ICELC Topics For 3rd Week of October 2013 PDF

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Jet-lag drug is a step closer

She just prattled on !!!

Marie Well that was a complete waste of time. You mean talking to Judie ? I saw you two chatting together just now. Yes, she gave me the impression that she had something really important to tell me. Didn't she ? No, she just prattled on about her latest shopping expedition and her new hairdresser. Stuff like that. Well I suppose that's what's important to her.

WORD CHECK UP 1. Unsociable 2. Upset 3. Troublesome

Kirsty Marie Kirsty Marie Kirsty

Guide Questions 1. When does Jet-lag happen? 2. At least how many hours does people experience jet-lag? 3. Who are the usual people experiences jet-lag? Personal Application: Example : He has learned to pay no attention to his wife's prattle. 1. Have you experience jet-lag? Share your story. 2. How do you deal with jet-lag? 3. What is your advice to people who experience jet-lag? Explanation : Prattle : To talk foolishly or childishly for a long time about something unimportant or without saying anything important

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DAY 2 ARTICLE Nose Grown on a Forehead

When a man got a bump on his forehead, a nose grew amazingly on his forehead! How on earth could he get a nose on his forehead where a nose is absolutely not supposed to be?

We have gone through the hardest step and now it is not difficult to car ry out transplant surgery, said GuoZhihui, the lead plastic surgeon of Xiehe Hospital. According to the doctor, Xiaolian will be able to live his normal life again, once the transplant surgery has successfully been done.


In August 2012, a 22-year-old man named Xiaolian, from Fujian province in China, had a car accident and badly hurt his nose. He needed to get plastic surgery, but he just got basic medical treatment because he couldnt afford the surgery. After months, his nose became infected, and the infection corroded his nasal cartilage making it impossible for doctors to reconstruct his nose.

1. Surgery 2. Bump 3. Transplant

Personal Application: However, Chinese doctors hit upon a good idea - grow a new nose on his forehead, using his rib cartilage and skin. The doctors placed a skin tissue expander on Xiaolians forehead. They made the skin tissue into the shape of a nose, and filled the nose with cartilage which was taken from his ribs. It took nine months to grow the nose, and the transplant surgery will soon be carried out.

1. Have you ever experience a surgery? Elaborate. 2. Do you know of someone who have undergone surgery? Elaborate. 3. What can you say about this mans case in his surgery?

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9. How are you affected by the STOCK MARKET? 10. What can a company or a country do to make it STOCKs on the STOCK MARKET go high?

GRAMMAR REFRESHER: Rewrite the following sentences, correcting the mistakes. 1. I went to the theatre where the play was better than in any other theatre. 2. In the list of errors here was a misrelated participle and a faulty use of tenses. 3. She is one of those people who takes it to heart. 4. The lecture, interesting and which was forcefully delivered, ended in applause. 5. Referring to your letter of the 9th, the books have already been dispatched. 6. She is definitely as capable, if not more capable than her sister. 7. No one, including Jane and I, has a greater right than she to be chosen monitor of the class. 8. The majority of the members of the class is in favor of an excursion. 9. He is one of the top students who has been selected for the debate. 10. The number of grammatical errors marked in his two essays are too many.

1. Whats the setting of this picture? 2. Who are the characters? 3. What are they doing? 4. What is the issue in this photo? 5. What is STOCK MARKET? 6. What idea is implied by the photo? 7. What does the RED graph lines implies? 8. Why is this family tied by the RED GRAPH lines?

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of depression or ADD) to become aggressive. In fact, the researchers found that playing the video games actually had a slight calming effect on youths with ADD and helped to reduce aggressive and bullying behavior.

Do Violent Video Games Cause Violent Behavior?

Is there a correlation between violent video games and violent behavior among youth? This debate has been raging on for almost two decades. It seems like every year, results from a new study either supports or disproves the idea that playing violent video games fuels aggressive behavior. Increasingly, violent video games are being blamed for mass school shootings, the rise in bullying, and violence towards women. Many critics argue that such games desensitize players to violence, reward them for acting violently, and teach adolescents that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflict. However, video game advocates say that research on this issue has been flawed and that a correlation doesnt imply causation. Some believe that violent video games serve as a healthy substitute to release aggressive and angry feelings, especially among boys. Do violent video games cause violent behavior? Pros Previous studies have found that playing violent video games changes brain function and desensitizes chronic players to violence. It looks like a pretty clear link, said Doug Gentile, a leading researcher in media violence. Kids who play more violent video games?it changes their attitudes and their beliefs about aggression. In addition, studies have found signs that children who enjoy violent games can lose the emotional cues that trigger empathy. Cons: A recent American study found that violent video games, such as Halo, Call of Duty, and Grand Theft Auto, did not cause high -risk teens (those with symptoms Customer Service: Please contact Elle E-Mail: or KAKAOTALK: ellenglish

1. Correlations 2. Desensitize 3. Advocates

Personal Application: 1. Do you agree that most violence among youth inspired by videogames? 2. Would you or do you allow your children to play video games? 3. What do you think children do instead of playing this violent video games?



Read and be familiar with the Business Idiom below and use them in your conversation.

toothpaste by giving away free samples to people on the streets of New York City. Note: "Buzz" is a popular word for "attention."

(to) face the music to admit that there's a problem; to deal with an unpleasant situation realistically Example: Enron executives finally had to face the music and admit that they were involved in some illegal activities.

(to) have a lot on one's plate to have a lot to do; to have too much to do; to have too much to cope with Example: Carlos turned down the project, explaining that he already had a lot on his plate. Note: There is also the variation: to have too much on one's plate.

(to) fast track a project to make a project a high priority; to speed up the time frame of a project Example: Let's fast track this project. We've heard rumors that our competitors are developing similar products.

(to) generate lots of buzz to cause many people to start talking about a product or service, usually in a positive way that increases sales Example: Procter & Gamble generated lots of buzz for its new

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