His Mistress Reveals: LBJ BEHIND JFK MURDER!

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His Mistress Reveals: LBJ BEHIND JFK MURDER!

He TOLD Me He did it - And Explosive Book by Political Insider Agrees! By Gregory Michaels

An EXPLOSIVE new book backs up the bombshell claim of President Lyndon B. Johnson's former mistress that LBJ was the power-crazed mastermind behind the assassination of the man he replaced in the White House, John F. Kennedy! "It was a political crime for political power," according to Madeleine Duncan Brown, LBJ's former mistress of 21 years. She shockingly confessed that the very night before Kennedy was shot dead in a Dallas motorcade on November 22, 1963, Johnson told her: "After tomorrow, those SOB's will never embarrass me again, and that's no threat - that's a promise!" Now, the blockbuster upcoming book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy (Skyhorse Publishing) by a former top aide to President Richard Nixon also charges that Johnson was behind the murder that rocked the world. Author Roger Stone drops the bombshell revelation that Democrat LBJ had close ties to Republican Nixon, who would succeed him in the Oval Office - and to Jack Ruby, the man who fatally shot JFK's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before he could spill what he knew to the FBI. According to the book, due out November 4, LBJ's evil cabal of plotters included Texas oilmen, who believed JFK was going to hinder their business, and Mafia thugs bitter over Attorney Gen. Robert F. Kennedy's war on organized crime.

The book by Stone, who worked on the Committee To Re-elect Nixon in 1972 and served in the Office of Economic Opportunity in Nixon's administration, bolsters Brown's shattering revelations. Shortly before her 2002 death, she said in an interview that LBJ, Texas oil baron H.L. Hunt, Mafia kingpins and FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover, who also hated the Kennedys, attended a party the NIGHT BEFORE the assassination in Dallas. Johnson's mistress says the men went into a closed-door meeting around 11 p.m. and when they emerged, LBJ made the ominous remark that the Kennedys would "never embarrass me again." She also says JFK-hating Hunt told her at the 1960 Democratic convention when Kennedy got the nomination: "We may have lost the battle, but we're going to win the war." Then on the day JFK was shot down in the street, Hunt told her: "Well, we won the war!" The book also supports Brown's claims that LBJ was being investigated for kickbacks and even having people rubbed out. Author Stone claims Johnson had a hit man named Mac Wallace snuff out a federal investigator who was looking into LBJ's corruption. He also writes that LBJ had his sister Josefa, a hooker who worked in a brothel, killed in 1961 because she was an embarrassment. The author says Dallas was the perfect place to have Kennedy bumped off because Texan Johnson controlled local officials, writing: "They were Johnson men."

Texas Gov. John Connally, who was wounded at the assassination scene, was also a co-conspirator who, with Johnson, planned out the details including the motorcade route that would pass by the school book depository that loomed over the spot where JFK was shot. Oswald supposedly shot Kennedy from a sixth-floor window in the building, but Stone writes that the Communist sympathizer was really just a "patsy" and the real shooter was Mac Wallace, Johnson's reliable hit man. Stone also writes that Johnson, riding two cars behind Kennedy, actually hunkered down BEFORE the shots even rang out! Sworn in as President hours after JFK's slaying, Johnson was then able to squelch any probes into claims of his corruption. Says his former mistress: "Had the assassination not happened the day it did, Lyndon would probably have gone to prison. They would have gotten rid of him. He was so involved with some of this." The Man Who Killed Kennedy - the Case Against LBJ will be in Bookstores November 6th or you can order at: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-man-who-killedkennedy-rogerstone/1116066290?ean=9781626363137&isbn=978162636313 7

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