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High School, College and Career Resources

24 Credit Standard Diploma Graduation Requirements 4 English 4 Math Alg II*) Science science, " (including Alg I , Geometry and (including !iology, " #hysical 18 Credit Standard Diploma Graduation Requirements 4 English 4 Math Science science, " (including Alg I , Geometry) (including !iology, " #hysical

additional science) Social Studies ($S History, %orld History, American Go&ernment, and Economics) " H'(E " (er)orming *ine Art + %orld ,anguages (must -e same language) . Electi&es Students on an AICE, I!, or s#ecial di#loma #rograms o) study should re)er to the /istrict Student (rogression (lan or to their indi&idual Graduation 0rac1er )or graduation re2uirements3 **or students enrolling in ninth grade in +4"+5 +4" and earlier

additional science) Social Studies ($S History, %orld History, American Go&ernment, and Economics) " (er)orming *ine Art Electi&es Students selecting the "6 Credit Standard /i#loma o#tion must #ass *CA0 +34 Reading and the Alge-ra " E'C regardless o) ninth grade entry year3 Choosing this o#tion may limit o##ortunities )or !right *utures Scholarshi#s and college and uni&ersity admissions3

Promotion Requirements From 9th -> 10th rade 7 credits, " English or " math From 10th -> 11th rade "+ credits, + English and + math or science From 11th -> 12th rade "6 credits, English and 4 math or science, minimum "37 G(A

Graduation !est Requirements *or students 8ho enter 9th grade in +4""5+4"+ *CA0 +34 Reading : +47 Alge-ra E'C (must #ass to earn credit) *or students 8ho enter 9th grade in +4"+5+4" *CA0 +34 Reading : +47 Alge-ra E'C (must #ass to earn credit) *or students 8ho enter 9th grade in +4" 5+4"4 *CA0 +34 Reading : +47 Alge-ra E'C (must #ass as e;it e;am)

Concordant scores on SA0 and AC0 may a##ly )or the *CA0 +34 Reading and a Com#arati&e score on (ER0 may a##ly )or the Alge-ra E'C3 Grade Portal "irtual Course Requirement (arents may access student grades, attendance Students 8ho enter ninth grade in +4""5+4"+ and and home8or1 through therea)ter must com#lete a high school course onhtt#s<==dc#s3mygrade#ortal3com line to graduate3 (lease discuss your o#tions 8ith (ass8ord and logon in)ormation is a&aila-le at your student>s school counselor3 your child>s school3 (arents and students should *Students on an AICE, I!, "6 Credit /i#loma or chec1 the Grade (ortal regularly and see1 S#ecial /i#loma #rogram o) study are e;em#t )rom assistance as needed )rom the teacher3 this re2uirement3 Colle e and Career Plannin $C! %uestion o& the Da' htt#s<==-ig)uture3college-oard3org 8883actstudent3org=2otd= 8883)l&c3org 8883)lchoices3org S$! %uestion o& the Da' Parti#ipatin in Colle e $thleti#s htt#<==sat3college-oard3org=#ractice=sat52uestion5o)5 8883ncaaclearinghouse3net the5day !est Resour#es (ER0 Study Guide< htt#<==8883)ldoe3org=schools=#d)=(ER05StudentStudyGuide3#d), AC0 < 8883act3org=test#re# SA0 < 8883college-oard3com 'ther sites< 8883SoarAtHome3org 8883ma?ortests3com 8883march+success3com htt#<==8883#earsonaccess3com=cs=Satellite@ cA(ageBchild#agenameA*lorida=)l(A,(,ayoutBcidA"+474."++.64.B#agenameA)l(A,(%ra##er

(ri ht Futures S#holarships Student eligi-ility is u#dated each semester starting in ninth grade3 Go to 8883)l&c3org to chec1 eligi-ility, or )or more in)ormation< htt#<==8883)loridastudent)inancialaid3org=ss)ad=-)= Hands 'n Cac1son&ille is a great resource )or community ser&ice o##ortunities 8883handson?ac1son&ille3org )ptions &or *i h S#hool $##eleration

Scan 8ith your mo-ile de&ice to &ie8 the !right *utures 8e-siteD

Eour high school o))ers classes that can a8ard college credit3 0hese may include $d+an#ed Pla#ement ,$P), Dual -nrollment, .nternational (a##alaureate ,.(/0 and $d+an#ed .nternational Certi&i#ate o& -du#ation ,$.C-/1 *or more in)ormation 8883du&alschools3org=static=a-outdc#s=de#artments=acceleration=inde;3as# Eou may also -e a-le to ta1es classes that lead to an .ndustr' Certi&i#ation htt#<==8883du&alschools3org=static=a-outdc#s=de#artments=s#ecial=careers=)a23as# $C! Comparison S$! Assessment test that measures 8hat 2hat 3ind o& test A#titude test that measures ho8 you you learned in school3 is this4 a##ly 8hat you learned in school3 +"7 multi#le choice 2uestions and an "+6 multi#le5choice 2uestions, "4 )ill5in 2hat am . in &or4 o#tional essay3 2uestions and an essay3 *o5 mu#h time hours +7 minutes hours 47 minutes am . i+en4 Alge-ra, geometry, and Alge-ra, geometry, statistics, #ro-a-ility 2hat a6out trigonometry3 Calculators are and data analysis3 Calculators are math4 allo8ed3 allo8ed3 2hat a6out the +7 minutes on a to#ic, )irst section o) the 4 minutes on a to#ic, '#tional essa's4 test3 0ests a-ility to inter#ret science 2hat a6out Fo science 2uestions3 e;#eriments s#ien#e4 "5 . #oints )or each o) 4 su-tests, +445 644 #oints )or each section (critical su-tests are a&eraged )or a *o5 is it s#ored4 reading, math, 8riting), highest total com#osite score, . is the highest score +444 score3 $re there A )raction o) a #oint is deducted )or 'nly correct ans8ers are counted3 penalties &or 8rong ans8ers3 S1i# i) you can>t narro8 Res#ond to all 2uestions3 uessin 4 do8n the choices3 2hen to At least 4 8ee1s -e)ore the test At least . 8ee1s -e)ore the test re ister4 )nline 8883act3org 8883college-oard3com Re istration Fee 2ai+ers &or S$!0 $C! and Colle e $ppli#ations7 0here are a num-er o) reasons a student could 2uali)y )or u# to 0%' )ee 8ai&ers )or each test 8hile they are ?uniors and seniors3 0he most common reason is *ree or Reduced lunch #rogram eligi-ility3 Chec1 8ith your school counselor a-out other 2uali)ying situations3 Students may also 2uali)y )or college a##lication )ee 8ai&ers (8hich sa&es you G)3 Students 5ith disa6ilities may also -e a-le to a##ly )or $C!8S$! !est $##ommodations1 Chec1 8ith your counselor a-out timelines and deadlines, and $PP9: -$R9:; S$!0PS$!0 $P7 5551#olle e6oard1#om8ssd8student8inde<1html $C!7 5551a#tstudent1or 8re ist8disa68

= Postse#ondar' Readiness S#ores = updated Fall 2013

0he MIFIM$M scores )or admissions to a community or state college, or to -e eligi-le )or high school /ual Enrollment<

S$! Critical Reading Math 44 4 44 4

$C! Reading Math

-&&e#ti+e 1082281> 19 "9

-arned prior to 1082281> "6 "9

P-R! Reading Math

-&&e#ti+e 1082281> 10? 114

-arned prior to 1082281> "44 ""

English "H "H %riting 10> 99 If you do not have Postsecondary Ready scores by the start of your senior year the state requires that you be scheduled into remedial courses in Reading, Writing and/or Math to help you become Postsecondary Ready by the time you graduate. There is no aiver for this state requirement. !ou ill lose opportunities for electives. "fter graduation, if you enroll at a community or state college you ill have to ta#e additional remedial courses, P"! for the remedial courses $they may not be covered by financial aid%, and you WI&& '(T receive college credit for the remedial courses.

@.A.@B@ $dmissions S#ores required &or the State Bni+ersit' S'stem ,SBS/
0hese are MIFIM$M scores3 Many State uni&ersities 8ill re2uire higher scores )or admissions #ur#oses3 G(A, rigor o) courses ta1en, e;tracurricular acti&ities and community in&ol&ement 8ill also -e ta1en into consideration1 SAT ACT Critical Reading 460 Reading 19 Math 460 Math 19 Writing 440 English/Writi 18 ng

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