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A CINDERELLA STORY Katrina Claire Reyes as the Narrator Angela Lalung as Cinderella Erlyane Joan Johny as Fiona Rosalyn

Chee Ling Ling as Emma Sharon Khoo as Kristine Anereka Binti Sawal as Jane Hariyanti Abdul Hamid as Amanda Asafiah Binti Kamsin as Sheena Azuriani Binti Sisamdin as Grace

SCENE 1 Narrator: Cinderella is a beautiful girl who was born happy and care-free. At the tender age of six, her father remarried a woman named Fiona, who also became her stepmother. Along with her two stepsisters, the five of them moved into a beautiful new house. Everything seemed fine at first. However, that changed when Cinderellas father passed away. She was no longer treated the same way as before. Fiona: Cinderella! Oh, there you are. Once youre done with that, clean up the girls room as well. I want their room to look spotless. Oh, honey, you missed a spot. Bye! Cinderella: I wish I could just leave all of this and pursue my dreams. Father would know the right words to say if he was still here. (Music A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes) Narrator: Cinderella knew exactly what her father would say if he was still alive. Hed tell her that everything happens for a reason and her bad days will not last forever. She just has to believe that things will get better.

SCENE 2 Narrator: Cinderella proceeded to clean her stepsisters room as instructed by Fiona. Emma: Oh my, that looks perfect on you! Kristine: Why, thank you! Im going to be prom queen tonight! Emma: No, youre not. Im going to be prom queen. Kristine: Well see about that. Hey, Cinderella! Emma: Are you going to prom tonight? Cinderella: No, I have work to do. Kristine: Well, too bad. Cinderella: I wish I could go. Kristine: It wouldnt matter if you went anyway. Nobody in their right mind would want to dance with you. Emma: Its best for you to just stay at home and do what youre meant to do. Kristine: Were off to do our hair and makeup. Emma: This room better be clean when we get back from prom. Narrator: Poor Cinderella has to spend her night at home while her stepsisters get to enjoy themselves at prom. She knows in her heart how much she wants to go, but alas, she has work to do.

SCENE 3 Narrator: While Cinderella is busy cleaning up the house, the doorbell rings. Jane: Why arent you dressed yet? Amanda: Yeah, dont tell me youll be wearing that to prom. Its too early for Halloween. Cinderella: I told you two Im not going to prom. Jane: What do you mean youre not going? Amanda: Weve waited our whole lives for this moment and now youre telling us that youre not going? Cinderella: You know how much Ive always dreamt of going to prom, and of course Id like to go, but the thing is I cant. Fiona gave me a list of work that I have to finish up by tonight. Jane: Why do you care so much about Fiona? Forget about her, even for just one night, please. Cinderella: I cant. If I dont obey Fionas rules and demands, she wont be paying for my college tuition fees next year. So, if I have to miss out on prom for the sake of college, then thats fine with me. Amanda: Fiona doesnt have to know. We can leave for prom and get you back home before midnight. She wont suspect a thing. Cinderella: I dont think thats Jane: Come on, Cinderella! Itll be fun because (Music We Are Young) Amanda: So, what do you say? Cinderella: Oh, alright. Let me get ready.

SCENE 4 Narrator: Jane and Amanda managed to convince Cinderella to attend their senior prom. Cinderella, who was doubtful at first, realised that this high school prom is a once in a lifetime opportunity one she should not throw away just because of her stepmother. Sheena: Hey, you three! So, what do you think? Cinderella: Wow! Amanda: Impressive! Jane: It looks amazing! Sheena: Do you think so? The whole team put in a lot of effort to get everything done. And there were so many last minute arrangements. The band that was supposed to play here cancelled at the very last second. Thankfully, Michelle knew another band that is willing to play their music for free. The whole process was chaotic, but I think we did alright. Amanda: Alright?! This is more than alright! Cinderella: Yeah, you did a great job! Sheena: Thank you! We couldnt have done it without the help and support of some amazing people. Cinderella: Thank you for this. This means so much to the three of us. Sheena: It was our pleasure! Now what are you waiting for? Go! Have some fun, especially you, Cinderella. You look like you need some cheering up. Cinderella: Thank you, again! Sheena: Go! Enjoy yourselves! (Music for dance What I Like About You) Narrator: Cinderella danced the night away with her two best friends until

Jane: Its 11.30 p.m.! We have to get you back home, Cinderella! Come on, Amanda! Lets go!

SCENE 5 Narrator: Jane and Amanda rushes to send Cinderella home before Fiona gets back at midnight. Cinderella reaches her place, three minutes before the clock strikes twelve. However, things were not going to turn out for the better. Fiona: There you are. Cinderella: Fiona? Fiona: I was wondering why the house was so quiet when I got back. And it was odd when I called your name, but there was no answer. Then, the girls called and said you were at prom, dancing the night away, when I clearly told you to stay at home and clean up the place. You disobeyed me. So, I have no choice but to punish you. From this day onwards, you can forget about college. Whats the point of you sending you to college when you cant even listen to my instructions? Im not going to waste my money on you. Youre better off doing house work. Its what you are meant to do. Oh, look at the time. I need to get some beauty sleep. Goodnight, Cinderella! Narrator: Cinderellas heart shattered to a million pieces. Everybody in her life knows how college is something important to her. The fact that she no longer has that opportunity now made her feel lost, as if all her hopes and dreams have evaporated.

SCENE 6 Narrator: Cinderella knows that there is only one person who could make her feel better her Godmother, Grace. Grace: I wonder who has come to visit in the wee hours of the morning. Oh dear, whats wrong, Cinderella? Come, have a seat. Would you mind telling me whats wrong? Cinderella: Its about Fiona Grace: Fiona? What has that woman done to you now? Cinderella: She Grace: Its alright, dear. Its alright. Cinderella: Fiona wont be paying for my college tuition fees. Grace: What?! Why? What changed her mind? Cinderella: She strictly told me not to go to prom but I went anyway. I shouldnt have gone to prom. Grace: Dont be silly. Of course you should have! Prom is one of the best parts of high school. If you didnt go, you wouldve missed out on something special. So, you shouldnt feel bad about what you did. However, I cannot stand the thought of Fiona using that as a reason to cut off your plans for college. Cinderella: She thinks that Im better off doing house work than going to college. Grace: Really?! That person needs a taste of her own medicine. Cinderella: Maybe I should move on and just forget about college. Grace: No, Im not going to let that happen. (Music Look Through My Eyes)

Grace: I promised your father a long time ago that I would take care of you if anything happened to him, and that is a promise I plan on keeping. Cinderella: But I dont have the money for college. Grace: Dont worry about the fees. Ill take care of that. What I want you to do now is go back home, pack up your belongings, and move in with me. I dont want Fiona bothering your life again. Cinderella: Thank you! That means so much to me. Grace: Anything for you, Cinderella. Now, go, pack up your things.

SCENE 7 Narrator: Cinderella goes back home and does as she was told to do. She cleans up her room, packs up her belongings and feels ready to leave the place, once and for all. Fiona: Oh, its you. Can you make a cup of coffee? No sugar, a little milk Cinderella: Im leaving. Fiona: And I have magical powers. Oooooo Now stop standing there and make me that cup of coffee. Cinderella: Listen, Fiona. Im through with being your server 24/7. Everything has always been about you how you need this; how you need that. I dont really know what father saw in you when you married each other, but you know what I quit. I quit being your slave, I quit your family, and I quit your life. Goodbye, Fiona. Fiona: You were joking, right? I still want my coffee. Cinderella! Narrator: Cinderella finally had the courage to tell Fiona what she had been keeping inside for a long time. She made a promise to herself that she would prove to Fiona and everybody else who never believed in her that she could succeed in life.


SCENE 8 Narrator: Four years later, Cinderella graduates from college with honours. Everybody came to her graduation ceremony, including Fiona, Emma and Kristine. Fiona: Congratulations, Cinderella! Cinderella: Fiona? What are you doing here? Fiona: We came by to see your graduation. And we want to apologise for the way we treated you in the past. Emma: Were sorry for hurting your feelings, Cinderella. Kristine: Yes, Cinderella. Were really sorry. Cinderella: Ive never expected an apology from all three of you. But thank you, for coming over and saying this to me. Now, lets just forget about the past and move on. Narrator: Cinderella felt that it was time to set the past free and move on to the next chapter in life. She knew that the only way that could happen is by forgiving her stepmother and stepsisters. As Buddha once said, Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. Cinderella may not know what is in store for her in the future, but one thing is for sure She knows that with faith and the power of believing in herself, she can achieve anything her heart desires. (Music I Believe)



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