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1. NAME This confirms the name of the group (for the purposes of this summary referred to below as "LSA"). 2. ETHOS This states the Ethos that will underpin the activities of LSA, and the basis on which LSA and its members will conduct dealings with developers, the St Albans community, and members within the group - transparent, proactive, respectful, collaborative, open, diverse, explorative and community-rooted. All information received by LSA is deemed to be in the public domain for the purpose of any press releases or other publications of discussions and outcomes. 3. AREA Whilst identifying the central area of St Albans, and certain specific sites, as the area within which LSA will operate, there is sufficient flexibility for situations where LSA might be invited to participate in relation to any significant development within St Albans. 4. PURPOSE AND AIMS These flow from the Design Workshop Report produced in conjunction with The Princes Foundation for Building Community, and include statements of intention linked to achieving consensus with others regarding the design and durability criteria to be applied to developments in central St Albans. The methods by which this might be achieved, by reference to charrettes (up to two per year) and their associated meetings part funded by the developer should it choose from monies set aside for pre-application community consultation. Other Purpose and Aims are included as a means of raising awareness of the work of LSA and encouraging the involvement of the wider community. 5.1 STRUCTURE AND DUTIES INCLUDING REPRESENTATIVES' GROUP This includes details of those entitled to membership of LSA and to vote at AGMs and SGMs (paras (b) and (c )); and those entitled to membership of the Representatives' Group by reference to Appendix A (para(d)); and the procedure for joining the Representatives' Group (para (e)). The Representatives' Group is limited to 30 members (para (g)); and has power to elect and dismiss officers and members and to amend the Constitution (para (h)). Voting rights (para (i)), and a separate list - Appendix B - of those wishing to be kept informed of the work of LSA (para (j)) are included, as is the appointment of a single spokesperson with the media (para (l)).

5.2 REPRESENTATIVES' GROUP POWERS AND MEETINGS Powers that can be exercised by the Representatives' Group are included in para (a), and include fundraising, publicity and the means of disseminating information to the wider community, and the employment of staff. The arrangements regarding the Representatives' Group's meetings are set out in paras (c ) - (j). Attendance by, or the exclusion of, non-voting observers appears in para (g). 5.3 POWERS OF OFFICERS Para (a) - Chairperson - include the calling and chairing of meetings, representation externally of LSA, taking urgent decisions between meetings in consultation with the Deputy Chairperson, interpreting the Constitution, and acting as a co-signatory on any LSA bank account. Para (b) - Treasurer - include the preparation of accounts and a budget annually, and acting as a co-signatory on any LSA bank account. Para (c ) - Secretary - include organising meetings and preparing Minutes of them, and acting as a co-signatory on any LSA bank account. 6. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Requires the disclosure by members of any conflict of the types referred to. 7. AFFILIATION, OPERATIONS AND INDEPENDENCE In performing its Ethos, Purpose and Aims, LSA is to act in the best interests of the community and in accordance with best practice, and at all times without affiliation to any particular party or organisation. 8. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND OTHER SPECIAL MEETINGS Each AGM is to take place within 15 months after the previous AGM. For an AGM or SGM to be quorate, it must be attended by at least 30 members of LSA, the attendance also to include at least half of the then membership of the Representatives' Group. Anyone meeting the criteria for membership of LSA is entitled to attend and vote. Para (f) refers to those matters on which members are entitled to vote. 9. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Any changes to the Constitution require a majority vote at an AGM or SGM. For any amendment to be considered, members of LSA must have received notice of the proposed change at least 28 days before the AGM or SGM. 10. FINANCE This relates to the raising of funds and maintenance of a bank account, and the purposes to which any funds raised may be applied. Deeds or cheques relating to the bank account are to be signed by any two of the main officers. The official accounts are to be examined annually by an independent accountant.

11. DISSOLUTION LSA can be dissolved by its members on a majority vote at a Special Meeting. The distribution of any remaining assets or funds is dealt with. APPENDIX A This is a list of those bodies and individuals who are members of the LSA Representatives' Group (see criteria in section 5.1). APPENDIX B This lists those people who are not entitled to be members of LSA, but who wish to be kept informed of its work (see criteria in section 5.1(j)). APPENDIX C This includes some miscellaneous provisions relating to proposals for a website, and stating that a rationale for the drafting of the Constitution has been to prevent LSA being taken over by one particular interest group.

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