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Tapan Roy English-111 Mrs.

Cox Journal No: 6th Date: 10/14/2013

Solar Energy
Solar energy is an alternative energy which energy is produced by the sunshine. Using sunlight is converted into electrical energy. In modern days, solar energy is so important that we can use solar energy in every single mechanical mechanism such as solar cooking, airconditioning, vehicles, chimney, homes, and industries. Solar energy is getting more popular because of economic issues, environment issues, and outstanding performance. Economically solar energy is one of the best and positive alternative sources. If we consider economic issues, solar energy would be the first spot. The electricity we produce by sun which is totally free. Solar energy is one of the alternative energy which energy converts electricity without huge and valuable lots of mechanical mechanism. Besides, all other renewable energy project is so expensive then solar energy. All other energy sources have much annual maintained costs, and after a certain time maintained costs increase. All mechanical instruments must need to reinstall again for other alternative sources. On the other hand, solar panels installation is just one time fixed cost. We do not need to install the solar panel in every year.

Also, if we use solar energy almost every mechanism, we can be more beneficial economically. Gradually we can save millions of dollars just using the solar energy. Environment is another big issue todays world. Environment pollution can be more controlled by using solar panel. All other energy sources pollute to environment, but solar energy is one kind of energy which has no pollution. If we compare with other energy sources such as coal, natural gas, biochemical, biofuel, or all these type energy sources link with pollution. Almost all other energy sources make Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Sulfur dioxide, and other harmful gases in the environment. On the other hand, solar energy does not pollute to environment in any way. If we continuously use solar energy, we can keep the environment pleasant, and our eco system can be more balanced by increasing the use of solar system. Also, other energy sources are measurable, and if we continuously use these energy, one day all other energy sources will be disappear and our next generation will be encountering with lack of natural energy such as coal, natural gas, or petroleum. Solar energy performs intimate power. Besides other energy sources have limitation, but solar energy could be an unlimited power sources if we use this energy with modern and high technology. Other energy sources such as windmill depend on wind, and winds are depended by law and high temperature or pressure. Besides, hydroelectric energy is depended by water, and water is depended by rivers, seas, or mountains. In many ways other energy sources can be disappeared by excessive use of energy, lack of proper maintained, or natural disasters. Although solar energy helps us in many ways, there are also few disadvantages for using solar energy. Beginning installation cost of solar panel is so expensive than other energy sources.

Solar controlled mechanisms are not effectively stronger than other energy sources mechanism. For instance: fuel controlled car is physically strong, faster movable, and less drawback. Our society needs to consider about the economic issues, environment issues, and outstanding performance issues. Solar energy can highly perform all of these issues. No matter how, we need to notify about solar energy to our society.

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