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PRESS NOTE Fighting for Protection of Natural Resources through PIL in NOT against the FCR Act

Dharwad, October 28, 2013: The SamajParivartanaSamudaya (SPS) is issuing this brief response to certain baseless and frivolous allegations made by certain persons that have appeared in a section of the Press. The statements made seem to have been instigated by the vested interests/entities that are involved in illegal mining and related activities and who are facing imminent actions by the Constitutional functionaries and actions arising out of Supreme Court orders in the SPS PIL (WP No.562/2009: SPS&Ors Vs. State of Karnataka &Ors) and CBI actions. The vested interests are obviously feeling the heat of actions by SPS and public opinion of people of Karnataka and are trying to divert attention from actions on the accused We, in SPS and similar-minded organizations, arenot going to be deterred by such attempts of vested interests and will continue our fight against illegal mining, land grabbing and widespread corruption and protection of natural resources and empowerment of the poor, with renewed commitment and courage.
1. The

question of violating any law including the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act simply does not arise because the SPS is regularly filing the statutory information(Audited Financial

Statements and report of the activities) to requisite Govt functionaries (to Govt of India and Karnataka) and the question of hiding anything from any Authority does not arise. At the outset, SPS makes it clear that its activities are supported by excellent volunteers, support from concerned individuals and organizations in India and the only foreign contribution it receives are from the Indians in the US who, out of their sincere concern for India, make small contributions for this cause through their associations. It includes those with whom our Founder President, ShriS.R.Hiremath, lived for more than 10 years before returning to India in 1979 to takeup the causes of social justice andenvironment and playing a very significant role in the work of SPS and NCPNR including successful legal battles.

2. It has been alleged that SPS is spending huge sums of money

to file PILs (Public Interest Litigations) in Courts and that by doing so, it is violating the provisions of the FCR Act, 1976. This allegation is simply absurd and frivolous. As stated earlier, the question of violating any law including the Foreign Regulation Act simply does not arise.SPS also spends the money for the purpose for which it receives. 2.1: Even if one looks at the very list of activities provided in the press note of the said accusing party, under the heading , The illustrative programs permitted to be carried out by associations having different nature indicated belowand sub-heading 4.Social, it includes (i) Preservation of Natural Resources and (ii)Environmental programs. That shows how these entities are twisting facts in their irresponsible attempts to mislead the public and malign SPS. 2.2: Why does SPS file PILS in the first place? The very first line in each one of SPS PILs say that the Government has failed to protect the rights of the public and therefore, SPS is forced to approach the Court through this PIL . The aim of SPS is to fight for the rights of the public and the downtrodden. As part of this fight, if the Government does not do anything constructive, SPS will have to move the Courts. SPS would have no alternative in such a situation and has been doing it since 1985 in the High Court of Karnataka and Supreme Court of India. Whatever

contributions that SPS receives is received for the explicit purpose of fighting for the public rights. 2.3 How much money does SPS spend towards its PILs ? Certain vested interests have deliberately alleged that huge sums of money are spent by SPS to fight its PILs. Such allegations are absolutely bogus and baseless. Lawyers fees are the biggest expense in a Court case.Mr.PrashanthBhushanis the counsel for SPS in the illegal mining cases in the Supreme Court and Mr.K.V.Dhananjay is the counsel for SPS in the land encroachment cases in the High Court. Both Mr.PrashantBhushan and Mr.K.V.Dhananjay are doing it free, as their contribution to the public cause (as has been the case since 1985 in the case of all other equally respected advocates). The money spent by SPS is for travel (by train, living in modestly priced accommodations), typing, xerox, court fees etc). Even the volunteers who are co-petitioners spend their own money for the travel.
3. SPS has always stood for probity in public life and upholding the laws

of the land, be that for those within SPS or similar-minded organizations or outside and has never tolerated any wrong doers.

4. SPS

has faced such vested interests effectively,on many occasions in the past, be that when fighting against the pollution of Tungabhadra river and air, protection and restoration of 75.000 acres of common (forest and community) lands and upholding the rights of poor people against powerful politicians and others. Whenever such vested interests have tried to make misleading and irresponsible allegations, the SPS has not only presented the facts of the case but also by the public who have been observing its relentless campaign for the cause of social justice and protection of natural resources. For this, we are grateful to people of Karnataka and the like-minded organizations.

F.B.Habib President

S.L.Pawar Past President

I.G.Pulli Treasurer

RaghavendraKustagi Board Member

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