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Internet and Cyberspace

Instructor: Ch. Bilal Ahmad Khan



History of Communication and Internet

Slide Rule-1621

Mechanical Adding Machine -1642

Ada Lovelace - 1843 Telegraph Message Machine - 1844

First Telephone - 1876

History of Communication and Internet

First Radio Broadcast -1907 First Radio Signal - 1895

First ATM - 1963

Internet Operation

Internet Operation

Applications of Internet

Data Transmission Capacity

Bandwidth, or channel capacity, is an expression of how much data - text, voice, video, and so on - can be sent through a communications channel in a given amount of time

The type of data transmission that allows only one signal at a time is called baseband transmission several signals can be transmitted at once, its called broadband transmission
Fiber Optics, DSL, cable, and satellite and other wireless connections

Broadband - very high speed - connections

Physical Connection for Internet


Dialup ISDN DSL T1 Through Air Link (e.g. PTCL EVO, Wateen, Wi-Tribe) Satellite


Data Transmission Speed


Bits per second Eight bits equals one character, such as A, 3, or # Kbps kilobits per second 1 thousand bits per second
megabits per second 1 million bits per second gigabits per second 1 billion bits per second




Connecting with Internet


Dialup Connections
Connecting with Modem Modems and Call Waiting

Source: Using Information Technology by William and Sawyer

Connecting with Internet

High Speed Phone Lines

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) consists of hardware and software that allow voice, video, and data to be communicated over traditional copper-wire telephone lines DSL (digital subscriber line) uses regular phone lines, a DSL modem, and special technology to transmit data in megabitsper second T1 line, essentially a traditional trunk line that carries 24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate of 1.5 to 6 Mbps

Connecting the Internet

Source: Using Information Technology by William and Sawyer

Wireless Connections
Satellite Communications Communications satellite, a space station that transmits radio waves called microwaves from earth-based stations Wi-fi 802.11 standards by IEEE of wireless transmissions Transmission of data at up to 54 Mbps 300-500 feet covered by access point 2G Used for mobile communications 3G High-speed wireless technology that does not need access points because it uses the existing cell phone system

Working of Internet

computer requesting data or services Normally a computer in front of user Is a central computer supplying data or services requested of it Also known as host computer


Working of Internet
Point of Presence Local access point to the internet A collection of modems and other equipment in a local area POP acts as a local gateway to the ISPs network Network Access Point A routing computer at a point on the internet where several connections come together Owned by a network service provider Internet Backbone High-speed, high-capacity transmission lines that use the newest communications technology to transmit data across the internet

Working of Internet

Working of Internet
Protocols Set of rules, that computers must follow to transmit data electronically The protocol that enables all computers to use data transmitted on the internet is called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, Packets TCP/IP breaks the data in a message into separate packets Fixed-length blocks of data for transmission IP Address Internet Protocol (IP) address uniquely identifies every computer and device connected to the internet

World Wide Web

Design and Develop Web Site Choose the name of website Buy domain name with Web Host Web Host provides web space Upload files to the web server Write the URL in the web browser Browse the website


Server Database
Request Request Data

Fetch Fetch


World Wide Web

Design and Develop Write the URL in the Database web browser Design and Develop Browse the website Web Site Server Choose the name of Client Send Database website Request Request Data Buy domain name SQL Query with Web Host Fetch Fetch Data Web Host provides Reply web space Upload files to the Data web server

World Wide Web


URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a string of characters that points to a specific piece of information anywhere on the web

World Wide Web

Protocol (http://)

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) , the communications rules that allow browsers to connect with web servers Another protocol is ftp://
Domain is simply a location on the internet, the particular web server

Domain Name

Directory Name

The directory name is the name on the server for the directory, or folder, from which your browser needs to pull the file The file is the particular page or document that you are seeking

File Name

Search Engines
Search services are organizations that maintain databases accessible through websites to help you find information on the internet Search engines are programs that enable you to ask questions or use keywords to help locate information on the web Spiders - also known as crawlers, bots (for robots), or agents that crawl through the World Wide Web, following links from one web page to another and indexing the words on that site

Search Engines
Individual Search Engines

Compiles its own searchable database on the web Hits are defined as the sites that a search engine returns after running a keyword search Examples are Bing, Yahoo, Google etc
Created and maintained by human editors, not electronic spiders, and allows you to search for information by selecting lists of categories or topics Examples are Galaxy, Google Directory, LookSmart, Open Directory Project, and Yahoo! Directory

Subject Directories

Search Engines
MetaSearch Engines

Allows you to search several search engines simultaneously Examples are Clusty, Dogpile, Mamma, MetaCrawler, and Webcrawler etc

Specialized Search Engine

Help locate specialized subject matter, such as material about movies, health, and jobs Examples are imdb, expedia, rozee, career etc

Emails and More Modes of Communication

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Post Office Protocol Version 3 Internet Message Access Protocol

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