UNIT 3 Integers PDF

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1.- INTEGERS Natural numbers are considered positive integers For each positive integer number there is a negative integer number and we write it with a (-) -1, -2, -3 integers are positive integers, negative integers and zero.

2.- ABSOLUTE VALUE Representation on the numerical line The integer numbers we can represent on the numerical line: First: We draw a straight line. Second: On the line we mark a dot, and we write the number 0 Third: Right of it we write 1 Fourth: To its right we write the positive integers: 2, 3, 4 Fifth: We write negative integers left of zero, and at the same distance of this as the corresponding positive number.

Negative numbers

Positive numbers

Absolute value of an integer number The absolute value of a integer number is the natural number which follows the sign and it is indicated by putting it inside two lines. |4| = 4 |-4| = 4 Exercise Represent on the numerical line a) -5 b) 3 c) 0 d) -7

f) 7

g) -1



3.- ORDER OF INTEGERS We can see that 0; various positive integers numbers and various negative integer numbers are placed on this number line.

We can see that: - Any positive number is longer than any negative number - 0 is less than any positive number, and longer than negative number Comparison of positive integer number Given two positive integer numbers the larger number is that which has the higher absolute value. | 6| = 6 |4| =4 6 > 3 (six higher than 3) Comparison of negative integer number Given two negative integer numbers the larger number is that which has the smaller absolute value. |-7| = 7 |-3| = 3 -3 > -7 (-3 higher than -7)

Exercise Put the following numbers in order, from largest to smallest, and them draw them on the number line:3, -5, 0, -1, 6 4.- ADDITION OF INTEGER NUMBERS Addition of two integer numbers of the same sign (-2) + (-3) = (-5)

To add two integer numbers of the same sign:

DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMTICAS. Add their absolute value Add the sign which belongs to it Addition of two integer numbers of the different sign 3 + (-7) = -4 To add two integer numbers of the different sign: Subtract their absolute value Add the sign which has the higher absolute value Separate positive and negative numbers and then add them. Exercise Complete the following calculation 10+ (-4)+(-2) (-5)+(-3)+10




5.- OPOSITE OF A INTEGER NUMBER Opposites numbers

We see that 3 and -3 are at the same distance from 0. They are simetrical in respect to 0. They have the same absolute value, but different sign. They are called opposites. The opposite of a integer numbers is a integer numbers With the same absolute value With a different sign(+/-) - (+3) = -3 Opposite of numbers opposite The opposite of numbers opposite is equal to the same number

DEPARTAMENTO DE MATEMTICAS. (-(-4)) = 4 - (- (-8)) = -8


Opposite of an addition The opposite of an addition is equal the addition of the opposites of the added numbers a 4 b 3 a+b 7 - (a) -4 - (b) -3 -(a + b) -7


6.- SUBTRACTION OF INTEGER NUMBERS To subtract two integer numbers add the first number and the opposite of the second number. 10 4 = 10 + (-4) = 6 12 (-3) = 12 + (3) = 15 7.- CALCULATION WITH BRACKET We want to do the following calculations 8 (4 14) + (12 + 7)

We can solve calculations with brackets using two methods: First method Calculate within the brackets and then add the two answers.
8 (4 14) + ( 12 + 7) = 8 (10) + (5) = 8 + 10 5 = 13
( 10 ) ( 5 )

Second method Remove the brackets if the brackets are preceded by the sign (+), write them as they are. If they are preceded by the sign (-), the numbers change their sign. 8 (4 14) + (12 + 7) = 8 + (-4) + (+14) + (-12) + 7=8 4 + 14 12 +7 = 13.

Exercise: Complete the following calculations a) 16- ( 17 + 2) b) -13 + (14 + 21) c) 32 + ( -6 + 4 8) d) 16 (- 25 + 12) e) -24 ( 6 + 2) + (3 8) + 1



Multiplying Integers
To multiply a pair of integers if both numbers have the same sign, their product is the product of their absolute values (their product is positive). If the numbers have opposite signs, their product is the opposite of the product of their absolute values (their product is negative). If one or both of the integers is 0, the product is 0. Examples: In the product below, both numbers are positive, so we just take their product. 4 3 = 12 In the product below, both numbers are negative, so we take the product of their absolute values. (-4) (-5) = |-4| |-5| = 4 5 = 20 In the product of (-7) 6, the first number is negative and the second is positive, so we take the product of their absolute values, which is |-7| |6| = 7 6 = 42, and give this result a negative sign: -42, so (-7) 6 = -42. In the product of 12 (-2), the first number is positive and the second is negative, so we take the product of their absolute values, which is |12| |-2| = 12 2 = 24, and give this result a negative sign: -24, so 12 (-2) = -24. To multiply any number of integers: 1. Count the number of negative numbers in the product. 2. Take the product of their absolute values. 3. If the number of negative integers counted in step 1 is even, the product is just the product from step 2, if the number of negative integers is odd, the product is the opposite of the product in step 2 (give the product in step 2 a negative sign). If any of the integers in the product is 0, the product is 0. Example: 4 (-2) 3 (-11) (-5) = ? Counting the number of negative integers in the product, we see that there are 3 negative integers: -2, -11, and -5. Next, we take the product of the absolute values of each number: 4 |-2| 3 |-11| |-5| = 1320. Since there were an odd number of integers, the product is the opposite of 1320, which is 1320, so 4 (-2) 3 (-11) (-5) = -1320.



Dividing Integers
To divide a pair of integers if both integers have the same sign, divide the absolute value of the first integer by the absolute value of the second integer. To divide a pair of integers if both integers have different signs, divide the absolute value of the first integer by the absolute value of the second integer, and give this result a negative sign. Examples: In the division below, both numbers are positive, so we just divide as usual. 4 2 = 2. In the division below, both numbers are negative, so we divide the absolute value of the first by the absolute value of the second. (-24) (-3) = |-24| |-3| = 24 3 = 8. In the division (-100) 25, both number have different signs, so we divide the absolute value of the first number by the absolute value of the second, which is |100| |25| = 100 25 = 4, and give this result a negative sign: -4, so (-100) 25 = -4. In the division 98 (-7), both number have different signs, so we divide the absolute value of the first number by the absolute value of the second, which is |98| |-7| = 98 7 = 14, and give this result a negative sign: -14, so 98 (-7) = -14.

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