Annual Report 2013 (WEB)

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Annual Report 2013

Blantyre Youth Development Team

Contents Annual Report 2013

Chairpersons Introduction Page 3 Dance 2013 Page 4 Express Yourself Page 5 Youth Clubs & Groups Page 6 Thank You All Page 7 Urban Adventure Project Page 8 Interactive Arts 2013 Page 9 Project Managers Report Page 10 Accounts Page 12 Volunteering Page 14 Development Team 2013 Page 15 Our Mission Back Page

Page Two

2013 has been a busy year once again at Terminal One, as always, the staff, volunteers and young people continue to show why the project is such a great asset to the local community.


Thank You All!

This year saw the end of the successful Mobile Diversion Project, however, Youth Start Lottery funding was secured for another exciting offering from the Terminal The Urban Adventure Project. Thanks to the Big Lotterys 2014 Communities Fund, Youth Clubs and groups were able to attend a residential weekend. There was also another successful Streetdance Showcase held at the Village Theatre in East Kilbride, which I was lucky enough and not (yet) too old to take part in. Throughout the year, contributions by staff and volunteers have been second to none. Their time and efforts are what brings the dynamism to all of the projects, for which we are extremely grateful. The range of services and activities available to Young People are positively beneficial, but the attention and motivation offered to them by the staff and volunteers also has additional benefits. The involvement of the Young People at the project makes the staffs efforts worthwhile and it continues to create a sense of community spirit, not only in Terminal One but also in the surrounding areas Thank you! Community events this year included serving members of the Community their tea and also a community clean up. Hopefully the experiences and skills gained from being involved in the centre will be carried forward and contribute to future opportunities and prospects, something which I have Terminal One to thank for. Ill end with wishing staff, volunteers and young people of Terminal One all the best for the upcoming year.

Dawn Mitchell

Chairperson Blantyre Youth Development Team

Page Three

Dance 2013

Our senior dancers had the opportunity to participate in workshops delivered by Chuck and Turbo from Sky 1s Got to Dance. The young people had a brilliant time learning new skills working with some great dancers.

On-going workshops are being delivered and sustained weekly for young people in Terminal One and Glenlee Primary School. These groups are run by tutors, volunteers and peer educators who were once participants in the streetdance groups. Once again the Streetdance Showcase brought together dancers from all of the groups to perform to an audience of over 200 family, friends and members of the local community at the East Kilbride Village Theatre. Other performances this year have included the Family Man Day, High Blantyre Fun Day and other local community events. The senior dancers also had the opportunity to participate in workshops delivered by Chuck and Turbo from Sky 1s Got to Dance. The young people had a brilliant time learning new skills and watching the professionals perform.

Tutor Training
The tutor-training programme has once again been a highlight this year with weekly workshops being delivered to staff and volunteers who, in turn, deliver workshops for young people. This training allows them the opportunity to share skills, knowledge and experiences of working with streetdance groups. They are also given the opportunity to produce a large-scale dance show, as well as performing in it. All of our tutors are young people, who have been participants and have progressed, gaining relevant experience and training that has enabled them to secure employment as dance tutors elsewhere. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide opportunities for young volunteers and view this as a pathway to employment and further education. Special congratulations go to volunteers and young people who successfully completed the RegenFX Youth Work Training course.

Page Four

Express Yourself
Workshops have been delivered throughout the South Lanarkshire area in partnership with local youth organisations, community groups and schools.

Drama workshops and performances have also continued across South Lanarkshire in partnership with other youth organisations and schools. The Youth Theatre continues to grow and flourish with the group participating in weekly workshops and performing regularly. Performances this year have included Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with the young people being responsible for designing and making the set, as well as performing in the production. The youth theatre also gives young volunteers and peer educators a chance to lead workshops with the support of a highly trained and experienced worker.

Thank You!!!
Finally, thank you once again to the young people and staff who have volunteered their time and effort to the Express Yourself project. Without your commitment and assistance a lot of the work carried out this year would not have been possible.

Joanne Tierney

Projects Co-ordinator (BYDT)

Page Five

Youth Clubs & Groups

Programme activities included another weekend at Dalguise where our young people had an amazing time raft building, tree climbing, abseiling and many more action packed activities.

Current Groups
Youth groups and drop in programmes are currently running in Terminal One and in the outreach programme delivered in Hillhouse, Coatshill, Burnbank and Larkfield. These groups run throughout the year and provide services for young people aged 8 to 18 years. Programme activities this year included another weekend residential experience to Dalguise where the young people had an amazing time raft building, tree climbing, abseiling and many more action packed activities. The youth clubs also organised a Burns Supper night where they sampled haggis, neeps and tatties, recited poems and danced the Gay Gordons. Thank you to our piper Mr Macis who volunteered his time and wonderful talents to this event. RegenFX continued to fund the football group in 2012/13. This group gives young people from local communities the chance to meet at weekends and play competitive matches against other local teams. The project has a regular attendance of 20 young people.

The school holiday programme was attended by 64 young people and activities included a visit to Ayr beach, M&Ds, Laser Quest and the Dogs Trust. Thanks to the Urban Adventure Project the young people were given the chance to take part in outdoor activities which included climbing, biking and caving. Our main events this year has been our Tea and T1 event and the community clean up. The events were organised by the young people who attended the summer programme. Thank you to all the community members who attended and supported these events.

Page Six

Special thanks to the staff and volunteers who have volunteered to work on residentials, camping trips, holiday programmes and every week in youth clubs.

Thank You All

Staff & Volunteers
Congratulations to the young people and volunteers who successfully completed the RegenFX Youth Work Training programme. They are now volunteering in the youth work field and some are now paid members of staff. The staff, volunteers and peer educators who work with youth clubs and groups have once again volunteered a lot of their free time to run groups and to take young people on residential weekends and trips. We would like to thank you for all your hard work, dedication and commitment to the project and, thanks to you, these memorable experiences happen.

Liz Macis

Senior Youthworker

Page Seven

Urban Adventure Project

We have been increasing opportunities for young people within South Lanarkshire to access and experience free outdoor adventure based activities.

Urban Adventure Project

Throughout last years annual report, we stated that increasing opportunities for young people within South Lanarkshire to access and experience FREE outdoor adventure based activities was a notable challenge that lay ahead. We are delighted to report that the management team were successful in securing a 12 month small grant fund through the Big Lottery Young Start Programme which commenced in mid January. Titled, The Urban Adventure Project (UAP), the UAP focuses on quality intervention by offering eleven week outdoor adventure programmes which are entirely based on the personal needs of the young people involved and use outdoor activities as a catalyst for personal development as we understand that outdoor based activities present unique and intense challenges that are difficult to replicate elsewhere. The project also aims to reconnect young people to the green space within their local areas.

Additional Programmes
2013 has also been a bumper year for delivering Time limited Outdoor Programmes. Since January, we have successfully delivered: A bespoke Aiming Higher personal development outdoor activity programme within Hamilton Grammar School and Larkhall Academy. Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Training (Silver and Bronze) for Larkhall Academy. Youth Work Training Academy Outdoor Module for Regen FX. Terminal One - 6 Week Summer Activity Programme for our Juniors and Seniors. Outdoor Activity Day for Sports Coaching Course through Regen FX.

Core Project Outcomes

The project is structured around three core outcomes: increasing the overall health; confidence; and helping prepare young people for the world of work. Outdoor activities delivered by UAP include: Bushcraft, Caving, Mountain Biking, Climbing, Canoeing and Hillwalking. Each eleven week programme is concluded with a Living Wild wilderness based residential/expedition which is ran entirely by the participants. Additionally, young people are offered enterprising/ work placements and volunteering opportunities once they complete the programme, along with a certificate and DVD of the best bits. To date the UAP has engaged with over forty young people who are associated with; Cambuslang Universal Connections, Terminal One Youth Clubs in Hillhouse and Blantyre, Hyzone in Hamilton, Larkhall Academy and the Youthwork Training Academy 5 (RegenFX). The project terminates in January 2014.

What A Year!
It has been a privilege to introduce our participants to special places both closer to home and throughout Scotland where I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our project and Climbing wall staff for contributing to our achievements and the overall success of the project to date.

Craig Lawless Urban Adventure Project Coordinator

Page Eight

Interactive Arts 2013

Interactive Arts provides a variety of creative Music and Digital Media opportunities, through state of the art equipment and the support of expert, knowledgeable staff.

Sound Engineer Training

Having established a close working relationship with the Audio Society at Glasgow Caledonian University, we have provided PA, Lighting & Transport for many live music events in Glasgow City Centre. These have been used as training opportunities for sound engineering students, while generating much needed income for Terminal One. Twenty students from Glasgow Caledonian University also accepted our invitation to run recording sessions in the studio, once again with support from Tom Wilmot.

Interactive Arts
Interactive Arts provides young people with a variety of creative Music and Digital Media opportunities, through the provision of state of the art equipment and the support of expert staff.

As more engineers become aware of the surprising quality that can be achieved, in such modest circumstances, Im sure studio activity can be increased further in the coming year.

Andy McCafferty Projects Manager

Another great year for vocal, drum, guitar and piano lessons. Our tutors continue to provide a fantastic range of affordable lessons for all ages. This year, our pupils performed a Christmas concert in Terminal One, in aid of Nordoff Robbins music charity, raising over 200, so well done to all those involved!

Recording and Rehearsal Studio Highlights

In last years report we were emerging from a period of re-building and with that process largely complete, the rehearsal/recording studio is now well established once again as a main feature of Terminal One. Thanks to input from freelance sound engineer, committee member and volunteer - Tom Wilmot, we have been able to offer many free recording sessions and weekend rehearsals, utilising our upgraded equipment. Feedback from bands has been extremely positive and we anticipate continued growth in the coming year.

Page Nine

Terminal One

Project Managers Report 2013

Once again it is a pleasure to present the Blantyre Youth Development Teams annual report. In the last few years, with fantastic support from South Lanarkshire Council, RegenFx Youth Trust, The BIG Lottery and others, we have managed to maintain most of our services; we have even introduced some new ones!

Project Managers Report 2013

The environment within which we operate however remains challenging, the full impact becoming more obvious as the months pass. That said we remain positive, extremely grateful for the support we DO receive and will do our utmost to continue to provide a quality service for the local community. To conclude, Im sure you would agree that the annual figures are once again very impressive, as is the quality of work carried out. Regardless of the circumstances, which prevail in the coming year, we will try to maintain these standards. As ever, I am happy to be contacted by funders, parents and partner organisations at anytime in Terminal One.

Andy McCafferty Projects Manager (BYDT)

Statistics 2012-2013

Terminal One remains immensely popular, with large numbers of young people participating in a range of activities from Drama, Dance, Sports, Music, Outdoor Pursuits and a lot more!






2012 2013

60 2012 2013





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Rolling Programme
1,169 Users of our Weekly Rolling Programme This is the average number of young people using Terminal One based services on a weekly basis.

Regular Volunteers
88 Regular Volunteers Although the number of volunteers this year is down by 20% from 109, it is well worth noting that the number of volunteer hours committed across the projects is up by 20% to 1200. As alluded to in Alan MacDonalds report, our ability to retain volunteers is excellent, this no doubt attributable to the support provided and the emphasis given by Alan and other staff to providing a quality placement.

Page Ten

Although an 11% drop overall in comparison to last year, Im sure youll agree, a healthy number!

Statistics 2012-2013
900 800
1000 1200

Blantyre Youth Development Team

700 600 500
600 800

400 300 200

2012 2013

2012 2013


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2013 2012

Recording & Rehearsals

805 Hours Booked (Recording/Rehearsal Studio) Usage up 18% in 2013. The studio is functioning extremely well, is generating a small amount of income and is providing many and varied opportunities for both musicians (young AND not so young) and trainee sound engineers. This year, we will continue to train and support volunteers, which will increase usage still further. Equipment upgrades however do not seem likely due to current economic circumstances.

Attendance Figures
1,060 Audience Attendance Figures Representing a 34% increase on last years figure. It was great to see the return of the Interactive Arts Christmas Concert in Terminal One with our young musicians getting a chance to perform, many of them for the first time to friends and family, we will hopefully be able to make this an annual event. Express Yourself dance and drama also increased their audience figures over last years congratulations to all concerned!



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2013 2012



One-Off Events
1,525 Participants at One-Off Events We have a significant decrease of 54% this year. This is mainly due to reduced climbing wall activity as our outdoor activity team focused mainly on the lottery funded Urban Adventure Project. The wall is also a relatively expensive activity to operate and with general funding levels being lower than in previous years demand was noticeably reduced. In the foreseeable future, it seems unlikely that the wall will remain viable without external funding, we will pursue in the coming months.

Time Limited Projects

Page Eleven
502 Participants in Time Limited Projects A 9% increase over last year. These projects offer a wide range of Terminal Ones services and include employability training, outdoor activity courses, school holiday programmes and additional performing arts projects. They are carried out over and above our core programme.

Accounts 2013
Blantyre Youth Development Team Statement of Financial Activities for the year ending 31 March 2013
Unrestricted funds Restricted funds

Blantyre Youth Development Team

2013 Total

2012 Total

Notes Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds Voluntary income Investment income Incoming resources from charitable activities Other incoming resources Total incoming resources Resources expended Charitable activities Governance cost Total resources expended Net resources expended before transfers Gross transfers between funds Net movement in funds Reconciliation of funds Total funds brought forward Total funds carried forward 4 5 3 2

20 29,147 100 29,267

130,891 97,031 227,922

130,891 20 126,178 100 257,189

122,893 9 195,226 318,128

(3,863) (7,734) (11,597)

(297,794) (297,794)

(301,657) (7,734) (309,391)

(359,174) (7,621) (366,795)

17,670 (18,579) (909) 18,620 17,711

(69,872) 18,579) (51,293) 94,775 43,482

(52,202) (52,202) 113,395 61,193

(48,667) (48,667) 162,062 113,395

Page Twelve

Balance Sheet Blantyre Youth Development Team

Blantyre Youth Development Team Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2013
2013 Notes Fixed assets Tangible assets Current assets Stocks Debtors Cash at bank and in hand Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Net current assets Net assets Funds Unrestricted funds General funds Restricted funds 13 14 17,711 43,482 61,195 18,620 94,775 113,395 10 400 14,496 44,655 59,551 11 (15,905) 43,646 61,193 400 13,583 81,134 95,117 (10,848) 84,269 113,395 9 17,547 29,126 2012

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Trustees on 18th October 2013 and signed on their behalf by

Dawn Mitchell Trustee

Page Thirteen

Between 2012-2013, our volunteers donated over 1200 hours of their own time to Terminal One, beating last years total by more than 200 hours. We are so thankful for all your great support. ...Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.
I am proud to report that we were able to retain 21 volunteers from the previous year and 18 of our volunteers this year have undertaken RegenFxs Basic Youth Work Training as part of their personal development plan. 8 of our volunteers have taken on paid work with Terminal One. Throughout the year, our volunteers have donated over 1200 hours of their time to Terminal One, beating last years total by more than 200 hours. Being able to see the positive impact you make is one of the reasons people choose to volunteer. Sometimes, volunteering can be incredibly demanding and a real test of character. When things dont work out according to plan, we might struggle to see, or even begin to question, how much of a difference were actually making. Not only do I see the difference our volunteers make to the service, but also the difference they have made within themselves. Over the course of the year, these remarkable people have achieved great personal growth. I have had the privilege of witnessing powerful personal journeys where young people have flourished as their confidence has grown through their volunteering experience, becoming valuable role models to other service users. Our volunteers are an inspiration to the young people that they work with. So much so, that our junior group insisted on doing something good for the community. This resulted in them working on two community kindness projects during the summer, which caught the attention of our local newspaper. Their kindness was so contagious that when they carried out the community clean up, local residents turned up to lend a hand. Our volunteers have the power to bring the community together. I would like to thank the organisations in the community that have helped us support our volunteers this year, such as Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire, RegenFx, South Lanarkshire College, Home School Partnership and Community Links. I would also like to thank First Direct for their extremely generous donation to the youth centre. On behalf of Terminal One, to all our volunteers, thank you for your outstanding dedication and service.

Alan MacDonald

Volunteer Development Worker

Page Fourteen


Youth Development Team 2013


Dawn Mitchell Chairperson Kirsty McDonagh Member Shannon Morris Vice Chairperson Louise Speight Member Chantelle Lees Secretary Stephanie Lochrie Member Jamie Campbell Treasurer Rebecca Crawford Member Lisa McSkimming Youth Clubs & Groups Allena Cushley Member Ashley McLean Express Yourself Representative Peter Carney Member Bobby Alexander Mobile Diversion Representative Tom Wilmot Member Monique Bennet (resigned, March 2013) Charlene Graffen (resigned, May 2013)

Terminal One Youth Centre 9-11 Logan Street, Blantyre, G72 0NT Telephone: 01698 829455
A charity registered in Scotland No. SC 023444 A very special thanks to Liz Freer and Ainsley McNeill for their work throughout the year on the photography used in this document. Thank you also to all the staff, helpers and volunteers that have taken photographs which feature in this years Annual Report.

Page Fifteen

Our Mission Blantyre Youth Development Team

We continue to focus our resources on the personal development of young people, providing a high standard of skilled staff in modern safe facilities, which young people can access for social and vocational purposes. We work to create an environment in which young people can perform to their fullest potential and be recognised for their efforts.

Terminal One Youth Centre 9-11 Logan Street, Blantyre, G72 0NT T : 01698 829455 E: W: A charity registered in Scotland No. SC 023444

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