Contoh SSN Proposal - To Schools (Compatibility Mode)

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Introducing School Studio Networks (SSN) Program Cluster Student and Teacher Operating Television Station

Pengembangan jaringan mini studio produksi bersama se-nusantara yang berada langsung di dalam sekolah menjadi satu cluster konten BRANDyang kuat. Kompilasi karya-karya jaringan studio sekolah se-Indonesia yang diinkubasi oleh Stasiun Induk baik untuk komersial content channel cable jaringan /DTH Satelit ataupun secara keseluruhan di provide melalui tv streaming/catalog video portal jaringan SSN, dimana terdapat pula pengembangan Portal Screen Factory Outlet karya-karya Pelajar potensial untuk digital worldwide sales. Berbagai episode menarik yang telah diproduksi jaringan School Studio (from SD to SMU/K) binaan SKK yakni : 100 Greatest (tokoh2 dunia/serial boneka), Film Cerita Rakyat in-house animated, Serial boneka Alif Uztad cilik, serial boneka Kisah Nabi, Serial Student Stories, dll.
Mini studio network development with an archipelago works joint production which is directly located inside the school into one strong "BRAND" content cluster. Compilation works of studio school network in Indonesia are incubated by SKK either for commercial content channel cable of SKK network or as a whole that is provided via TV streaming/video portal catalog belongs to SSN network, where there is also the development of Portal Screen Factory Outlet works Potential Students. Various interesting episodes that have been produced by School Studio network (from elementary to high school / K) assisted by SKK, namely: 100 Greatest (world leaders / puppet series), Film Folklore in-house animated, serial Alif Ustadz little puppets, The story of the Prophet's puppet series, Serial Student Stories, etc..

SSN (School Studio Network) adalah

Cluster Student and Teacher Operating

Television Station.

SSN Induk berperan selaku centre inkubasi yang mentrasformasi karya belajar menjadi sebuah karya jual. Sebuah bagian program "filmmaking for all" dan membangun industri creative screen berbasis komunitas sekolah.

SSN (School Studio Network) is a Student and Teacher Cluster Operating Television Station. Main SSN acts as an center incubation that transforms works learning into a work of selling. A part of the "filmmaking for all" program and to build creative screen industries based school community.

Karya baik berupa cluster production bersama ataupun independent mandiri.

A masterpiece either together or an independent production cluster.

Karya-karya afiliasi sekolah selama ini seperti : film serial boneka,film pendek dongeng visual inhouse, episode cerita rakyat, clip indie, social network ads, tv episode insertion, dll.
Works of the school's affiliation in present: The Puppet Series, a short fairy tale films inhouse visual, Folklore Episode, Clip Indie, Social Network Ads, an insertion episodes TV, etc..

Untuk memproduksi film, SSN bekerjasama dengan sekolah-sekolah selaku partisipan di belakang dan di depan layar melalui program yang sustainable yakni pendirian school studio.
To produce a movie, SSN collaboration with the schoolsstudent communities as participants in the back and in front of the screen through a sustainable program, namely establishment of school studio.

Untuk melibatkan komunitas pelajar di luar daerah jabodetabek, SSN menerima hasil karya dengan cara produksi jarak jauh sesuai dengan materi kurikulum yang telah ditentukan oleh SSN.
To involve students community outside the area of Jabodetabek, SSN received the work by a remote productions in accordance with the curriculum materials that have been determined by the SSN.

Konsep produksi dapat dilakukan secara simultan dengan beberapa project SSN lainnya di beberapa daerah yang menjadi satu kesatuan project, disupervisi oleh tim SKK (Stasiun Kreatif Komunitas). Klik:
The production concept can be carried out simultaneously with several SSNs other projects in some areas into one unified project and it will be supervised by SSN team or SKK team. See:

Terdapat pelatihan yang diperuntukan kepada guru-guru sekolah afiliasi SSN yang kemudian akan membina para pelajar untuk berproduksi dan maintain SSN masing-masing.
There is training that is intended for school teachers of SSN affiliates who would then train the students to produce.

Another Levels, International Level SSN Studio : Rp 75 Million Rp 100 Million

For Green Screen Studio, Parabola, Standard Cameras, Lighting, Puppet House, Stopm Motion Studio,Sketsa Studio, etc

Grade International Studio = 100 Million

(Being a network manager of SSN Channel with full equipments & MCR) Equipments: TBA

Grade Professional Studio = 75 Million

(Being a network manager of SSN Channel with full equipments) Equipments: TBA

Grade A ++ = 55 Million
(being a network manager of SSN Channel) Equipment: Standard

Grade B = 25 Million
(being affiliation network) production at their own school, equipments: minimalist

Not Grade = 10 Million

(being Participant) production at SKK green screen/room, Equipments: SKKs **Sumber dari kemandirian sekolah dan local CSR Support
( (untuk untuk further development)

Sources of funds obtained from the school and further local autonomy support CSR

Dengan bergabung sebagai jaringan SSN, sekolah akan menjadi sekolah unggulan member utama jaringan School Studio pengelola SSN Cannel Development
By joining as SSN network, your school will be the principal flagship school member of SSN network who manage the School Studio Cannel Development


Menciptakan konten yang memiliki sasaran student creative entrepreneur, melalui fasilitas distributor rekanan SSN untuk worldwide digital sales program karya-karya anak bangsa. Berbagai konten menarik karya pelajar kreatif: boneka serial, visual inhouse animated, clip story, dll. Creating content that has targeted student creative entrepreneur, through the facilities of partner distributors for worldwide digital sales SSN works program of the nation. A variety of interesting content creative student work: Puppets Series, Inhouse Animated Visuals, Story Clips, etc..


Menjadi ruang untuk bereksprimen dan berkarya tanpa batas, mendidik para pelajar sebuah pembelajaran kreatif teamwork. Be a place to experiment and work without boundaries, educate students a creative learning teamwork.


Dapat menjadi sebuah sarana produksi konten kebutuhan internal sekolah, misalnya: video lecturer, video profile, video year book, dll. Can be a means of internal of schools content production needs such as: video lecturer, video profiles, video year book, etc..


Menjadi jaringan pengelola bersama SSN channel tayang DTH satelite dan streaming, menjadi value profile bernilai tinggi untuk sekolah yang terlibat dalam jaringan pengelola stasiun tv pelajar bersama dan nasional pertama. Being a network manager for broadcast SSN channel and streaming DTH satellite, to be more valuable profile of school which get involved in the network management station and a first national students tv.


Member of jaringan SSN berkesempatan memperoleh support CSR network seperti inkind support (infrastruktur tambahan) ataupun project order skala bersama. Member of SSN network will get the opportunity to be supported by CSR network program such as an in-kind support (additional infrastructure) or order scale project together.


Jaringan SSN berkesempatan mengikuti One Screen International Project Collaboration bersama berbasis royalty based partcipation yang dimotori dan diinkubasi SSN induk (SKK/Stasiun Kreatif Komunitas). SSN network has an opportunity to follow One Screen International Collaboration Project with royalty-based based of participation which driven and incubated by parent SSN (SKK / Community Creative Station).


Dapat mengikuti yearly SSN Award

Can participate in Yearly SSN Award

Ready trial broadcast for 5 months the work of dozens of affiliate schools in Jabodetabek. School Studio Network is the next step development of the student community content industry which is more sustain.

SKK (Stasiun Kreatif Komunitas) Media Group Gd. Permata Lt. 1 / 3 Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 30, Jakarta Selatan
Indah: 081212197214 atau 021-68582358 Email : Dini: 083808216773 Email :

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