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Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare


Proba scris la Limba Englez
L1 Intensiv
Varianta 34

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.


30 points


10 points

Read the text below and sum it up in 50 words.

Is Prince William an embryonic bard? A research team in Germany claims they have found
evidence that he is descended from Shakespeare and may thus have inherited literary genius.
Frustrated by a lack of first-hand evidence, researchers trying to piece together details of
the Bards life have long turned to his sonnets as the only words of his that might be
autobiographical. For centuries, academics have been trying to solve the tantalising riddle of the
Dark Lady, the mystery person to whom Shakespeare addressed his sonnets. Those involved in
the most recent detective hunt have come up with some evidence that the bards bloodline is linked
to the youngest generation of the royal family.
This bold claim is supported by clues hidden in paintings of a previously unidentified
noblewoman, to be named by a German academic team as Shakespeares dark-haired lover. They
were assisted by forensic experts from the German police.
But who was the Dark Lady? So many rival theories have been advanced that some
scholars have abandoned the search. In fact the answer may be staring us in the face. According
to one eminent academic, a portrait of the mystery woman is on show in Hampton Court Palace in
London, where it is known as The Persian Lady. She argues that the pregnant woman depicted
there is Elizabeth Vernon, a lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth, who, after an illicit affair with
Shakespeare, went on to marry his patron. It seems that this woman, Elizabeth, third Countess of
Southampton, bore Shakespeare a daughter, Penelope, who grew up to marry William, second
Baron Spencer, and their descendant was the father of Diana, Princess of Wales and grandfather
of Prince William.
So far, Prince Williams talents have shown themselves in the sports field. But who knows?
His uncle, Earl Spencer did after all receive world-wide acclaim for his address at the funeral of his
(The Sunday Times)
b. Comment on the following: they have found evidence that he is descended from Shakespeare
and may thus have inherited literary genius. To what extent do you agree that genius may be
inherited? Use evidence from the text to support your ideas. (100 words)
20 points


30 points

a. Identify any possible errors in the following sentences. Tick the correct sentences, if any.
10 points
1. Dont use your saucer as ashtray.
2. He went out of the room before his mother finishes the sentence.
3. I pride myself with being able to organise my whole life.
4. He was dragging his feet as if he has been carrying a very heavy bag.
5. If the door wont open, try to use a penknife.

Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 34

Ministerul Educa iei i Cercet rii Serviciul Na ional de Evaluare i Examinare

b. Rephrase the following sentences beginning as shown so that the meaning stays the
10 points
1. Theres an awful lot of violence in this film; I dont like it.
Theres far
2. Judith and Don are having a row because she lost his car keys.
They wouldnt
3. Do you want to go to the disco, Sheila?
Do you fancy.?
4. My cars much more economical than hers.
Her cars
5. I couldnt tell you before, Mark, I said, but I didnt know whether I could take you or not.
I told Mark
c. Translate into English.

10 points

1. Ce n-a da s stau ntins pe plaj i s m bronzez!

2. Se spune c Sandra este pe punctul de a demisiona.
3. Hot r te-te repede ca s nu pierzi ocazia de a c tiga ni te bani.
4. l avertizasem pe noul meu coleg c n-o s ias nimic bun din asta.
5. Nici m car o singur persoan n-a fost de acord cu noi. Era ceva ce nu anticipasem.

30 points

Write an opinion essay on the following topic: The application of science to entertainment has
made us lazy. Support your ideas with relevant examples from your personal experience,
reading or observation. (300 words / 30 lines)

Proba scris la Limba englez , L1 Intensiv

Varianta 34

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