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Best Possible Equipment Notes

While there are no best enchantments, there is a method to make extremely powerful weapons and armor. Once placed, an enchantment cannot be removed. Enchantments on weapons and armor can be disenchanted to obtain their enchantment only when found or given, never when youve placed the enchantment yourself. To really get the most out of your enchanting skills, youll need to level up your skill in alchemy and smithing. Your weapons can be vastly improved, but youll need to fit these skill requirements: 100 in Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing. Be sure to pick up these perks, as well: 5/5 Enchanter and Insightful Enchanter for the Enchantment skill, Alchemist 5/5 and Benefactor for the Alchemy skill, and finally a full set of perks for the weapon/armor you expect to craft and enchant. Follow the instructions below to create the best possible weapons and equipment.

Making the Best Possible Equipment Instructions 1. Start the process by crafting a full set of gear with the Fortify Alchemy enchantment. With four items (Helmet, Bracers, Ring, Amulet), each boosting your Alchemy skill by 25% for a full 100% Alchemy skill bonus. 2. To learn the Fortify Alchemy enchantment, you can obtain Muiris Ring from the quest Mourning Never Comes after finishing the bonus objective. This quest is taken from Muiri during the Dark Brotherhood Quest line. 3. Next, craft Fortify Enchanting potions. Use ingredients like the Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw, Snowberries, and Spriggan Sap to craft the potions. Now, use these new potions to craft another set of Fortify Alchemy Gear, improving the gear slightly, boosting from a 25% bonus to a 28% bonus. 4. With this new set of gear with Fortify Alchemy enchantments, make another set of Fortify Enchantment potions, increasing their effectiveness from 28% to 32%. These are the best possible Fortify Enchantment potions possible in Skyrim, so dont worry about making more, yet. 5. Potions ready, use them and create yet another set of equipment with two enchantments Fortify Alchemy and Fortify Smithing. You should end up with a total 116% bonus to Alchemy and Smithing, with an individual 29% bonus for each piece of equipment.

6. Use your new gear to craft yet another set of potions this time, create Fortify Smithing potions. This property is found in Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat Tooth, and Spriggan Sap. Combined with the previous steps, the potions should have a 130% bonus to your Smithing skill. 7. Now, use your Fortify Enchanting potions to enchant whatever set of armor or weapon you want to fully enhance. Follow that by equipping your Fortify Smithing and Fortify Alchemy equipment all four parts. Chug your Fortify Smithing potion, too. Now youre ready to fully enhance your enchanted equipment at a workbench or grindstone.

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