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Journal of

Fluids Engineering

or on simplified models. Thefinalthird of the book is a compendium of influencing factors on circular cylinderflow:free stream turbulence, shear, compressibility, heat transfer, sound, cavitation and the effect of a non-Newtonian fluid. REVIEWED BY P. W. BEARMAN^ This book is a major contribution to fluid dynamics and is It can be argued that much of what we already know about thoroughly recommended to anybody interested in the flow fluid dynamics, and a great deal of what we still need to under- around a circular cylinder. While there are a significant number stand and predict, is present in the variety of phenomena gener- of typographical errors this will not inhibit the reader's underated by the flow around a circular cylinder. This simple body standing or enjoyment. However, it is possible that there will shape has challenged generations of experimentalists and lat- be sections where the reader disagrees with the author's interterly has proved to be an exacting test case for computation- pretation of flow phenomena or with the emphasis placed on alists. Dr Zdravkovich has spent a hfetime studyingflowaround certain aspects. For example, there could have been more on the circular cylinders. His book is the most authoritative review of application of hydrodynamic stability theory and the concepts of the subject to appear since the well known, but now outdated, convective and absolute instability in cylinder flow. A fuller study by Morkovin in 1964, entitled "Flow Around a Circular coverage of the control of circular cylinder flow might have Cylinder; A Kaleidoscope of Challenging Fluid Phenomena." been included. In the section on modelling I would have welThe book is well organised, clearly presented and contains a comed a more critical review of methods and perhaps some wealth of information drawn from more than an estimated 1200 need not even have been presented. The application of CFD to references. Volume 1 concentrates on fundamental aspects of circular cylinder flow is progressing rapidly and the book is not flow around a circular cylinder and Volume 2, which is in fully up to date in this area. However, one must acknowledge preparation, will describe applications. In roughly the first third the enormous effort, spread over many years, that has gone into of the book the author presents in detail the variousflowregimes the preparation of this book. Recently the circular cylinder has experienced by the circular cylinder from low Reynolds number found itself once more at the forefront of fluid dynamics resteady attached flow to very high Reynolds number postcritical search and in fast developing areas it is unreasonable to expect flow. A lot of original material is reproduced, including a num- to have a book that is up to date in every detail. ber of excellentflowvisualisation photographs. The middle part This book will become the standard reference for the flow is concerned with analytical and numerical solutions of flow around a circular cylinder. I have already used it several times around a circular cyUnder, based on the Navier Stokes equations myself to check on the availabiUty of data on certain aspects of circular cylinder flow. Without its help it might have taken me a lifetime to find them. ' Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.

Flow Around Circular CylindersVolume 1: Fundamentals, by M. M. Zdravkovich, Oxford Science Publications, 1997.

216 / Vol. 120, MARCH 1998

Copyright 1998 by ASiVIE

Transactions of the ASME

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