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Exam Module B6 Hydrochemistry Friday 05.03.

2010, 9am 12am

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HEG Dr. T. Licha ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS! Question 1 ( 8.5 ) Compound 1 Compound 2

Module B6 Hydrochemistry EXAM 2010- WS

Compound 3




a) Which compound of the above diffuses fastest and which slowest in water at 14 C? Give reasons for your decision! ( 2.0 ) b) Order the compounds according to their diffusion rate in air at 22 C, starting with the slowest compound! Give reasons for your decision! ( 2.5 ) c) Give the sum formula and molecular weights of each compound above! ( 3.0 ) d) Which of the above compounds can form ions and what will their respective charge be at a typical groundwater pH of 7? ( 1.0 ) Question 2 ( 1.0 ) What is the difference between a mixture and a solution? Question 3 ( 2.5 ) Do you expect LNAPLs to dissolve faster than DNAPLs ? Give reasons! Question 4 ( 1.25 ) Which contaminant classes are found in a plume from petrol stations? Question 5 ( 5.0 ) A non-polar compound with a logKow= 3.0 travels in an aquifer half as fast as the groundwater. How much organic mater is in the aquifer sediment (state as fOM) and what type of sediment is this equivalent for? (n 0.3; ne 0.2; ds 2.7 g/cm3) Question 6 ( 1.0 ) Please explain why karst systems develop faster on the shore of oceans than inland!


HEG Dr. T. Licha

Module B6 Hydrochemistry EXAM 2010- WS

Question 7 ( 3.25 ) Explain and reason what controls the abundance of ions in aquifers! Question 8 ( 1.5 ) Why do natural ground waters have commonly neutral pH? Question 9 ( 1.5 ) Why does no Fe2(S2)3 exist? Question 10 ( 2.0 ) How much sulphuric acid with a concentration of 0.05M is required to quantify a bicarbonate concentration of 350 mg/L ? Question 11 ( 3.5 ) Is the following analysis found on bottled water correctly stated/ plausible? Give reasons for your decision! Sodium: 19.2 ppm Potassium: 1.2 ppm Calcium: 19.8 ppm Magnesium: 9.7 ppm Sulfate: 12.5 ppm Bicarbonate: 78.7 ppm Fluoride: 0.2 ppm TDS 1700 mg/L pH 7.1 Eh: 50mV

What is the water type of the analysis stated above and which rock type may it have been in contact with last ? Question 12 ( 1.5 ) How can you handle an incomplete water analysis in PHREEQC? Question 13 ( 0.5 ) What is the limitation of PHREEQC with respect to ionic strength if the PHREEQC.dat database is applied? Question 14 ( 6.0 ) Calculate the water solubility of DCM from a DNAPL containing 30% TCE, 15% DCM, 30% PCE and 25% DCE (by weight) at 25 C.


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