papers, research papers & Magazines 1-Le Progres Egyptien, Newspaper, article in French, issued 6 Oct. 1987. 2-"AL Akhbar", Daily Newspaper, Egypt, p.4, article in Arabic about Egyptologists comments on French expedition work also note about the research in the Queen's chamber previously done by Dr. Khalil, Cairo, Egypt, issued 4 Sept 1986. 3-Dawoud Khalil Messiha: "Hall of Records", article in English, Watani International Newspaper, Cairo, Egypt, issued 20 May 2001. 4-Said Karim: "The Great Pyramid", The Prophetic House, article in Arabic, p. 60, "Al Helal magazine", Monthly Magazine, Egypt, issue Feb. 1976. 5-Tampa Tribune, Newspaper, "Pyramid Power", article in English, USA, issue Nov. 30, 1989. 6-Fathy Amine: "Discovering Khufu Burial Chamber twenty years before the Japanese Expedition", article in Arabic, Rose Elyoussef , Weekly Magazine, Egypt, issued 5 Oct. 1987. 7-Al Ahram International, Daily Newspaper, article in Arabic by Yehia Youssef, Egypt, issue 9 Aug. 1998. EAO permission: Official permission from EAO, Pyramids archaeology district, file # 1/1/1 dated 2 Mars 1967 Copyright 2004 Dawoud Khalil Messiha 10 Jan 07 April 07 5 Aug 07 6 Aug 07 9 Aug 07 25 Aug 07 8 Sept 07


Fig 1- section of the passages and chambers for the Great Pyramid to show the Khufu burial chamber discovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha in 1967


Fig. 2- Two pictures were taken for the Queens room in the Great Pyramid. The picture to the left was taken in 1900 and the picture to the right was taken after 1967 when the floor was cleaned as Dr. Khalil direction and the original slabs of the chamber floor appeared.


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